TER General Board

Market forces
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 2154 reads
1 / 41

Have you noticed that probably 90% of Providers have body types that are above average.  Mathematically that should not be possible (on a standard bell curve for all you math geeks)

Does that seem natural to you?  

I am curious as to how many Providers "purge" --- not the movie franchise but the eat and release thru a finger down the throat:(

How many of these woman have unnatural exercise/eating habits?    

Does that lead to the decision to Provide?  Are they seeking acceptance from men?  Do they have "daddy' isues.  BTW I mean I am fine with that!!!!!



JohnyComeAlready 823 reads
3 / 41

I believe transsexuals do. I don't say this as an insult, but when you alter your body/gender there must be some issue.  

Have you been watching scat/vomit porn?

I'm fine with your doing so, just wondering where you get your inspiration.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 785 reads
4 / 41

i thought i was your " daddy" issue?...now watch the ali-asses jump all over this..

Posted By: RobbinYoung
Posted By: Ridgetucky
Have you noticed that probably 90% of Providers have body types that are above average.  Mathematically that should not be possible (on a standard bell curve for all you math geeks)  
  Does that seem natural to you?    
  I am curious as to how many Providers "purge" --- not the movie franchise but the eat and release thru a finger down the throat:(  
  How many of these woman have unnatural exercise/eating habits?      
  Does that lead to the decision to Provide?  Are they seeking acceptance from men?  Do they have "daddy' isues.  BTW I mean I am fine with that!!!!!  
 I've never "purged" because I hate puking.  
 I power walk 3 miles, every other night.  I workout (stretching, weights, etc) for 2 hours, every other night.  Before walk & exercising, I drink a bottle of 100% Raw Coconut Water.  Immediately after power walking and working out, I drink a non-carb protein shake (mixed with purified water, Daily Greens Formula, and Barleans Total Omega Oil 3.6.9 Swirl) to build muscle mass.  
 I've maintained the same weight and measurements, for most of my life: 120 lbs (I'm 5'6", 36D-26-36).    
 I eat approximately 6 small meals a day...which consist of grains, Special K cereal with zero-fat milk, non-fat Activa yogurt, organic eggs, fish, chicken, beef (filet), dark leafy vegetables (mostly organic lettuce such as kale, arugula, mixed greens, spinich, topped with organic extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, anchovies, and Parmesan Cheese), fresh blueberries & strawberries, and for a snack I drink a glass of Naked Blue Machine Juice Smoothie and eat walnuts and cashews.  I never have caffeine or sodas.  I drink approximately 8 bottles of non-sparkling purified water, and 2-3 bottles of 100% Raw Coconut Water.  I take 12 vitamins & supplements, daily.  
 I don't smoke, drink alcohol, or use any illegal drugs (or marijuana).  
 I chose to become an escort in 2008, when I became financially insolvent, after losing my life's savings in a Ponzi Scheme.    
 No, I have no "Daddy issues."  My parents were the rocks and loves of my life, until they passed away in 1992 & 1997.  Escorting is a career, which I enjoy, because I derive pleasure in pleasing.  
 And, to lighten up my post...I've added a fun cartoon, regarding "body image." ;)  
-- Modified on 7/20/2014 4:19:09 AM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 772 reads
5 / 41
2labman 26 Reviews 762 reads
6 / 41

I would have to think that market forces drive the "average" look of providers.  Bettter-looking women probably get more chances to enter the hobby and are more successful there because of their looks, so they stay around.  Seems pretty simple.  I wouldn't think bulimia a a disproportionate problem among providers.
Can't imagine why daddy issues would be disproportionate either.

Seems like you might be trying to drop a lot of problems and labels on providers, RT.  They are our partners in this, they should be at worst business acquaintances, at best, friends. Why antagonize them?

inicky46 61 Reviews 822 reads
7 / 41

That said, I agree with your post (as usual).

EasyJohn111 15 Reviews 860 reads
8 / 41

Most bulimics are of an average body weight- it is in the anorexics that become very skinny.  

I personally prefer curves, so I don't necessarily seek out the stick thin ones, but they are out there.

GaGambler 836 reads
9 / 41

Robin, do you have any idea how 1980's that sounds? We used to call it "dork walking" back in the day. lol

As for you Mack, yes you are a suckup, but we are used to it from you, at least your fawning over providers is not quite as revolting as that of the Turdster, Faint praise I know, but it's all I could work up on short notice. and I did resist the urge to call you Macleaky. lol

morecoffee 665 reads
10 / 41

in the picture you posted

Dr Who revived 837 reads
11 / 41

There seems to be a run on McDonald's and Wendy's by many of them.

