TER General Board

Never had an STD, yet. I test 4 times a year. EOM
micktoz 41 Reviews 80 reads


As a spin-off of the std testing I am interested in how often the tests come back positive. Would like to hear from clients and providers. Would also like to hear from massage only folks

an STD, but on occasion I have gotten a foot fungus from using the showers at some of these places.  I think some go weeks without cleaning or disinfecting them.  3 or 4 days of Tinactin crème will clear it up, but its still unsightly and a nuisance in the meantime.  Other than a winter cold, this is the closest I have come to catching ANYTHING from visiting any kind of SW.  

Never had a std issue but similar in that I am 99% sure a provider gave me mono. In case you haven't heard, mono as an adult SUCKS!! 😫😫😫😫

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Well, its not exactly . . . .
an STD, but on occasion I have gotten a foot fungus from using the showers at some of these places.  I think some go weeks without cleaning or disinfecting them.  3 or 4 days of Tinactin crème will clear it up, but its still unsightly and a nuisance in the meantime.  Other than a winter cold, this is the closest I have come to catching ANYTHING from visiting any kind of SW.  

Mimesis248 reads

That's pretty encouraging, given how active you are.  But, as a follow up:  how often do you get tested for STDs?  (I ask because at least some people -- as evident by one post on the related thread -- wrongly assume that you only need testing if you are symptomatic, when in fact you can have STDs without ever knowing it.)  Thanks.

Every 60 days.  If I do have an outside girlfriend, every 30 days.  

You are talking about STDs as if you can get rid of them once you catch something.... You can probably control flare ups and get rid of irritating symptoms but once you have an STD it stays with you forever. I am curious to know how many people share their status with potential partners like they are supposed to if they have ever gotten a positive result.

Me too. It is recommended that anyone who is sexually active and gets a test is retested 3 months after that test

HappyChanges57 reads

a visit to NYC from Catalina either.

What percentage of providers do ya'll think just pop in a sponge during that time of the month and carry on solider (business as usual)?!? Think about that next time you are dining at the Y...

Set of Flip-flops in the car... Small travel bag Extra set of clothing Mouthwash etc. Things get wild before clothing comes off of they have pets with hair. .. Sand even

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