TER General Board

Maybe they will have to put a disclaimer
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 852 reads

that the actual size, age, complexion, may vary... Kinda like they put on McDonlad's or any other fast food ad.

MojoRizon2544 reads

I thought this was pretty funny.


Remember ladies, better to shoot photos from top down rather than bottom up lol.

GaGambler914 reads

It's funny, I've been seeing a certain Tica in San Jose that I personally feel is gorgeous, she would be getting all 9's and 10's if she were here on TER, she has sent me a few selfies and I swear if I didn't already know just how beautiful she is, I wouldn't go near her on a bet based soley on the pics she has sent me.

She is a tiny spinner, maybe her problem is that her arms are too short to take a proper selfie? Or maybe I should tell her to take her pics from the top down as well? lol

Do you know Aldo from a former life and you are out to get him? Why do you keep trying to smear his name??

I have never met him.
I have never met you.

You just seem to be on his case lately!

Plenty of ladies have said that he is beyond professional and that he only photoshops to the level that a lady requests.. Can you please move on??

I cannot be the only one thinking this.

GaGambler797 reads

I didn't start the "Lets' bash Aldo" campaign, but I can't help but agree with it, and I have even conceded that it's not his fault and it's the ladies that have the final say as to what goes up on their own sites.

That said, an inordinate percentage of women who have Aldo pics on their sites have been photo shopped almost beyond recognition. It's not just me saying it, and where there's smoke there's fire. Deserved or not, Aldo's current rep is that his pics are no longer above reproach and when viewing an Aldo pic, do so with a large grain of salt.

Same goes for your posts..
They're being known to open if you're in the mood for some negativity.

I'm not in the mood for any today, so I'm not going to open any more.

GaGambler962 reads

It's a discussion board, you have your opinion and I have mine.

Some people think that sticking to your guns is "negative" I haven't said a thing about you, but I have defended my position on the subject. If you think you are right, prove it. I have changed my mind before and even offered a public apology when I was wrong. I don't know how you get negative out of that.

-- Modified on 3/29/2014 11:08:10 AM

Aldo or the woman paying for his photoshop talents? And if they go after the woman isn't Aldo still culpable of complicity?

that the actual size, age, complexion, may vary... Kinda like they put on McDonlad's or any other fast food ad.

It's pointless to belabor whether Aldo or the provider is to blame for extreme photoshopping.  What matters is that his pictures can't be trusted unless corroborated by selfies or obviously non-pro shots.

Who pays him for the shoot? The ladies, right?  The ladies can always put their foot down and say, I am not accepting this work because it doesn't look anything like me. Sad that they don't.  

Although, he could also say that I am only going to so far with Photo Shopping. Which he clearly doesn't.

and I know plenty of ladies who sport Aldo pics.  

So Aldo seems to me to be a cool and highly professional guy who just happens to be top dog at his game, and that makes him a target of criticism. And I'm pretty sure he knows that any top dog in a field has crosshairs tattooed (figuratively) on his forehead.  

Honestly, he is a damn good at what he does with the camera first. What happens with photoshop after... I'm calling 80% -90% of that down on the Provider - not Aldo. Client gets what client requests and client pays for

respect a chef who didn't cringe at least a bit at the thought ruining good steak by preparing it "well done"

GaGambler849 reads

So getting back to the subject of our little analogy, Aldo, I would have to say he shares a lot in the blame for his many pics that barely resemble the model herself. Is he totally to blame? Of course not, does he share in the blame? Definitely.

And for those who think I am just picking on Aldo because he is an easy target, just look at any regional board. You can find threads on almost any of them regarding Aldo, boards that I haven't been on in years. So sorry, don't shoot the messenger, I am not the one who ruined his rep.

And BTW I only mentioned Aldo in passing on my first post on this thread, I was actually trying to talk about the opposite issue, the one about a truly beautiful woman who doesn't photograph well without a photographer like Aldo. Sheesh. How the fuck am I always the villain?

Then maybe it's you?

That's like a lady coming here with ratings of 10/4 saying, but I always give the best blow job, why am I always getting a 4??

