TER General Board

Might come across mean but I see some truth in her words
hbyist+truth=;( 716 reads

What is wrong with calling it like it is. Some johns are fat and old and crusty and even gross. It is what it is. She got pissed because one of those tried to bargain her down.

Vanillabean2130 reads

Okay.  So.  First of all.  Let's talk about how I put myself, as a provider, in potential danger when I sell my time as a companion to someone.  I'm talking about physically and legally.    
Usually, they're some old ass fart who has a tongue that makes me cringe and skin like the dough boy.  Do you think I WANT to have sex with you?  No, no I do not.  Why do I do it?  Because it is my job and I am here to make YOU happy.

So, when someone complains about my rates, I can't help but feel furious and super offended on so many levels.  Does anyone else have this problem with men trying to negotiate or say "You're too expensive?".  Does anyone else feel just...pissed off??

Men, treat me right.  Treat all of us ladies right.

Bob.Sugar981 reads

When you discussed that YOU do NOT want to have sex with the johns.

Maybe try another line of work?  I know you don't have the skills to do much other than this, but with some perseverance you can earn some type of credential that'll get you out of this mess.

Good luck...I mean that seriously.  There are far too many hookers here who hate this gig.  And it shows up when guys backchannel about "your" attitudes.  

And stop with the photoshopped pics...that never goes well.

Posted By: Vanillabean
Okay.  So.  First of all.  Let's talk about how I put myself, as a provider, in potential danger when I sell my time as a companion to someone.  I'm talking about physically and legally.    
 Usually, they're some old ass fart who has a tongue that makes me cringe and skin like the dough boy.  Do you think I WANT to have sex with you?  No, no I do not.  Why do I do it?  Because it is my job and I am here to make YOU happy.  
 So, when someone complains about my rates, I can't help but feel furious and super offended on so many levels.  Does anyone else have this problem with men trying to negotiate or say "You're too expensive?".  Does anyone else feel just...pissed off??  
 Men, treat me right.  Treat all of us ladies right.

Posted By: Vanillabean
Okay.  So.  First of all.  Let's talk about how I put myself, as a provider, in potential danger when I sell my time as a companion to someone.  I'm talking about physically and legally.    
 Usually, they're some old ass fart who has a tongue that makes me cringe and skin like the dough boy.  Do you think I WANT to have sex with you?  No, no I do not.  Why do I do it?  Because it is my job and I am here to make YOU happy.  
 So, when someone complains about my rates, I can't help but feel furious and super offended on so many levels.  Does anyone else have this problem with men trying to negotiate or say "You're too expensive?".  Does anyone else feel just...pissed off??  
 Men, treat me right.  Treat all of us ladies right.

GaGambler1023 reads

and if it does happen to you more often than to other hookers here, perhaps you should inward instead of outwards for the solution.

First off, I have no idea what you look like, but if you are a member of the OFTFBC still trying to get $700 hr, or even $300 if your looks have faded enough, or if you never had any to begin with, I would think that you would be getting this kind of reaction from the guys quite frequently.

Of course there is also the matter of your personality, or in your case the "lack thereof". If this is any indication of how you carry yourself professionally, this type of thing might be something that you should start getting used to.

I bet you there are a LOT of hookers that almost never experience what you do, perhaps they are just lucky, but more likely they are either hot, give great service at a proper price point, or both, but no I am sure that's not the answer you want to hear. Lets just blame it on all the hateful guys who for some reason just can't see how wonderful you are. lol

Any hooker that comes on here, me included, and does not sugar coat it, is not that way with her johns. Okay speaking just for me, I am not, but you will still read from guys that I do and how could I ever have any clients. I have a feeling that some ladies who rant or who are not kissing ass and under an alias, might do quite well as that persona is not who they are when with a john.

The same reason douche bags still get seen, they don;t tell the hookers they book with who they are on the boards.  

