TER General Board

Looks to me some actually want that hidden agenda, damned if you do, damned if you don't! xo e
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 4272 reads
1 / 102

that this profession is all abuse. Largely promulgated by the media, the media fails to focus on the consensual nature of the business. A consensual nature, by its very definition dictates that both the parties engage in the business voluntarily. No one is forced into anything, and as long as the contractual obligations are fulfilled, either party is free to walk away anytime.  

That being said, if the profession is having a toll on you to the extent that you start painting almost everyone with a broad brush, and start likening them to hardened criminals, whose whole purpose is to bury his bone in a human hole, its probably a good time to hang the boots. No one here is stopping anyone from getting a real job.  

I did not sign up for this shit to abuse anyone. I signed up to have some good time and to satisfy my God given urges of fucking various beautiful women. A chance that you can't have in real life unless you are some Pro Athlete or Rock Star, who has got 20 some yr olds throwing themselves at their feet.  

The stuff that guys talk as trash talk should not be indiscriminately mistaken for abusive nature. And trash talk is as old as dirt, and probably existed before the first hooker whored her ass to the first John.  Boys will always be boys.. I've heard guys talk things about their wives in such a way that would make some of you mongers and hookers squirm, when you apply the proper context to the conversation that the guy just said such and such thing about his own "wife"

I will do everything within my abilities to make sure that I don't add to the abuse.  Just like I will not invite an alcoholic to have drink with me (hypothetically), or smoke a joint (hypothetically) with a drug addict, I will not give my business to someone who paints the whole male population as criminals.. Fuck that !!! That's the reason I stopped hobbying with DMV and CDC (DC agencies) because those pimps abused women and threatened them with life.

It is also very funny how faith comes into picture right after the Goal on the excel spreadsheet tallies with the bank account... And how hypocritical is it that the very reviews that helped the hookers to tally the bank balance with the goals on the paper, are now trashed as "too explicit", and "unhumanly". Good fuckin' Lord...

Instead of cussing guys out, you could thank your gene pool for good looks and decent health that allowed you to whore yourself out in the first place.  

I think the inherent deficit in between the "Mongers" and "Hookers" just grew exponentially !!

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2373 reads
2 / 102

There are some real nasty things said about women and their bodies on this board. Don't get me wrong,

And instead of PMing me to get a clear view of what you didn't understand, here -you- are posting a big ass "Courtney is a bitch" post on TER. Hmmm,...

But think what you want babe. As I was told, 'no one fucks with Curly'.

WondersOfTheWrld 2284 reads
3 / 102

Wow. I thought her post was a quick insight into why she wouldn't want this work for her daughter: 1) you have to live a double life. Not fun. 2) there's cut throat competition and some men who like to trash the women…ahem…SOME men. 3) It's difficult having a relationship and doing this at the same time.

There was nothing in her post that said all men are abusive. Did she fail to post a threAD? Yes, I suppose she shouldn't have been as honest in order to make the men here feel comfortable and said that "yes, this is the most amazing job and I want my daughter to be a prostitute too! *book me please, I'm begging with this threAD*". The men here shouldn't feel uncomfortable in any way, because her post had nothing to do with them, unless they fit into the abusive category. Those who do will probably feel guilty, the rest will understand that her post has nothing to do with them, as her post isn't speaking for all men nor did she say it's taken a complete toll on her. If you don't fit in that category, then what's the issue? She didn't say all johns are abusive to the ladies here, but some are.  Why are you creating a new thread with eight paragraphs to defend yourself? So there are unfortunate parts of the business that she wouldn't want to subject her daughter to. Makes sense to me.  

This is a clear example of why providers should use aliases to share anything REAL and should make sure they only post threADs to not offend any sensitive men and affect their business.

*edited to add the word "not" in the last sentence*

-- Modified on 2/7/2014 8:39:20 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1974 reads
5 / 102

Here is a direct quote.. And FWIW, I never said she said all... I said she said most.. Which is clearly implied from her post...

Now go back in hiding...  
While it's not terrible, and I (obviously) don't judge people, I will say I am a completely different person than I was before I joined this business. Used to be a sweet, loving, caring, honest, and harmless individual… but after dealing with the cut-throat competition, the men who trash your naked body in public forums, and trash your friends' bodies as well… I've hardened.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2104 reads
6 / 102

back to it. Something hit a cord, and I did not say that you or anyone I have seen were abusive by any means. But these boards, which is a main place of exposure for me at least, can be VERY rough, and it toughens you up.

