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More anecdotal evidence of how hostile most strippers are toward men.
GLisHJ 3605 reads

What a thing to say to someone.

Personally I think every woman gets to be beautiful when she's cumming.  Even a BBW type I might never even think of being with is probably mesmerising right at the point she loses control, and I KNOW young hotties are hot then too!

I had a partner who would get this blissed out expression and then do intense eye rolls with each major thrust when we came together!  Gets me hot just recalling it.  Like the orgasm we'd been building together for the last ten minutes (ok 3 minutes{ok 1.5 minutes}) still was a total surprise when it hit!

Any thoughts?  My own FFace is pretty standard stuff- but I love it when women come.

My dream is to sample the double dip, and see what a lady can get out of another lady...

and also on my girl partner. Taking her with a strap on and seeing her face when I make her come is great fun for me. But my face? I like invisible..

I expect most of us like the look of our partner's face, but are self conscious about our own for some reason.

But you, Lady, have nothing at all to want to make invisible!

This is more of an after-orgasm face, but one of my favorite ladies would close her eyes while she was having an orgasm. What still haunts me is the expression on her face as she would open her eyes. Kind of a look of surprise at first, then recognition ("Oh, it's you") and a smile.  

Not to sound conceited (who, me?), but I have had numerous compliments on the way I express my orgasm.  If you put your being into it, and are vulnerable, and are feeling more than just sexual release with the person you are with, then you can't help but be beautiful, woman or man, experiencing the highest pleasure we are capable of as humans...and, if you are doing it right, the deepest feelings, as well.

As someone once said on here...love, not fear.

I can often writhe way up off the bed/table- quite violently in fact-  I wonder if a person through the window might think I am exercising?

Love it when the lady is in control- several have commented how joy stick like my joy stick can be... just call me the R/C guy! LOL

My FF is pretty mundane tho...


I do love to see a man's face at the exact point of total orgasm. I have been told that I look  beautiful when I cum? whatever that means??/ I wish I could film it because when I watch others both men and women it gets me really excited and horny. I think it would be hot to look at my self howeverr I am not sure I would want a permanent record of the event.

kisses & licks

p.s. my spelling sucks when I get horny!!!!!

...that people look funny as heck while cumming. But then I find laughter a big turn-on. :)


Well I've seen faces from totally blissed out, to all scrunched up and tight...but the funniest one I saw was recently. I actually thought the guy was having a heart attack. He was an older man and we he came he made this staccato grunting sound, his face and neck turned all red, his eyes bugged out of his head (think Rodney Dangerfield), his whole body went rigid and he seemed to stop breathing for a sec. I was terrified, I thought I was going to have to call the paramedics (something I'm praying will NEVER happen)! Thank goodness he was okay...I had to laugh about it later. They don't call it "the little death" for nothing! xxx Octavia.

Quite frankly...never heard those words before as a good thing.
but then again,I learn something new here everyday.

In my brawling,younger days those were always fighting words.

After reading CiCi,Nicole,Mara,and Sedona's comments
and some of the guys,now I understand.

A f**k face on a woman is the iceing on the cake for me.
There is no greater expression of her pleasure.
Its the culmination of pleasing her thru her O and no better prelude to spontaneously holding her and hugging, kissing afterwards.

It's another beautiful aspect of great sex.



I love it when they get totally feral and try to push their vulva (see- I was reading) into my face to get slurped more.  That pleading look is great-  even better when accompanied by actual moaning and plaeading- but the look that says please eat me some more, pretty please?

I don't generally DATY with SPs, so that is out for here, but I do have larger hands and fingers than many, so I like the face when I find the spot catch 'em off guard and push 'em over

I guess its the earthyness or carnality- where human crosses over to animal- it's just a special moment.

sexy thoughts on an otherwise shitty work day!

I'm normally too caught up in the moment to notice my partner's fface; but whenever I did notice it, it depended on the girl. Some otherwise pretty girls make some ghoulish faces but moan sexily when they cum--that's a good thing...that means to me "it was real." Some girls make a face and accompany it with guttoral, loud, distracting noises--good for my ego, bad for chemistry. I've had two instances where the girls went too far with all the faces and noises and totally turned me off. I'd use them mostly for quick booty calls, and even then I'd have them bite down on a pillow so they wouldn't ruin the mood.

true olny works if its real...

