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Maybe that explains my rather high sex drive for an "old man"
GaGambler 458 reads

I don't have any kids, nor do I allow anything else to be around me that acts as a "cock blocker"

I am getting closer and closer the big 60 and I still try to get laid almost every day. I bet you that no kids part has something to do with it.

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 8:49:32 PM

DBJHunter1975 reads

according to sex experts. And “If you get into a regular habit of having orgasms, whether you are in the mood or not, the more you will want them and the more easily they will be to achieve,” they say. Ladies and Gents, what's your personal comment on this, if any. 

GaGambler611 reads

It's the exact opposite for me.  

If I were one of those guys who only got laid once a month, I would probably be the same "two pump chump" I was at 17.  

I find that the more sex I have the harder it is to cum with each successive orgasm of the day. The first one is still rather easy. If I wanted to, I could probably cum within 5-10 minutes the first time having sex for the day. The second pop is much more difficult, no less than 30 minutes and usually more like an hour and on the rare days I have sex more than twice in a day, any additional pops are going to take well over an hour to achieve.

So just who the fuck are these so called "experts" on the subject?

At least for me personally, once you understand how and in which
ways your body responds to certain stimuli, you know exactly what
it takes to orgasm, each and every time.  

It is exactly the same concept for squirting as well.
{Peruse my TER Review by the amazing, "Girlineveryport".}

XO "Swimmingly Yours",
      Angelina Jones

-- Modified on 9/10/2016 1:53:23 PM

You don't have to pump gel out your pee-hole.

False for men.

True for women.  
Once I have the first, it's off to the races

So True...
The first one is what I call the top layer.
Number two is deeper.
Number three, as long as I hold out a bit, blows the top of my head off

"Number three, as long as I hold out a bit, blows the top of my head off. "

LMAO - YES!!! 😁

Once I have my first one, things get revved up that much more quickly for further excitements!

Uh oh, better not put the three of us in the same room, we might bring the building down! 😜😜😜

O quakeeeeeee

That's a room I'd like to be in ....

Posted By: BrooklynKallway
Uh oh, better not put the three of us in the same room, we might bring the building down! 😜😜😜  
 O quakeeeeeee

Well, you've already experienced my quaking 😉 imagine x 3 😁

Beautiful ladies

The second cup needs about an hour or two refractory time, and even then, it needs a lot of action to make it happen.  Interesting thing however is that it is more intense than the first, so well worth the effort.

Women as more variable.  Generally, the delicate and genteel, the more a woman can come.  I just came from a session where the gal took about fifteen minutes to get to the first, but numbers 2 through 5 all came along in the next ten minutes.

On the other hand, there's a gal I see who is one and done, but mama mia, what an explosion it is.  Her muscles are a mass of contusions from the contractions.  Doesn't take very long either, maybe 5 minutes.  A real thing of beauty it is.  (Sorry guys, she is UTR, so no names.

Whether you are in a mood or not?

C'mon... I ain't a milking cow....

What is true is that the more often you have orgasms, the easier they come (no pun). I don't mean the more often TODAY, I mean the more often in general.  So if you are used to having an orgasm almost every day, they will come more easily. (This is the finding of a careful study lasting decades with a sample size of one.)
But the other is true as well for me.  Not that anyone should be interested but even at my advanced age, I can usually squeeze 3 orgasms out of two hours.(My prostate having been shriveled by radioactive seeds almost two decades ago, my climaxes are atypical.) The first orgasm is nice, he second is nice and if I can do the third, that is absolutely the best.

used to have problems with orgasms. Even the hottest, muscular, long lasting greek god looking men couldn't get me off - even if they were good in bed. I just couldn't orgasm.

Things can go both ways. Someone who is going through a phase of panic attacks with high heart rates might have one triggered easier just by working out and feeling their heart rate rise. The memory of that feeling triggers a memory and it's easier to fall into one again.

Same with orgasms. Over time I've noticed I can recognize something within the process of "getting closer to the edge", and "too far over the edge", etc. But over time my brain/body is trained to recognize it without me putting in too much effort. Even if I didn't start out horny, nowadays I can still get really good ones.

I am better able to guide my body through the feelings, recognize when my body is guiding itself, and more confident in my sexuality to gently guide the muncher. (By the way, if I'm not guiding - it's probably because he's already doing what I like.)

So I've noticed as time goes on the orgasms are even more intense. Like what-the-fuck just happened intense. It is the difference between throwing snap pops on the ground back in the day vs setting off a pro firework display on the 4th for an entire town. Lol!

I think people learn their bodies- the more practice you have at something, the better it gets. Again, back then I couldn't get them with another person. Only while masturbating. And even then, i had trouble. Nowadays I'm getting O's almost every time. (That's another nice thing about a 2 hour minimum. i'm pretty much guaranteed an orgasm without the time pressure. Yay.)

-- Modified on 9/10/2016 10:25:39 PM

These are just "fucked up thoughts" that I've had the past couple of days - I spend a lot of time thinking about the longer term sentence (marriage) and the decline of sex on the woman's part.  

Ok. So I used to masturbate a million times a day, and couldn't get enough. I also had a lot of sex, so the more sex I had the less time I could go without without becoming an ass.  

I've been hanging around someone close to me who has kids. That's the topper. No fucking wonder people stop having sex. What a buzz kill. lol! I do wonder though if they stop and never go back because the body adapts to less sex - and people don't realize that it's adaptation, as opposed to a libido change.

