TER General Board

most street walkers are cover in mud. eomteeth_smile
ripmany 9 Reviews 273 reads


xxxhair2553 reads

I look at many local reviews and for a majority, the appearance score and the performance score are similar.
Have you ever have a provider that you considered a 5 but the performance was was a 10? Just curious.

GaGambler485 reads

a woman I only considered a 5 in appearance couldn't possibly get me worked up enough to deliver a 10 performance. Fantasy is a big part of sex, and there is no fantasy with a homely woman, not for me at least.

She could fuck me bareback, suck me completely dry do EVERYTHING I could possibly ask her to do and still without me finding her hot, the experience will still be lacking. Sorry fat broads. lol

...+1 GaG the visual is an important part of the turn-on for me.

Iheartsports321 reads

Some people can not get worked up by a lady that's a 5 so it effects the experience so they can't give them a 10 however some can. You have people out there you look at it for what it is and can separate the two and say ok she's a 5 but her performance was 10 because she did everything I needed.

This depends on the person truly.

If she can't resist eating junck. wont take a bath just don't put a effort into her body more likely she not into pleasing you.  
I fine women that are a 6.1 to 8.9 Preform the best. 9 and 10 know there are hot and can screew you 6 and below have personal problems.

You need to fine (sic) a woman who can copy-edit your posts and make them  
understandable. If only your English were as precise as your mathematical
analysis in the above post.

2horses2many386 reads

I know that everyone has their own personal preferences how to pick and choose to fuck, but 5 most like falls the the fugly category, It's hard to understand especially when I'm paying to choose an ugly product..unless it's the only one left on the shelf and I'm so fucking horny, then still probably gives me pause and think right/lrft hand or a bottle of tequila and a blindfold

If she is a 5, she better perform a 10 or else she is not going to have much return business.  Not sure I would book a 5 though.

Many younger reviewers do two annoying things:  1) They tend to give hot looking girls a bit of a pass in mediocre service, and 2) they tend to penalize providers who are 35+ on looks because these young guys are not yet experienced enough to appreciate how a woman can mature and still take care of herself and be hot looking.  

I've said this before, and I think I speak for most of us guys over 50, Service always trumps looks.  When you're older, most 30-somethings still look pretty hot anyway.  

Likewise, it takes an "experienced" customer to get a top performance out of a provider. The first time you get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, you're probably not going to know what to do, but after you've driven one on a race track 15 or 20 times the way it was meant to be driven, you will get the maximum performance out of it. The same holds true for older gents and mature providers.

Sometimes if the performance was really fantastic the woman just seems more beautiful in my memory.  And vice-versa.  

I don't tend to work the other way though: inflate or deflate performance based on looks.  You can sense that in some reviews, though.

It's just not worth it when I know providers in my town who are 8+ in appearance (by my standards) and can deliver a 9-10 performance for me.  As GaGambler said, a lot of the experience is fantasy and looks are a big part of that.  The mind is the largest erogenous zone and I, like most men, am a very visual creature.

LasVegan395 reads

of debate on TER.  IMHO reviewers do not link the TER narrative description for each number rating with the number they use to document their experience.

For example a "7" appearance rating equates to attractive but most would give a "9" or "10" to anyone they considered attractive.  Scan a few reviews and see for yourself.

A "6" is nice but how many hobbyists would truly rate a nice experience a "6?"

Am betting actual numbers reflect a significant degree of inflation and rarely reality.  That is NOT to say a number of providers are not worthy of 9s or 10s, quite the contrary.

FatVern204 reads

If performance was more important than appearance crack whores would do.

I like 'em young and sexy, and if they can suck a dick like SW, that's nothing to complain about.

I've always found that 5s who go above and beyond to knock the hell out me sexually literally increase in beauty. They quickly become 7s or 8s. Then when they go above and beyond in other ways, they jump to 8s and 9s. Then when they become atfs, and you dream about them, they are 10s. For me, performance is the only thing!

Consequently, when an absolute stunning 10 strings me along, gives half an effort, answers her phone during the session, or has that glazed shopping list look in her eye, she suddenly gets ugly fast. I've seen 10s turn into 5s right before my eyes.

to stick your dick to an ugly thing  and convince yourself it's the greatest......

NoYellowEnvelope350 reads

Once when traveling for an extended period I really needed a massage--a real one. I did some research and found someone I thought would fit the bill. She was a 5 in looks, but she gave me one of the best massages I've ever had, and also one one the best HJs I've ever had. And she was sweet and kind and fun to converse with, and she went over our time.  I would have given her a 10 for performance if I could, because for what she offered she was superb. But the rules allow no more than 7 for that kind of service.

JakeFromStateFarm234 reads

I never would have thought she could have gotten me erect, but she was such a freak that I managed.  And she truly was a "once in a lifetime" experience.

there have been four absolute favorites who were (three for years) regulars whom I saw frequently.  Two were nice looking but by no means more than a 6 or 7 and 2 were not that good physically.  All four provided long term deep involvement, wonderful wonderful ever fascinating and satisfying sex.  They each read me perfectly, as time went on we got better and better at pleasing each other.  We experimented and were always deeply in synch.  
Of my friends with benefits that did the same, one was gorgeous the three others were attractive at best.
For me performance clearly Trumps (no political commentary intended) looks

Posted By: xxxhair
I look at many local reviews and for a majority, the appearance score and the performance score are similar.  
 Have you ever have a provider that you considered a 5 but the performance was was a 10? Just curious.

PRS2005303 reads

For the last three years I've been seeking out providers with great 10/10 reviews and great photos. Two that I've found are (or were) real 10/10's, but they were anywhere from one to four hours late each time, rescheduled me, and showed other signs of disrespect. Others weren't 10/10's. They manipulated the reviews. Only one of the 10/10's was perfect in every respect, including punctuality.

Given this less than satisfactory record, I'm considering seeing a 7/9 who's been recommended multiple times for the best BJ in my state. If it works out well, I'll see her regularly. I'll still experiment with higher priced, higher-scored providers, but not as much

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