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Men? Wha? But I am a wo-man.regular_smile
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3980 reads

My tongue is tied in knots. Gimme a sec.

Downtown17285 reads

Please give me your opinons on this subject, it has always been a curious thought.
Also, do natural blondes smell different than brunettes?

What tastes have you tasted on different women? are some sweet, salty, tinny?

My tongue is tied in knots. Gimme a sec.

Some Nerd3875 reads

Why would they?  In my experience... and I an happy to say I have had the pleasure of knowing women from a number of ethnic backgrounds, they all smell the same... great.

So the answer is no.  And if women were to "taste" different, I think it would be a consequence of their diet and body chemistry and would have nothing to do with their ethnicity or hair color.

sometimes you want chocolate...
sometimes you want vanilla...
sometimes you want a smorgasbord...
life is grand!

EliteEbony4254 reads

would a black girl smell different than a white girl?  There are 3 different smells and reasons for the lady smelling that way:

1. Clean: Because she bathes daily

2. Foul: Because she doesn't bathe daily

3. Cleans herself yet still has a Foul Smell: Because she is unaware that she has contracted some type of disease and she needs to get checked by her gyno A.S.A.P!

Now, if there is scientific proof that female vaginal smells vary by race, then someone please tell me what someone of mixed race is supposed to smell like because my dad is black and my mom is half puerto rican and columbian. And I usually smell clean since I bathe twice daily.

Have a Nice Day

-- Modified on 4/14/2004 10:33:29 PM

I'd love to discover you smelllike really good lumbo...

But I totally agree with you that its all about the person their diet and their health.  Race is not a factor as far as I know...

Any man who's been with women of various ethnicities will tell you that stereotypes, whether based on smell or taste, are ridiculous. Certainly, some women who are of the same race may smell or taste the same for reasons other than race. And if there are ethnic idiosyncracies that some people may just be sensitive to [black hair products or the smell of freshly hot-combed hair that one might not be used to], this could serve to reinforce generalities based on one's experience. But all women smell and taste different to me. Being former military, I've been with good and bad apples from every race. Incidentally, I fell in love with a New Guinean-Australian beauty who always had a feminine-musky smell to her, and I loved it.

I used to date a Black college girl a few years ago......NO a black woman does not smell different than a white woman.

No they do not taste diffent either.

Its all about your personal preferences.

They are all equally wonderful.

-- Modified on 4/15/2004 5:12:51 AM

-- Modified on 4/15/2004 5:14:56 AM

soverypretty3302 reads

An old boyfriend was Italian and had dated quite a few Italian and Greek girls. He swore there was a stronger body odor compared to fair-skinned English or Swedish women. He said  sometimes DATY with Mediterranean girls was a bit of a turn-off unless she was fresh from the shower.

Any guys agree wtih him?

My wife is full blooded italian from the old country.  She is fresher smelling than most of the american women I have known.

-- Modified on 4/15/2004 8:53:29 AM

I went to lunch after reading the above post about Italian and Greek women, and a Greek woman sat down a couple of tables away from me.

I spent a pleasant half hour visualizing with great relish, the erotically earthy, musky and pungent bouquet that I just knew was emanating from her loins. Another embarrassing TER-created erection in a public place, by the way.

And now I find that it was just an empty fantasy!

I can't comment about Greek women but the Italians I have known that was not true about.  And I lived there for a few years so I did date a few. Along with German french Austrian and a Maried Polish woman who seriously wanted in my pants.

French women maybe..........
Italians not in my personal experience living in the Old country.

-- Modified on 4/15/2004 11:02:21 AM

It may be true that different groups of people may tend to use different types of grooming products.  Personally, I have never met a properly bathed/showered woman who did not smell sweet to me.

Everyone's been very careful about answers here...  Let me say that the question isn't as ridiculous at it sounds...  There may indeed be no difference, at least none that can be perceived by the human nose.  But there may very well be minute differences in "typical" body chemistry and metabolism between people with various racial or ethnic attributes.  Certainly there are many infectious and non-infectious diseases that effect genders and races differently.  No doubt, diet is still the predominate influence, but there are undoubtedly many other minor influences.

My biting social commentary is that it's a shame we can't discuss what those differences might be.  As a society, we've cocked up race, gender, and other issues so bad for so long that we can't comfortably talk about them just as attributes, as manifestations of our genetic makeup that might predispose our physiology without effecting the content of our character.

But I doubt that race has much to do with body odor. It's probably mostly diet, which may make it seem like it's from race as as many ethnic groups have diffrent common foods. There are probably many contributing factors that influence the way a person smells, race probably contributes very little to a persons particular odor.


While US soldiers were apparently trackable in VietNam cuz they ate thehir own food, SAS soldiers in Malaya ate the local grub and were less detectable.  The shit and piss smells were discernibly different.

I guesss this defines TMI tho'

If'n there are differences, I bet you nurture is more than nature- how one cleans with what substances, diet etc are more useful than genes.

With all due respect, all you've done is very eloquently explain nonsense. There are so many mixed breeds of people and reasons for body chemistry and metabloism, that any assertion that race or ethnicity is a factor is, at best, a sweeping generalization that is as fallacious as the idea that ebonics is a legitimate language because of geography and culture. What bites about your commentary is that, once again, someone has found a way decorate a baseless claim with false logic. Bottom line: Point me towards an objective, empirical source that supports your point of view, and I'll retract everything I've said.