Quite honestly, Curly, it seems you were hovering, just waiting for me to fuck up so you could do this media exposure thing. Go ahead, have at it. I'll just wait for the publicity, good or bad, it gives me.

Shit gets taken out of context when you're on here all day… I've been sick for over a week, on the couch, on my computer, working and doing TER… give me a break for thinking too much.

Regarding RELIGION, where did I bring God into this? I am reading my posts over and over and over again, and I do not see one thing about God or religion in there. Something hit a cord with you, but it wasn't me. If you won't listen to me, and work this out so we can come to an understanding, then it's not me.

-- Modified on 2/7/2014 10:49:53 PM

WondersOfTheWrld 2299 reads
7 / 102

Implying that some men don't do that. And the men who do? Well, that could be a small slice of the pie and from my experience, they are a small group of johns, not the most or all. I guess we all read into things the way we want to. I'm just reading her actual words, not projecting my feelings, and her words don't say "most" or "all".

Hiding? Please. I just don't have the interest to constantly banter with SOME of the folks here. Thanks for you concern, however.  

Take care.

*edited to fix the title*

-- Modified on 2/7/2014 8:51:39 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2391 reads
8 / 102

If it was implied for small group, why bring it up in the first place? And if you want to bring a specific case, how about giving a specific example to back it.  We can't crawl in your head, we only go with what you post, and use our perceptive abilities to interpret things.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2102 reads
10 / 102
GreekDeprived 2332 reads
11 / 102

Have no idea what this means? AND, was too troublesome to read 'till the end.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2322 reads
12 / 102

You didn't PM me or invoke my name in the post. So why is the need to PM you back. I wrote my rebuttal post  

Like I said.. This is a fuck board.. Not Sunday school...

I was talking in general terms...and responding to your post.. When you make a public post, you open yourself up for criticism.  And you got it... End of story....

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 12:11:44 AM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1880 reads
14 / 102

I like you as a person.. I just didn't like your post.. So I called you out on it..  

I have had arguments with everyone on the board who has been here long enough..  Ask London, CPA, Gambler, BigVern, PerfectStorm everyone....

At times when I was wrong, I accepted it and moved on. Changed a thing or two..

cashorcredit 2364 reads
15 / 102

dumb ass would you want you daughter BS thread..

You got two of my favorite posters going at it

AnotherDonJohn 1980 reads
16 / 102

Sorry for the length here. Look, I like you, I think your smart. Nothing personal, ok? There's definitely nothing wrong with your view on the daughter you'd have vs. THE business. I said the same thing. Also nothing wrong obviously with being "human" in general on this board or in this business, or specifically in this topic.

However, I have to agree with Curly that you laid a lot of shit on men for your evident disatisfaction with major aspects of this business. Let's ignore your beef about the criticism of physical attributes and the fukking with your business thing. I will simplify the problem by saying that your real issue is that you basically see yourself as being in an unfortunate predicament of being an escort, due to financial pressures, and feel you are better than it all. Sorry.

My answer will be: you can feel this way but 1) you'd be deluding yourself with some of your thinking, 2) you should not be voicing this opinion here and now.
1) Like Curly, I did read your post as blaming the johns in this community for your overall predicament. Some of this shit you attribute to men is deserved. But a LOT of it is not. Blame the mistakes of youth, blame hypothetical drug/alcohol problems, blame lack of sufficient career opportunities, blame inadequate family support, AND, most of all, blame the willingness to trade on your good looks for easy money. Frankly, you could've worked three jobs at the same time, spent less, or you could've been a drug dealer. But you chose to sell sex. Are you gonna blame men, especially those with sex addictions, for being men and loving sex? No, we really did not put you in this predicament. And I'm not being defensive. Them's just common sense.

2) You're right to tell me to see girls who hold similar feelings as yours inside.  Once you've entered this business, which has been formalized by things like TER, you have to avoid shooting yourself in the foot like this. Sure, you will spark some bra burning from the sista hood (who will let you flap later in the wind) and some soft-hearted Manginas will join your battle cry (and probably won't pay you off either). However, whether you like it or not, you have just counter-marketed yourself to a significant segment of TER moderates. Guys like Curly and me were looking for fun with cool chicks and thought you were relatively cool with your situation. But now I feel that you are not and are at least partially blaming us guysfor your predicament. In other industries, that kind of thing HAS to lose the complainer some business. But it sounds like you're on your way out if you truly feel this way.  

