TER General Board

Low Volume is an understatement.teeth_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 779 reads

I used to see 1 new client a month with only having 1 regular, but now this is truly just a hobby for me.  I am fishing for chemistry.  I do not see anyone because I am to busy with running my own business not related to this hobby & enjoy being a stay at home Mom.  I feel the term low volume is used as a marketing tool, so I get your point in providing this thread.

There is a few providers who cherish their playtime even if it is only once a year!

It depends on how you define low volume but I don't think such a thing exists. Some of the things I've noticed over the years: Most have boyfriends or husbands. Some have Sugar daddies and guys they barter with. Some have multiple ads. Years ago some $200 massage girls were caught advertising themselves as 1K courtesan hookers.

Others have multiple ads with more than one set of pictures , E mails and phone numbers. Some claim they only see a few guys a month but have a ton of regulars. I have come to believe that they all lie about the amount of fucking they really do.

Any thoughts

Bob.Sugar1039 reads

I think that your 99.9% estimate is low!

When "they" start using their real names and info so that johns can do research on who they are about to go into a room with...alone...then I'll concede that more are telling the "truth".

Have you ever met a hooker that wasn't armed?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Why would they lie?

GaGambler1224 reads

However many of them aren't that way by choice. lol

JackDunphy1010 reads

No reviews in 5 months? Biz that bad huh? Johns just love those lower volume gals. Or do they avoid them? Very confusing...

Keep up the good work! LOL

NumNumMan972 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
However many of them aren't that way by choice. lol

nom_de_plume762 reads

For example, I know several providers who do p4p part-time, as they have other jobs. They may only do "escorting" a couple hours a day, or a couple of days a week.  

Then there's those who SAY they're (e.g.) "full time nurses" but somehow have time and energy to do p4p 10 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Riiiight...

People have sex all the time, and it really isn't your business who has sex with whom or how often, is it?

Bob.Sugar863 reads

Perhaps time to start a dick sized thread?

Posted By: MasterZen
People have sex all the time, and it really isn't your business who has sex with whom or how often, is it?

Bob.Sugar850 reads

I hope he doesn't mind that I outed him here  ;)

I wear that 11th championship ring on my big toe.

Let's just make low volume 1 to 2 a day (3 to 5 days out of a week). Yep! Without question and I know a "few" who are lower than that! It's NOT their full time job though. Lol. Of course one can never know without being around a person 24/7 or in constant contact with a person but there are from what I've heard from some honest discussions with some ladies. A few could be lying, a few others, seriously seriously doubt it. Anyhoo. For the most part I would tell any gent who is truly concerned, always act & think like they are not low volume!! Lol. If you understand where I'm going with that!!!

Although the operative definition would be relative to all that it would apply ,  would a gray area be one that would have maybe one to three appointments a day or anything between 6 to  10 weekly appointments with a mixture of regulars and first time clients?  The question is what is low volume but high enough revenue to meet your financial goals. That is unique to each provider who would describe herself in this way.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
It depends on how you define low volume but I don't think such a thing exists. Some of the things I've noticed over the years: Most have boyfriends or husbands. Some have Sugar daddies and guys they barter with. Some have multiple ads. Years ago some $200 massage girls were caught advertising themselves as 1K courtesan hookers.  
 Others have multiple ads with more than one set of pictures , E mails and phone numbers. Some claim they only see a few guys a month but have a ton of regulars. I have come to believe that they all lie about the amount of fucking they really do.  
 Any thoughts?  

AnonyMiss939 reads

The thing is, you're talking about revenue like its a normal job, but it isn't.  

In a normal job you know how much money you're going to make every week. For a provider, you have no real idea from one day to the next. Regulars disappear, appointments cancel. So, your incentive is to work as much as possible as quickly as possible. This is not a long-term gig for a whole host of reasons - you age out, you get busted. It's fun, but it does take a physical and emotional toll.  