Bottom Line:

Sickle Cell Anemia, Cystic Fibrosis, Prostate Cancer, Hepatitis, even heart disease...  All of these diseases have race-based differences.  Hep, for instance, has been shown to have more ties to race-based cultural practice or diet...  But others, such as sickle-cell or cystic fibrosis...  It's been clearly proven that race itself, and not the diet/behavior associated with geographic cultures, is the determinant of these differences.  This isn't some off-base theory I just dreamed up to prove my point.

I'm not trying to be pugilistic, but your reply cuts right to the very heart of the matter...  The very core thesis of my post is that we can't have a mature discussion about what the differences might be without someone invoking words like "nonsense", "fallacious", and "baseless."

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 1:11:46 AM

The Internet newsgroup is not for thin-skinned people...if words like "nonsense, fallacious, and baseless" offend you personally, then you need to find another place to assert your opinion.

Also, yours points have nothing to do with whether women smell a certain way because of their race. The issues you raise about certain diseases is valid but they are all non-sequitur points that further weaken your original point.

I think maturity is measured by the quality of the discussion and legitimacy of the disagreement. I happen to find your stance respectable and worthy of a good debate but wholly unproven...just my opinion. Don't make this about maturity, the lack of, or whether I disagree because it's "taboo" to talk about it. Just support what you say.

The technical aspect of the issue I raise about diseases is quite germane to my original point.

It is not my contention that women smell a certain way because they are of a certain race.  My contention is this:

1.  That there are subtle body chemistry differences that manifest themselves in any number of ways;
2.  The scope of these manifestations are too broad and to ocomplex to simply exclude scent out of hand; and
3.  Simply asking if scent may indeed be one way in which this occurs strikes me as being a reasonable question.

For instance, in what ways does melanin level effect the scent that people perceive from another's skin?  I don't know...  it probably doesn't, but that doesn't make it an unreasonable question to ask.

You're challenging me to present emperical data for my assertion that races smell differently...  I have made no such assertion, my assertion was simply that the subtle differences in chemistry are sufficiently documented to make asking the question a reasonable pursuit of discussion.  I still don't understand what it is about this that you find "wholly unproven."

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 8:25:25 AM

not often we get a discourse where the level of argument goes UP as the posts go on!

Right on you guys!  If it was me and bribri right now-- we'd be on poopoo head and sploogeface!

this some good shit man!

Your weakly asserted point about an albeit slight but "typical" body chemistry and metabolism people with various racial or ethnic attributes is my main point of contention.

It's okay to talk about this stuff but please present a sound point of view, not just fancy lauguage. I'm always suspicious of people who write well.

"I'm always suspicious of people who write well."

Personally, I choose to judge the relative merits of other's views based on content, not on form.  I have not found people who are fluent writers, as a group, to have any less integrity than poor writers.  I'm not sure where exactly your statement was meant to go, but it certainly heads towards stereotype and away from the notion of individuality in a way that detracts from the argument you're trying to pose.

I'll elaborate: Some people can present an incredibly compelling but weak argument with their writing style. If you can't state something factual in a simple form, then you probably don't know the subject matter well and hide this with good writing skills and pretentious vocabulary. Being suspicious of good writing is called critical thinking...and if more people did this, we wouldn't have some trying to use erroneous sources, like an Internet newsgroup, to support their otherwise weak arguments. People simply need to question information more often, and that's what I'm doing. Don't make it personal, just support what you say or provide the source you draw your logic from [which I hope isn't simply "common knowledge" or "something I read in the past"]...otherwise, we can just agree to disagree like gentlemen.

"Being suspicious of good writing is called critical thinking"

Being suspicious of any asserted thesis is critical thinking...  Focusing suspicion on those assertions that are well written is not.

I think all he was trying to get across with that comment is that someone with good writing skills can take an unreasonable position and make it seem reasonable with their writing skills. So you may have to do a little deeper critical thinking than when reading a point simply stated.

You can make this a game of semantics or just embrace a contrary opinion as another side to something you believe in. Either way, thanks for the good discussion and I hope others learn from both of us.

Depends on the sauce...

I like to slather on the BBQ with the sistahs - while a bechemel for the euros chicks and a soy based sauce for asian ladies...

This is a joke!   WTF? I think ladies all have their own variations on odour- most a cleanish one- that is regardless of ethnicity.

Just get amongst it!

That saved you Sully...lol

You would have become another urban Legend...Sully HilTERfiger


OK- mayo or 1000 island for the yankees?

Tarter sauce for New Englanders?

Mole for latinas?

We can take this to a bad place- I just thuoght the q was silly and wanted to prove it!

Do I need brown sauce/A1 for Carrie of Londres?  Or just cider vinegar?

with them you might kiel over from the smell....

This is  joke- I love and respect the poles-papist freaks!

Hey I had a Polish girl walk up to me once at a Harley Davidson Rally in Austria.  She asked me through a friend of hers if I wanted her to come to my tent that night  (she spoke no english).  Now remember she was there with husband and two kids about 50 feet away in another tent. And she did not speek a word of english.

Well she came by my tent that night and fucked me silly for hours. Most of the night, I got no sleep that night.

Still have her picture even though her name is lost to me.

From Warsaw poland.

mmmmm sweet memories.....

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 6:03:25 AM

AnyOneNormalAnymore3673 reads

From what I have found the taste of daty depends on the diet. In general if one eats alot of collard greens + bacon it will taste like collard greens and bacon.

I have tasted both. The worst offenders of both races are the ones who smoke. They taste very nasty.

Gothicman4737 reads

I am too busy licking off strawberry sauce to notice any difference.

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