TER General Board

Most people have a cameraphone...
JohnyComeAlready 498 reads

Having said that, who isn't a photographer?

I didn't really want to answer your question with a question, but I did... and there's your answer.

Having said that, who isn't a photographer?

I didn't really want to answer your question with a question, but I did... and there's your answer.

I once did the creepy photog as a fantasy appointment; she ended up using some of the shots in her ads!

hotplants514 reads

a chance at an all expense paid trip to a tropical island (after agreeing to a sales pitch for timeshares)?  

way to lower the douche-bar

I've danced for a number of years for the Rhino chain and guys occasionally over the years say this and proceed to bring up their Model Mayhem profiles.  I've also modeled here and there and how that is interpreted by the dancer/escort is "I want to take pictures of you that I don't plan on paying you for."

89Springer342 reads

At some point in conversations with folks, I usually mention I was a pro photographer for 30 years. A couple of times providers have said something about me doing photos for their websites. They didn't go any further into detail, and I didn't pursue it. I'm pretty certain that it would be an uneven trade of services, or they wouldn't want to pay the dollar amount I'd require.

I did some boudoir-style photography for the girlfriends of a couple of my friends, which they gave as gifts to my friends. The girlfriends ponied up the dollars. I guess love will get people to part with their money more readily than business.

Great, and I'm a hooker so now we have our money making efforts out of the way,  let's get to it.

to go along with your "claims"
        ...no problerly wont help. If you have a legitimate business and site where you do wedding photography and it aint half bad, OR like many guys will have a portfolio of all thier work and all the escorts they photograph, You never know.
                           Most ladies know not to go by what the guy "says" and will want a link to your work, If it sucks no they proberly wont pay you or give you a freebie either.  
   Did you not think this one through hun? lol wow.  
 you think just sayin oh hi yeah i am a millionaire by the way, We hear it al! trust me, I have heard more stories than walt disney guys are always tryin to sell you something, Those clients i usaly quickly can get annoyed with and are just annoying and cheap people in general.
                  I think wheelin and deelin and actin like your a used car saleman is a quick way to make a bad first impression your stingy, cheap and annoying but if thats the look your goin for be all that you can be!
 i know with all my years in fine dining, bartending, night club per4forming {man ray} dancing, modeling , porn, being a lead singer in metal bands,  
 the last thing i need is some old mans dead connections he thinks he has, I have more connections in every  arena i seek in Boston than any old cheap geezer thinks he has to offer so i just laugh and say yeah, um gee thanks sure...
 I actually feel the obnes always tryin to work an angle, or sell me sumthin basically,  
 it takes the fun out of the appt, makes me get annoyed, and stressed.  
                          Most hot young escorts are gonna have more connections than old hobbyist do, i think its funny when they are like oh hey by the way my friend does this or blah blah, its like buddy, I probly know people that do it better than your lame connections your claiming to have to like try and rip me off apparently.
 I d just be the polite client that comes and s.t.f.u. and pays and then leaves you the hell alone,  
 Young beautiful hot women, We have better hook ups wiith whatever we need and want than the clients think they do.
 I have had more guys tell me they have a friend with a car dealership, they are a photographer, Sure I think I shot for free with every good photographer in the porn industry in Boston definetly dont need clients tryin to hustle us, thats one type of person i get wicked wicked annoyed with,
 You know how many guy have come for appts goin on and on about how they design we sites they do this, they do that.  
              We usually make more than most our clients per hour if we need something we can just buy it, or we can network on our own time when we feel like it,  
 I d save the hustle act for like door to door sales, or like go sell watches out the inside of a trench coat on a corner if you feel the need to be a cheeseballl.  
 As for us we hear it all and dont appreciate dumb cheap assholes that think they can outsmart us, or worse think we need thier lame old man connections, we probly got bettah connections than any hobbyist and all day long, I d just laugh at you honestly and go "Really! oh, wow!" because ui d want to make you feel important, I d laugh at you after i close door on your ass when you leave!

89Springer386 reads

Why doesn't the guy say he's a director or producer? A lowly photographer? Meh.

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