This job is not a career with promotions and a retirement plan. It's a short-term solution and the idea is to get in, meet your goal, and get out, the sooner the better. So, at least for me, I have a goal and  I'm enjoying the ride, but when I meet my goal I'm gone.  

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
Although the operative definition would be relative to all that it would apply ,  would a gray area be one that would have maybe one to three appointments a day or anything between 6 to  10 weekly appointments with a mixture of regulars and first time clients?  The question is what is low volume but high enough revenue to meet your financial goals. That is unique to each provider who would describe herself in this way.  
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
It depends on how you define low volume but I don't think such a thing exists. Some of the things I've noticed over the years: Most have boyfriends or husbands. Some have Sugar daddies and guys they barter with. Some have multiple ads. Years ago some $200 massage girls were caught advertising themselves as 1K courtesan hookers.  
  Others have multiple ads with more than one set of pictures , E mails and phone numbers. Some claim they only see a few guys a month but have a ton of regulars. I have come to believe that they all lie about the amount of fucking they really do.  
  Any thoughts?  

As a full time grad student, I don't have the time to see more than 4 clients per month, max. Perhaps that doesn't meet someone else's definition of "low volume provider," but I know that my business approach would be different if I were simply trying to maximize income. I know it may be hard to believe, but some of us do see being a provider as an "extra," not a necessity.

There are low volume providers out there.  There are also ladies who would rather leave a little mystery instead of calling out "Now Serving Number 45....Number 45".

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 4:17:15 PM

Posted By: ThePrivateAssistant
There are low volume providers out there.  There are also ladies who would rather leave a little mystery instead of calling out "Now Serving Number 45....Number 45".

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 4:17:15 PM

Of course it exists, in the TER and SB worlds.  

Low volume is sought after by people who life GFE, compatabilty, and long dates, including dinner dates, overnights, etc.

There are also liars on both sides.

There are also guys with nine inch cocks on TER who give girls problems understanding math and measurement because it sure as hell looks like 4.5 inches on the rulers they remember from school.  The gusy might also have no wives, in spite of that wedding band they forgot to slip off.  

Not all sugar babies and daddies are completely exclusive. They may have understandings or they may cheat on each other, just like in real life. Presumably in the SB/SD world they are more honest with each other and are careful to be exclusive with each other for certain activities. Others may be having BBFS with six guys or gals telling each that he/she is the only one that either of them does this with.

More importantly, the best women in this profession set their limits in terms of volume to keep "work-life balance" in their work life. They are the ones who makes lasting memories, because they are into it

But since we all lie, the truth must be yes.

you mean those 20k for 4 hrs are booked back to back? LOL

Posted By: rrasha88
But since we all lie, the truth must be yes.

I don't have a bf or husband, and never have at the same time LR was active... that would be just too much action to keep up with. Compared to regular girls, I suppose there is no such thing as a provider being low volume based on numbers alone, but if you want to talk about the number of TIMES someone has sex, well, yes.  

I have far less sex as LR than I ever did in any of my relationships... I just fk more people, but it's not as much frequency nor is it as long. On average I see 8-10 guys  a month I would say, so to most that is very low volume... I mean it's not even 3 a damn week. I know many who can fk 3 a day for five straight days and still not be packing ice. God Bless em. If I was a bj only hooker, all bets are off. I could suck d*ck all day.  

So, bottom line... I know many girls who are NOT providers that get way more action than many of us care to get here. I fked more in high school than I do here... cmon.

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 5:47:51 PM

Dear Ms. Rayne:
I am just wondering if it would be your rate of compensation, although it has been reiterated that the numbers just represent time and company, or given that you were inclined, that the gentlemen were interested in the virtues of your wonderful cunnilingus.  Also the preservation of London's love pot would have a lot to do with her stipulations regarding size as well.  I can see the signs at her incall saying if your above x you can't go inside.  It would be like an amusement park for hobbyist.