You know yourself that plenty of guys try to bargain down. I personally have no issue with it as I have my ways or renegotiating. I don;t et mad, I just cut time or services. They don't bite so it's a win, win.

GaGambler837 reads

I figure any woman who still wants to see me after knowing who I am will most likely be a whole lot of fun, and any woman who hates GaGambler probably won't like the "real" me either, as I am not much different in real life.

BTW you don't come on here starting threads whining about how your tricks "disrespect" you for saying your rates are too high. If you did so, most likely you would be getting the same kind of reception the OP is getting. Or for that matter the same kind of reception that last couple of GUYS got for whining about the low class of hooker they seem to always  manage to find, with a budget of about $75 of course.

We are pretty equal opportunity around here, Dumb ass men get bitch slapped just as hard as dumb ass bitches. and the OP was just begging to get bitch slapped and as they say in all those reviews we like to bitch about "who was I to refuse?" lol

Under an alias etc one can act however BUT in reality when with a john, well I am paid to be a certain way in order to retain business, despite how I truly feel.  

Of course very few johns would want to see her with that post or many of mine if the truth be known...it might hit too close to home so she did the right thing and posted anonymously, just as I do.

GaGambler662 reads

It could very well be her problem here. Maybe she's just a bitch, but not a fun bitch like lets say London who has been a bitch under her "real" fake name for years, but still does just fine.

I will agree that it was wise of her to make her rant under an alias, if she had made this post under her "real" fake name no one who read it would have the least desire to see her.

It's not a matter of "hitting too close to home" none of what she says applies to me in the least, but I wouldn't see a woman like her on a dare. There is an "art" to being a bitch, an art she has not yet mastered.

On an anonymous discussion board is for real? We really don't but the odds that she is that abrasive all the time are kinda low or she would be out of this business.  

You see what I post, do you really think if I acted that way I would have clients visiting me weekly for years

GaGambler718 reads

The difference between you and her is that you get the BOD since you've obviously been a hooker for years. This woman has three total posts, ranging from asking about keeping a john's jiz, to asking for dating advice, to this post of today. So her odds are impossible to calculate.

You seem to insist on giving her the BOD that this is NOT her fault. I don't have any such compulsion to make excuses for someone with no posting history and a bad attitude.

My responses were directed to how she is behaving on here under an alias and that what she says about some of her tricks is quite possibly true and the fact that she is possibly nicer when in person. That is really all I was commenting on.

GaGambler575 reads

and I am pointing out that there is nothing that points to that conclusion.

You seem to be bending over backwards to see her point of view. I am simply pointing out that maybe she is the one at fault.  

I see you have backed off your earlier statements that she "is" or "probably is" nicer in person into a much more reasonable "possibly" nicer. I will concede she is "possibly" nicer, but I stand firm that the odds don't favor it. Just because you can do a balancing act between MHB on the board, and attentive, seductive hooker when on the clock doesn't mean everyone can.

GaGambler666 reads

At first you were willing to take her at face value that it was all the fault of her clients who wanted to haggle. Slowly but surely you are now starting to see other possibilities.

That is a sign of an open mind, you better be careful, you've spent a lot of time cultivating that MHB reputation, you don't want to ruin it by appearing "reasonable" lol

GaGambler594 reads

BTW our unhappy hooker with the limited posting history appears to be new at this with a handful of posts from the Carolinas board.

So far what we can tell about her from her posts is that she is new, she hates her clients, she suffers from depression, and she has gone from being very happy just three or four days ago, to being very unhappy today. In short, yet another BSC hooker for our amusement here.

It is her business thus it is her responsibility to attract the clientele she wishes serve. Trying to change the individual behavior of an entire client base is not realistic. It is much easier to attract a more desirable client base and that is 100% on her as owner, and sole employee of her sexually oriented business she chooses to run. She can't control her clients but she can control herself and her marketing and attitude she portrays.

