TER General Board

Many of these johns think "the flow" is your period. LOL
JackDunphy 789 reads

Look, a lot of dudes here ARE here because they cant/wont/don't get civie girls. They are uncomfortable around women as maybe they are shy or geeks and feel more comfy around a machine or what have you.

Telling some of these guys to just go with the flow is like telling someone to just whip me up a meal when they can't boil water or make toast. I am not knocking them, it's just that there skill set doesn't not match up with that of talking openly with women.

I have the gift of gab but I a fkin disaster with tech shit. That's why I pay somebody for all that crap with my businesses. I hate it.

But I could sit there with an outgoing girl or one who barely utters a peep and manage to say the right things for either of them to have fun and laugh for hour after hour.

Just a different set of skills and they are not easily learned that's why giving these guys topics to talk about is like gold for them.

i will admit it, my dates with providers have for the most part been short - of the one hour variety. Thus, casual chit-hat has served me well enough.

Now, what about those gents who like multi-hour and dinner dates? How do you manage meaningful, engaging conversation when she will not let you into her private life? How do you express interest in her person without prying?

Presumably you are not one-sided and just doing a data dump of yourself. In fact, you do hold back some details of your life, yes?

So, what are your favorite or common topics?

(Lord let it not be religion, porn or politics...). 😄

L.Guapo1008 reads

So what? Are you telling her real info about yourself?  Hope not. Live the fantasy.

Spots we've traveled or just finding out what each other does for fun. Most will tell what they do for work just maybe not the company.

-- Modified on 8/24/2015 9:50:04 PM

GaGambler1162 reads

asking a bunch of whoremongers is hardly going to put you on the path to being a witty, charming dinner partner.

Have you ever heard of just pouring a glass of wine and letting the conversation go wherever it end up?  

I do see why some hookers do charge full rate for dinner dates when they know they are either going to have to carry the conversation or spend hours of awkward silence.

Well, you start out talking about her first two Ivy League college degrees and why she still can't get a regular job. Then it's about how world traveled she is thanks to hooking. Then you talk about how exclusive she is. And then...........well you get the picture.

Tree mode dude! Tree mode.
Why are you replying to GaGambler when your post was obviously meant for the OP?  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Well, you start out talking about her first two Ivy League college degrees and why she still can't get a regular job. Then it's about how world traveled she is thanks to hooking. Then you talk about how exclusive she is. And then...........well you get the picture.

GaGambler1035 reads

Was that really harsh by GaGambler standards?

I thought I was being "reasonably" nice.

GaGambler743 reads

I wonder if old Deb is still "hanging" around somewhere? lol

Harsh is doing it for them... or perhaps watching to make sure they do it correctly...at gun point.  ;)

bigguy30803 reads

Just give the guy a break he may be shy or nervous around a beautiful lady one on one.
You try to sound so important but it's really your own insecurities.
So a person like you is just full it.

Posted By: GaGambler
asking a bunch of whoremongers is hardly going to put you on the path to being a witty, charming dinner partner.  
 Have you ever heard of just pouring a glass of wine and letting the conversation go wherever it end up?  
 I do see why some hookers do charge full rate for dinner dates when they know they are either going to have to carry the conversation or spend hours of awkward silence.

like he always suggests others to be sure they do....

the OP doesn't say he has a problem talking with ladies (and even if he did, there is nothing wrong with that. there are plenty of nice gentleman on this board that would help out and ladies giving our input)... he is asking about talking to working girls. seeing as he thinks some of the usual topics are off limits and doesn't know exactly what boundaries there are.

he clearly states that.

GaGambler761 reads

He said basically that two subjects were off the table, talking about her personal life and doing a "data dump" of his own life. That leaves EVERY other topic still on the table.  

This is the same kind of question as "what else can you do on an overnight date besides fuck?"

I would think someone like you would be the first to say that "hookers are just like any other woman" it seems obvious that some guys here have either never been on an actual date or it's been so long that they have forgotten how.  

