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Never a good idea to make a career out of an illegal activity. eom
ramc75 14 Reviews 647 reads


Hello there ladies & gentlemen!

So I was hoping to receive some opinions on whether or not the Escort Business is a career choice or more of a "get it while it's good" situation.

My girl friend & I have been having this debate, me knowing some experienced mature ladies, I believe this business may not be a final career choice, but if you utilized correctly, you can create other avenues for money making.

For example, take the royalties & open up a business that you can fallback on.

What do you all think?

Ms. Lovely

and some last longer in this business than others.  I think it would be wise To preposion yourself & your education for the next phase of your life.  Even in other careers, the concept of a life long career is dead.  
There was the attorney that outted herself the same week she took the bar...  as a result of being the victim of a robbery.  Last I knew she'd moved out of state but had finially found a job in the legal profession.
May gals work their way through school, graduate with no student loans & retire from the business.  
Maybe some become housewives?  

I think it can work but one must be disiplined to create their opening, to keep bills paid & save

If you diig deep enough there probably are as many reasons to start as there are women in the business.
For some it is the lure of a large Paycheck  
For some it may be paid travel
Some just love sex and might as well get paid for it
For the most part the ones that are in it for the longer haul though are quite independent and strong willed and have a need, desire, and willingness to take care of themselves and others that are important to them and can not do it at minimum wage.
The successful ones  are able to save some of their earnings to feel secure,  or pay off school loans, or save enough to have some seed money  to start a business of their own.
Not an easy way to make a living which explains why there is so much turnover.
Hats off to those who are not only taking care of themselves but their children on Mother's Day

Love your response!


I don't actually click the like button, but you do look good.

It's obvious you're the local authority for career guidance counseling. I'm sure you sealed the deal with your unique insight and perspective on a hooker career.

That's why I complemented the lady on her loveliness.

Posted By: Dickthebruiser
It's obvious you're the local authority for career guidance counseling. I'm sure you sealed the deal with your unique insight and perspective on a hooker career.

Even though the OP was clearly asking for opinions on a career choice, your non-responsive gibberish was posted for the general amusement of all. What would we do without you?

This will be the rest of my life. I was a broker for 15 years, but after a personal incident, I'll never be able to work a regular, full-time job ever again. So I started this a little over a year ago, then 36 years old. It's been fun, lucrative, and has afforded me a very nice lifestyle and the opportunity to meet incredible people. I don't struggle with the fact that this is now my life. I enjoy it very much.

My cousin is also in the biz. She's 22. She's doing this to put herself through school and then she'll move on. She blurs her photos and she's planning on moving from the city she's currently in when she's finished, because at some point, she'll have a normal, civilian life complete with a husband and children.

It just depends on the circumstances you're in and what your ultimate goal is : )

True, that!

I completely agree & understand, circumstances play a great part. & for whatever the circumstance may be I respect all girls, we all know it's a pretty tough biz.

I personally find the business pretty fun & exciting

Now, how did you find out your cousin was in the biz? Come up at a family reunion? Was it in the christmas card mass mailing about what you did all year...

I am deathly afraid I'll run into a co-worker/friend/family member when hobbying... Will NEVER go to a M&G (not that there are any within a hundred miles)

I have met many escorts from different walks of life. I'm a genuine guy and I've had many genuine conversations with them. I have come to the conclusion that being a hooker is not many people's ideal choice. (Captain obvious here)

Many will claim they are happy and fortunate to be doing this blah blah blah but I think that it's just their human side trying to adapt and accept their situation.  

If I were one, I would do exactly what you described if I had the opportunity.  

Work smart, save, and get out without ever looking back.

Good response!

I personally find the business pretty exciting & a gateway to many other opportunities.

There isn't a monger alive who will ever walk in your shoes. Well, maybe Rod, but nobody listens to him.

Understood, I was just curious on what others including the gentlemen thought

i think Dr.Who needs to blow some chunks up Bob Sugars ass..

For those with no other options, it's a career, as some people cannot do mainstream work for a number of different reasons - or they just don't want to.  But if having options is an option lol, then I think if someone keeps them all open the decision will be organic as if and when the time is right to jump, and if they have something preferable to jump to, then the transition will make sense

Well said!

I think that would be the big question for me.

When would the big jump be? The transition seems pretty intense haha, I imagine myself relapsing if I tried.

I know a lot more strippers than escorts, but the ideology seems the same- bank while you are at your prime and use that $$$ to get onto the next phase of your life....whatever that may be.

If you work for a living, then you're a whore.

And if you don't work, then you're living off a whore.

The first one is more moral, in my book.

Posted By: mrfisher
If you work for a living, then you're a whore.

And if you don't work, then you're living off a whore.

The first one is more moral, in my book.

Sure, you can make money at 60 if you want to troll BP and charge 50 bucks but let's get real. I was not supposed to take off until 2015 and had to duck out a year early, but in reality I have about 5 more years and that's a rap. The older and uglier you get, the less you make and the more you're gonna have to do to make it.  

