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Nice! Mine too! eom
LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 3341 reads
1 / 47
JakeFromStateFarm 306 reads
2 / 47

Posted By: LoveleeD
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voyager-43 11 Reviews 297 reads
3 / 47

Getting women to support each other in their CHOICES  would a be a giant step toward decriminalizing sex work. The author is so right about feminists. They like to scream and shout that women own their own bodies, but are huge hypocrites when a woman wants to use her own body in a way they don't approve. This is the 21st Century. Time to stop being Puritans.

LadyOpium See my TER Reviews 282 reads
4 / 47

That someone pens an article that is in your face and eloquent at the same time. The author is brutally honest and indeed very factual. Dare I say, more articles should be written in this way?  

I honestly cannot wait to see how the next 5 years pan out. Lol:)

GaGambler 380 reads
5 / 47

but this article, in spite of the "PC speak" like the use of "cis" which I hate. this article pretty well nailed the feminists who are a bigger enemy of P4P and real "women's right" than even the church.

Yes I agree, good article.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 323 reads
6 / 47

Pink Hat lady is, tell Lopaw, and she'll slap the bitch along side the head for not tipping a stripper.

lopaw 29 Reviews 302 reads
7 / 47

... for lady mongers like me. Every time I step foot into a stripclub (which is often) I have to undo all of the stupid judgemental bullshit that other women have done to dancers. These are the women who go to stripclubs for all the wrong reasons, and sadly I pay the price. The stigma of women like "pink hat" doesn't translate as much here in the hobby world, where I find that an automatic assumption that a lady customer is  evil and judgemental doesn't exist here. Maybe that's because there are so few female hobbyists and unlike a public stripclub, this hobby takes effort to break into. That's way too much work for the average civvie woman trying to make an unwanted statement.  

Interesting article. Wish it never had to be written in the first place.

cuppajoe 288 reads
9 / 47

Cis seems a handy word in this conversation.  I'm getting used to it, especially not when bandied about how "woke" the user is.

GaGambler 380 reads
10 / 47

I also refuse to use "African American" and a host of other PC terms, including "hobbyist" except as a term of derision.

I will use "normal" "straight" or even "hetero" but "cis" is NOT becoming part of my vocabulary

LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 358 reads
11 / 47
LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 371 reads
12 / 47

I dislike the term "sex workers" or labels in general...however, if they must be used I prefer sexual healeršŸ˜Š

2648667 31 Reviews 371 reads
13 / 47

I had to go look it up. Got confused when I found this:

"denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbonā€“carbon double bond are on the same side of the bond.
"the cis isomer of stilbene"

Then I found the other meaning and it made a little more sense. I think it's stupid as fuck, but what do I know?

vantheman666 10 Reviews 281 reads
14 / 47

is now reposted on my Facebook.  Friends don't let friends remain ignorant.

GaGambler 180 reads
15 / 47

Of course in your case, Hooker would hardly apply, but in your case I kind of think that even "sex worker" would be stretching things a bit too.

Either way, I have to confess I would NEVER use the term "sexual healer" unless of course you are working with men (women) who are sexually dysfunctional. I am hardly dysfunctional where it comes to sex, I probably function a bit too well if anything. lol

chloemercier See my TER Reviews 350 reads
16 / 47

Yes I like that term too! Though I usually say sex worker or escort.  

This job is healing for both me and the men I see. They get to relax and destress and I get the same. I have a high sex drive and before this job I was on tinder all the time looking for fwbs and sugar daddies. Now my financial and physical needs are being met at the same time! ;) I couldn't be happier.

JakeFromStateFarm 288 reads
17 / 47

Just one more PC term we didn't need.  Why do we need a label for straight people?  What's wrong with "straight?"  Does it make gays feel bad?  Why?  Perhaps because they've been unfairly labeled for years they want to stick a label on others? Who knows?  Who cares?  I won't use it.

GaGambler 303 reads
18 / 47

and you sound like a very "happy hooker" good for you. It's great when someone can make a VERY good living doing what they love to do.

LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 398 reads
19 / 47

But in the release of energy...None of my clients need "sexual" healing...they're  all just fine in their sexuality....

Again labels don't really do it for me...too generic...

All that being said..."hooker" does sound kinda hot to me!

LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 297 reads
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LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 314 reads
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LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 395 reads
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LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 259 reads
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LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 310 reads
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LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 423 reads
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LoveleeD See my TER Reviews 283 reads
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theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 370 reads
27 / 47

Hence, I suppose, the chemical meaning that Fearghas found (same side of the bond), but the only non-gender-related usage I've seen is "cisalpine," meaning this side of the Alps (as opposed to transalpine).

It doesn't refer to sexual orientation but to gender identification. Since people who don't identify with the gender they were born into are called transgender, somebody unearthed the prefix cis- for those of us who do so identify. It may sound odd, like a lot of coined terms, but there's a reason for its use.

GaGambler 306 reads
28 / 47

but alas, it looks like we are pretty much on the same page.  

I am not all "new age" with auras and the release of "sexual energy" as a form of healing, but I have to concede I feel a LOT better when I get laid regularly than if I had to keep all this "energy" for lack of a better word, bottled up inside of me. So yes, although we "might" be able to argue semantics, I think we pretty much agree on this.

and I am happy you approve of "hooker" some of my very best friends are hookers. lol

JakeFromStateFarm 373 reads
29 / 47

The way I've seen it used is to describe someone whose sexual orientation is the same as the sexual equipment they were born with.  IOW, they are male, they are comfortable with their masculinity and seek sexual partners who are female. If they are female, they are comfortable with their femininity and seek sexual partners who are male.
If I'm wrong, someone please let me know.
In the meantime I won't use the term.  I also won't use it if I'm corrected. LOL.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 262 reads
30 / 47

Or having to refer to myself as a "cis" woman.  I don't see the point in differentiating myself.  I read an article the other day that said the national midwives association has changed the term "pregnant woman" into "pregnant person" in response to the trans movement.  With 70+ genders on FB now it seems like it's all getting a little too complicated to me.

GaGambler 331 reads
31 / 47

That term of course being "normal"  

The TG community has almost succeeded in convincing the rest of us that their "sexual confusion" is a lot more common than it actually is, common enough that "normal" people should have to further identify themselves as "cis". It's self serving on the part of TG people and I for one refuse to play.

Yes, there is a reason for it's use. The reason is to attempt to normalize an abnormal confusion about one's sexual identity.

I feel about TG people the way I feel about members of all minority groups, including the one I belong to, I believe in EQUAL rights, not special rights and I am not going to coddle any minority group, and that includes TG people.

GaGambler 301 reads
32 / 47

It's when you get on flat mode that its hard to see who is responding to who.

JakeFromStateFarm 300 reads
33 / 47
GaGambler 381 reads
34 / 47

A Georgia Gambler Girl, heaven forbid. lol

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 286 reads
35 / 47

I'm a woman...no need for add ons.   I support the trans community but it's stupid to use terms like these in everyday language to appease a very small minority of people.  I saw a video the other day about a woman who lived as a man in order to be a doctor in the 1800s and lots of people screaming "transphobic" in the comments.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 426 reads
36 / 47

feminism is bullshit and hypocrisy. How blatant could one be about their double standards when they preach gender equality, but judge women who deviate from their puritan agenda. True equality comes from autonomy over one's own body and how they choose to utilize it.

Also, who has time to waste going to venues they disagree with, just to make the participants there feel uncomfortable. Common sense dictates that if you don't like strippers you should stay clear of the number one place where strippers are known to congregate, but these haters be hating to the point of obsession. If I disagree with what someone does with their lives, I'm going to make sure that I stay as far away from them as it is possible.

People need to learn that no matter what, you can't control the lives of others.

inari See my TER Reviews 371 reads
37 / 47

I know you're down for the cause, thanks for being thoughtful!  

Wanted to say I identify as a feminist and my feminism doesn't seek to control other women's choices. There's not one monolithic feminism the same way there's no one way to be a woman, or a human for that matter. I think that the author thinks the same way, as indicated by "if you sh*t on women for making a choice you didn't, you're not a feminist".