As for  where the boundaries are, it's wherever the two parties choose to place them, and even those boundaries change as two people get a bit more comfortable with each other.

would write a dang review...

oh, wait.....

he didn't "basically" say anything.

he is asking what topics other people talk about when they are on an extended date with a PROVIDER.

its the 8th word that he used. he mentioned NOTHING about civilian dates. the two are entirely different.

its not the same question as anything. you just did your usual thing and picked it apart so you could have you APOTD! (see, other people can make up lame things like that too!)

GaGambler1072 reads

Except of course a provider is less likely to tell a client when he is being a boor than a civvy chick, not being paid to be there, AND he knows he is going to score whether he is charming or not.  

You are guilty of doing EXACTLY what many guys do, acting as if providers are so much different than any other women. Hookers are women first, and what they do for a living second. My "real" advice to the OP is pretty much what I have been saying all along, treat her just like any other first date, with the exception of course of not talking a lot about what she does for a living, unless of course she has another career that SHE enjoys talking about.

why are you saying i am guilty acting if providers are different.... perhaps you didn't read my reply to the op. maybe you should.  

i dont think providers are different than any other woman, at least not for the sole reasoning that they are a provider.  

i have said a date with a provider is different than a date with a civilian woman, because it is. if its done correctly and thats what we are discussing here. in a civilian date one is trying to impress to get where he wants. in a p4p that is taken care of from the first p. there is no need to impress.  

and maybe what you have been saying all along is what you just said, but what you replied to this op was not that. it was your typical reply, condescending and rude.  

you must learn a lot from reading others reviews. perhaps if you actually experience what others experience you may have a different understanding.

GaGambler1075 reads

I quit trying to "impress" women years ago. It's an effort in futility and most women with even a half a brain see right through it.  

I treat "all" women like people, it sounds like you are the jaded one, not me.

You sound like one of those hookers who have given up "dating" except when getting paid, no wonder your view of "civvie dates" is so jaded. Try finding a better class of guys to date and your POV might change.

All you know about me here is what you can read in my reviews and what I type.

All I know about you here is that you claim a big boy life, but live in the minor leagues.

It's obvious why you're such an asshole, all you do it assume.
Yawn... Is the pizza heating up yet?

GaGambler828 reads

You can tell a LOT about a person by what they type. Your words about guys needing to "impress" on civvie dates are quite revealing.

Now please feel free to have the last word, I would hate for whoever tagged you as LWAM to have done so in vain, and since I am getting a bit bored with you since you can't seem to come up with anything new, I suppose you getting the last word (boring as those words might be) would only be fitting. Yawn

You're just not loving it that you can't sit here and act so tough to me and so many others since we are catching on to your bullshit.

You know how many pms that I get over this?

A lady told you what you said was rude and you had to reply to her. Of course she isn't going to just say "nah, you're just a dick." It's funny how you're the only person who sits here minute in and minute put picking on others then when someone does it to you, you have to start throwing out lame insults. Hence why I threw a few back. Seems the only way you handle things on your little playground.

Last word???? dang dude, you have to get EVERY word!

Try to put all of your number 1 poster of each month over past ten years in to some reviews and quit being an asshole to make up for whatever insecurities are buried deep down inside.

APOTH. (Yeah, so funny!)

Just a FYI,
Mode dudes don't care for the "last word" with you because they just don't care. They have a life and live it and just ignore you.
Most ladies don't care for the "last word" with you because they don't want to look bad.

Most people who actually engage in your childish Ter crap are all aliases of an alias.

Your life sounds awesome. Now if you'll excuse me, as Drake says, YOLO, and seeing as time is the only thing one can't get back.. Go ahead and go back to your little lame group of aliases. Whoever said you changed is wrong and you'll be happy to know that I have finished the important things on my list for today, so now you'll just be back on my ignore.

-- Modified on 8/25/2015 12:24:04 PM

For putting your 100th handle on "ignore"...THATS RIGHT AM, you get that coveted TER steak knife set!!!