Sorry, but the lure of this business is the freedom to do what I want, fly where I want and charge what I want. That's not gonna last forever and I have no delusions to the contrary which is why I made sure to get an education and not blow my identity whilst doing this.  I can't make shit in the town I am in, but that is not every town. I moved from a city to some podunk beach town that thinks an MBA is worth 40k a year. Eat shit. I am moving again.

Cost of living is low, neighbors are neighborly, rush hour traffic is non existent, crime is slow,
 more stars in the sky, exercise is free, air is clear, farm fresh food,  cook outs galore.  

Posted By: London Rayne
Sure, you can make money at 60 if you want to troll BP and charge 50 bucks but let's get real. I was not supposed to take off until 2015 and had to duck out a year early, but in reality I have about 5 more years and that's a rap. The older and uglier you get, the less you make and the more you're gonna have to do to make it.  
 Sorry, but the lure of this business is the freedom to do what I want, fly where I want and charge what I want. That's not gonna last forever and I have no delusions to the contrary which is why I made sure to get an education and not blow my identity whilst doing this.  I can't make shit in the town I am in, but that is not every town. I moved from a city to some podunk beach town that thinks an MBA is worth 40k a year. Eat shit. I am moving again.

-- Modified on 5/10/2015 11:05:37 PM

Sure, I saved 1200 a month moving, but I also make half of what I did in New Orleans... as a provider and at a real gig. If I moved back to Nola I would have a job with starting pay at 60k and that's more than enough for me to live well on. Did you say we don't have traffic? HAAAAAA. It took me 3 hours to go 5 miles during Spring Break. 7 months out of the year the place is a dream... the other 5, you want to kill everyone.

Pink_Panties494 reads

because they look young longer.  This is not a shot at anyone, but your looks and youth are what is in demand, so... 30, 35, 40?  It just depends on when you start showing signs of aging.  Ps: I have not looked at your photos

And most that I've met have been very sweet too.
I love all women, but really have a soft spot for my asian friends.

1. Asian Gals  respect hard working guys .
   You are correct, Asian Gals look young for their age, for reasons most Gals could duplicate.

  Generally speaking Asian gals  eat healthy, they are not into drugs or alcohol, exercise and work is a way of life, water is their favorite drink, they chew their food well and eat slow, they have  excellent hygiene, smooth pretty skin too .  :-D
  There's  a Korean  restaurant I found in  my town frequented by Hot young Asian gals, I believe a few of the regulars there are hookers, if I was stupid and not just dumbed down I'd mention the name. :-D

Posted By: Pink_Panties
because they look young longer.  This is not a shot at anyone, but your looks and youth are what is in demand, so... 30, 35, 40?  It just depends on when you start showing signs of aging.  Ps: I have not looked at your photos
-- Modified on 5/10/2015 11:07:11 PM

GaGambler692 reads

but you are absolutely correct. lol

I rarely see women over the age of 30, not even in my civvie life, unless they are Asian. Asian women for some reason age better than women of other races. Even I have a hard time figuring out if the hot twenty year old I "think" I am with is perhaps a hot thirty five year old instead. I also find it amusing to see many Asian women that I know personally, women who I know EXACTLY how old they are down to the day being reviewed (not advertised, but reviewed) as being 10-15 years younger than they really are.

I am pretty sure that if I ever get an attack of the "dumbs" and ever get married again, it will be to an Asian lady of around thirty, that way in twenty years, when I am in my mid seventies, I'll still have a wife who is "doable" lol

It worked for my grandfather, he married a twenty something when he was in his fifties, and thirty something years later when he died my grand mother still was a decent looking woman.

There are girls who start their own agencies and some who are very successful milfs. I think with the rates they charge if they invest the money right they can retire very early. One of my aunts when she first started out in the city became an escort and invested the proceeds into building an electronics factory (this is in China). Shes pretty rich now, drives a 7 series and has several apartments (like 10ish), has a 1000 worker factory.  

Thing is with money is if you are not good with it it will leave you. Great thing about the west is capital allocation is so developed and lucrative all you have to do is invest it into a reputable mutual fund/retirement savings plan/index fund and you have financial stability.

About investing it into a business, yea you can ofc do that but it takes more time and energy (sales, employees, accountant(s), lawyer(s), rent). For some reason sex workers tend to be really skilled in business, I think its because their trade forces them to be shrewd about their clients, who are mostly male so when they get into another business its easier to adapt.  

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
Hello there ladies & gentlemen!  
 So I was hoping to receive some opinions on whether or not the Escort Business is a career choice or more of a "get it while it's good" situation.  
 My girl friend & I have been having this debate, me knowing some experienced mature ladies, I believe this business may not be a final career choice, but if you utilized correctly, you can create other avenues for money making.  
 For example, take the royalties & open up a business that you can fallback on.  
 What do you all think?  
 Ms. Lovely

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