TER General Board

No 100 million in my future. But, I do like the . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 76 reads

answers I have read here. Some include private jets (TSA and the airlines have really ruined the commercial flight experience even in first or business class) , travel to other parts of the world to experience P4P (GaG's CR, Icebear's FKK clubs, etc.), do more extended encounters and also more FMF dates. Maybe even buy a condo in LV.  

Edited for additional info.

-- Modified on 9/14/2017 9:49:54 PM

my-0.02-cents4143 reads

How would your hobby life change if you were set for life financially?  

Would you see the most expensive providers?  
Would you buy a special residence just for meeting providers?
Would you have biggest orgy money can buy?
Would you stop seeing your current ATF?

Please, respond with anything you can think of.

... including my ATF more often, do longer dates (including more overnights) and more doubles.  I may see some ultra-high-end providers, just to see what they're like.  And there would be more/bigger gifting and tipping.

Another thing I'd do is ensure my ATF's kids' future college expenses were taken care of.  

But I don't need $100 million for all that.  A few million should do it.

... with a few minor modifications:

1) I don't have an ATF yet, and haven't ever repeated with a provider yet. I would be way more open to repeating now, since I don't have to worry about stretching my dollar. Maybe with some repeat visits I could find an ATF!

2) I'd be open to exploring a SB situation, or having a longer-term situation with a provider. In fact, it could be fun to stop seeing providers and just have a few SBs on the side ;)

For a 100 million after taxes? Take half and flush it down the toilet in a divorce.  Set up trust funds for kids.  Buy houses , boats, cars plus a few investments so I can STAY rich and idle.  Then I would see as many providers as I wanted, whenever I wanted.  My ATF would still be in the mix.  She's a friend as well as a provider at this point, but I ddfinitely would het laid 3-7 x a week MSOG. Incl overnights

but there are two things that most likely would change, I would probably visit a lot more countries than I presently do (which is already quite a few) and I would NEVER fly commercial ever again. lol

I would still escort, but probably charge more. I would buy a very nice home, equipped with pool, hot tub, sex swings, etc. and host orgies there. Could you imagine a provider who hosted at a luxury home she actually owned? I would also go on tours to very expensive cities and stay at the nicest hotels. Maybe get a Masters degree too and write a book.

How much is the next Powerball?

Good luck trying to find me too.  I'll be off exploring the world. Even have identified the perfect vehicle to traverse the globe.

After that, I most likely will become even more selective in which ladies I want to meet than I am now.

tomf30172 reads

Honestly I am not, nor was I ever an avid "hobbyist", not to brag, but I am good looking enough and great in bed that I never needed it. I first came here to check out a TS escort before I tried one. That said, I am somewhat of a sexaholic and in the big picture that has always caused me heartache and trouble to this day. Addictive tendencies certainly come into play here as well. Now for my answer. I would go to rehab to try and remove all addictive tendencies  from my psyche so I wouldn't waste any money on this. The money would be better spent on secluded high end real estate, exotic cars, a nice yacht, first class travel, etc. I would much rather donate to charities, buy nice things for my family and friends and live well.

Short answer is I'd get the help I need to walk away and never look back

not change too much.  Maybe I would bring a couple of hot  girls to live with me full time, then change them out every three or four months.  They would get a little severance pay when shown the door to eliminate any potential drama.  (I have learned I have a short attention span with women I'm attracted to.)  They could get a little time off a few days a week while I'm out seeing other girls like I do now.  

No drama with women living with you?

about how Hugh Hefner always looked happy having three or four women living in his house that he could have sex with anytime he wanted.  Maybe there was drama, but you wouldn't have known it looking at him or hearing him talk about it.  I'm not a pig, so I would only have two . . . . . at a time.   If they were bisexual, they could keep each other entertained while I'm out seeing other girls, and if that didn't work, I would ask Lopaw to house-sit for me to keep them (and herself) entertained.  

Fridays117 said above "flush half down the toilet in a divorce"--that might be part of the scenario for me. Quit the job? No, probably not. New(ish) car; catch up on some medical and dental stuff.

