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JustAGal See my TER Reviews 292 reads


1) If you require meds to function , please take them before posting.

2) This site is purely for entertainment .....

...boy, that does not look like me! I mean I am stunning (and modest too, I promise   ;)   ), but not perfect.

The images were so polished that I felt fake and that I would be dishonest by posting them. So instead of publishing the edited ones, I posted one unedited shot on a couple of theme day threads (the photog has a great eye, so I could not resist). And then I ran to the gym, as the unrealistic Photoshop photos inspired me to improve myself even more.

I guess I do not have a question. I just wanted to share the moral of my story, which is that less is more. Editing out a couple of blemishes (or tatts) is fine, but I still want to look like me.

Thanks for listening.

I must commend you on your satisfaction with who you are as a woman, honesty, and unwillingness to misrepresent yourself to your potential clients.  I do not know who you are, but based on your comments you sound like a person I would like to meet one day.

-- Modified on 5/12/2012 4:26:33 PM

MSHSEX472 reads

From a human standpoint, I applaud you for being honest with your potential clients and showing who you are, as opposed to a polished image of yourself. It shows that you have integrity.

From a business standpoint, I fear you may be handicapping yourself against your competitors, who are not as likely to share your convictions about "What you see is what you get".

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
...boy, that does not look like me! I mean I am stunning (and modest too, I promise   ;)   ), but not perfect.

The images were so polished that I felt fake and that I would be dishonest by posting them. So instead of publishing the edited ones, I posted one unedited shot on a couple of theme day threads (the photog has a great eye, so I could not resist). And then I ran to the gym, as the unrealistic Photoshop photos inspired me to improve myself even more.

I guess I do not have a question. I just wanted to share the moral of my story, which is that less is more. Editing out a couple of blemishes (or tatts) is fine, but I still want to look like me.

Thanks for listening.

Liberal use of photoshop, old pics, misrepresentation usually ends in drama and back channel sooner rather than later.

Life is much simpler when one practices "what you see is what you get"


MSHSEX390 reads

You're in the minority, as honest and well-intentioned it is.

The majority of paid escorts are thinking about attracting clients by using every trick in the book at their disposal.

Personally, I hope the minority wins but we know what happens in business to the good guys.

Posted By: dddbabe
Liberal use of photoshop, old pics, misrepresentation usually ends in drama and back channel sooner rather than later.

Life is much simpler when one practices "what you see is what you get"


Your narcissism is now heading into the stratosphere.  Your audacity to claim to "represent" the majority of "paid escorts" is so out there that once you sober up even you will laugh at your own absurdity.

And you also claim that good guys don't win...nope!

But those who are so depressed and despondent clearly will agree with your analysis.  You might want to discuss this with a medical professional as there are medications that can and will help you to see that there is a light out there.

I will agree with him that SHORT term those who use fraudulent pics and fake profiles my be "winning".

Long term?  Aint no way in universe that is happening given how small the world of on line escort industry has become.

You can't sneeze on one coast without another coast knowing lol


And I've seen a few gals over the years and I can safely say that the pics they used were absolutely those ladies.

But then I'm not speaking for the majority either.

So you and I are obviously in error as the omnipotent MSHSEX has clarified what we didn't know...or so he thinks!

Hopefully MSHSEX can let us know just how he knows that the majority of gals post modified pics.  Seems that all of us are in awe of someone that clearly knows everything.  

Occasionally he states something that actually makes sense, but then quickly recovers and comes up with something that is so off the deep end that I wish GaGa was still posting.

To paraphrase one of my former bosses, we should find out what meds he is on and stock up on those for the days he forgets to take them.


are missed days.

If only someone would remind him that these need to be taken daily to actually work effectively.


1) If you require meds to function , please take them before posting.

2) This site is purely for entertainment .....

Otherwise those folks won't see the disclaimer and will just continue to bloviate that they speak for the majority.  And even though they're not a "paid escort", or maybe not even a gal?  