Well said, but I highly doubt she is as good of an actor to hide those bitter feelings. It sounds like her business is already suffering and she is blaming those asshole clients instead of taking a hard look at herself. It may be time for her to usderstand that guys won't put up with "bitches", much less pay to be with one. She overestimated herself and reality is rearing its ugly head. Venting on the board won't solve the problem. Only having an honest conversation with yourself about how you can fix the problem will.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Under an alias etc one can act however BUT in reality when with a john, well I am paid to be a certain way in order to retain business, despite how I truly feel.  
 Of course very few johns would want to see her with that post or many of mine if the truth be known...it might hit too close to home so she did the right thing and posted anonymously, just as I do.
-- Modified on 10/1/2015 5:50:41 PM

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
 The same reason douche bags still get seen, they don;t tell the hookers they book with who they are on the boards.  
Do you tell the guys you are Hobbyist Truth from the boards? The truth from men or women is never welcome on boards like this.

GaGambler589 reads

OTHFBC= Over The Hill Fat Broad Club

If a restaurant owner were to go on a public forum and whine about how his customers constantly complained that his prices were too high and the service sucked, wouldn't the first reaction be "well maybe your prices are too high, and just maybe your service does suck"  

I don't really see a lot of difference here. No one is forcing her to be a hooker, if guys are "constantly" giving her this kind of feedback, maybe it's true. and if only a few are, then she needs a thicker skin.

bigguy30840 reads

So maybe you should quit and get a job in the real world.
We all know the risk in this hobby for us or the job risk for you.
The funny part is no one is forcing you to do this type of work.



Posted By: Vanillabean
Okay.  So.  First of all.  Let's talk about how I put myself, as a provider, in potential danger when I sell my time as a companion to someone.  I'm talking about physically and legally.    
 Usually, they're some old ass fart who has a tongue that makes me cringe and skin like the dough boy.  Do you think I WANT to have sex with you?  No, no I do not.  Why do I do it?  Because it is my job and I am here to make YOU happy.  
 So, when someone complains about my rates, I can't help but feel furious and super offended on so many levels.  Does anyone else have this problem with men trying to negotiate or say "You're too expensive?".  Does anyone else feel just...pissed off??  
 Men, treat me right.  Treat all of us ladies right.
-- Modified on 10/1/2015 9:54:38 AM

And some of her clients are fat and doughy and old. And the reality is not all hookers really want to have sex with ALL of their tricks. Have you seen some of them? No you possibly are one them and that is why your knee jerk answer is "well they should quit".  

How about you quit and the other bitchy tricks who constantly bitch about hookers? Try basket weaving, model plane making. No one is forcing you to see hookers.

GaGambler648 reads

Sorry H+T but you've backed the wrong horse this time. When even the village idiot gets it right, you know she is on shaky ground.

We have no idea what she looks like herself, She could quite easily be an OTHFB with delusions of adequacy. All we know is that she appears to be very unhappy about how she is treated by her clients, or at least her would be clients. If this is happening to her more often than it does to the average hooker, you need to at least allow for the possibility it's HER fault and not the fault of the guys that contact her.

You would be surprised...maybe not you, that the images a hooker has on her site as well as the wording can make or break her in this business, meaning she can tolerate even like some of her johns or loathe the majority due to the persona she portrays

bigguy30706 reads

SO just like you she is in the wrong line of work.


Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You would be surprised...maybe not you, that the images a hooker has on her site as well as the wording can make or break her in this business, meaning she can tolerate even like some of her johns or loathe the majority due to the persona she portrays.  

...can I just say how much I appreciate the fact that there are fit and beautiful women out there willing to have sex with me regardless of their motivations. Because of this I would never dream of haggling their price.

