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Never mind a discount...
airmantroy 28 Reviews 24 reads

What kind of food could possibly be so delicious and a dining experience so enlightening, that it would be worth that amount?  One of my favorite places is ranked as one of the very best in the country and it's less than $100 per person and the food is fantastic, the portions are huge and I always feel like I got my moneys worth when I walk out.

tricurious1879 reads

This is going to elicit a lot of strong opinions I think. Last time I saw a provider I love I suggested a dinner date for next time. There is a hot restaurant that is literally the most expensive in town that the provider suggested. I am thinking of seeing the provider with another as a double and thought it might be fun afterward for all of us to go to the restaurant together. I think etiquette is that I pay for the meal.  
So here is my issue. This restaurant is super expensive. It's one of those pre fixe tasting menu deals that for three people will almost run 4 figures. i could use that money to spend more time behind closed doors.  Would it be out of bounds to ask for a special rate that takes into account the cost of the dinner? I don't want to seem cheap, and I wouldn't mind paying for dinner, but this seems to be a special circumstance. I realize I am paying for time, etc, etc, but would it be poor form to ask for some sort of break on the rate to account for the cost of the dinner. I realize I may be told no and I realize that it's my choice to go to dinner (although the provider picked the restaurant). I don't want to seem cheap or break any unwritten rules. I also realize there is a contingent that thinks it is stupid to pay for a provider to eat, so don't direct too much invective my way...  

So what do you guys think? Is it unreasonable to ask for some sort of accommodation or arrangement outside of the normal rate structure? Or should I suck it up and pay full freight and pay for the dinner on top of it. I can honestly see it both ways. Id be interested for opinions from hobbyists and providers. Thanks in advance for your help.

let her tell you how much the dinner date at xyz would be? What would be the irresistible package deal for an hour play, a fancy dinner and an hour playing after? If she recommended, she is fully aware of the menu.

By the way, if she drinks, don't forget to factor in a Dom champagne at a minimum as it most likely ain't on the menu.

Personally, my dinner date, either we cook or go out to a restaurant, is OTC, but that's just me. There's always someone out there who appreciates our fine dining time together, OTC. :-)

Don't play in a play pen, you can't afford.  

You will not have fun guaranteed!

The host should be the one to select a restaurant, and to find a nice place that can match your finances.    There is a big array between your prix fixe places and the dollar menu.   I dine out a lot, and the tab is seldom more than $200/person, drinks included.

Truth be told, I find those high price places to be stuffy and unfriendly, and the quality of their food is seldom as good as less expensive places.

Here's a video I recorded of one such place, just so you can see what you're in for:

Tippecanoe39 reads

Take one to dinner, and have her dress up hot as fuck.  Low cleavage and high skirt, everybody will be looking. Have the other one meet you at the hotel for two hours, not four and dinner. Bring a bottle of wine for the three of you at the hotel. That should put you back into your budget.

Agree with others, a restaurant like that will chew up three hours easily; getting there, meal service, and to the hotel - unless the hotel is right across the street.

This just my opinion.

I am always amaze at the issue of dinner with client. I love play, then dinner, then  play again type dates. I do find playing with lazy client who just lay there more work if they eat big fat meal only 30 minutes before play again. But that is different story. And does not matter as its what I get paid for.

As a provider we do appreciate having someone spend lavishly on us for most part. Also many appreciate the thought of being more of date than commodity. Most, (not all) providers do not maintain a lifestyle where they go to expensive resto and they are paying the bill. That be said, most, (not all again) are just as happy with a good quiet meal, need not be super expensive. You need not spend a small fortune to take us a dinner. An expensive dinner take time to enjoy, but if rushed its not different than an average dinner.

Last night I enjoy a nice dinner at a local Viet Pho resto. You wont find it on any food guide. It does not have cloth on the tables. The glasses are plastic. But it is quiet, a little private, the food is great. The entire meal with no drinks cost less than 75.00 with tip. Take about an hour. Nothing fancy just nice relax dinner. Then go back to fucking. I am sure there are many resto that would be fine in any category of taste that will not cost so much. Keep in mind when you take a date to resto, your conversation is half of what you want. Sort of hard to talk about how cute and sexy you thought I was when covered your spunk, when others are closely listening.  

