TER General Board

Make sure you get your rest
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 3389 reads

I cannot sleep- 2 reasons

I snore ! hahaha
and 2nd.. I cannot say  LOLOLOL
(some may think.. no one will ever schedule another overnight with her again) Its OK!!!

THanks everyone..

( I may be signing on my PDA in the middle of the night while hes sleeping (if he sleeps ) hahaha

How to stay awake on an overnight ? At work, I get up and pass the med cart sometimes.. LOL... ugh

Do most gents want you to stay up the whole night ?

2 hours and counting- let me know !

Typically I don't do o/n's.. but I know him , had the night off, and figured what the heck..now im exhausted ..ugh

Patooie!8087 reads

Why not ask the guy? Your'e the expert, right?

I need my beauty sleep.  Don't mind the waking up mid-night for a bit of a tumble, but no way no how am I staying up all night!  I haven't been able to do that since... well, quite a while LOL!  All of my gentlemen friends understand this and it is not a problem.

-- Modified on 4/30/2005 3:24:38 PM

I don't have my masters in escorting.. Not everyone knows everything in the business.. myself included ! I am still learning new things everyday.. LIKE TODAY !

(Thanks Sola )

Plus.. I am sure there are other girls who would like some helpful tips..

Someone told me  JOLT ! LOL ! The quick sugar high.. ha

I have had 2 O/N's.

One was great, the other, well, not so great.

In both cases, it was discussed and agreed to before, what the "arrangements" were going to be.
Neither of the ladies I  was with were  "go all night" types, which was fine with me.

But we enjoyed dinner before, some loving after dinner, then to bed.
Dozing for a while before waking the other when the "urge" arose.

We also planned for a morning snuggle.

So, I would say that you need to talk about it and make sure both are in agreement as to how things are going to go.
If you are not a "go all night" girl, make sure the gentleman knows that before.

Just my opinion...

KamulRogue3320 reads

I get 3 pops before going to sleep (in 3 hours). Cuddle for about 1/2 hour. Sometimes if I wake up (because the provider wakes me up,lol) around 2-3 am I get another pop. THen a pop around 6-7 am. I would never expect a provider to stay awake all night long.

Some providers will using the staying up all night as a justification for high price. Others will charge less because they expect to get some rest.

One time a provider wanted 4 pops before going to sleep. Both of us were so drained that we barely woke up the next morning. It was a good thing that I had taken the day off from work the next day. I slept all day long, lol.

I cannot sleep- 2 reasons

I snore ! hahaha
and 2nd.. I cannot say  LOLOLOL
(some may think.. no one will ever schedule another overnight with her again) Its OK!!!

THanks everyone..

( I may be signing on my PDA in the middle of the night while hes sleeping (if he sleeps ) hahaha

Did you ever get an answer? I didn't

Tig Ole Bitties2714 reads

Why are you with a client and on the computer?

Yeah, I kinda wondered that.  I have this mental image of Ciara locked in the loo frantically tapping away on her PDA while this sex crazed lunatic pounds on the door.

I guess a more pertinent issue is how can Ciara be sure that her client isn't going to read this thread.  If I was him, I wouldn't be terribly impressed at all.

Read the first post.. I posted it two hours before I went... I guess I will spell it out in ABC -123 next time..

This isn't a TER member , as I wouldnt be that STUPID to post it HERE .. He barely knows how to turn on a computer... Let alone, get on TER..

Thanks for your help happy people :) Im off to BED ! ;)

-- Modified on 5/1/2005 5:10:33 AM

Vicki Nicole3454 reads

oh god girl, NO!!
you should kinda make it more like just a regular overnight date with a boyfriend.

here's an example of the time spent with my last overnight:

we got a professional mutual massage
had a mutual shower afterwards
went to dinner
came back and had some fun, fun, fun
mmmmmm, just thinking about it, yea that was fun
then we cuddled and fell asleep
i woke him up in the middle fo the night cause i had wandering hands in "special" places
more fun
back to sleep
woke up in the morning
took another shower
went to breakfast

packed up and went home

I believe it's all in the name. It's called an overnighter not an allnighter.
Clarify which one they're after and quote a rate accordingly.

ryjay2955 reads

....however, most of my all nighters take place in Las Vegas so its very easy to stay up...there's a whole lot going on. And usually it's 1-2 in the morning by the time you get back to the room, and room service is available 24 hours (+ all the in room fun) and that keeps you fueled up.  The night can pass by pretty quickly in LV.  Staying awake the next day is much harder.  Being from California, my overnight trip will  start by flying in that night and flying out in the morning, With that hour flight being the hardest to stay awake...after, you just get a second wind to get through the day!

tokai1696 reads

I had booked an overnight for tonight (Sunday, May 1), but changed it to a long dinner date. When I originally booked it, the Lady asked me my expectations (marathon, up dancing all night, date with girl friend, etc.), and priced it accordingly. I said we would meet around 8pm, have time to get to know each other, have some more intimate conversation, sleep (around midnight at the latest), and a wake-me-up in the morning. That seems typical of what other people described. I ended up changing it to a long dinner date, meet at 6pm for dinner, and end around midnight.

If I was going to stay up all night, I would take a long nap the afternoon before, and go to bed early the next two nights. Then I would be back to normal.

As long as you are active, staying awake is not that difficult. However, you seem to have the problem of not wanting to fall asleep. Staying awake while lying in bed quietly is difficult.

Based upon responses, I would say that the normal expectation is what I had originally planned. However, it would behoove you to clarify expectations in advance. Because of your desire not to sleep, I would advise not booking o/n dates where the guy wants to sleep, and charge your normal hourly rate for the entire date (not a discounted multiple hour rate). The reason I suggest your normal rate is that it may be difficult to have a full appointment book the next day.

Let us know how it went. Search for my review of tonight in a few days.

During an Overnighter, just how many SOG can one really get without wearing out the cannon?  In my 50's, 3 is the max during a 2 or 3 hr. date.

I would take it as a compliment that you feel comfortable enough with me to fall asleep.

LARRYWALL3269 reads

I would expect that the lady be able to sleep, but she should expect to get woken up 2 times.  If I spend for an overnighter, I would expect 4 to 5 pops from the provider, and for her to bathe me.

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