If you wanted to offer me a volume discount, on the other hand, I would be more than happy to oblige...;-)

And I will give you a choice of less time or less services for that discount.

bigguy30759 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And I will give you a choice of less time or less services for that discount.

bigguy30525 reads

Also me being old now that's funny but again not even close clown. Lol
I see you are throwing anything against the wall hoping it sticks.
So are you retired yet smart ass?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And some of her clients are fat and doughy and old. And the reality is not all hookers really want to have sex with ALL of their tricks. Have you seen some of them? No you possibly are one them and that is why your knee jerk answer is "well they should quit".  
 How about you quit and the other bitchy tricks who constantly bitch about hookers? Try basket weaving, model plane making. No one is forcing you to see hookers.

Vanillabean732 reads

THANK YOU.  I love what I do, but I can't stand these clients who call me fat, complain about the price, and are unclean or just plain rude and try to talk down the price like I'm some junk on eBay.

GaGambler619 reads

Skinny women are rarely called fat.  

It's tough to judge whether or not you are being unfairly criticized when there is no way for us to judge for ourselves. Perhaps these guys are just being jerks, or perhaps there is some validity to their criticisms?

Also, you've freely admitted that you suffer from depression, could it be that you are just overly sensitive to criticism on some days?

Bob.Sugar677 reads

Maybe a nice latte will soothe your paranoia?

Do you spend all day trolling for BEs that others might create?  Hint...in case you didn't realize that's a rhetorical question...of course you do  ;)

You should blacklist the OP...just to be safe  LOL

Posted By: Alyssa Marie

Bob.Sugar697 reads

Does that get him a blacklist from you as well?

BLAM=Black List Alyssa Marie  ;)

Don't be so paranoid...I'm sure I'm not 99.875% of the TER posters  LOL

Posted By: Alyssa Marie

why would you of all people reply under my comment?
yup. exactly.

my goodness it must suck to be such a loser

trying to get attention.

Posted By: bigguy30
So maybe you should quit and get a job in the real world.  
 We all know the risk in this hobby for us or the job risk for you.  
 The funny part is no one is forcing you to do this type of work.  
Posted By: Vanillabean
Okay.  So.  First of all.  Let's talk about how I put myself, as a provider, in potential danger when I sell my time as a companion to someone.  I'm talking about physically and legally.      
  Usually, they're some old ass fart who has a tongue that makes me cringe and skin like the dough boy.  Do you think I WANT to have sex with you?  No, no I do not.  Why do I do it?  Because it is my job and I am here to make YOU happy.  
  So, when someone complains about my rates, I can't help but feel furious and super offended on so many levels.  Does anyone else have this problem with men trying to negotiate or say "You're too expensive?".  Does anyone else feel just...pissed off??  
  Men, treat me right.  Treat all of us ladies right.
-- Modified on 10/1/2015 9:54:38 AM

I read this post because I thought it would be interesting. I don't want to sound mean, but it seems like you're really hostile about your clients. It seems like you're even saying mean things about the guys who have paid your price, although maybe I'm wrong about that & you're just venting. I think some guys just try to get their best price for everything (cars, homes, golf clubs, fruit from the farmer's market...) & it isn't personal for them, but it's hard for us not to take it personally. They probably aren't saying you aren't worth it, they're just seeing if you're willing to negotiate. Most of us already do. We say $500 for one hour, but if you buy 2 hours upfront it'll be $400 for each hour. If you think about it that way you may be able to turn it into better business for yourself. Don't get angry, get rich. LOL And it's none of my business, but try not to hate your clients, it'll destroy your soul.

GaGambler682 reads

She very well could be "too expensive", I am not saying that she is for a fact "too expensive" but if she were, she would hardly be the first hooker with an overinflated idea of what she's worth.

You are right about hating her clients, it sounds like it's already having that effect on her.

The wrong one can make life utterly miserable for a hooker.

Why and how would you actually take the time to look up how many post she/he has...dude, you have way too much time.

GaGambler601 reads

and it would make a huge difference. Everyone here is simply a sum total of the thoughts they have posted here. A person creates an identity by the thought they air on these boards, The OP has none of this, Three total posts, no reviews, no web site, Nothing, nada, zilch.

Are you seriously saying that after all the time you have spent here, you don't know how to do a simple message search by author???