Exactly, Dupi. I am sure if I charged less, I would be getting a lot more inquries but I simply can't fathom still liking the sex if it was all the time... here, or with someone in the real world. Familiarity breeds contempt IMO, but again, that's just me. I know many who love seeing the same guys over and over again, but that only works for me if they are in a different state. I will also say that the volume of times I have sex with an escort client, is nowhere near the frequency with a sugar daddy. I've tried that route a few times, and just could not do it for more than a year or so. Even then, the guy had to be married so I could keep him from being up my ass constantly wanting more. The last one I had started out at once a week, then he wanted to be with me all the fkin time. Ended that shit quick.

Dear Ms. Rayne:
Considering your previous post, what are the basic ground rules that you have for Regulars that prefer you?  Also when entering a long term relationship with a customer or potential sugar daddy, when do you broach this subject and what are the types of questions that you receive with respect to this topic?  Also an experienced provider when do you know when to terminate such a relationship and what type of reactions do you get from your guys when you do decide to terminate the relationship?  Although you know that repeat business is just as important as new business, when is enough enough?

...and you are generally very interesting.

Posted By: London Rayne
I don't have a bf or husband, and never have at the same time LR was active... that would be just too much action to keep up with. Compared to regular girls, I suppose there is no such thing as a provider being low volume based on numbers alone, but if you want to talk about the number of TIMES someone has sex, well, yes.  
 I have far less sex as LR than I ever did in any of my relationships... I just fk more people, but it's not as much frequency nor is it as long. On average I see 8-10 guys  a month I would say, so to most that is very low volume... I mean it's not even 3 a damn week. I know many who can fk 3 a day for five straight days and still not be packing ice. God Bless em. If I was a bj only hooker, all bets are off. I could suck d*ck all day.  
 So, bottom line... I know many girls who are NOT providers that get way more action than many of us care to get here. I fked more in high school than I do here... cmon.  

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 5:47:51 PM

Yes but you trade blowjobs for auto repairs, cosmetic medical work, home repairs and a host of other things. You can suck plenty of cocks in between posts! You owe blowjobs all over town! Add 20-30 blowjobs to the 10 fucks and that's sex 30-40 times a month!

FYI, if you saw me in person you would know I am looong over due for some of those cosmetic procedures lol, and that since I moved, I lost all those 'connections.' Those people were in New Orleans, hon. I can't do it here... too small of a town.

Posted By: London Rayne
FYI, if you saw me in person you would know I am looong over due for some of those cosmetic procedures lol, and that since I moved, I lost all those 'connections.' Those people were in New Orleans, hon. I can't do it here... too small of a town.
You don't sound old enough to need cosmetic procedures. I can't see you in person since my Dick is slightly above your limits, you like em young and I'm 55 and If you yak at me I'd tie you to the bedposts and spank your ass!



Posted By: London Rayne
I don't have a bf or husband, and never have at the same time LR was active... that would be just too much action to keep up with. Compared to regular girls, I suppose there is no such thing as a provider being low volume based on numbers alone, but if you want to talk about the number of TIMES someone has sex, well, yes.  
 I have far less sex as LR than I ever did in any of my relationships... I just fk more people, but it's not as much frequency nor is it as long. On average I see 8-10 guys  a month I would say, so to most that is very low volume... I mean it's not even 3 a damn week. I know many who can fk 3 a day for five straight days and still not be packing ice. God Bless em. If I was a bj only hooker, all bets are off. I could suck d*ck all day.  
 So, bottom line... I know many girls who are NOT providers that get way more action than many of us care to get here. I fked more in high school than I do here... cmon.  

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 5:47:51 PM

I fucked a lot more in high school. We all did I suspect.  

