TER General Board

Luckily I live in cheap town! eom
Stay_thirsty_my_friend 82 reads


I hobby in Boston and New York where rates are higher than at home. I am in a different city this week, I saw a provider's ad, she charges $150 less HERE then when I saw her in New York. Honestly I am troubled when I see some providers I have seen charge less on tour. I have respect for women and I understand the need to adjust rates to suit the local market. It makes me think I did not get a fair deal when I see these ads. I paid full ticket price in NY, no regrets, now other guys get a better deal. Does it bother anyone else?

Posted By: 52jim

I hobby in Boston and New York where rates are higher than at home. I am in a different city this week, I saw a provider's ad, she charges $150 less HERE then when I saw her in New York. Honestly I am troubled when I see some providers I have seen charge less on tour. I have respect for women and I understand the need to adjust rates to suit the local market. It makes me think I did not get a fair deal when I see these ads. I paid full ticket price in NY, no regrets, now other guys get a better deal. Does it bother anyone else?
You do not make clear what you mean by "home" and "charge less on tour". However, you did acknowledge that you "understand the need to adjust rates to suit the local market."  
A Provider whose home base is NYC or Boston may or may not charge less when she tours to Cheaptown.
A Provider whose home base in Cheaptown will likely charge more when she tours to NYC or Boston.
Hotels, food, parking and almost everything else is more expensive in NYC and Boston than in Cheaptown. She likely raises her fee to offset the higher (than Cheaptown) costs. Does it bother anyone else? Not me. It's the way it is.
How about this: when you see her in NYC or Boston, tell her you will pay HER her Cheaptown fee but will add a separate envelope with 150 for her to give to the hotels and restaurants on your behalf.  Now, you ARE paying HER the same as her Cheaptown fee.  
How about this: travel to Cheaptown to see her at her lower rates. Ignore the added time and money you have to expend to do so as it is not part of the fee. Now, you are getting to see her at her bargain rate.

That is 100% correct. It is all about the location to fit the donation. An even in certain states the provider can still charge alot no matter where you are.

Not only do they do it for locations,  they also adjust rates for escort ad sites and review boards as well.

"Fair" is a relative term. "Fair" for a reasonably well reviewed, decent looking girl in NYC is $500 hr, That same girl would most likely get $400 in Chicago and $300 in Atlanta or Dallas. It is what it is.

Is it "Fair" that the Courtyard Marriot in NYC charges around $400 night, but the one I used to stay at in the major hooker area of N Dallas ran me less than $100? Is it "fair" that you can't rent a flea bag apartment in NYC for less than $3,000 month, but that in Tulsa I was able to rent a 4,000 sq ft house, complete with a swimming pool in the most desirable part of town for only a little over $2,000?

As I said, it's all relative. In Costa Rica, Americans think they are getting a steal on pussy because chicas that could easily get $600-800 hr in NYC are lucky to get $100 hr at the HDR, but some of these women have come to Costa Rica to earn "the big bucks" because they can only get a third that much in their home countries of Nicaragua, Colombia or the DR.  If you were getting a Dominican hottie for $100 hour would you really be concerned that she only charged $30 hr back home?

pay retail so the rest of us can get a better deal.  That's the way ALL business works.  

Seriously, I just saw a Vegas legend touring to LA that was lower than her Vegas customers pay.  But that's not why I saw her.  I couldn't get an appointment in Vegas despite several tries.  I would have paid the Vegas rate, but sometimes I'm just in the right place at the right time.  She obviously wants to make her LA tour profitable, so she lowered her rates to be more competitive and make sure she is well-booked.  

Modified to correct typo

-- Modified on 9/5/2017 10:54:52 AM

The same thing happens in the Bay Area. A girl could be a legend in her home town but have to take less to have a profitable tour out here.

Vegas is unusual because it has a low cost of living but high prices. It's the convention business that keeps prices high. Is it fair?? lol . Silly question.

The shift in rates cover the different costs associated with each city. The key to touring is making a profit but also still providing quality service. Many providers would rather raise the rate than increase the volume of clientele.

Maybe I should just move and be the queen of Cheaptown, USA :)

Raising the rate for certain areas may not work and could result in an unprofitable tour. Example: If the going rate in the town in 400 and you get six guys your gross is 2400. If you raise it to 500 and you only get two guys your gross is 1000.

The lower rate got higher volume  but was more profitable than the higher rate.

You would be surprised at how many have "specials" when there is only a day left in a certain town because they made almost no money at the high rate.

-- Modified on 9/6/2017 5:51:31 AM

Yeah so you raise the rate where there is more demand, lower it when there is less. If you don't get a lot of bookings in a pricey city, then stay in Cheapsville, USA where I plan to run for Mayor in the year 2020.

I totally understand why other girls charge more in the big cities like Boston and NYC. The expenses to tour there are just so much higher!
For example in New York an Eros advert will set you back at least $250 for a week, a decent midtown hotel is $400 a night, whereas Pittsburgh, where I did very well recently, the Eros advert as $25 for the week and a beautiful hotel was $130 a night?
It's a huge difference no?