GaGambler587 reads

It's hard to be happy when you've constantly got a rash down there.

Vanillabean684 reads

You're pretty ignorant honestly.
Perhaps I am smart enough to use an alias?  Get your foot out of your mouth...or your foot out of your ass.  You don't know me, so don't judge me when I say that someone tried to bargain me down like some auction on eBay.  

Posted By: GaGambler
and it would make a huge difference. Everyone here is simply a sum total of the thoughts they have posted here. A person creates an identity by the thought they air on these boards, The OP has none of this, Three total posts, no reviews, no web site, Nothing, nada, zilch.  
 Are you seriously saying that after all the time you have spent here, you don't know how to do a simple message search by author???

Vanillabean764 reads

Thank you.  Has it occurred to anyone on here that perhaps I am smart enough to use an alias?  Hehe.

GaGambler632 reads

You really have a lot to learn here, don't you?

H+T also posts under what might as well be an alias, but the difference with her is that she has a long posting history here, and we have a feel for who she really is. In your case, all we have to go on is the handful of posts you have made under this alias, and what you've posted doesn't paint a pretty picture.

You are by your own admission, new, unhappy about having to fuck "old fat guys", you suffer from depression, and you seem to have a very thin skin. On the positive side you seem to like golf.

All in all you sound just like yet another unhappy, BSC hooker who comes here to whine about the guys who are "mean" to her

What is wrong with calling it like it is. Some johns are fat and old and crusty and even gross. It is what it is. She got pissed because one of those tried to bargain her down.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
What is wrong with calling it like it is. Some johns are fat and old and crusty and even gross. It is what it is. She got pissed because one of those tried to bargain her down.
Why do the bastards bitch about my posts that tell it the way it is?

Typical Hooker:

Most don't have the degrees they say they do.

Most are unemployable at any decent job above entry level.

Most hate what they do or at least are not very proud of it.

Most lie about their age by 7 years plus or minus one year.

Most "orgasms" are faked.

Most.............................I could go on forever but you get the point. The vast majority of tricks and hookers don't want the truth to be told on TER boards

She is posting under an alias. You don't  know her location. You don't know what she looks like. You don't know her services. You don't know her rates!
How can you pretend to know if she is too expensive or not?

Well I hope this is a genuine question & I'm not just feeding an argument. I don't "know", really nobody "knows" if a girl is too expensive. A girl chooses what amount will make her happy while still being marketable. Some will see that price as fair, others won't. There are even guys who will only see the most expensive girls because they're turned on by excessive confidence. When I was a stripper I would have guys try to bargain down the price of a $20 dance, and I'd have other guys give me thousands of dollars. It's all subjective.
It's typically considered polite to say something positive before giving a criticism to someone. Since her post seems to describe clients she sees it sounds like she's getting business and she's just frustrated about the emails requesting discounts. She never mentioned that she's unable to make money, so I chose that particular encouragement before I made critical statements about her anger. I know the internet is no place for politeness, but sometimes I like to buck the trends.

VOO-doo867 reads

We advertise publicly, and any random person can write anything to us. They can accuse us of being too expensive, they can ask us for XXX fetish, they can threaten to inform the CIA about our mission to impregnate American males w/half-alien offspring. Who cares what some random whacko/douchebag on the internet says?

Not sure what market you're in, or where you advertise. But that might have something to do w/the amount of people writing to you complaining about rates. Personally, my rates are considered mid-range for my area, and I don't currently use BP to advertise. So I very rarely get emails such as you describe. But I did get such emails pretty frequently when I used BP, and I still do occasionally. P411 guys, regulars wanting a break, you name it.  

Thing is, it comes with the territory to some extent. There's no need to let it get to you on a personal level...especially if these are not people you ever intend to see (or see again). Spend that energy getting excited for all of the nice men who DO make appointments with you. As for the rest, just let it slide off, and focus your mind on happier things :

YoMaMaDo757 reads

Let me start by saying that I have never been offered or been paid to have sex with anyone. A guy in Mexico promised me a drink once but he lied and all I ended up with was bumps that show up every 30-45 days and a lasting memory of a Love lost and the deep sorrow that comes with that.

