TER General Board

Next thing you know....
ScaredStraight 4587 reads
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Chief of Navel Operations 1392 reads
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This sucks.  A soldier can't go to a NV ranch.  Read below and see that ALL hobbying is equated with sex trafficking.  Who do you think is behind that?  

"But it applies in all cases, even if a service member visits a legal brothel, regardless of local domestic or foreign law, said Pentagon spokeswoman Air Force Lt. Col. Ellen Krenke.

The change is the latest in a series of actions taken by the Defense Department to address the problem of human trafficking. Officials distributed an education program to the services at the end of November 2004 called “Trafficking in Persons Awareness Training,” Krenke said, and are in the process of adapting the interactive training to the military branches’ individual service Knowledge Online distribution systems.

Training in 4 areas

The training covers four basic areas: U.S. and Defense Department policy on human trafficking; the origins of the trafficking phenomenon; detection of trafficking; and legal provisions of trafficking.

Officials said they are clamping down on prostitution because it is the main fuel for the human trafficking industry — the illegal practice of procuring human beings for unpaid work in physically abusive settings and locations and forcing them to stay there.

Most women involved in prostitution are doing so against their will. Even by simply patronizing a strip club or bar that allows prostitution, individuals are supporting the worldwide human trafficking industry, officials said.

The law signed by Bush requires the Defense Department to incorporate anti-trafficking and protection measures in areas following armed conflicts and during humanitarian emergencies, especially for women and children.

Lawmakers noted that “foreign policy and foreign aid professionals increasingly recognize the increased activity of human traffickers in post-conflict settings and during humanitarian emergencies.” "

zinaval 7 Reviews 2320 reads
3 / 27

Time to get people to bail from the military. If national service is set directly against human sexuality, national service is going to lose.  Look at the Catholic priesthood.

This makes as much sense as cutting taxes, raising spending, and fighting a war.  Or teaching abstinence only as birth control.

A better idea: why don't they just make it an offense to pay a master for slave labor?  That's more related to trafficking than prostitution.

Mister Spock 1395 reads
4 / 27

it's also those leftists who believe, e.g., that sex = rape.

In fact, VAWA and collateral legislation has gone FAAARR beyond federalizing domestic violence, and well into prescribing relationship parameters, eg leaning on international mail order bride outfits, equating that (as well as hobbying) with trafficking.  

I suspect you can thank NOW for that.   If they can't get laid, then by God, nobody will get any!!

Why don't they make this a matter of labor standards?  Because they don't see it as a labor issue, but a gender issue.

I don't think we have to worry about overpopulation.   The threat of sanctions on hobbying, and in family court, will deter all but the stupidest.  

For that matter, I wouldn't be surprised that this will solve the immigration problem, too.  Nobody will want to come here anymore.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3146 reads
5 / 27

...spent 1/10th the amount of time having fun as they did about worrying about being caught having fun...

They might F**KING enjoy life!

Whaaaaa! I got a disease!
Whaaaaa! LE busted somebody in a state 37 light-years way!
Whaaaaa! She didn't return my emails!

Good god!

Chief of Navel Operations 2453 reads
6 / 27

That is a leftist scheme if I ever heard one.

This isn't about US getting caught; it's about denying relief to our soldiers & sailors on the assumption that a woman can't know what's best for her in a given situation.

Register, lobby and vote your conscience - as long as you vote those busybodies out of office.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2389 reads
7 / 27


Take it to the Politics Board.

Oh, and while you're over there spewing, see if you can get our soldiers, sailors, and marines to the right to have a beer. I don't remember a whole lot of fuss going on when the drinking age was moved to 21 and tens of thousands of people (voters no less!) suddenly lost the right to buy a beer in this country. Why did that happen? Because other people in that same age bracket had shown irresponsibility by drinking and driving. What?! Isn't that profiling? Where were the cries of outrage over that?

Your concerns about the rights of our soldiers were be far more laudable if they weren't so transparent -- just a weak segue to bashing the current administration. Well, we've heard it all before -- on this board and countless others: He's an idiot, they're crooked morons, our country is being destroyed and our rights eroded, blah, blah, blah!

We get it already! Message received! You can hang up now.

-- Modified on 1/25/2006 6:33:07 AM

xenopus 25 Reviews 2820 reads
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luv_women 28 Reviews 2909 reads
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This is the right-wing neocons pandering to their base.  Nothing more.

If it was a leftist scheme, then why did Bush sign it??

little phil 37 Reviews 1830 reads
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To make a valid comparison to the priesthood, the military would have to make it illegal for a soldier to have sex with a young boy...

But, yeah, another great reason to join the military.

Bizzaro Superdude 1814 reads
11 / 27

Where did the term "Hooker" come from....?   and while we are on the subject, maybe I would ask about a high ranking military official having sex with someone very much junior to him - consensual or not.... think about it....hummmmm!?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2727 reads
12 / 27

Dear Lex;

"idiot" is good.
"TWEEZERHEAD!!!" also works in this instance:)

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2591 reads
13 / 27

This is payback to the radical right religious groups.  Nothing more and nothing less.
You want hassle free hobbying?  (LE wise anyways, vote democratic.)