Maybe your PSA on the vomiting is a positive for some of these beached whales...and of course they are still receiving 8's and 9's from dudes who are legally blind.  But in all fairness I guess many dudes like plus sized women.
Posted By: Ridgetucky
Have you noticed that probably 90% of Providers have body types that are above average.  Mathematically that should not be possible (on a standard bell curve for all you math geeks)  
 Does that seem natural to you?    
 I am curious as to how many Providers "purge" --- not the movie franchise but the eat and release thru a finger down the throat:(  
 How many of these woman have unnatural exercise/eating habits?    
 Does that lead to the decision to Provide?  Are they seeking acceptance from men?  Do they have "daddy' isues.  BTW I mean I am fine with that!!!!!  

Dr Who revived 653 reads
12 / 41

And he get's his tummy rubbed with each thread that he shares.  It's a learned behavior.

89Springer 691 reads
13 / 41

I power walk 3 miles, every other night.  I workout (stretching, weights, etc) for 2 hours, every other night.  Before walk & exercising, I drink a bottle of 100% Raw Coconut Water.  Immediately after power walking and working out, I drink a non-carb protein shake (mixed with purified water, Daily Greens Formula, and Barleans Total Omega Oil 3.6.9 Swirl) to build muscle mass.
I eat approximately 6 small meals a day...which consist of grains, Special K cereal with zero-fat milk, non-fat Activa yogurt, organic eggs, fish, chicken, beef (filet), dark leafy vegetables (mostly organic lettuce such as kale, arugula, mixed greens, spinich, topped with organic extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, anchovies, and Parmesan Cheese), fresh blueberries & strawberries, and for a snack I drink a glass of Naked Blue Machine Juice Smoothie and eat walnuts and cashews.  I never have caffeine or sodas.  I drink approximately 8 bottles of non-sparkling purified water, and 2-3 bottles of 100% Raw Coconut Water.  I take 12 vitamins & supplements, daily.
I'd need a custom computer program just to tell me when to eat what. That's some pretty weird stuff to be eating. (Arugula? Coconut water? And what's "Naked Blue Machine Juice Smoothie?) I think I'll stick to Stouffers. Of course, I don't need to be 36D 26 36.

russbbj 89 Reviews 1225 reads
14 / 41

How about they just work diligently and hard at maintaining their figure? Why does it have to be anything more than that?

When I was a younger man, I could have worked hard on my body and perhaps I could've made a living with it somehow. I chose to be lazy in that respect and instead work hard on becoming a subject matter expert in my field of work. This seems to have worked out just fine for me.  

My point is, that you see a lot of high scores for providers because they work hard to maintain their figure which puts them in high demand and they get a lot of well deserved praise for their diligence and hard work. I suppose the women who don't put as much effort into their fitness don't get as many reviews and so you aren't seeing data for your bellcurve. If someone puts their mind and effort into something they will likely reap great results.

It seems that there is a market for all shapes and sizes of women in the hobby, and I for one think that's great, diversity is a good thing.

And speaking of diversity, if a lady is a spinner, she will likely have clients that like spinners and their assessment of her body type will be well above average. If a lady is curvy, she will likely have clients who prefer curvy women and again their assessments of her body will be above average. Now that sir, is just simple math.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 848 reads
15 / 41
JohnyComeAlready 1051 reads
16 / 41

Posted By: ChgoCPA
There seems to be a run on McDonald's and Wendy's by many of them.  
 Maybe your PSA on the vomiting is a positive for some of these beached whales...and of course they are still receiving 8's and 9's from dudes who are legally blind.  But in all fairness I guess many dudes like plus sized women.  
Posted By: Ridgetucky
Have you noticed that probably 90% of Providers have body types that are above average.  Mathematically that should not be possible (on a standard bell curve for all you math geeks)  
  Does that seem natural to you?    
  I am curious as to how many Providers "purge" --- not the movie franchise but the eat and release thru a finger down the throat:(  
  How many of these woman have unnatural exercise/eating habits?      
  Does that lead to the decision to Provide?  Are they seeking acceptance from men?  Do they have "daddy' isues.  BTW I mean I am fine with that!!!!!  
... isn't this your fetish.  Fattening them up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oueccMm3yC

russbbj 89 Reviews 672 reads
17 / 41

Women such as Robbin work hard, eat healthy and generally take great care of themselves and deserve to be admired for their efforts. I'll go out on a limb here, women like Robbin are maybe 20% of the female population. And they are perhaps 80% of the desired providers in here. These women are proud and confident, and confidence is very sexy. If a woman is less inclined to do all the things that Robbin does perhaps she wouldn't be in that kind of shape, but if she's happy in the skin she's in and she's confident she will be just as sexy. I want to spend my money with women that fit my desires, and those desires are not limited to women of any body type. There is one thing that will turn me off  immediately, and that is jealousy, it's simply the ugliest of all emotions.