I think this occupation has some particular pitfalls that come with it , however at my advanced age I have not heard of or had a job that did not have some issues that were particular to it which made it suck.

All that being said I think GG may be on to something when he advises to look inward. Perhaps it is the wording of your ads, perhaps it is in your screening process or perhaps it is the persona that you display while in contact with your potential clients. Nobody really knows. You are the closest to the situation so you should probably have the best clues.

Here is what I do know, If I was a good looking as I wish I was I would not have to come here and seek out companionship that requires payment.  I know I could get married again but that requires a totally different subset of payments with no guarantee of happy endings, shall we say.

I have met some amazing people who at least pretend that there was some mutual enjoyment. I also know that to each and every lady I have seen could, if she wanted, to be in coitus with someone better looking or better equipped than me. In her case though she may go through the same motions add in some emotion and then not have the envelope that "old ass farts" like me leave behind when we exit.  

So here is the thing, either put up with the bullshit that comes along with this occupation for it's rate of pay or go put up with the bullshit that some other occupation comes with for it's rate of pay.

I wish you all the best.

As this is pure recreation for me and negotiations are work. And I am always respectful to the ladies, at least until they give me reason to believe otherwise. You ladies deserves as a rule a great deal of respect. Your job isn't an easy one.

That being true us guys are with of the same respect and it sounds like you don't have the same respect you are demanding. If that is the case please stop. Having sex with someone you don't respect at a basic human level is harmful to you. I get many of us are not the most handsome, charming and/or skilled lovers, myself included, but you chose this, I hope. Please treat us with respect as costumers we deserve and don't berate us. Respect is a two sided coin and to get it you must give it.

As to why some guys try negotiate with you, get over it, it happens in business. Just skip the guys that engage in behavior you don't like. Screen and present yourself to attract the customers you want. It is your business, you are responsible for attracting the clients you want.  

A big part of that is attitude and to be honest, it doesn't seem to be all that great. Your attitude bleeds into everything you do. And if the attitude you shown on this thread is typical, it is honesty little reason to wonder why your attracting bargain hunters. People can tell you don't want them there and the ones with any respect will leave and those that don't wIll likely not be the best clients.

The good news is you can fix this. Start by liking you clients. I am not the ideal lover. I am fat, and ugly. I got crooked teeth. I will never win a beauty pageant. On top of that my junk is broke and extra small. But like all people I have a great deal of redeeming qualities. I have been told I have kind eyes and soul. I am courteous, clean, and at times I can be funny. Focus on the good parts of your clients. Find reasons you like to be with them. Enjoy what you do. If you do your clients will reflect that.

Just my thoughts. I am not a sex worker. I do see them and am married to one. I also run a few businesses. Take it for what my opinion is worth

You know your options, either take the money and run or keep sorting until you get the kind of client you like. It comes with the territory that there are countless guys who have nothing to do but whine about the women they can't afford to fuck.  

I get how weird it can feel to allow strangers into an intimate space with you, but you can't draw any of your self worth from this game. Keep ya head up.

I can't say that I've yet faced this issue, but I think it's reasonable to feel upset about this. If you want to sell your time for $5 or $5000 an hour that is your choice. Take it or leave it.  

I personally don't understand the reasoning behind haggling. Yeah, you might get her to go ahead with it,  but she'll be resentful so the service you receive will be lower quality than what you would get if you just paid the sticker price.