And I really did want to see you, but now I probably cannot, knowing now what I know about your true feelings. It doesn't mean that i don't like to or don't respect you. This is an example of why social media is powerful and potentially a career killer. I can't go on linkedin and tell people how much I hate my job and my clients, even if I like some aspects of my job. This is essentially what you did. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there's no going back no matter how much some posters may dismiss it as just topical (i.e., what would you do for your daughter?). :(

cashorcredit 2276 reads
17 / 102

I hate to break this to you, but all escorts feel the way she does, she was just honest enough to say it on the boards.  

Posted By: AnotherDonJohn

And I really did want to see you, but now I probably cannot, knowing now what I know about your true feelings.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2197 reads
18 / 102

… and where I think I'm unfortunate to be here.

Again, there are some tough things in this business, and until you actually do it, you won't understand how it changes you… for the better and for the worse, if you aren't careful.

Regarding financial issues, the only thing I mentioned about financial issues was about an example of a daughter expressing financial issues to her family, and the family helping her. If she became an escort, I doubt she would be as willing to express a need.

Please point out WHERE I said MEN put me here.

Social media is very powerful; however, bad media is as well. Also, how you handle a situation, or a screw up can bring better results than the first.

If a business man loses because of social media, is his life over? No. He learns a lesson and uses it for future endeavors.

My predicament, which it isn't, I consider it strengthening exercise --- is the way the business works. Not because some John called me fat lol. If that directed my choices, it would be to lower my rates and go back to BP where I belong. Obviously that hasn't happened yet. I don't deal with that problem at the moment. --- But my daughter MAY. And that will be constantly on my mind, as it is with any friend who deals with anything.

Regarding someone ruining a business due to a few words, I agree…  
In any business, a mistake doesn't always make or brake you, however. Do you suffer loss? Sure. What business hasn't because of a mistake? When you break is when you do something that is irreparable. An irreparable problem in this business would be - stealing money. or - having a pimp. or - using 20 year old or stolen pictures.

I've been told many times I've completely fucked up my business. But I'm still here.

What the next step is service recovery, and public discussion, since the mistake was made publicly… which is what we are doing --- a customer (or potential/lost customer) has approached me with a problem, and I have a choice as to what I do with the problem.

When McDonald's gave a lady a cup of hot coffee, she got third degree burns and spent eight days in the hospital, they had some problems. It's almost a famous holiday. McDonald's net worth as of 2012 was almost $62 billion (Forbes). Media will hurt you, but you can bounce back. Maybe I can't for you, but perhaps for others.

There are times when companies, employees, business owners, or family members royally fuck up… but it can be used as a test - an opportunity to prove a strength or grow from a new found weakness. McDonald's set a stronger policy for how they presented coffee to people.

Not that we want old ladies to burn, but let's be glad in this situation no one ended up in the hospital for eight days because of it. lol.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 12:45:12 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2310 reads
19 / 102

so we can have hot make up sex later. :D

(This is going to bring out a new ball of wax. Just watch lol.)

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 12:39:56 AM

AnotherDonJohn 2471 reads
20 / 102

The point is for certain johns like Curly and me.
Just not turned on by that.
Feel free though. Not judging.
I said all that.

VOO-doo 2160 reads
21 / 102

If you are looking for that girl who is 100% untouched by the negative things that can happen in this lifestyle...well, there just isn't a girl like that. We all pay some kind of price for the choice we've made.  

But none of that really affects how I feel about my life in general, or even escorting. Because escorting is fundamentally about the people - YOU guys - and most of the people I've met have been pretty great. That girl I knew who XXX? The board post that made me mad? None of that has anything to do with the nice guy about to walk through my door.  

So I'm 'cool' with this lifestyle and have a great time, most of the time. As do most of the other ladies I know. But this is NOT all fun and games. I've known a lot of girls throughout the years...scratch almost any pretty surface, and you'll see something you wish you hadn't. I've known girls who were molested when they were kids, alcoholics, on drugs, and literally psychotic to the point of self-harm (no, not BP girls offering 30-minute quickies). I've known girls who were too stupid to understand the risks they were taking and who were getting taken advantage of and even mistreated by bad clients and agencies. I've seen girls cry because they had to see a client/do something with a client because they could not afford to say no, or were being pressured by an agency. I've seen a TER villain (with an agency) and listened to him tell me all about how this world should work. If you're trying to find a girl who's untouched by all of that, or who has never had a date gone bad...good luck.  

But that's all just THERE, in the background, and it's gonna be in the background for any girl who's involved in this little subculture of ours. Just the way it is. But personally, it does not affect my mindset, my attitude toward 'work', or my feelings about individual clients. Luckily for me, I have enough control over my life so that none of the negative stuff affects me so much (except for what I stated above...no relationships, dwindling civvie friends, being outed, bad dates, etc). I focus on having a good time with good people. But I know girls who don't...girls who live appointment to appointment, and see clients/do things that they hate.