However, if you are desire to take to expensive place then follow your desire. Everyone has a needs and we are not happy unless we fill those needs. So then tell the provider what you would like to do. First check her website, see if she has a Social rate, and BCD rate. If she does thats your answer. Add the two and there is your cost. Look her website and see if she has a extended rate for multiple hours that include dinner. If she does thats your answer.  Finally as a thread a while back suggests, if neither of the previous is what you want, then take your chances to negotiate a special rate for your special request.  

Just my thoughts, Hope not offend.

A good bowl of Pho shouldn't cost much more than ten bucks apiece. lol

I completely agree that I love play, eat, and then play again kind of dates, but I am not a "lazy" client, I am more than capable of fucking on a full stomach. even a stomach that is full of both food and wine, but that's just me.

Personally I can make dinner an all night affair, I guess it's my Italian half, but it's not at all uncommon for me to spend two to three hours at dinner if the wine and the conversation are flowing.

Again, speaking strictly for myself, I would never pay for "social time" I can pick up a thousand dollar dinner check without blinking an eye, but that's because it's something I am enjoying as much as my date, but if I have to pay her to eat it, it means (in my mind at least) that she is not there because she's enjoying herself, but because she is being paid for it.  For some reason I don't mind at all paying for sex, but paying for "company" makes me feel like a loser who has to pay someone just to share a meal with me.

BTW Christine, it looks like it is HER desire to go to a fancy place, not his. That does change things quite a bit when you add a thousand dollar dinner tab to the price of his date, especially if fancy places aren't his thing and he's only doing it because she wants him to.


With tip and snacks before meal, i think it was about 72.00.  

I am not argue that if she say I want to go that place and its 1000.00 dollar then it change things lot. Personally I would never make that request. But then again I don't wear 400.00 thong, or 3000.00 dollar shoe. So for each provider there is what they want and for each client there is what they like to pay for.

The only advantage I get when client has a full stomach, is even I am small they cannot take me be on top pound down on tummy.  


but if the lady has a full stomach too, I do know a lot of women don't like the guy on top of them pounding down on their full tummy. Good thing I like both CG and Doggie. lol

Personally I don't like it when a provider just "assumes" I am going to be ok with a thousand dollar dinner tab. A woman who does that kind of thing is also the type to run up the tab on purpose just because she thinks it makes her look "classy" when the opposite is true. OTOH, I sometimes like those "fancy" places with great food and an extensive wine list and I really don't mind paying for it, but just like a tip, I don't like it when it's "expected" or even worse "demanded" That makes me feel more like a sucker than a "big spender" lol

Don't try to chisel a discount because the food's expensive without talking first to jack Dunphy. Sure, as someone suggested, you could book an "all-inclusive rate," but why not just suggest that, while you're happy to pay the ladies for the session, and to pay for their dinner, the dining time is OTC?  I've done this with more women than I can count.  My mantra is well known: I am happy to pay you for sex and I am happy to pay for your meal, but not to pay to watch you eat it.  I have actually said this to lots of girls and it doesn't offend them, perhaps because by the time I say it we've already established some rapport.
Not long ago I had two girls over to my house (with another notorious monger).  We played for a while and then I grilled everyone pork chops stuffed with feta, spinach and sun-dried tomatoes.  The girls loved it, even though they were not being paid to eat.

-- Modified on 11/21/2017 9:12:47 AM

Now I could be wrong as well, but I believe the OP is not only hoping the dinner will be OTC, but due to the high price of the restaurant that they will lower their "on the clock" rate as well.

Personally I think that if a guy is going to dinner afraid of how big the bill is, no way can he be able to enjoy himself if every time they order another drink, appetizer or dessert he starts cringing inside.

I recall a certain dinner that we shared with a couple of Frenchies where the tab was well over a grand, You really are the world's worst Jew as you didn't cringe or whine a bit when the tab came, and no the girls were not being paid to eat that night either.