It would be unfortunate for all people supporting each other under the rubric of feminism to get a bad rap from people who aren't quite as...enlightened (?), and want to replace one tyranny with another.

justsauce16 4 Reviews 362 reads
38 / 47

Neo feminism is about female superiority and misandry.

There's a really great documentary called "The Red Pill" by Cassie Jaye about this trash. Worth a watch if you're a dude or not.

lopaw 29 Reviews 214 reads
39 / 47

...which is nonsense. We all have varying degrees of beliefs and if you stereotype us all as the extreme edge of feminism then you become part of the problem.

I'm about as big a feminist as they come, and I would dare anyone to accuse me of being a sexually repressed feminazi!

ElTorro 15 Reviews 352 reads
40 / 47

I'm not down for any kind of feminist cause, I'm a MGTOW, which means that we're supposed to be mortal enemies by all logic. I just don't like double standards and hypocrisy, and above all else I hate people who try to control the lives of others. I stopped talking to many of my relatives and more to come for that exact reason.

3rd wave feminism is all about penis envy, female supremacy and misandry. So here I am now on TER looking for escorts because feminists have made marriage a financial trap for men, and for that I will never forgive you.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 392 reads
41 / 47

As a MGTOW myself, I'm all too familiar with the redpill and men's issues. Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check out that documentary.

FakawiTribe 270 reads
42 / 47
inari See my TER Reviews 254 reads
43 / 47

Truly, I get it. Nobody deserves for bad shit to happen to them. I promise I'm not your enemy (mortal or otherwise), but if you want to blame me, that's cool. Better me than the providers you end up meeting. Maybe, given enough time to heal and hopefully some understanding, supportive people along the way, you'll see that we're pretty much all the same, all struggling to get by.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 339 reads
44 / 47

I am "Alexandra". I don't much care about labels. Labels demean one and promote that someone is better than the other. Especially when some are very unfriendly and hate "cis" people. Some are well adjusted and like people period.  

To me that term says that I am a better woman than one who isn't. Just stupid. Will I use a term if it is needed to describe someone or explain a situation better? Well, yeah, but I try not to use it unless it is necessary.  

Straight people don't walk around stating how straight they are (at least the non BSC ones don't), so why would a Gay or Bi person need to even announce it? Just be you and live like whatever you are doing is normal. The more you want to box groups in, the more alienated you will be. It's not hard to just be yourself. Just an example. The more you act like whatever your difference is is just like everyone else, the better acceptance.

If I feel like I want to walk around holding hands with a female, I will. I don't need to walk around telling everyone I am bi/lesbian whatever the case may be. People will rarely say shit if you just do it and not jump up and down and act like it is some big ass thing. Just saying.
Posted By: breannabreeze
Or having to refer to myself as a "cis" woman.  I don't see the point in differentiating myself.  I read an article the other day that said the national midwives association has changed the term "pregnant woman" into "pregnant person" in response to the trans movement.  With 70+ genders on FB now it seems like it's all getting a little too complicated to me.

JakeFromStateFarm 298 reads
45 / 47
FakawiTribe 269 reads
46 / 47

Sadly guys like that have a chip on their shoulders large enough to crush them. Anybody who thinks that feminists have dick envy (ha!) and are all misandrists is pretty far gone. I pity any provider clueless enough to actually book him.

cuppajoe 353 reads
47 / 47

Native American recognized up to 5 genders, calling them " two-spirit" until white and uptight people suppressed their culture.
"Native Americans traditionally assign no moral gradient to love or sexuality; a person was judged for their contributions to their tribe and for their character."

Posted By: breannabreeze
Re: I don't really like "cis" either
Or having to refer to myself as a "cis" woman.  I don't see the point in differentiating myself.  I read an article the other day that said the national midwives association has changed the term "pregnant woman" into "pregnant person" in response to the trans movement.  With 70+ genders on FB now it seems like it's all getting a little too complicated to me.

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