Thought about this some more- "loud distracting noises?"  Geez-  this is 'just like shooting womp rats in beggar's canyon back home"- how can you get distracted?  Stay on Target!  Use the force!

When I am en medias res (Latin?) , there are NO distractions-except the click of a husband's shotgun....

Gotta let the big bitches (play on big dogs- not a diss) hunt!  In civvy action I place the most value on my partners fun- plenty of time for me when sh'es all gooey and appreciative...

Well, the first example was a time I had a girl in my barracks room past visiting hours and I kept telling her to keep the noise down--so maybe that had something to do with it. The second girl and I had been going at it for awhile, so she probably just got irritating to me after the sixth orgasm.

My last encounter with my ATF was wild.  As I was munching away on the holiest of the holies, she seized me by the wrists and started pulling me, mashing my face into her mound of Venus.  While this was happening, her hips started bucking and I thought I was going to either get a shattereed cervical vertebra or get launched into low orbit.  But the wildest aspect was watching her face.  Sully, I'm with you.  Clint Eastwood-like temple veins started bursting out all over her face and forehead like that '80s movie "Scanners" and her face started turning various shades of blue and then purple and her eyes turned so red, you'd have thought she'd just sparked a fatty.  Combined with the glass-etching shrieks, it was one of the wildest experiences I have EVER had.  Making a woman cum is just about the coolest thing there is for a man to experience!

Now that's more like it!

BTW- you doing my SO?

ROFLMFAO!  No such luck you 4chunut bastud!

By the way, anyone ever see that photo of the two lions screwing?  The female lion looks completely bored and the male lion, behind her, has his fuck face on.  His mouth is all the way open like he's yawning, but his lips are pulled back over his lips sort of like he's snarling . . . 'cept you know he's not.  ;)

crank_yanker4170 reads

I was having sex with this really hot stripper a couple of years ago and she was telling me about this guy she had to break up with 'cause his fuck face was so stupid.  Anyway, though I came pretty hard, her comment really distracted me and kind of ruined my pleasure.  When I think of it, I'd rather not have women look at me when I'm cumming.  Stupid brain!

The whole stripping concept being very dumb- it's not surpirising they are a bit warped by it!

I know several providers who made more money as a stripper than they make as a provider.  It can be a difficult environment, but if the money is there, it isn't "dumb"...except to guys who know about TER. :P

I also knew several strippers  a few years back when I used to go to clubs who were as sweet and generous as any providers I have met, and would never have become a providers because of 1) their partner, 2) LE concerns, or 3) personal preference.

I mean the whole concept- would you go to a restaurant where they brought the food, showed it to you, let you smell it, and then took it away?  WTF?  

Maybe I'm spoiled cuz I love my SO and still think shes HOT, but jeesh!  Why get all worked up?

The hobby makes sense to me-  strippers do not.  

Also- what about the lady?  Many of them think we are pretty lame for wanting to ogle nude or semi-nude ladies with no payoff?  Easy to see where the bad attitudes can come out.

Went to the Mustang (sorry Crazy horse)club in LV once with a bachelor party- nightmare.  Wish I had known about the hobby then- I had to leave- more fun smoking kaya with the boys in the suite and giving the groom shit...

Sometimes I can be embarrassed to be a man...

My longest relationship was with a woman who went through an extraordinary transformation when she came.  It would start out with a second of passionate surrender like all her defenses had dropped and I was the only thing present to her.  Then the contractions would start and not only would she scream, but her whole body suddenly blushed bright red covered completely in goosebumps.  It was better when she went multiple, because she'd stay like that for at least a minute.  

At first she could only orgasm during LATY, and I would be busy during the best of the show.  But then we discovered that she could also do it during missionary. Things got really got really good then.

How I miss her when I think of this...


jackvance2998 reads

and so they can become self-conscious about their facial expressions while having an O.

Big mistake!  Because it gets in the way of their being able to fully enjoy being a woman, which is the most elegant thing of all.

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