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Me either
jeffdogger 9 Reviews 425 reads

I deliberately do not keep track. I just figure out if I can afford the next date on a cash flow (vice an overall annual budget) basis.  

I noted sometime ago that cash flow is way more important to me for managing finances than overall annual figures.

If I knew exactly how long I will live and how much I will make in my lifetime, my financial management would be different.

 I do save for the far  future, but that comes off the top. Funds for seeing escorts comes from what is left.

I hope my kids are not expecting too big of an inheritance.

wrps07597 reads

Normally it is about $8000 - $12000 a year (from paycheck). This year I am using a different approach. Hobby only from capital gains from stock and mutual fund trading so far $4000.

Bob.Sugar576 reads

And what about capital gains taxes on the winners?

Why are you trading mutual funds?

I thought you were making a killing on those penny stocks!

Posted By: wrps07
Normally it is about $8000 - $12000 a year (from paycheck). This year I am using a different approach. Hobby only from capital gains from stock and mutual fund trading so far $4000.

wrps07601 reads

Correction I trade etfs not mutual funds.  I did get mutual fund capital t distribution that I used. The sub penny stocks I made 900. Losses I have not taken yet. The penny stocks rally in January February then crash until next cycle or go out business.  

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
And what about capital gains taxes on the winners?  
 Why are you trading mutual funds?  
 I thought you were making a killing on those penny stocks!  
Posted By: wrps07
Normally it is about $8000 - $12000 a year (from paycheck). This year I am using a different approach. Hobby only from capital gains from stock and mutual fund trading so far $4000.

Bob.Sugar476 reads

Sounds like you haven't figured that out yet  LOL

I'm sure you've put on notice any gal that you paid that they'll need to reimburse you when those losses take over.  

Posted By: wrps07
Correction I trade etfs not mutual funds.  I did get mutual fund capital t distribution that I used. The sub penny stocks I made 900. Losses I have not taken yet. The penny stocks rally in January February then crash until next cycle or go out business.  
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
And what about capital gains taxes on the winners?  
  Why are you trading mutual funds?  
  I thought you were making a killing on those penny stocks!  
Posted By: wrps07
Normally it is about $8000 - $12000 a year (from paycheck). This year I am using a different approach. Hobby only from capital gains from stock and mutual fund trading so far $4000.

wrps07507 reads

I just tell them insufficient funds. They will have to wait until next pump and dump cycle.  Any day now or few months could go up again and cash in 10k of gains. There are a few a sold for a loss. I still some funds on reserve for capital gains tax. If I make a lot I will have to make a quarterly payment to stay out of trouble with irs.

L.Guapo564 reads

none of your business.

I have put money aside (saved money) my entire life, and I've been working since I was 14. My hobby money comes from that which I have already saved.

But I think your real question is how much do we spend annually on the hobby. I'd have to guess somewhere around 10K, but that's just a conservative guess. I don't much concern myself with how much is in my savings as I have more than what I need and I have a paycheck deposited once every two weeks. But you see this is why I'll never get married again, because nobody is going to get half, then I would have to concern myself with how much is there and how much is in my portfolio, that's not going to happen.

GaGambler718 reads

Truth be told, I don't really pay that much attention to how much money I spend on the actual women I pay, as it's most likely exceeded by the ancillary expenses I incur, such as the airfare I run up making international trips to places like Costa Rica and Colombia, hotels, DRINKS etc.  

I suppose if I ever added it all up it might be a rather sobering number, but I have a two prong, sure fire solution. I don't add it up, and I don't sober up. Problem solved. lol

Posted By: russbbj
I have put money aside (saved money) my entire life, and I've been working since I was 14. My hobby money comes from that which I have already saved.  
 But I think your real question is how much do we spend annually on the hobby. I'd have to guess somewhere around 10K, but that's just a conservative guess. I don't much concern myself with how much is in my savings as I have more than what I need and I have a paycheck deposited once every two weeks. But you see this is why I'll never get married again, because nobody is going to get half, then I would have to concern myself with how much is there and how much is in my portfolio, that's not going to happen.

I prefer to not think about how much I spend annually on my mongering.  
I have a basic budgeting strategy when it comes to money:  
1. Pay bills
2. Put aside 20% to savings
3. Play with anything leftover!

Same Here. No fixed budget. I give 2k a month to a sugarbabe. The rest is spent on hookers. How much I spend depends on the type pf hookers I find. I don't sober up either. :

Keep drinking and don't pay it no mind.  

Ben is a very good friend of mine, you know the saying, if you love something let it go, if it comes back, it's yours, if it doesn't it never was. Well, I keep setting him free and he keeps coming back. The most successful relationship I've ever had.  

I too have no desire to add up all the expenses I've incured in my hobby, I really don't care to know. But I can assure you of this, it's no where near half my wealth, as it would be if I got married again. So I figure I'm ahead of the game. And I get to be with professional cocksuckers, as opposed to civies who say eww I'm not doing that. WIN/WIN.

Bob.Sugar462 reads

It's a good thing to have for old farts who want to protect their estate.

Consider that a gal can have a larger estate than you...would you be OK with that?  