I would subscribe that someone who is just a lonely man with serious depression issues would qualify however.

But it's a good thought :)

MSHSEX376 reads

Many who act dishonestly by posting fake or polished pics are in it for the short term. They seek to rip off as many clients as possible and make their money in a short amount of time. You are correct that these fraudsters stand little chance of making money this way in the long term.

Posted By: dddbabe
I will agree with him that SHORT term those who use fraudulent pics and fake profiles my be "winning".

Long term?  Aint no way in universe that is happening given how small the world of on line escort industry has become.

You can't sneeze on one coast without another coast knowing lol


You claimed to speak on behalf of the majority and now you are backing up and agreeing with someone on a topic you just claimed to have ultimate knowledge in?

Come on man...stick to your story!

That is how I made my money. Kept everything honest and simple. I treated everyone the way I wish to be treated and made sure those in my employ did the same. I made bank that way ad some of my less honest competitors are no longer in business, hell a few are in jail. Sure there are plenty of crooks in my industry making more than I. but I cans sleep at night and still have no money issues. Honesty wins loyalty, loyalty makes money. I doubt it is much different in the escort world.

serpius479 reads

Hey Somewhere,

... and ask him/her to send you the unedited photos to you.

You did PAY for them... you deserve ALL photos back... edited or not.


Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
...boy, that does not look like me! I mean I am stunning (and modest too, I promise   ;)   ), but not perfect.

The images were so polished that I felt fake and that I would be dishonest by posting them. So instead of publishing the edited ones, I posted one unedited shot on a couple of theme day threads (the photog has a great eye, so I could not resist). And then I ran to the gym, as the unrealistic Photoshop photos inspired me to improve myself even more.

I guess I do not have a question. I just wanted to share the moral of my story, which is that less is more. Editing out a couple of blemishes (or tatts) is fine, but I still want to look like me.

Thanks for listening.

You could have a self image where you see yourself as not as pretty as you really are.  Unfortunately, a lot of people, mostly women, are so afflicted.

I suggest you show the photos to a close friend (a gal, preferable, certianly not a client) and ask their opinion of whether or not posting said photos would be dishonest.

You may be hurting yourself unnecessarily by wasting those photos.

I am a size 8 and it was obvious that the photos were too perfect to reflect me. I am not a size zero. And I have no complex. Actually, escorting has made me value myself even more. I am far from ugly. I have no problems getting attention walking down the street in a turtle neck or getting hit on when I am at work wearing a suit (completely covered up...sorry no cleavage boys!). In real life I down play my looks because otherwise people do not take me seriously...I am listed top ten on one of those top 100 review lists here...so I am certainly comfortable with me. However, the photos did not look like me and I prefer not to display something fraudulent. So no, this has nothing to do with me having an affliction. Good thought though.

The photos were airbrushed to the point that they were too perfect and not me. I prefer not to lie. I just wondered what others thought about this topic. I so so so respect women who have little to no airbrushed photos. Kudos ladies!! xo

as well as current cellie pics and it is amazin whatthey ca do with the pro pics and also, good to have some cellie shots up as well as your glamour shots, the cellie shots if anything makeya loook worse n its good to have vboth, so they can make thier decision n not be disapointed atthe door,              they should alos know tyour glamour shots yes they r going to look glamourous, thats rally a given , use them but have a celie shot taken that week along with it, nothinwrong w some glamour shots, ....  dont worry we all know no one really looks like that, in the mags or the glamour shots, if u sopent money u should totally use them, but yea hav a cell pic there too, def.

....say to remove a tattoo.  But, when you present an airbrushed pic and look like Kate Upton (although she has a cute mole, no airbrush on that) and then when amateur photo day or iPhone photo day rolls out and you present a picture looking like Maxine from Hallmark....time for a reality check.  Just love the pics where the photoshopping presents a phony tan in 6 colors.  Being phony and out of touch, will get around fast, I would think.

So to the OP, good for you that the pics of the real you are a better choice.....

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