Even when things are good, sometimes stuff gets to us. We're only human. So sometimes we might be just fine with it...sometimes, things bother us more than usual. After I was outed...that was a very difficult time for me to come to terms with my life here. Now things are better.  

Any woman who makes such a tough choice is going to have some regrets at some point or another.

-- Modified on 2/7/2014 11:04:42 PM

hotplants 1971 reads
22 / 102

And. It's fucking old. And tired. And not defensible.  

WTF is it with the men on this board who can dish it all day long, and attack providers on a personal level, then tell them they just need to relax, and not take everything so seriously, and no matter what is said it's all good because "this is just a fuck board".

And then, in response to what was (IMO) a very well articulated position on why one person would not want to have her daughter go into this business (a position that is widely held by men here as well), get all defensive, and post something so obnoxious.  

"Instead of cussing guys out, you could thank your gene pool for good looks and decent health that allowed you to whore yourself out in the first place"  

wow. Just  wow.

You  think the inherent deficit in between the "Mongers" and "Hookers" just grew exponentially !!!  ?

Apparently you have not been paying attention to much other than getting your ego stroked. Because this inherent deficit is not any bigger than it ever has been just because something that was said here feels personal to 'you'

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2208 reads
23 / 102

I keep wondering when you are going to reach your limit with the current Neolithic majority on this board. But perhaps you are into anthropology. If not, you are seriously bordering on masochism.

AnotherDonJohn 2238 reads
24 / 102

Posted By:  hotplants circa 20,000 B.C.

It's fucking old. And tired. And not defensible.  
WTF is it with the johns in this cave who can dish it all day long, and attack cavewhores on a personal level, then tell them they just need to relax, and not take everything so seriously, and no matter what is said it's all good because "this is just a cave".
And then, in response to what was (IMO) a very well articulated position on why a person who does not have a daughter articulates a position about not letting her fictional daughter go into prostitution while mixing in her own view of prostitution (a position that is widely held by cavejohns here as well), get all defensive because they don't know where the fictitious cavedaughter's opinion starts and hers ends, and post something so obnoxious.  
"Ugh, my cave. My girl. Ugh."  
wow. Just  wow.
You  think the inherent deficit in between the Cavejohns and cavewhores just grew exponentially !!!  ?
Apparently you have not been paying attention to much other than getting your ego stroked. Because this inherent deficit is not any bigger than it ever has been just because something that was said here feels personal to 'you'.  
Tagline: HP- manhater... since the dawn of man. LOL.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 2:12:23 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2406 reads
25 / 102

There are a lot of valid points being made here, actually, on both sides. The intent for the initial thread was misinterpreted by some, but it seems some got the point.

I enjoy heated discussions, though it stings at first.
My intent was not to say I didn't like the profession. There is an expression that states when a loved one is going through something, the loved ones tend to take the harder hit than the one actually going through the illness. I remember when I got seriously injured, a friend would call crying while I was in the hospital… but little did she know, I was getting along quite well with the staff and other people there, laughing and having a good time… even writing songs and singing for the other patients lol. I smiled and said to her, "honey, I'm going to be ok. I feel it."

In this case, the mother is sitting at home or at work knowing the ins and outs of the business, (or maybe not,) hoping her daughter is doing everything right… but she doesn't want to encourage it. The mother hurts more for her daughter than she ever has for herself.

Things tend to get magnified tremendously when you're looking from the outside in at a family member who… just may… make one wrong move and get damaged for the rest of her life.

And I agree with you. Not all providers feel how I stated, though I said many do. I actually don't know that, so I take that statement back. I can only speak for myself and a few others whom I have seen go through things… but then again, that's what life is. It's tough, whether you're selling sex or selling coca-cola at a gas station.


hotplants 2111 reads
26 / 102

That everything I say, every opinion I have, every time I disagree with anyone, anytime I call someone out on a post....hell anything....is another example of my man-hating.  

What other possible explanation could there be?

But, in all fairness, every time you express an opinion about anything, or disagrees with anyone, or call anyone out on a post, we know its because you hate women.  


AnotherDonJohn 1972 reads
27 / 102

Basically, I can take your original two posts on the other thread, trim out the fluff, edit it together, and read it all as a consistent statement on your personal situation.  

Some of it could be a what-if on a daughter or it could just as easily could be a if-I-had-to-do-it-all-over-again speech.

For those who missed it, it was beautifully written though. I also got the reading on video. Check it:
Posted By:  Courtney.ova

"Scattered pictures,
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were...

