TER General Board

My heart goes out to you and your family, Dear...I know first
bobb3950 8 Reviews 2896 reads
1 / 12

The real world has come crashing in on me and it's not pleasant.
For those of you who are aware of my "saga", it is beginning.

Today I sent my daughter off to war.
She left today for her 6 month deployment in Iraq with the Air Force.
I don't think I have ever felt so helpless as I watched her walk down the jetway.
There was/is a huge chunk if ice in the pit of my stomach.
I suspect it will be there until I see her get off the plane in 6 months.
We spent the last 5 days at the beach, avoiding the inevitible parting and just having a great time.
I got to reacquaint myself with the grand babies, who are now with us full time until she returns.
It wasn't as bad as I thought. I may be grey on top, at least what's left, but I have the heart of a 30 year old. I guess we'll see how long that lasts...LOL.

Anyway, don't mean to steal the boards, just wanted to update my friends, both known and unknown, as to the "progress".
I will be continuing to stop in when I can.
I suspect I will be venting on occasion and, in advance, beg your forgiveness.

Wish me luck and please say a prayer for my daughter and all our troops.

You people have been a great support group for me throughout this, and now that things are
"going active", will be again, more than you know.

Thanks for being here,
take care, be safe, verify......

Just my opinion...

tt85003 121 Reviews 1763 reads
2 / 12

I would be so sad if my daughter went to Iraq, it's bad enought she moved out of state, but I will keep you daughter and all our troops in my prawers as I have several nephews serving over there. Hang in there buddy and lets hope she and all our troops will home soon.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 1453 reads
3 / 12


You know how I feel about all of this.  My thoughts are with you all.

She'll make it, bro.  You hang in there.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1347 reads
4 / 12

God bless all the U. S. servicemen and servicewomen who are defending our wonderful country as well as their families.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

iamsd5 4 Reviews 1722 reads
5 / 12

My nephew (one I have often thought of as a son) is Marine and left last September.  I understand your feeling, but can only offer this hope.  They will never forget us.  That is why they chose to enlist.  Remember the good times and look forward to the the day you see her again.  If the days seem dark, remember your friends here ;)

God Bless the splendid men and women that serve not for themselves but for our country.

Semper Fi

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 701 reads
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Good luck and of course, the best to your daughter.  God knows we need more like her.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 1327 reads
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Just_thinking 1064 reads
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My daughter is 6 and can't imagnine her leaving me, even at that age. I will say a prayer for her save return. Give her my thanks please. It is because of young people like her that we have a free country to live in!

Not4lng 58 Reviews 1222 reads
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I hate to see anyone's child sent to war and especially as pointless a war as this one!  
I support every single member of our Armed Forces but absolutely oppose what we're doing in the Middle East.

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 1488 reads
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I'll say a prayer for your daughter, too. We (veterans) have to stick together.


richpumper 2 Reviews 1142 reads
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I've had 3 nephews, all like sons to me, deployed to Iraq & Afghan during the past 2 years. My best thoughts are with you, my friend. God bless your daughter, America, and all who keep us free.

AZ Terri See my TER Reviews 1394 reads
12 / 12

hand how tough it is...My father did 3 tours of Viet Nam and my brother was in Desert Storm.  It is real tough but just know that this is what she feels has to be done and know that God is watching over her and all the troops.

I know every time I hear the National Anthem, I break down in tears (that's one reason I hate going to a sporting event...I can't stop crying)
I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers

a big kiss and hug for you

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