As for the hobby life, either I'd see a few providers every week, multi-hour appointments when time permitted, and try a few who are outside my reach now; or, maybe, once single and financially set, I'd find my civilian options attractive enough that I wouldn't feel as drawn to this life.

Quit my job that I have. Since I am not in the position yet, I can only speculate. I would be able to see providers a bit more often of course. I probably would find an one after seeing them a few times and going traveling with her. I got a couple in mind that could meet those conditions. I personally love incall over outcall and that would not change at all. I would have more trio dates of course. Good question for thought. Like the answers I have read.

Skyfyre64 reads

To complete my bucket list by traveling all over the world and sample as much varieties of pussy as possible. From DR, PR to Colombia, Brazil to Europe and SE Asia... the possibilities and destination are endless.

When not traveling I'd see my fav regs with longer sessions maybe lot of overnights. Last but not least I'd try out some high-end escorts just for variety purpose.

He looks like this.  Which explains a lot.  He really can pick it though.  His nose, I mean.

answers I have read here. Some include private jets (TSA and the airlines have really ruined the commercial flight experience even in first or business class) , travel to other parts of the world to experience P4P (GaG's CR, Icebear's FKK clubs, etc.), do more extended encounters and also more FMF dates. Maybe even buy a condo in LV.  

Edited for additional info.

-- Modified on 9/14/2017 9:49:54 PM

Looking for a girl that can swallow my cock and balls at the same time...and still breathe.  If we get along...marry her.

Than to just limit yourself to "this" world and what money could by you. Personally, I would do as much within my power (and wallet) to change the "actual" world. It does amaze me with people who do have that kind of disposal coin how much they don't even think of contributing in ways it is needed most because their ass is clenching it so tightly lol. I play the lottery every once in awhile just for sheer s&g's for the one in a million "what if" lol

Seems like you don't get the fact that this is a fuck board, not an eleemosynary site.  So PUH-LEASE forgive us if we only focus on what it would mean regarding our nasty fuck lives.  You, of course, being a prostitute, are above all this.  How nice for you.
PS: You are still batting under the Mendoza Line.  What a shock.

Seems like I do get the fact that this is a fuck board, not an eleemosynary site.  So PUH-LEASE forgive me if I only focus on what it would mean regarding your nasty fuck lives.  You, of course, being a hobbiest, are above all this.  How nice for you.
PS: I think maybe you take MY posts a little too seriously and personally to heart. What a shock. And the Minnie bit, well while cute, is a bit dated in and of itself, even for you (ahem) "Jake"

Build a bunch of "hedonism" resorts and bribe US politicians to decriminalize sex work so I could open my resorts here. The resorts would be all inclusive: hotel, upscale dining, a fully stocked bar for GaG, convention center for AVN, erotic themed rooms, and well, you get the idea.

I wouldn't see a more "expensive" lady, see I've met the 6-700 ladies and some weren't that much better then a 300 lady. So all that glitters isn't gold. I'd still make my monthly jaunts to Vegas. I'm not an orgy kinda guy so that's out...About the only thing that might change is that I'll probably do a longer date and I'd for sure get a better suite at the Bellagio.

I've always wanted to hire a couple of permanent, live-in prostitutes also known as sugar babies, and that would be the time to do it. I'd ditch the umbrella and pay for them to tie their womb so that we can all make creampies together. I'd also travel more often and bang the local hookers when I arrive at my destination.

And give her half of the money so I can know what it's like to have been married and divorced.

"You can't have it" is one of the oldest marketing ploys in the book.

By the way, the anti-flipping agreements are just about legally worthless given how many subterfuges there are to get around things like this.

That said, that is one sexy looking car.   I hope it doesn't catch fire.

Posted By: mrfisher
 By the way, the anti-flipping agreements are just about legally worthless given how many subterfuges there are to get around things like this.
You're probably correct.  I doubt that Ferrari would win a suit in court regardless of contracts.  However, potential offenders may be more discouraged more by the prospect of pissing off the Ferrari prima-donnas than litigation.