He wants "a special rate that takes into account the cost of the dinner." To me, that can only be read that he wants a credit of some sort against the money he's spending for their time in the sack, at a minimum.  It's not clear if he wants to avoid paying for their time during the dinner.  So fine, let him negotiate a package deal if he's got the skills.
As for the Frenchies, that dinner was worth every penny.  Especially to Pris because I originally did not intend of bone her that night, having just come from a very hot session with a well-known HDH.  But by the end of the meal I was horny enough to change my mind.

What kind of food could possibly be so delicious and a dining experience so enlightening, that it would be worth that amount?  One of my favorite places is ranked as one of the very best in the country and it's less than $100 per person and the food is fantastic, the portions are huge and I always feel like I got my moneys worth when I walk out.

Then, if you want to still go for dinner. Offer up a place that is more within budget.  
If she is any type of  human, she will then either say that the new place sounds great. And if not or she will walk.  

Damn, I am in this thing so I don't get bullied by a demanding, manipulative SO.  

If she gets demanding, then you don't have a NSA P4P situation. You have a bad WIFE!

If I were in your situation I'd just tell her that it's too expensive. She's not your girlfriend and she's not even really your friend, you don't have to be embarrassed about not being able to afford an almost 1k dinner for two hookers and yourself, on top of paying for a threesome.

Maybe try to get her to agree to a different restaurant. If she wants a meal that badly she'll pick something less expensive. Or maybe ask if the dinner can be off the clock, but that you'll still pay for a fancy ass dinner.  

tricurious33 reads

Thanks for the replies. I have gotten some good suggestions. The restaurant would actually be fun and it’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s that something makes me feel bad about the principle of the thing. I’ll pay for the meal, but I sort of feel like a sucker paying a full hobby rate for the pleasure of it.  Especially since it’s a place I know she will enjoy. But I understand it’s all business. Just was trying to get some opinions.

my rate goes down by the hour. So if a person wanted to book me for a dinner date, the total time will not be my hourly rate times 3,  4 or 5. I even have a daylong rate and overnight that is not the hourly rate multiplied. My favorite is my 'playing hooky' 'cause that could be anything from a drive and a hot dog to a roll in the hay - to a day in bed or on the couch.
I think that seems fair, although some people might not think so. But for me, it is keeping P4P, just what it is.  
I will go to any restaurant you would like to go to and you can even order for me.  
It is your choice. Our time. Most of all, absolutely, it is you're time to enjoy!

Posted By: tricurious
Re: Thanks
Thanks for the replies. I have gotten some good suggestions. The restaurant would actually be fun and it’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s that something makes me feel bad about the principle of the thing. I’ll pay for the meal, but I sort of feel like a sucker paying a full hobby rate for the pleasure of it.  Especially since it’s a place I know she will enjoy. But I understand it’s all business. Just was trying to get some opinions.

I agree with you that you should not "pay the full hobby rate" to watch them eat.  In fact, as I said above, especially for an expensive meal, you should not be paying anything to watch them eat it.

OMG that does sounds pathetic, that he's paying two hookers a shitload of money to eat an expensive ass meal while he watches. They are going to figuratively eat his money before his very eyes, the lettuce might as well be shredded Benjamins.

I get a kick out of this meme about how dinner dates amount to sitting there and watching your companion eat.  What kind of socially inept individual would let that happen?  Probably no one.  

.... under the table, getting a head start on dessert!

In this world, the gentleman drives. You set the tone. You pick the place. You say what you want and when you want it. She provides the entertainment and will either go along with the ride, or not. You just need to remember you are the driving force with what works for you first, because you are the customer. You are paying us, we aren't paying you lol. It's not really up to us to tell you where to go, suggestion or not. The date should stem from you. Either way, just keep it simple, this is supposed to be fun lol, not stressful. Good luck!

My mom probably only taught me ONE THING in life, if you INVITE ANYBODY ANYWHERE- they don't need to bring a single penny.  

You SUGGESTED the dinner, you SUGGESTED the session. Now you feel as though you should SUGGEST yourself a discount.  

Please hold while i call the bullshit department.  

Psst. Skip dinner and eat HER instead.

tricurious30 reads

I contacted the ladies and suggested that dinner be off the clock. They both readily agreed. Thanks for the advice. I think this will be an awesome experience.

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