TER General Board

Lots of lovers, a few friends
souls_harbor 58 reads

Getting married early in life probably makes it a tad easier to stay monogamous.  Getting married later in life gives you a chance to experience the loss of your freedom, which can be quite a negative influence on the marriage.

I was a bachelor for decades before getting married the first time.  There were things I liked about marriage (which is why I made the mistake a second time.)  One thing is that though I like variety in lovers, I don't have room for that many friends.  They become task items to schedule around.  Marriage offers an opportunity to have an on-call friend, so to speak.  You do stuff together, etc.  You don't need to do the upkeep on many other friends.  

My "friends" now are mostly online.  People I've never actually met.  But people who I've conversed with for more than a decade.  They intellectually stimulate me.  Which makes one of the benefits of marriage less important.  But still the lust for sexual variety.  So you can see where that leads ... to TER :-)

SpectreNBond1252 reads

Was watching international news and the topic was on infidelity.  France won the honor of most open to infidelity. Maybe not surprising France won, but the suggestion "Challenge of monogamy" caught my ears.  

Ladies, I blame you and love spending the time with you all ;-)... YES, IMO the challenge of monogamy is stronger than ever as this hobby will likely continue to grow.....  

Ladies and boys, agree, disagree, opinions???

...... during my two marriages. Even when there was no sex with ex wife #2.  
But, when I broke up marriage #2, I decided that monogamy isn't something I want anymore. So my civie dates are only with women who understand that I'm not going to be only with them. I'm totally honest. If they don't want that, I don't want them. And of course, I have no expectation of their monogamy.
I don't know what the future holds. I may come across someone that I would make an agreement with. I'm not much for breaking agreements. I'm not judging anyone else, it's just how I prefer to cope with myself.
And of course ,my p4p life is much easier with that.

Have fun.

I love the simplicity and intimacy of monogamy.

Ya think monogamy and relationship are simple? Which planet?

would be nothing of the sort were I with someone exclusively; when I make a promise, I try and keep it.

Not that I’m mounting my high horse or anything; I’m not judging others.  But if I were with someone I love, I just couldn’t stand the thought of betraying or hurting them.

I would only begin seeing someone else (whether civvie or Provider) after a given relationship had disintegrated.

Under what conditions?  

Yes, every one would if the relationship matches their fantasy of a perfect relationship but it never does!

As you say; there IS no perfect relationship... and they are /never/ easy (but then again, nothing worth having is).

Once again, I’m not judging anyone else; everyone must walk their own path (see there - I even threw in some dime store philosophy 😃).  

But for ME it would be intolerable to betray my love or myself by cheating.  Never!!!

Now, if it turns out that the relationship is obviously unsalvageable (e.g., she cheated on /me/) then unfortunately it’s time desolve it, which should be done in no uncertain terms.

I've never actually been in a monogamous relationship. All my past relationships were open. Not sure if I'd ever want to be in one... I guess I'm weird lol. To me, one way or another it's all about setting terms of your relationship and sticking to them. Doing things behind someones back is never ok. That being said I feel like so many people have a simplified and closed minded view about infidelity. To hear some people talk it's worse than murder lol. Too many people treat it as a deal breaker in a relationship without actually just looking at it on a case by case basis to see if it's something that can be worked out or not. As with all things the reason behind the action, who it was done with, and how likely it is to happen again are important factors.  

For me, the reason I don't care whether I'm in a monogamous relationships is that I know the difference between sex for strictly pleasure and sex with someone you love. I think being an escort teaches you that. Seeing escorts is probably one of the best ways to live out a fetish with a person you have no attachment to. Whenever any of my boyfriends said they were going to see an escort it would actually be reassuring. The girls who are out there trying to convince your man to leave you for them aren't the escorts, they just wanna get paid lol.

...i dont mind the idea of monogamy...but what if do if the amazingly hot woman i hang with,is into and loves other amazingly hot women...picks them up....likes me to watch...then invites me to join w the ones who are open...doesn't mind me seeing providers....and when i'm away,wont see anyone else-doesn't get upset if i play..demands that i share what i experienced when i get home...is that "monogamous?"

souls_harbor59 reads

Getting married early in life probably makes it a tad easier to stay monogamous.  Getting married later in life gives you a chance to experience the loss of your freedom, which can be quite a negative influence on the marriage.

I was a bachelor for decades before getting married the first time.  There were things I liked about marriage (which is why I made the mistake a second time.)  One thing is that though I like variety in lovers, I don't have room for that many friends.  They become task items to schedule around.  Marriage offers an opportunity to have an on-call friend, so to speak.  You do stuff together, etc.  You don't need to do the upkeep on many other friends.  

My "friends" now are mostly online.  People I've never actually met.  But people who I've conversed with for more than a decade.  They intellectually stimulate me.  Which makes one of the benefits of marriage less important.  But still the lust for sexual variety.  So you can see where that leads ... to TER :-)

Of the roughly 5,000 species of mammals, only 3 to 5 percent are known to form lifelong pair bonds.

Ultimately, monogamy is not a natural condition--and society's uptight "possessiveness" regarding sexuality has caused incalculable harm throughout history. Once religion made human sexuality "dirty" and "evil"---disaster ensued!!

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