Robbin, I admire you for your dedication to your routine and your health. I'm not confident that I could eat even half as healthy as you do, it's impressive.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 812 reads
18 / 41

Lol there's my MacLeaky haha

Posted By: ChgoCPA
And he get's his tummy rubbed with each thread that he shares.  It's a learned behavior.

DeLaine See my TER Reviews 698 reads
19 / 41

The feeling that nobody here can tell whether or not you're serious is what makes it genius. Well done.

But for people who are taking this as an opportunity for productive discussion:

Providers are people, too. We either work out or we don't. We either eat healthy or we don't. We either like the way we look or we don't.


I know. Hard to believe.  


And since even I - a person who very much appreciates a well-timed and well-executed troll - can't tell whether or not the OP is serious, here's my "f'real" response:  
If you think so little of providers that you're willing to try and find weaknesses to exploit, then wow. Wow. Just... wow.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 826 reads
20 / 41

I eat my punk ass off, lol. and NO I don't puke afterwards, I'm too busy in the romance dept! ;-)

I think most women are their worst critics. I remember CCPA had a post about this a while back. Do I wish I looked like I did when I was in my late 20s-early 30s when the knowledge I have now...hell yes. I do what I can to look my best and sometime have a moment when I think of what I looked like 3 years ago, "before"...

I wish I could work out more like I could in in 2004-20011 but I can't. But of course seeing a gentlemen who think I look beautiful strokes my ego and makes me feel good!

That's a wrap for my experience in the looks dept! I gotta get ready for a Sunday p4p date at a steak house I love...and I'm going to eat my punk ass off and not throw up afterwards, I value my body and my teeth too much!


macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 738 reads
21 / 41

Posted By: GaGambler
Robin, do you have any idea how 1980's that sounds? We used to call it "dork walking" back in the day. lol

As for you Mack, yes you are a suckup, but we are used to it from you, at least your fawning over providers is not quite as revolting as that of the Turdster, Faint praise I know, but it's all I could work up on short notice. and I did resist the urge to call you Macleaky. lol

redbeat 1 Reviews 983 reads
23 / 41

I really don’t know where to start with this one.

First of all, when you walk in the door to meet a provider it is almost guaranteed that she will be dressing in a way to highlight her physical appearance and arouse / entice you as a client. She may well have the very same body type as the majority of women you pass every day but they could be wearing casual or work clothes with other thoughts on their minds than your arousal. Plus, as was already said here providers will all have a variety of body types and will attract clients who prefer that type, slim, curvy, tall, petite, busty, athletic etc, there is no one-size-fits-all.

To say that providers are more likely to have body issues or eating disorders over and above other women just seems stupid. Ask any woman about the pressures to maximise their physical appearance and you’ll hit the same numbers as you will when you ask providers, and no reason you shouldn’t, they’re all women. Yes many providers will exercise and watch their diets but that doesn’t mean they have more body issues than anyone else, they just work in an industry where fitness and physical appearance can affect your income, just like a gym instructor.

Stretching the idea that body image issues for providers means bulimia is just taking things from zero to bat-shit crazy in three seconds flat, and as for bringing up ‘daddy-issues’ and all this being a reason for working as a provider sounds just crazy.

Yes, I am sure that some providers have body image issues and yes I’m sure some have eating disorders and yes I’m sure some have ‘daddy issues’, and the reason I know this is because there are people out there that have body issues and eating disorders and daddy issues. Because someone decides to work as a provider doesn’t automatically mean they can be reduced to a stereotype that they only do this work because they are damaged somehow. Maybe they decide to do this work because they feel they have physical attributes that could mean they’d be able to make money out of it, just like someone whose good at sports being more likely to be successful as a gym instructor than a couch potato.


Of course maybe we’re all picking this thread up the wrong way, maybe it’s a request for a role-playing encounter, maybe you just want to meet a provider who’ll play the role of the victim, play the girl with body image problems, maybe throw in bulimia and underplayed daddy issues for you to tease out, maybe you want to meet someone who’ll play at having all these things going on in her life and you can play the role of the hero riding in on his white horse to save her

hbyist+truth=;( 911 reads
24 / 41

Do not or ever will purge in any way.

I do have unnatural eating habits. I eat well compared to the masses, so by that, it could seem unnatural.