But since I was your first dude you placed on ignore, you wont even know about it as you cant read this, or so you say. ;)

Next time, try for "adult" status and just read them, or not, like the rest of us do, without needing a device and crutch to do so! :D :D

Unless you want to stick with your "childish crap" ways

Did I miss a memo somewhere that says she's not a person with interests and hobbies?  If you were to meet or hang out with someone that you didn't know all to well, what would you talk about?  

Conversation, it's not that hard.  Let's not over complicate things.

See? Ok, maybe for me it's easy. Already thinking up a story.

I had a crush on a doctor at my old job. I was slick rick with all of the other employees, bosses, lunch crew, and we were always laughing and having great conversations.

Then this doctor would walk up and my brain - went - fucking - blank. Flatline. He would say, "Hi, how are you?" I would say "good." Then stare at him for a few minutes until he awkwardly walked away like "WTF".  

Rarely ever happens, but every now and then it can just be nerve wracking, especially when you're masturbating about them every night and morning. LOL

Hahaha.  When guys react like you did, you ladies will joke that all the blood rushed from the big head to the little one.  Wonder what the name is when it happens to you ladies?  

Doctors don't count, especially when on duty. They have a whole different persona at work.

The only reason I suggest this is because this is kind of how my guys have picked me out for more extended dates, and/or have trusted I'd know how to talk to them.

Pick a girl who blogs. (I know, boring, but seriously, check this out.)
Read her blogs before the extended date, and even board posts, if she does that sort of thing. Even follow her on twitter and see what types of stuff she tweets about. (Now if it were me, it would just be me tweeting about weird things people do at the laundromat, which doesn't really suffice for good conversation!)

Anyway, if she blogs, and you read them, while you don't have to tell her, it gives you a clue what she's interested in and willing to share publicly. I'm pretty sure if she's putting it out there, she would be willing to put much more out there, but doesn't for the sake of the reader not falling asleep half way through it. That's what my blog is for LOL.

Of course, the date is about you, and if you want to be the chit chatter, go for it. But if you want to guarantee good, flowing conversation, ask a person about themselves. It's a great technique used in many forms to help bring a person to a level of comfort and break the ice.

Now,there are also people who don't know how to have a real conversation, so they just gossip and talk shit about a bunch of other people too. That's ok, depending on the kind of person you are hanging around with, but not recommended if you're trying to make an impression, and make a girl comfortable opening up to you. If someone is talking smack around the world and back, no way I'm letting my guard down lol. That or I just start making up stories to see how fast word gets around lmao. (New technique, which is pretty damn funny sometimes.)

And to get back to the guys who are looking for longer dates, they usually tell me they read up on a girl first, and choose women with more detailed, personable websites and online presence. Doesn't have to be an "All about Courtney's day" blog posted every evening, but something to show some substance and interest.

I know your intention was to be helpful, but if people really don't know how to have a decent conversation without having to have their hand held that's just really sad/pathetic.

GaGambler897 reads

There are some guys out there who are beyond sad/pathetic.

I remember one M&G where I made a LOT of friends with the girls, simply by rescuing them from so guys who had them cornered and I could just see the "please kill me now" looks on their poor faces. I know some people think that being a hooker is "easy money" but I beg to disagree, I can't imagine putting up with what many of them have to, for any amount of money.

No, have never been to one.  Contemplating on attending one, but haven't sold myself on it.  Still undecided.

GaGambler816 reads

If you ever start thinking that you are getting too old, too fat, too bald or too whatever for the ladies to possibly ever enjoy the time spent with you, just go to a M&G, it will reassure you that whatever you are unhappy with about yourself, you are still not "that bad" lol

It's funny there are several different types of guys at M&G's there are the "kids in a candy store" which is hardly something to find fault with. There are the wallflowers who really don't know what to do or how to act, and then there are the guys who will corner some poor gal and force them to hear their life story, kind of like what the OP is hoping to avoid doing.