If you find a $2,000 hour hooker advertising at $300 hr under a different name on BP, her chances of ever getting $2,000 hour are pretty much shot. Remember what happened to JLS/Corrine/Galloping  Gourmet? She was never able to advertise as an HDH ever again.

Rolex has a "no discount" policy and any Rolex dealer caught discounting will no longer be a Rolex dealer.  

Ferrari is very unlikely to sue for anyone violating their anti-flipping clause in their contract, but they sure as hell would never sell such a person another car as to "protect the brand" and can you imagine just how fucking embarrassed a billionaire would be if it got out that he lowered himself and ruined he name in car enthusiast circle just to make a few bucks?  I can't imagine anyone would enough disposable cash to get on the Ferrari "preferred buyers list" would ever commit such a faux pas just to try to make a few bucks.

those providers that interest me in those areas.  I might would fly one or two into me if I had the itch.

1) I wouldn't see more ladies than I do now. I would still plan on seeing fewer ladies moving forward (~1-2 appointments per week is the "right" frequency).  
2) I am already focused on seeing both the "best of the best" (Playboy and Penthouse models and/or TER 100) and ladies that I feel that --- for whatever reason(s) --- I could really connect with and will want to see over and over again.    
3) I would buy a condo in Las Vegas.
4) I travel a lot.  But I would travel a little more frequently.
5) I would continue to have an open mind. Having more money would generally not impact the timing of events or plans.  
6) My former ATF(s) either retired, are quasi-retired, or just took a break. At any rate, I have spent too much time looking for new ATF(s). I need to meet a few more ladies and then make decisions.  
7) I would give more money or gifts to ladies that are not all about the money. I just had an appointment about two weeks ago, for example, where I took a shower --- and when I came out of the shower I saw that the donation had been spread out just enough to count it --- very off-putting. I like to use an appointment or two to make observations and get a vibe. It could get a little complicated, however, if the lady is doing the same thing.        

-- Modified on 9/17/2017 7:56:31 PM

John_Laroche42 reads

I won't stop seeing my ATF until she walks away from the business, I'd still see her almost every week and maybe more if she's comfortable with it.

As far as other providers, no more debating with myself over the $300 local gal vs the +$600 well reviewed touring provider from New York or LA. I'd call whoever strikes my interest at the moment regardless of location or price. With all that money, I'd insist on unblurred natural photos (or maybe a video chat) . Obviously I'd pay for her efforts, but no surprises at the door.  Word may get around about this requirement, but so would word that I'm a very generous client.  

No more 1-hour first meetings because I don't want to risk having a bad "connection." With more money than I'll ever need, I can much more easily walk away if we just don't click or half way through our appointment or I decide I'm hungry. Also, I wouldn't think twice about flying anywhere or flying a girl to me from anywhere. A lady who lives up to her billing and/or exceeds my expectations might see her "Wishlist" fulfilled.

If I had the money and I really liked the girl, I'd become responsible for her cancelling or NCNS her next appointment (or two or three) because I'd make her an offer she can't refuse to extend a date as well.  

I'm also more likely to book occasional threesomes with really-bi providers, but no orgies, no special residence (other than my yacht (with chef and hot bi masseuse), and I wouldn't actively seek the most expensive provider just because I can.

-- Modified on 9/17/2017 7:43:23 PM

I'd give $2,000,000 to 20 lucky lady friends and chanfe their lives forever, leaving me with $60 mil.

Give another $40 mil to family, friends, abd causes I believe in. Live off of and hobby off the last 20 million.
Buy a couple houses in exotic places and open invite to all my lady friends to cone visit whenever.

Or invest in dome ED drug that will give men boners until they are 120 years old.

I would try to hookup with Harley dean the pornstar for a year and pay her 1 million dollars, I think she is sooooo sexy!!!

clean, not filthy.  Its better to be clean anyway before engaging in activities that some would call filthy.  

I think your plan for one year with Harley would only work if you're seeing others on the side.  Its not in the nature of a hobbyist to spend a whole year exclusively with one girl.   You would get bored no matter how sexy she is.  Just my opinion.  

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