I opened this thinking that maybe you would have taken a different stance.. The biggest problem that I have is that you knocked him once, you knocked him twice, you knocke... Ok sorry, I fell asleep. When an opinion is repeated like a broken record it gets boring.  

We get your point. You have posted a
"Why do only fat girls post on the photo thread"
"Why do all fat girls photoshop?"
"Aldo photoshops"
comment so often lately that I'm remembering them...

Just state your opinion and move on

GaGambler763 reads

You are the one who seems to have a problem moving on. I have had a dozen different conversations here since you decided to get your panties all in a bunch this afternoon. I don't have a bit of problem moving on, can you say the same?

I actually moved on from things other than the TER message board..

You don't have a problem moving on? That's a joke. You bully people and you always need the last word. It's not just today, it's all of the time. You're not the only one, there are a few of you. A few of you that are the reason that a lot of ladies (and men) don't post on the GD board

and in part on the Aldo stuff.

I think where "realism" is lost to art... Aldo is to blame. And that it is a disservice to his clients when that occurs as well, since their own clients want a "fair representation".

However, a provider ultimately chooses the photographer,the pics she will use, that she will publish... and that is where the majority of the responsibility for loss of "realism" resides.  

I've seen "real" Aldo pics, and "unreal" Aldo pics.  Same for Scott Church, Megan Love, etc...  The only difference I think is that Aldo owns a bigger share of the market and thus a bigger share of the criticism and/or conversation in threads. It's also easier to blame one guy rather than hundreds of gals.  
I have no personal stake in this either way, so I'm off of any Aldo discussion for the moment.  

And you're right... I totally missed the point about the crazy beautiful gal who isn't as naturally photogenic. Met one on Monday; her pics were decent, but reality was exceptional.

GaGambler674 reads

I only mentioned Aldo in passing, and not in an uncomplimentary way, but if BSC hookers start acting like a dog with a bone, it's not like I am going to apologize for my POV,  especially when it's shared by so many.

Funny my "chica favorita" sent me a couple of pics today. Not selfies, but taken by her sister, and the difference was night and day.

Because I have an opinion on your opinion all of a sudden I am "BSC" ?

I actually read this after I post about how you bully.

There are a few of you that dish it out all day long. Non stop. Someone stands up to you and you return with calling them crazy?

You're missing my point.

It's not that you don't like that Aldo photoshops photos, it's that you're a broken record about it.  

Life isn't that serious, maybe if you put half an effort in to one other thing as you do in your post count on TER you would realize that.

Pardon my crankiness, it's way past my bedtime.. I'm just seriously exhausted with all of the useless repetitive negativity that goes on from some people on the GD board. I thank TER for removing posts and ending threads when it's obviously total nonsense. I'll just stick to my local board and ladies board where we are a little more fun and lighthearted.

GaGambler861 reads

You started it.

You started harping on Aldo, you started making it personal about me, and now you are the one leaving in a huff. I was quite civil until YOU started in with the usual bullshit and tried to defend the indefensible, I would suggest that you are the one who can dish it out, but can't take it.

Admit it, you came in expecting me to bite your head off, and when I didn't you prodded me until you got what you came for, an excuse to leave in a huff.

If you ever have the desire to come back and discuss things rationally, I'll be here, but if you want to start with the name calling, I can do that too, but I will confess, I am much better at it than you. bye bye now.

The escort tells him what to shop and how far to shop. He is only doing his job.

Taking pics from the top down are usually the only way to get a selfie showing your whole body without standing in front of a mirror.  That being said if I wasn't quitting soon I would probably get a tripod and do the whole dash in front of the camera before it goes off thing.

It's easier to hold the iphoone on your lap, but we both look grotesque when we do.

When we hold the iphone up over our heads we both look great.

So, do we want to look good or feel good?

decisions, decisions.

MojoRizon785 reads

Well that's a buzz kill!! Sorry ladies.

Posted By: MojoRizon
I thought this was pretty funny.  
 Remember ladies, better to shoot photos from top down rather than bottom up lol.

that changing the angle got rid of that triple chin and twenty inch neck? Really?

I now know why the worst reflection of myself is far and away from my car window before getting in, as it angles up.
Was wondering why I didn't look as studly as in all my house mirrors!

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