TER General Board

No ATF, just regular friends. I answer honestly any question put to me. (e)regular_smile
TheLabyrinth 131 reads


This questions goes to providers and to clients.  

How many of your demons does your ATF know about you. Do you share your skeletons in your closet? Does she know you are going thru a nasty divorce? Does she know your child is in jail for armed robbery. Do you know the real reason why she hooks for a living? How much info is shared both ways.

I have opened up to two people in this world I would trust those two providers with my life. I don't worry about any of them betraying me but I was curious do you really open up to your favorites who you have seen more than twice.  

Looking forward to seeing where this goes.  
Enjoy your night


GaGambler296 reads

I drink too much, I fuck hookers, I was "outed" years ago, not that it matters as I was already out, so what the fuck are these "demons" you are talking about?

I can't really think of a single think I do that I am ashamed of, so I really don't have any issues about "opening up"

I don't even believe in the concept of an ATF, but I will say there are many women I know here who know virtually everything there is to know about me.

I have nothing to really hide. My kid is not in jail, he's doing better me. I don't ask why she "hooks" because it doesn't interest me, all I know it's about the dinero and not because she likes my debonair company.Anyway, most I meet partake in my vices anyways so that's enough to know about me...lol

the provider I've seen most often would know almost everything about me: real name,  where I live, what I do for a living, where I'm from, ex-wife's real name, where I went to school, my best friend's name, crimes I've been detained for, motorcycles I've owned, hobbies, and much, much more.

I don't think she pays close attention to what I say, though. She's only said my name once.

I am as open with my ATF's as they are with me.  That's how a smart hobbyist should play the game.  Any questions?

probably knows more about me than I do because my memory ain't what it used to be :(

Someone you trust and who trusts you in return, someone you can share yourself with and who shares in return. More than an anonymous tryst - a friend and companion.  

Quite honestly, I think that sharing and trust is a large part of how a real connection is made and how two people "click".  Moreover, I find it just happens - quickly, naturally - and is precisely what leads to many dates in the future.  

ATF's on both sides invest more in one another than a fleeting physical tryst

Senator.Blutarsky259 reads

Since I don't really have one... Like GaGambler, I don't believe in the concept. Now, I have a lot of wonderful female friends and they pretty much know me (except for my real last name)... I'm a pretty simple guy, I love working out, riding my Harley, and the company of beautiful women. What else is there?  

Oh, and no demons...just some stupid antics in college...but they made a movie about that, so no skeletons in the Senator's closet...lol

Posted By: Zak0326
This questions goes to providers and to clients.  
 How many of your demons does your ATF know about you. Do you share your skeletons in your closet? Does she know you are going thru a nasty divorce? Does she know your child is in jail for armed robbery. Do you know the real reason why she hooks for a living? How much info is shared both ways.  
 I have opened up to two people in this world I would trust those two providers with my life. I don't worry about any of them betraying me but I was curious do you really open up to your favorites who you have seen more than twice.  
 Looking forward to seeing where this goes.  
 Enjoy your night  
-- Modified on 1/19/2016 5:33:22 AM

She knows my life story, she knows where I live and where I work.  She's even met my dog.  Well, my half my dog, since I have to share custody with the ex-wife.  Wouldn't that piss off the ex, if she knew a hooker had been playing with the dog.

Cropduster1137 reads

Posted By: Zak0326
This questions goes to providers and to clients.  
 How many of your demons does your ATF know about you. Do you share your skeletons in your closet? Does she know you are going thru a nasty divorce? Does she know your child is in jail for armed robbery. Do you know the real reason why she hooks for a living? How much info is shared both ways.  
 I have opened up to two people in this world I would trust those two providers with my life. I don't worry about any of them betraying me but I was curious do you really open up to your favorites who you have seen more than twice.  
 Looking forward to seeing where this goes.  
 Enjoy your night  

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