Not saying I understand what providers go through, because I'm sure none of us hobbyists do.  But if "Vanillabean" has a problem with a customers particular body size or looks, then she should be more proactive about getting the type of clients she wants.  I have seen some provider's ads who require you send them a picture of yourself as a part of the "screening." At the end of the day I think it's human nature to put on your best performance for someone you are genuinely attracted to vice someone who may be less attractive.  Any who, as a rule of thumb and out of respect, I have never tried to negotiate with a provider, your prices are your prices, and if I can't afford them then that is a call she will never get and won't miss.  However, If I can afford her, then i expect the very best she can give me, and she should respect that the same way I respect what she is asking for.

2x4951 reads

When a provider says she dislikes haggling and the other posters assume it's because she's a man hating bitch who needs a job. What? You're all psychic now? lol

Guess what? If her rate was $5 an hour, someone would try to haggle. That just happens. And it gets annoying no matter who you are or what business you're in. If "Treat me right" offends you, it's because you're a piece of shit.

And gotta get a kick out of all the posters who regularly jump to the "get a job", "get an education", "You're probably fat and old", "You're probably a bitch" without knowing a thing getting offended as if this is the person who's out of line. What kind of pussy is so insecure that they get angry just hearing a provider tell the truth about undesirable clients? Like the idea of her not liking someone else is enough to throw you into an adult temper tantrum over... what?? Get it together, some of you.

Bob.Sugar865 reads

On this discussion board until a hooker tells a john that "he's angry"...then it's just not so  ;)

How often did YOU get haggled when YOU were at the $ 5 level...since you seem to know that happens.  Are you still at the $ 5 level?

How's school?  Will you finally get that undergrad before you're 40?  Liberal Arts is such a promising field too.

Posted By: 2x4
When a provider says she dislikes haggling and the other posters assume it's because she's a man hating bitch who needs a job. What? You're all psychic now? lol  
 Guess what? If her rate was $5 an hour, someone would try to haggle. That just happens. And it gets annoying no matter who you are or what business you're in. If "Treat me right" offends you, it's because you're a piece of shit.  
 And gotta get a kick out of all the posters who regularly jump to the "get a job", "get an education", "You're probably fat and old", "You're probably a bitch" without knowing a thing getting offended as if this is the person who's out of line. What kind of pussy is so insecure that they get angry just hearing a provider tell the truth about undesirable clients? Like the idea of her not liking someone else is enough to throw you into an adult temper tantrum over... what?? Get it together, some of you.

2x4767 reads

I have noooooo idea, remember? Tell us about this fabulous 15 minute circuit while you're at it. Maybe for once you could say something besides "how can I get the most people to ask what I'm drinking today?"

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 6:41:08 PM

Ouch. ;)



-- Modified on 10/1/2015 8:32:14 PM

Bob.Sugar660 reads

Awww...another alias bust  LOL

Considering you've been enamored with me for Sooooooo long....I would have expected that you'd know I rarely drink.

But when I do...I prefer French martinis.  Please make a note of that as it will be on the next quiz.  And you need to pass that next quiz.  Don't want to see you still as a second semester Freshman for the 6th year now...do we?

You and Alyssa need to find a more secure place to post as well....just saying  ;)

that you have someone tell you whats posted on the po board?  not only do you think its funny, but you openly boast about it? youre not funny.

and that hooker

are pathetic.

but i guess it must be good to know that people dont think you are secretly funny. they actually think you are secretly and publicly pathetic. way to go! you made it on the ter world!

its also gross that a lady with access to the po thinks its funny that you are making a joke about all of it.

the whole thing is just gross. but hey, whatever.. we all have different goals in life. you live yours!

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 11:28:07 PM

I for one let my auto response deal with it. Yeah it's still annoying when I see "can u do hh for 200" in my inbox, but I'm not about to have an aneurysm over it. Seriously, just ignore and delete. You'll expend way less energy.

Good luck finding enough young hard bodies  
I am one of those old farts and you just make me not to likely to see you.

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 2:36:13 PM

n a public message board no less.

Holy shit. I would tell you from now on I'm paying half my normal rate or I'm finding me a younger and prettier hooker.

See ya

And there are old ass farts with gross tongues out there. I met one, she did and many hookers have

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