All in all though, M&G can be a lot of fun. it is a great way to see if you and some of the ladies on your "to do" list really do click. I've also used it to cross off women who's pics look great, but who don't measure up in person, and lastly I have met a few women, not on my radar at all, who have just wowed me from first sight.

Well an ego boost is not my thing; the only person I have to impress is myself.  When the day comes that I feel that I'm getting or feeling any of the ways you mention, I'll most likely stop.  

Your descriptions are pretty much the normal personas that you would find in any social gathering, the only thing that changes is the venue.  

Well, there are a couple within my range that have a M&G scheduled or in the works.  Still undecided.  I will admit that I enjoy the anonymity and going to one kind of sheds that.  As far as meeting new ladies, I have a list already of women that I have a very strong interest in meeting.  But knowing that the two young ladies I see on a regular basis are spot on for me. Even better is they are friends, so I have no issues if one not available, the other is.

You do know that some people are so smart they do nothing but absorb information into their brains and produce work, right? Then for a certain segment of time, they have to walk away from the only thing they do and try to focus on another person?

It's not that easy. It's never too late to learn a new skill, and quite honestly, I'd rather hang out with someone and hold their hand through a social engagement, as opposed to listening to someone talk down to and about others. If the person they're talking about needs a character check that's one thing... but if the person they're talking about simply has a skill thats lesser than his. Come on. That's a little cocky, eh?

I grew up in a family of extremely intelligent people who had absolutely no social skills whatsoever. Unfortunately, I got the lack of social skill gene, and no genius gene lmao. (except in one subject)

So yeah, I also had to work my way out of my shell, and I know exactly what some people are talking about here, so I guess I don't get angry or cry myself to sleep because someone asks for advice on how to have a conversation.

-- Modified on 8/24/2015 10:42:26 PM

Yes, I'm well aware that there are those intellectuals who don't have social skills.  I work with them on a daily basis.  Ask them a question on something that interests them and they can talk about it for hours.  I've also known special needs children and know what a tough time they have.  

I'm also aware that some folks are not very social either, they don't handle group settings very well.  But in a one-on-one environment or in small group they feel a bit more at ease.  Everyone has a different comfort zone.  

I guess my point was lost.  But this world is not exactly the same.  It takes a certain moxie to be part of it.

It also can be a matter of what people have been exposed to for a long time. Trying to pick up a new game in a different environment takes some getting used to.

Also finding someone who hints similar interests and mindsets helps, which was why I mentioned the blog.

Everyone is different and has pet peeves - mine is more mean spirits than awkwardness, but you're right about asking topics that interest them. I've had some "one word response" friends, and all of a sudden I say something and the floodgates open. That's always a surprise lol! "Interested in dogs - check"!

This is the nice thing about the variety in personalities and looks here. :-)

GaGambler942 reads

I do extended and dinner dates all the time with women who barely speak English and rarely have any of those awkward silences. London and I have always joked about who would ever get in a word edgewise when two of TER's biggest blabbermouths of all time were to go out and get drunk together.

but honestly, even if it's just "pigeon talk" I always find something for us to talk about. A LOT of communication is non verbal anyhow. I will admit though that tequila helps. it helps a LOT sometimes. lol

GaGambler853 reads

because you might just get what you ask for"

That might actually be arranged some day.  Even a blabber mouth like me  might not get a word in edgewise.

Yeah it's even worse and louder now than before. I'm more stubborn than a couple years ago lol.

I think thought it would be me watching you two jibber jabber. I have a feeling I'll be the babysitter lol

ottolbrock889 reads

Socks, toothbrush choices, other people's bad habits, Black Sabbath. You know just what ever comes up.

common interests. If we don't have any common interests it's very doubtful she would have been the one invited to dinner. Plus, most atfs will let you into their private lives. Just no names, dates, addresses, etc. I think every lady I've ever met has a daughter. In fact, I tried to set up a date with a lady, but she declined because a new grandchild is imminent.  

If the conversation ever lags, there's always the hobby. I've heard, and experienced, so many wild hobby stories that I could write a book. Oh the books our ladies could write. I find those stories fascinating vignettes embedded deep within the milieu of our secret little sub culture.