My decision to proved was motivated by money, I am not seeking acceptance from men and have no "daddy Issues". I just like money and the more sources of income I have the better

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 661 reads
25 / 41

When you end up looking fucking hot from power walking with weights and the fat ones are on side lines laughing, who the funny one really?
 i had this bottom heavy teenager punk come walk along me raggin on me on the beach weeks ago. Ok I was rockin a head band, OK. I know, I know, BUT its so comfortable! I am trying to break my headband addiction but its really hard.  
        I heard him and this group teens they seen me comin, They all start singin the eye of the tiger beginning... The dun, dun, dun, dun.........
 I goes, oh geez , I was dreading walkin past em felt like high school. I says oh geez they are singin that to me, Its the dam headband ,
 So i walk be he comes up in my face and is like oh your speed walkin I speed walk too... He is in my face, And bein a dick, Not joking with me kinda like in my face and bein a dick bout it,  
 I look at him and go "oh really? you dont look like you do, you look like you could use a power walk, You got an ass like a bitch! You look like you sit on the couch and eat twinkies all day."  
 He did have a bottom heavy ish shape for a dude and it did look silly . Then to cast stones when he looks like a fat assed little bicth, I kinda had to give him shit back...
 He got his oanties in a bunch and like is tongue tied for a second, As i was walkin, power walkn a way .. After i am far away he starts yelling..."I will fuck you up!" I will fuck you up!"
                    Like a fucking chubby 16 year old little black boy!
 I was like seriously? This is what i gotta deal with to walk the godam beach in my godam eye a the tiger head band on a friday night! .
     I been workin out in my living room and I can see the beach from window, Thats just too mcuh drama to have to deal with all to go power walkin in a head band, Few days later had another black dude spaz on me and scream at me, NOT being racist it was just a coincidence that that particular week 2 black guys screamed and told me off at the beach . The second one tried to talk t me and stopped and i said I cant talk i gotta go late for sumthin, He then flipped out and yelled at me for ten min while walkin away, Then i yelled at him , It was again, Not the kinda drama your in the mood for when tryin to go for a walk on the beach, But hey thats my neighborhood.... What can I do i gotta suck it up.

SassyBitch 878 reads
27 / 41
Blowing Chunks 641 reads
28 / 41

Posted By: GaGambler
Robin, do you have any idea how 1980's that sounds? We used to call it "dork walking" back in the day. lol

As for you Mack, yes you are a suckup, but we are used to it from you, at least your fawning over providers is not quite as revolting as that of the Turdster, Faint praise I know, but it's all I could work up on short notice. and I did resist the urge to call you Macleaky. lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 926 reads
30 / 41
SassyBitch 914 reads
31 / 41
Vivianna Love See my TER Reviews 719 reads
32 / 41

Oh, speaking for myself...

No daddy issues or body issues.  It's a win win situation. To enjoy the company of a respectful man that enjoys adult time.  Sounds pretty good for me.  

My curves are for men that seek what I offer.  No little girl here.  I'm petite 5'3, with curves... all woman. with a silly side to life.

These females that do this have serious issues ;o(  
Its sad!!! Only a therapist can help them get over their body image.
Parents need to love  and tell them their beautiful.

JohnyComeAlready 772 reads
33 / 41

I know I'm not.

Like I hinted at in my response to the OP. Transgender people must suffer a similar type of body image issues. I would even expand this to include gay people as well.  

The brain sees a different image than what is actually there.  

*Does this mean every gay/lesbian transgender person has body image issues? No!

... but why do people see a different image, other than the one that is present?

Arovet 62 Reviews 793 reads
34 / 41

Wait, that can't be it, your posts would make more sense if that was the case.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 814 reads
36 / 41

Lol I just spit my coffee on my keyboard when I read your subject line.  

Posted By: thehumanist
Wait, that can't be it, your posts would make more sense if that was the case.

inicky46 61 Reviews 844 reads
37 / 41

That makes JohnyRapeObsessed:
1) Dumber than a chimp.
2) Able to defy the Law of Averages.
What a phee-nom!

JohnyComeAlready 801 reads
38 / 41

I'm pointing out that people share alot of the same issuses, that an elective surgery wont solve.

What are you, a plastic surgen?

You should fix that big mouth of yours.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 782 reads
39 / 41

Damn you're a badass.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I'm pointing out that people share alot of the same issuses, that an elective surgery wont solve.  
 What are you, a plastic surgen?  
 You should fix that big mouth of yours.

GaGambler 821 reads
40 / 41

If he said "chimps" on purpose that would be an insult to chimps and they would be rightfully insulted, but if what he meant were "chumps" and not chimps, chumps too would be offended,  but who gives a fuck if we offend a few chumps? lmao

SuperBustyBlonde See my TER Reviews 695 reads
41 / 41

I see those issues more in the Volunteer Prostitutes giving it away for free so they can get acceptance.

Those who charge are businesswomen (except for the amateurs turning tricks for fast money to buy drugs) - every professional has its ne'er-do-well

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