TER General Board

lusty welsh
puff the magic 2819 reads

Yep - gotta agree with that one - and as the lesser known of the celtic nations - we're more than happy to prove the point on any occasion.

Of course saying that doesn't mean we'd denigrate the other celts - and certainly would make an exception for the lovely Carrie

BTW - Amyl Nitrate - Oranges - apparently to cover the bitter taste of AN - although none was found with the body - otherwise why an orange though?

Carrie of London3995 reads

Our MPs get up to all sorts!  Well at least they used to in the Conservative government days.  Going on about 'family values' while they had mistresses etc.  I'm sure the Labour lot do it too, they just don't get caught as often as the Tories did!

Check My Meds3397 reads

Hi Carrie:

Labour gets caught just as often... its just that they are such known sleazers that it is really not that newsworthy.

P.S.  Carrie, did you notice the salutation at the top?  Didn't want to appear rude.

puff the magic4454 reads

Unusually he was neither Labour or Tory but a Welsh Nationalist (Plaid Cymru) - and yes he was focussing his attention on the matters in hand when he suffered his (fatal) heart attack.

Hi Carrie,

I seem to recall reading that there was a junior minister in Mr. Major's last government who was found dead in a rather embarassing state: hog-tied with something stuffed in his mouth and wearing a ballet outfit? His portfolio was something like "family values."  My memory's really vague about this -- anyone recall it?

puff the magic3502 reads

Stephen Milligan, Tory MP and junior secretary to the Arms Minister, died in early 1994.

His semi-nude body was discovered in his London apartment by his housekeeper, who stated she had not expected him to be at the apartment over the New Year period. He was wearing items of women’s underwear and had a chord tied from around his neck to his ankles.

A piece of orange was found in his mouth, fuelling speculation backed by Government press releases inferring the MP had been engaged in the bizarre solitary sexual escapade during which he used amyl nitrate poppers to heighten sexual release.

Makes dying in the arms (hands) of a girl at the massage parlour seem like a peaceful way to go.

How the heck does the latter lead to the former? :)

Thanks for the refresher course -- that story still makes me laugh years later.  (But then, I'm a fan of macabre humour) :)

Carrie of London2736 reads

puff, thanks for the spec on that unfortunate orange related death.  I remember that one.

As we both know, Welsh MPs have been caught doing far more newsworthy stuff than Scots MPs.  I just wonder if Welsh 'civilians' are as interesting as their elected members ;)

"As we both know, Welsh MPs have been caught doing far more newsworthy stuff than Scots MPs.  I just wonder if Welsh 'civilians' are as interesting as their elected members ;) "

I've often had the impression (from Welsh nationalists, to be sure) that the Welsh are more lusty than their Scottish coutnerparts. :)


Carrie of London2514 reads

"most lusty than their Scottish counterparts" - present company excepted, I hope ;)

puff the magic2820 reads

Yep - gotta agree with that one - and as the lesser known of the celtic nations - we're more than happy to prove the point on any occasion.

Of course saying that doesn't mean we'd denigrate the other celts - and certainly would make an exception for the lovely Carrie

BTW - Amyl Nitrate - Oranges - apparently to cover the bitter taste of AN - although none was found with the body - otherwise why an orange though?

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