Why you continually post that all women are looking for your money is odd...most women I hang with tend to be quite independent.  I guess we travel in very different circles.

Posted By: russbbj
Keep drinking and don't pay it no mind.  
 Ben is a very good friend of mine, you know the saying, if you love something let it go, if it comes back, it's yours, if it doesn't it never was. Well, I keep setting him free and he keeps coming back. The most successful relationship I've ever had.  
 I too have no desire to add up all the expenses I've incured in my hobby, I really don't care to know. But I can assure you of this, it's no where near half my wealth, as it would be if I got married again. So I figure I'm ahead of the game. And I get to be with professional cocksuckers, as opposed to civies who say eww I'm not doing that. WIN/WIN.

The courts all favor the woman, even with the legal piece of paper.

I would love it if the woman had more money than me, I don't want any of her stuff, I have enough of my own. So if we split, I go my way with my stuff and my money, she goes her way with her stuff and her money. Easy.

I guess we do travel in different circles as not only myself but friends of mine have fallen victim to the bullshit marriage/eventual divorce, she gets half. I have a friend who has 5 children and he can't afford to get divorced, his wife knows it, she treats him like shit, or worse, because she knows he can't afford to get divorced

Bob.Sugar427 reads

will disregard legal docs and just award the other party whatever they fucking feel like awarding them  LOL

I did say a prenuptial agreement...not the Bazooka Joe bubble gum cartoon that perhaps is what the couple of dudes you know used.

You and I don't see this eye to eye...and likely never will.  I'm sure that the guy with the 5 kids can get divorced...but simply hasn't realized that yet.  How you (or anyone) can claim that they can't afford it is ridiculous.  The child support is mandated to be a percentage of his net income (and don't kid yourself how easy it is to manipulate that amount)...and the likelihood of maintenance for the wife is unlikely in most events.  Perhaps your friend should sit down with someone who can actually explain what his financial life will look like right after the order is entered.  Or he can just listen to others who are panic stricken and paranoid.  

Posted By: russbbj
The courts all favor the woman, even with the legal piece of paper.  
 I would love it if the woman had more money than me, I don't want any of her stuff, I have enough of my own. So if we split, I go my way with my stuff and my money, she goes her way with her stuff and her money. Easy.  
 I guess we do travel in different circles as not only myself but friends of mine have fallen victim to the bullshit marriage/eventual divorce, she gets half. I have a friend who has 5 children and he can't afford to get divorced, his wife knows it, she treats him like shit, or worse, because she knows he can't afford to get divorced.  

Both monetarily and emotionally. Divorce is so expensive, because it's worth it.

Let's be frank here, even the women in our sport are after our money, but at least they are completely honest about it. It is so refreshing when you know exactly what her motivation is.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, I could be monogamous with a woman, without the piece of paper that ensures she gets half of everything I have if we split up. That would just be giving her my word, and then living up to it.  

As for my friend, he has looked into it, his wife hasn't worked since they were married 17 years ago, he lives in Ohio, where Alimony is still alive and well. So after alimony, child support, kids tuition in private school because she is catholic and he'd have to get another residence and everything that entails he simply can't afford it. His piece of shit wife has amputated his soul, and nothing is more horrifying than an amputated soul.

I realize that you are a rich and powerful guy, lol, and perhaps you have some Judges in your pocket, but reality is that for us average Joe's the court says give her half.

So my solution is, fuck marriage, I'm not falling for that bullshit again, ever.

Bob.Sugar561 reads

It really wouldn't have mattered if your pal was married...or not.  It was his choice to have multiple kids...no?  If it wasn't...why did he continue to have more after the first?  And 17 years of marriage isn't terribly long to appeal for maintenance agreements.  It's more likely your pal is just looking at the hard dollars he will commit to for his kids.  Are you saying he isn't now paying for private school, et al?

Sorry...but people are afraid of the unknown.  Getting unhitched is easy if that's what he really wants to do.  Clearly he doesn't...or he would!!  You can always make more money..that's the easy part of life.  I submit that he's much more concerned about his relationships with his kids.  That I see quite often.

Now back to your disdain for financial divorce.  Why isn't the ex-wife entitled to half of what she was a part of?  How is that unfair?  In your example she didn't work...however I suspect you never tried raising one, let alone five kids.  And I'm sure dealing with your pal hasn't been a walk in the park either.

But we were actually discussing getting re-married...and providing a prenup to ensure that both parties would simply walk with what they came into the partnership with.  You still want to believe that judges disregard this?  If so...maybe chat with some attorney's who actually deal with this.  I trust you'll find a very different answer than what you have erroneously believed thus far.