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2148 reads
14 / 27

Whose picture adorns the wall of Worcester, Ma. famed Mechanic's Hall, where he was a favorite son.
My, my, how times have changed.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1502 reads
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It would be nice if they busted a high price bordello and "hooked" a few generals, wouldn't it?

otraroberto 2616 reads
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What's a service person to do...?... Put woman in the military...but don't touch...Take off the Ladies of the evening...what do you have...?..Horny guys raping the locals?
What's up with that? Then stick them in a country where they wear Bee Keeper outfits and look like Ghengis Khan's sister....ouch..no wonder enlistment is down....

Mister Spock 6049 reads
19 / 27

which is of course what politics is all about; and as it becomes more difficult to make the pie higher (sic), there will be more fighting, not only over the pie, but people's table manners, too.

Which is immediately obvious to the casual observer, which excludes about half all Americans.

bikebryan 18 Reviews 1851 reads
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Let's be real here.  Anybody who's been TDY can tell you that there's no need for escorts.  Once on that plane, most the wedding rings come off and everybody is fair game.  I've seen it too many times.  What goes on TDY STAYS on TDY...that's the DOD matra.

I've had more sex on TDYs, both with married ladies and single ones, than I ever had with military females while not on temporary duty overseas.  It's almost sickening, and trust me, I was sated enough afterwards not to need to run out once I arrived back and hire the first escort I could.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2109 reads
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Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 1815 reads
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Dr No 1456 reads
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Maybe someone can give us DoD regs on sex. They have a lot of them. All kinds of things that people do every day, but are not allowed. I was caught up in them once and only then knew of their existance.

This "new" thing has been around awhile, but ast a few weeks ago the UN International Labor Organization released a report. They lumped ALL sex workers together and equated them with slaves. The ILO does not have much of a track record except when they do things to embarass governments. I think USA has one of worst records now with something like 300,000 slaves working in sex industry, according to the ILO.

When a city of 3,000,000 people is utterly destroyed in the USA and the Federal Government, including the President, sat by before, during and after the destruction, what we definitely need is more prosecution of Americans involved in going to strip bars, consorting with prostitutes, and viewing pornography on their computers. Maybe any of these are problems, but could we sort of prioritize our problems? I really think that some crazy muslum setting off a nuclear weapon in DC someday is a much more serious problem and that some of the money devoted to the sex police could be shift to preventing that or at least caring for the victims afterwards better than was done in New Orleans.

Tori Of Atlanta 1861 reads
24 / 27

~You'll need a TSSSC to be a hooker~ *LOL* (YES, I did actually post that !!!) and you sure as hell better not use a cell to make your app't! (*we all know there will be at least 100 or so paid civil servants being entertained by your conversation*) I must be old because I can remember when drugs were dangerous and sex was safe! ... besides I don't think there is an 0-5 breathing that went through the PI's without entertaining at least one lady of the evening!(*I guess those were the days*) you guys pleeeze don't get me started!........kisses ~Tori

-- Modified on 1/25/2006 11:38:19 PM

Mister Spock 2333 reads
25 / 27

I suspect there's not enough violence and destruction to occupy people, so they turn their efforts to pushing each other around in other ways.  

Anybody who is too damn homely and/or weird to get any in the usual way is going to turn their efforts to reducing the competition, eg., working for the UN to make sure nobody else gets any either.

I don't think WMDs is the way to solve this problem, because nobody wants to be schtupping people exposed to that stuff, with their hair falling out & all, etc.

But a generally higher level of violence & destruction might help solve the problem, by giving these underemployed souls some real problems.

As to the DoD & sex, remember they've prosecuted for adultery, and it's obvious they want to prosecute now for ANY play, including in NV brothels or legal ones overseas.   How much they will find out, how much they will push it, is anybody's guess.  

But logically, laws should be either enforced or dumped.

-- Modified on 1/26/2006 12:45:30 PM

bikebryan 18 Reviews 2640 reads
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Sorry.  TDY is military jargon for Temporary DutY.  When we are deployed, we are TDY.

Gyppo 8 Reviews 2510 reads
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The Military has gone changed the policy on this many times before.  As another poster noted General Hooker allowed working girls to travel with his troops.  They were called "Hookers Girls", and the term "Hooker" is still used today.  
In WW1 The Military forced the brothels in many cities near miltary bases to close (Las Vegas was one of these cities).  This pushed the brothels out to the area outside Clark County, where they eventully became legal.
In the more resent past the US military overseas would conduct VD checks of the local prostitutes.

No mater what the military does, it is mostly healthy young men with a strong sex drive.  Whenever you have a large number of men with money, women willing to have sex for money are always available.

Let me add that I am glad I am no longer in the military.

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