Posted By: London Rayne
I don't have a bf or husband, and never have at the same time LR was active... that would be just too much action to keep up with. Compared to regular girls, I suppose there is no such thing as a provider being low volume based on numbers alone, but if you want to talk about the number of TIMES someone has sex, well, yes.  
 I have far less sex as LR than I ever did in any of my relationships... I just fk more people, but it's not as much frequency nor is it as long. On average I see 8-10 guys  a month I would say, so to most that is very low volume... I mean it's not even 3 a damn week. I know many who can fk 3 a day for five straight days and still not be packing ice. God Bless em. If I was a bj only hooker, all bets are off. I could suck d*ck all day.  
 So, bottom line... I know many girls who are NOT providers that get way more action than many of us care to get here. I fked more in high school than I do here... cmon.  

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 5:47:51 PM

Of course there are low volume providers.

Yes there are providers with multiple ads or sugar daddies or offering different services as you say, but there are also providers with families and jobs, and educational obligations that will mean they can't spend all their time sitting on the end of the bed painting their nails so can only meet clients when it is convenient for them first of all, maybe once or twice a week, maybe once or twice a month.

If a provider chooses to share with you the honest reason why they are low volume that's good. If they choose to make up a story to explain how they spend their time that's their right to do so.

Are clients 100% honest in everything they say to providers?

I know several providers in many areas of the south at 400, and they do not work often unless they travel. Charging over 400 in the south is like charging 7-1000 in LA or NYC. The numbers are still low, and unless she is only doing an hour for that much, can't see why anyone would need 'another client' in the same day at that rate.  

There are so many variables that go into volume...

The rate, days and times she is available, how much notice she needs, if she has another job, family to work around or both, whether or not she requires a deposit or cancelation fee, does she have an incall readily available or needs to rent a room (check in times are a nightmare for the hobby) services offered, her body type, etc. All of those things can affect volume, so it's very possible a gal at 300 can be seeing just as few clients as one who charges a grand. It's just more likely based on the 'average' hobbyist that the more you charge, the fewer guys will contact you... it's still not an exact science though. I recall a certain lady whose minimum was 2500 and she was still averaging 6 guys a month on average... and, they were overnight and weekend dates.

Important thing SAFE and CLEAN escorts in the business.Play safe folks :)

And you owe me a new keyboard

As long as the lady is looking good for me. And she smells good and is done up from head to toe. And she is enthusiastic and has a good attitude with me. That's all I care about!

Who gives a fck about low or high volume?!

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 6:25:06 PM

GaGambler963 reads

I hate it when I only see three different women in a week, although when at home I too rarely see more than one woman in a single day, but when on vacation all bets are off.

Obviously I don't complain about high volume women, I might be a pig, but I am not a hypocritical pig. lol

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
It depends on how you define low volume but I don't think such a thing exists. Some of the things I've noticed over the years: Most have boyfriends or husbands. Some have Sugar daddies and guys they barter with. Some have multiple ads. Years ago some $200 massage girls were caught advertising themselves as 1K courtesan hookers.  
 Others have multiple ads with more than one set of pictures , E mails and phone numbers. Some claim they only see a few guys a month but have a ton of regulars. I have come to believe that they all lie about the amount of fucking they really do.  
 Any thoughts?  

hobbyists that only visit providers once or twice a year.  I would bet the number of part-time providers (only a couple of dates a week or less) that get a significant portion of their income from sources other than sex-work, is much higher than we would guess.

I am sure my version of low volume is different from other's version.  Due to the fact that I am an entrepreneur (I own and operate my own retail business),  I don't have a lot of time nor the patience to see more than 3 men in a week unless I am traveling in which case I generally only see 1 or sometimes 2 gentleman a day.  A lot of men automatically exclude themselves out from seeing me simply because either they don't have references or they realize that perhaps he and I may not be compatible which is very important for me.  I have to say that I absolutely love what I do. I have had the privilege to meet the most fascinating and wonderful gentlemen ever and I don't regret it one bit.  I would much rather meet and spend time with gentlemen in this fashion versus meeting a complete stranger in a bar or anywhere else and take my chances with him.  At least I am able to screen him and get to know him a little bit before spending any intimate time with him.  