Posted By: russbbj
Both monetarily and emotionally. Divorce is so expensive, because it's worth it.  
 Let's be frank here, even the women in our sport are after our money, but at least they are completely honest about it. It is so refreshing when you know exactly what her motivation is.  
 I've said it before, I'll say it again, I could be monogamous with a woman, without the piece of paper that ensures she gets half of everything I have if we split up. That would just be giving her my word, and then living up to it.  
 As for my friend, he has looked into it, his wife hasn't worked since they were married 17 years ago, he lives in Ohio, where Alimony is still alive and well. So after alimony, child support, kids tuition in private school because she is catholic and he'd have to get another residence and everything that entails he simply can't afford it. His piece of shit wife has amputated his soul, and nothing is more horrifying than an amputated soul.  
 I realize that you are a rich and powerful guy, lol, and perhaps you have some Judges in your pocket, but reality is that for us average Joe's the court says give her half.  
 So my solution is, fuck marriage, I'm not falling for that bullshit again, ever.

I see absolutely no upside to marriage, none. Again, I can give my word to only have sex with one woman, and I value and hold myself accountable to my word. I didn't start my hobby until I was divorced, I did break a promise, till death do we part, but we both agreed to the split. But as for giving my word to not have sex with another woman, if she denies me sex, then I can just say "see ya bye" I don't have to wait for divorce proceedings to finish to get laid again. There is absolutely no rule/law that says she can't deny sex, but there sure is a rule/law that if you cheat she wins. Fuck that.


-- Modified on 8/7/2015 11:48:21 AM

Bob.Sugar401 reads

How would that play out?  I'm sorry russ...but bringing sex as a reason for divorce is nonsense.  I've handled more cases than I care to think about...and none have been due to sex.  Money is the issue...always.  I suspect you can argue that someone gets pissed about being shunted in the bedroom, and that causes the ancillary issues.  But to argue that "she" will win because you (or I) are fucking strange...nope!

Don't mix the issue of child support or visitation with the financial ramifications of a marital dissolution.  If you're out fucking strange, or bringing strange around young kids...you bet a magistrate is going to consider the welfare of the children.  As for the ex-spouse...not likely.

Posted By: russbbj
I see absolutely no upside to marriage, none. Again, I can give my word to only have sex with one woman, and I value and hold myself accountable to my word. I didn't start my hobby until I was divorced, I did break a promise, till death do we part, but we both agreed to the split. But as for giving my word to not have sex with another woman, if she denies me sex, then I can just say "see ya bye" I don't have to wait for divorce proceedings to finish to get laid again. There is absolutely no rule/law that says she can't deny sex, but there sure is a rule/law that if you cheat she wins. Fuck that.  

-- Modified on 8/7/2015 11:48:21 AM

GaGambler426 reads

Money didn't have a thing to do with my divorce, I started going weeks on end without having sex with my ex wife (my choice) and one day realized that she thought we were going to be together for decades to come, while I didn't want to be married another five minutes. I gave her virtually everything we had and started my life over, and have never regretted it for an instant.

Russ is MUCH nicer than me, he didn't ask for your advice, and I would have told you to simply fuck off with your unwanted advice hours ago. Just wait for the bourbon to kick in and I am sure he will tell you himself.

As most customers have probably experienced, I had that kid-in-a-candy-store feeling when I first started and realized how easy it would be to blow a ridiculous amount of money playing around. This is the method I chose to set boundaries and keep myself from getting carried away.

I do incur expenses, but that gets "worked off". ;)

I do have some expensive hobbies that this supports though!

I can share some of my new make up contouring knowledge with you if you'd like lol!

-- Modified on 8/7/2015 10:54:27 AM

Naaw!  That's is about as exciting as someone asking if the vibrator i am about to purchase is for me.  It is nice to know that you are putting that hard earned money to good use.  And I thought you were the HIGH MAINTENANCE TYPE.Iol

bigguy30430 reads

I don't think about the money in a yearly sense.
When I see a lady provider I like and feel it's time for a date.
Then I make time to see her and don't over think things.
This is something that is fun for me and not something that I need a yearly budget for either.

Posted By: onlycbus1

I deliberately do not keep track. I just figure out if I can afford the next date on a cash flow (vice an overall annual budget) basis.  

I noted sometime ago that cash flow is way more important to me for managing finances than overall annual figures.

If I knew exactly how long I will live and how much I will make in my lifetime, financial management would be different.

 I do save for the far  future, but that comes off the top.

I deliberately do not keep track. I just figure out if I can afford the next date on a cash flow (vice an overall annual budget) basis.  

I noted sometime ago that cash flow is way more important to me for managing finances than overall annual figures.

If I knew exactly how long I will live and how much I will make in my lifetime, my financial management would be different.

 I do save for the far  future, but that comes off the top. Funds for seeing escorts comes from what is left.

a minimum of $300/month--it's in the budget.  Also, if my general household expenses are below my budget, I throw that in and any overtime I work.  so, total probably around $5k.  

DAMN!  I could take a nice vacation for that!  LOL

wrps07271 reads

I am scared to figure out what my running total is. I stopped counting after I spent over $90,000 for a lifetime. That is one of the reason why I set up a pit (pussy investment trust) to keep hobby money separated from my regular budget. If I don't make any capital gains no hobby activity. If I over spend the pit no hobbying. I started doing that in Dec 2014. This year when the big  6 month bills came I did not have to put them in payments, I actually was able to pay the bill in full and still have money left over for investing.  

It is a extremely powerful feeling to go to the atm and withdrawal out cash from a pit. Not having to worry about bills you can't pay.

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