Of course for those who love and French and Russian,  

From a woman who was raised in Tanais  delta, area of The Don River (Sea of Azov, which the Greeks called Lake Maeotis) now you know a bit about Greek culture on Russian territories ..

However this singer - Charles Aznavour is French Armenian singer  and speaks as well perfect Russian ..
( or dear God .. pure Fantasy is here, and Greek and Russian, And French .. but NOBODY knows what is Armenian about? )
Do you know that Armenians Konyaks considered be  the best .. yet I prefer Slivovit.
 And I also preffer such man as Charles Aznavour- at list with his zest to have fun
 somehow older men  know HOW t have fun !!  
 Enjoy this link

Talk about a good way to clean out your entire system.


My town has a large Armenian community, and one of my best  school friends was Armenian, and I would be over at his home and dine with his family often.

Lord, they eat well.

We made a love ...

That songs were played alive in our restaurants.. and  concerts .. and it felt so good to be in hands of loving man ,.. his hands wrapping around you and holding our soon tigh in dance .. and all around is just spinning around slowly and head goes dizzy and we are just alone alone in whole world and dance floor  
. and  my eyes just see his soul .. all , his desire .. his love, his lust ..
 and we flying together ..
After such performances I was sent as min -2- 3bottles of Champagne from other tables as appreciation of my beauty and dance performance.. He was pleased by that but very jealous. Yet we kept to dance at any occasion we have had .. and not only armenian songs and dances .. as you may imagine - none of us actually was Armenian ..

 What it is being Russian - that means be multicultural..  I am and in Armenian,  Greek,  and Jewish, and and Ukrainian and Moldovan, Georgian, and Chechen   and American and Russian ...
Fell the charm of this song..
 there soon much in this world to share ..

Life is so  not internal..
Why to suppress those feelings.. natural feeling, orgasms of spirit and souls and minds....
If some one knows those sweet feelings in soul and heart .. it is addictive  as a drug..
Love gave special chemistry.. and  addictive way more then any drugs..( never used those )
 Those who felt once - be looking for that  for the res of their lives

But I am not dated and back then - I performed - I am as true actress lived and living my and HIS imagination..
I was married because of this love illusion and ultimate connection which is  the one biggest fantasy man can not achieve  as not many women can feel his soul , his heart and his mind as well as know inner own nature .. in order to  SHARE- someone need to know themselves.. in order to know themselves someone has to make efforts - to know yourself-  deeper yourself  - when you know who you are - then you able to gave more to your partner.


Listen that with your Armenian friends..and tell  them hello  

You are one of few rare man my lover who can appreciate sharing and feelings.



-- Modified on 8/25/2015 10:11:13 AM

This makes my common interest point exactly. I love history, archeology, world culture, music, two guitars, songs in languages I don't even understand, and much more. Our dinner conversation would be endless. Oh, and I've never had Slivovit. But I'm open to new tastes. Here's to your culturally enlightened sense of style.

and enjoy your time! If your find yourself in that position (no pun intended) then you are not with the right provider… or you need another drink LOL!

Look, a lot of dudes here ARE here because they cant/wont/don't get civie girls. They are uncomfortable around women as maybe they are shy or geeks and feel more comfy around a machine or what have you.

Telling some of these guys to just go with the flow is like telling someone to just whip me up a meal when they can't boil water or make toast. I am not knocking them, it's just that there skill set doesn't not match up with that of talking openly with women.

I have the gift of gab but I a fkin disaster with tech shit. That's why I pay somebody for all that crap with my businesses. I hate it.

But I could sit there with an outgoing girl or one who barely utters a peep and manage to say the right things for either of them to have fun and laugh for hour after hour.

Just a different set of skills and they are not easily learned that's why giving these guys topics to talk about is like gold for them.

But Jack always manages without too much trouble. Lol

Come on. This isn't rocket science. Make a few mental notes of her reviews. Johns love to drone on and on about their hookers love of a certain wine, food, travel destinations, etc. Start there.