So I was thinking - What if people kind of lose their interest and libido, simply because they haven't kept the thing oiled up? (The mental part of it.) Does having sex less and less kind of kill the desire because the body and mind naturally adapts to current circumstances?

What if the lady decides - I am just going to get up and start fuckin' until I start needing and wanting to fuck?

-- Modified on 9/10/2016 11:55:59 PM

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
 So I was thinking - What if people kind of lose their interest and libido, simply because they haven't kept the thing oiled up? (The mental part of it.) Does having sex less and less kind of kill the desire because the body and mind naturally adapts to current circumstances?  
 What if the lady decides - I am just going to get up and start fuckin' until I start needing and wanting to fuck?
I've actually read that as a study result... though of course even my pretty-damn-good-if-i-do-say-so-myself Google-Fu skills couldn't find it... that the body shuts down certain needs while its focusing on others and it may just need to be kick-started (as it were) to get back in that groove.

and lost his "capabilities".  

I completely shut off my sexuality for years when I was going under very strict religious teachings - and I think that has something to do with the inability to orgasm for quite some time when I got back into the groove.

Definitely link that study if you find it, (or just email it lol,) because I really do wonder if there might be a solution to this whole thing. I don't think orgasming or getting into great sexual encounters is like riding a bike. You kind of have to "lube back up" over time lol! I'm curious to see what they say

Posted By: quantavore
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
  So I was thinking - What if people kind of lose their interest and libido, simply because they haven't kept the thing oiled up? (The mental part of it.) Does having sex less and less kind of kill the desire because the body and mind naturally adapts to current circumstances?  
  What if the lady decides - I am just going to get up and start fuckin' until I start needing and wanting to fuck?
 I've actually read that as a study result... though of course even my pretty-damn-good-if-i-do-say-so-myself Google-Fu skills couldn't find it... that the body shuts down certain needs while its focusing on others and it may just need to be kick-started (as it were) to get back in that groove.
-- Modified on 9/11/2016 1:59:47 PM

GaGambler459 reads

I don't have any kids, nor do I allow anything else to be around me that acts as a "cock blocker"

I am getting closer and closer the big 60 and I still try to get laid almost every day. I bet you that no kids part has something to do with it.

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 8:49:32 PM

Zzbottom2419 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't have any kids, nor do I allow anything else to be around me that acts as a "cock blocker"  
 I am getting closer and closer the big 60 and I still try to get laid almost every day. I bet you that no kids part has something to do with it.

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 8:49:32 PM

Peter Pan never had to grow up and put someone, a child, before himself. That alone would leave you freer to enjoy sex I think

But - they leave the house and the kids to go do it. That has something else to do with it.

They get a babysitter and go to a hotel to "do the deed" fully and freely. Big difference I'm sure from always waiting for a kid to be knocking on your door while doing the deed with your spouse.  

I wonder if some of the approaches taken here were taken in marriages a couple times a week - "date nights" scheduled regularly while hiring a trusted babysitter or family member to watch the kids while you keep the love alive (or the sex lol) at a hotel or an air bnb lol!

Lots of people feel guilty letting someone else manage the kids while they go have alone time, so they toss the relationship aside. I wonder if after 5-10 years of raising kids and no focus on the relationship causes the fucking to stop.

I do remember a married lady in my early 20's mentoring me in time management. She said "When we had kids, in order to keep our relationship together, we have to schedule time slots for intimacy and sometimes go away."

I don't know how they're doing ten years later, but I do know then - every once in a while they'd escape group discussions and sneak into the bathroom to - what I noticed - make out. lol! They'd both come back out with "Wow" in their eyes lol!!

They were adamant about keeping that part of their marriage up, I noticed. Then you hear the stories of people managing the kids, and giving up because of the very confrontational distractions. I can't imagine that not dampening the mood. And after a while, yeah, I think the body adapts.

Gambler, wondering - you haven't had kids, but has a long period of time (say over 5 years) gone by where you only had one partner? If so, did it keep up, or did you have to move on? I wonder if also monogamy has something to do with the growing or declining "spice" lol.

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't have any kids, nor do I allow anything else to be around me that acts as a "cock blocker"  
 I am getting closer and closer the big 60 and I still try to get laid almost every day. I bet you that no kids part has something to do with it.

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 8:49:32 PM

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 12:50:46 PM

Try one of us hairy Slavic types some day.

(Note:  Not an exact representation of mrfisher.  The mrfisher you get may vary.  Consult a provider seen first by mrfisher before accepting any appointment.)

But there was a comedy skit a long time ago - can't remember who it was - but he said, "You don't make me cum. I make me cum." It's pretty true, though some people can really ruin it lol!

This doesn't necessarily apply to orgasms, though.  What I am referring to is scientific evidence that men who don't achieve orgasm on a regular basis are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction later in life.  IOW, more evidence that very frequent sexual activity is necessary for one's overall health and well-being.

if you know how to achieve them yourself!

Not saying consistent back to back orgasms, although those can be given...

But your body gets used to how an orgasm feels and can release easier now because you know what to do to get there. So everyday I try to get an orgasm... sometimes multiple times a day.

I do know how have it and how get it with his help or as matter of the fact just with his presence.
It is not as easy or harder  
It is just one possible outcome of being intimate.

Based on my vanilla girlfriends' statements, I defintely think that it is a practice no different than yoga or exercise.   The more you practice the more you are rewarded.

I seem to find myself practicing self-orgasm denial lately. I have a history of some masochism but I'm not really being cruel to myself. It actually has more to do with staying in a constant state of arousal.

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