Fair enough. I don't think "low volume" can be defined except as a marketing gimmick. Some would say 2 guys a day 3 days a week. Others would say 2 guys a month. Here is where the sticky part comes in. Some have husbands/BF/Sd that they also fuck. Even if you don't count that, well established girls have lots of regulars. Your reviews go back 10 pages to 2006. You must have a lot of regulars grandfathered in after nine years of doing this. There is nothing wrong with what you are doing but I doubt it's what most people would define as low volume. I don't think "low volume" exists with an established escort. That's why I'm not impressed when low volume is advertised

GaGambler797 reads

I think I would prefer a horny hooker who likes to fuck and fucks everyday than a woman with a low sex drive who "saves" herself for a limited clientele.  

I am not looking for a virginal soul mate, I am looking for someone to rock my world for an hour or so.

I can't speak for others however, I can say I'm truly low volume.  I don't need to be that busy, in fact, I stopped offering in calls because I don't need to be that busy.  I advertise a pretty open availability, normally 6 or 7am to 9pm.  however, that doesn't mean I see multiple clients. I see ONE a day, 3 or 4 a week, even when I'm touring.  So you could say I describe low volume as one a day, 3 or 4 a week.  Do I lie?  No, I have no reason to.  I barter with no one and have no one in my life telling me what to do.  I simply don't allow those kind of relationships, their useless and degrading to me.  I have no sugar daddy, I'm more than able to live as a responsible adult without all that mess.

I have multiple ads because I provide in multiple areas and they all don't have the same pictures however, they are MY pictures and what you will see when I arrive.  I have a ton of regulars however, I don't see them all in a week and they are scattered all over the United States. A ton of regulars DOES NOT equal high volume.

What does all this mean for you?  I'm not unique, there are a ton of great ladies that have their shit together and don't bullshit their clients.  I suggest looking at WHERE you find your "hookers", that makes a HUGE difference. If you believe me or not doesn't matter, I'm not responsible for that nor do I care. I'm responsible for what I say and do...not what others think or believe.

Maybe try looking for better than a "hooker", I would never see anyone who called me that, it says to much about them.


Posted By: Oldtimemonger
It depends on how you define low volume but I don't think such a thing exists. Some of the things I've noticed over the years: Most have boyfriends or husbands. Some have Sugar daddies and guys they barter with. Some have multiple ads. Years ago some $200 massage girls were caught advertising themselves as 1K courtesan hookers.  
 Others have multiple ads with more than one set of pictures , E mails and phone numbers. Some claim they only see a few guys a month but have a ton of regulars. I have come to believe that they all lie about the amount of fucking they really do.  
 Any thoughts?  

I used to see 1 new client a month with only having 1 regular, but now this is truly just a hobby for me.  I am fishing for chemistry.  I do not see anyone because I am to busy with running my own business not related to this hobby & enjoy being a stay at home Mom.  I feel the term low volume is used as a marketing tool, so I get your point in providing this thread.

There is a few providers who cherish their playtime even if it is only once a year!

Low volume escorts trying to run away the business high volume escorts.All escorts gotta eat..NONE OF NO ONE BUSINESS High or low volume escorts..Folks need to stop worrying about others. Important matter SAFE and CLEAN escorts in the business.NO STRINGS ATTACHED BUSINESS.Play safe folks

SierraBenjamin867 reads

The term "hookers" is disrespectful to the community of providers that service clients who use services to relieve stress from daily life. What does it matter what providers do outside that time they spend with you. Whether or not they claim to be low volume or not. If they are good and make you feel great, what is the issue? Just have fun and be respectful.

Posted By: SierraBenjamin
The term "hookers" is disrespectful to the community of providers that service clients who use services to relieve stress from daily life. What does it matter what providers do outside that time they spend with you. Whether or not they claim to be low volume or not. If they are good and make you feel great, what is the issue? Just have fun and be respectful.
I think the word client is disrespectful. Hookers should have the decency to call us guys mongers and tricks.

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