Read her website. Front to back. Somewhere on there, after she gets done talking about walking on the beaches of Bora Bora and skiing in the Alps, will be something she has a valid interest in.  

A lot of these hookers are into dog and cat rescues and they put it on their sites. So, you talk about Fido for awhile. She'll love that shit. Check out the pamper me page. No, not for shopping ideas for fks sake but to see what kind of bling bling she is into or tech products.

All of this happens easier over a bottle of booze. I like meeting the gal in the hotel bar at times and drinking with her. That always leads to fun discussions. Lol

Just remember most girls will loosen up if they can trust you a bit. I wouldn't lead with "So why are you hooking?" But talking about the biz in general terms is cool.

And guess what? If you see a girl often enough, politics, religion and porn work it's way into the convo as well.

It's all good

Women are unusually comfortable with me. I actually friends with them on social media, which normally would be ill advised, but these girls know how to be discrete which is less than I can say for one porn girl who tried to book me through said social media. They tend to open up more about personal info. Heck I know most of their real names, I'm told I'm very easy to get along with, and open up to.

Why, whatever is relevant in the moment.  Time works that way.

kids...our journeys to the hobby, etc.  Usually it flows...it is an art to be present and open.

Compliment her on her nails or hair. This may tend to get the convo flowing. Of course compliments on her hair after a session may not be such a good idea.

and then talk about the first thing that pops up!


But seriously folks...

Either the two of you have good chemistry, or you don't.  If you do, the gods put the words into your mouth and the hours pass away like minutes.

If not, you can still hack it out, but the minutes stretch like hours.

In most cases the gal and I know each others' entire life stories within an hour, and then we go on to solve the problems of the world, and with any luck, we'll exchange new insights over a classic film that came out before either of us was born.

My parents had me vaccinated with a phonograph needle

you'll get a pretty decent insight in to things that we like. or at least things that we like to talk about. :)

i takes less than two minutes to see that if youre an animal lover we would get along just fine and could talk about animals. or the beach.  

some ladies will tell you about more then you care to hear about and others its like they are mute..

just pick some topics and see which ones we bite. each woman is different. some love small talk, some can't stand it. the second group shouldn't do dinner dates. :)

Over the years I have spent many long evenings on multi-hour and dinner dates.  In general, I do so with ladies that I have "clicked" with in the past, or am relatively sure I will "click" with on our first meeting if I am out of town.  Most of the time we discuss the same type of stuff I would discuss with a new business associate or vendor -- hobbies, food, movies, vacations, travel, hotels, educational background, sports, entertainment, dessert, whatever else comes up. While I try to not bring up specifics on topics like family, when they do come up, and they do sometimes come up (especially with someone you've met a few times) I normally share the basic truths of my life, and, in general, I think most of the ladies do the same. Maybe I have been lucky (or perhaps I'm just a sucker, LOL), but it seems to me that when the lady sees that I'm truly not trying to pry into their private info, they tend to be fairly open and we are able to have pretty deep discussion on most topics.  (And I like smart women, so I tend to look for this when scheduling longer meetings!)  Just remember, this all is supposed to be fun for you.  The lady wants it to be fun too.

I generally spend a lot of time corresponding with gentlemen before we meet, so there's never any problem with it comes to finding things to talk about. I am rather inquisitive, so I tend to ask more questions than I answer. I'm happy answer them though. Common topics have included food (that's a big one), our jobs (for me outside of this profession), family, life's motivations, travel (another big one), our common hobbies, our unique hobbies...lots to talk about. I'm also always on a mission to make him laugh!

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

What Mr. Carroll is saying, more eloquently than I ever could, is whatever you like. I haven't met a woman in this profession who wasn't interesting in some way and most have been natural conversationalists. And, from what I've read on the boards, a fair percentage of the reviewers are interesting in their own right.

More specifically, for me, the topics of books and music are great. I could go on all day about my interest in those.

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