NanaRaven79 reads

You pay for 300/ night for an upscale hotel in NYC. In some cheaptown, you can probably get a nice one under 150. So not a shock a girl charge different rate at different town.

As breaking even is not the goal of touring, I would lower if necessary to recover costs if exceeding does not seem possible within a given time frame.  It generally takes me 3 days to recoup up-front expenditures when touring Phx to DC and longer to sustain/benefit from making the trip in the first place.  If I consider raising, lowering, accepting an offer, it is because it is financially necessary at the given time.

if you are in a small town and room costs are low then a provider can afford to charge less there.  DC or New York the lady may be laying down 400-600nt for a room, where Cincinatti, Oh the same 4 star chain is 150.  Plus if a lady is on tour she also has certain expenses like childcare for kids, doggie day care and such that cost more $.  A lady needs to price herself at a point where she can make a decent profit on tour.  Otherwise she feels she should have just stayed home.  Just my thoughts..

Oh and my other thought, if you liked her then start seeing her in the less $ area

But get bent out of shape over it.  
It's economics and life in general. Do you feel like this with everything single expenses you have?

VOO-doo72 reads

I work in NYC as well as suburbs. Since I travel per appointment and don't tour, my rates stay the same regardless of location. I mean, if I told dude X in NYC it was $800 but $600 if he wanted to see me across the river... just wouldn't fly.  

However, I make WAY less money in NYC than any other market due to expenses (I also book more dates in NYC since my rates are a bit high for the 'burbs).  

A hotel I just booked in NYC cost me $500 for the night. Transportation is $45 *minimum* if I go public transport all the way, and walk everywhere (including from train to hotel w/luggage). Much more if I take a taxi (happens a lot when traffic is bad, or it's raining, or I;m running late, or trains run late). Food costs a lot, too, even if I try to stick to low-cost delis and stay put in my hotel room. But if you're in NYC... who wants to stay put in a room? I try to take advantage of being in the city to do at least ONE cultural or educational thing. A walk, a museum, an art gallery, a concert. And I'll probably want to stop someplace nice (or at least acceptable) for lunch or dinner, rather than just grabbing a hot dog from a streetside cart. NYC is EXPENSIVE. It's also time-consuming. If I go to NYC, I'm stuck there for a while. I can't just drive, park, fuck, and then go home like I can elsewhere. I have to figure in train schedules, rush hour traffic, etc. Plus, I always budget extra time in case I hit snafus (hotel won't let me check in early, train late, lots of traffic, etc, etc).  

So, for a 2-hour date at 5PM... I'll leave at 10AM - get to the hotel at 12-1PM (that's without any incidents)... pay $200-500 for the room... go out someplace at night... stay overnight... buy breakfast... do something in the city (schedule permitting)... arrive home the next night.  If it's a longer public date, I may have other wardrobe/hair preparation requirements which can also be quite pricey.  

On the other hand, travel in the 'burbs costs only gas plus tolls. Hotels are normally under $200 and often under $100. Travel hassle usually is fairly minimal, so long as I time things correctly. Usually free parking. I can go home right afterward. Sleep in my own bed. Return to my routine the next morning.  

So for the same 2-hour appointment at 5PM in the burbs... I can leave at 2PM... arrive at 3PM... check into hotel that costs well under $200... get ready... see client... go home. Simple, quick, cheap, easy.  

So... you were wondering why NYC dates should be more expensive? (Also, remember that touring girls have flights etc. to pay for).

Even in cities with much lower markets.  I have lowered my rates significantly in the past for North Carolina, then came back and definitely heard about it. This was before I started admitting I don't like people who complain about donations.  

And it's for this reason, that I cannot stand hearing a guy whine over 150 bucks. I'd rather not know he would lol.  Buyer's remorse kinda ruins it for me. So I just charge the same rate and forget about all those complications.  

But in the larger scope of things, I feel like having the same rates everywhere simplifies everything for everyone, and in the end it all evens out in the end. I typically look at things from a monthly and annual perspective anyway.  

I for one prefer convenience over getting the best deal. So what that means is, if I'm in Chicago and I want to buy something, instead of driving four total hours to go somewhere where the tax is going to be significantly less, and the mileage on my car won't be as expensive on top of that, I choose time & convenience. More time & less stress to get more work done for me.  

Now if I were buying a $25,000 car, I would go where the taxes are less, because we're talking about a lot more than $150 lol!

Now, I do give a bigger benefit to those supporting me in my home city, so I do a lower time minimum for them. Loyalty/returning clients is gold to me.  

 I am going to say, however, I have been traveling to New York quite a bit lately. Not only for tours, but also for private travel. It is enormously more expensive out there even for supplies, and other small costs. They add up. I do not think that anybody can expect somebody to live & work in New York and not have a higher rate. I can't believe anybody who lives in New York City wouldn't realize this unless they don't travel much outside of there. It's an entirely different economy.

-- Modified on 9/9/2017 8:08:58 PM

wow really?

i pay $20 for a burger in NYC.  I pay $10 in Atlanta.  I pay $400 for a hotel room in NYC.  I pay $150 in Dallas.

it's the same damn burger and same damn room.  do u complain about those things?

prices are different when you go to different places.  if it really bothers u, make more money

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