If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me, would we? Could we?..."

Mem'ories, may be beautiful and yet
What's too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So it's the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember...

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 2:42:13 AM

AnotherDonJohn 2425 reads
30 / 102

Forgive the paraphrasing and artistic license. LOL

AnotherDonJohn 2411 reads
31 / 102
AnotherDonJohn 2168 reads
32 / 102

I wasn't calling your writing fluff.  

Fluff are words between the main points. Asides. Parentheticals. So forth.

I ignore them when looking at the logical argument. Sorry.

But sure, whatever, I write fluff. Doi.

This is the mood you're in today. Good night

hotplants 2362 reads
33 / 102

'Everything' does not offend me. In fact, I let 99.9% of the stupid around here fly over my head. And then I let another significant % of asinine comments go, never saying anything.  

But there are things I feel strongly about. And this kind of post is one of those things. Not only do the strong survive, but the strong speak-up when they want to.

AnotherDonJohn 2330 reads
34 / 102

I've started leaving her drivel alone-- esp after the my daughter is set for life post and the ps look-alike and FIV marketing posts.

I was reading your stuff as deeper like Cosette's and HTG's with the punchiness of Tobi, and your own flair.
But if ya want to be J-LouSy, and Miss TER February, that's fine by me too.  
I'm done with this thread for real real now. Nite.

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 2337 reads
35 / 102

Analogy is ALWAYS suspect but I think what he is attempting to say is something like "Well,  I wouldn't drive a car if it weren't for all these darn roads!"

Posted By: Courtney.ova

 Please point out WHERE I said MEN put me here.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 12:45:12 AM
Regarding the hypothetical question I am in 100% complete agreement with your position but was struck by the reasoning behind it.

It sounded like you do not enjoy your profession.  Is it truly that bleak?  Do you not have one customer/client that you can be open with and feel like a regular person with?  I did read some of your reviews and it seemed like you connected with many of them on a personal basis and almost everything I read was glowing.

And I am asking this on a purely personal level for myself.   The reason I ask is because you almost sounded like me talking about my employment.  When people ask me about my job I often tell them "Have you ever heard that phrase do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life?  Well I am the hardest working mother fucker you'll ever meet."

I work with misogynists, racists and outright morons.  I have to listen to two clowns everyday talking about their own wives in ways that are worse than anything you read here.  I have had a moron trying to show me naked pictures of his passed out girlfriend on his cell phone and he couldn't understand why I didn't want to see them.  When I told him that just maybe I had more respect for her than he did, he didn't understand.

And I can completely understand you not wanting a daughter to embark upon this profession.  When friends or family inquire as to whether or not I could get them a job there I tell them what all of the people I work with tell their own  "Friends don't let friends work here"

But I still go into work everyday.  It's a good living.

Is that how you see it?

AnotherDonJohn 2273 reads
36 / 102

the Blue##69 award for self-anointed cleverest/strongest comeback ...you're the alltime best-seller, my friend.

Posted By: hotplants
Not only do the strong survive, but the strong speak-up when they want to.
Named after:

AnotherDonJohn 2188 reads
37 / 102


hotplants 1923 reads
38 / 102

I was born and raised into a Neolithic majority. I walk around in the world surrounded by a Neolithic majority.  

The only difference is that, here, the majority rarely filter what they're really thinking.  IRL, they are thinking the same things, they're just harder to identify

0603450onThe 2313 reads
39 / 102

'done'...........just yet. But keep trying, I have faith in you. I really do.  

And to compare the writing styles of HG & Cosette in the same sentence? is quite the ummm...anomaly.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 3:14:45 AM

UncleBill54 6 Reviews 2092 reads
40 / 102

but I personally never felt like she was blaming her clients in any way. It just makes her more "real" to me, and I consider that a good thing.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2367 reads
41 / 102
Ciscodog 3 Reviews 2204 reads
42 / 102

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
You didn't PM me or invoke my name in the post. So why is the need to PM you back. I wrote my rebuttal post  
 Like I said.. This is a fuck board.. Not Sunday school...  
 I was talking in general terms...and responding to your post.. When you make a public post, you open yourself up for criticism.  And you got it... End of story....

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 12:11:44 AM

Ciscodog 3 Reviews 2104 reads
43 / 102
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1457 reads
44 / 102
HooktardGold 2271 reads
45 / 102

She said three things...

1. The reviews put women in a place to be dogged out for even the smallest of things... that's a fact. She did not say she did not appreciate reviews, just that for some women, they destroy their self esteem. To act like some of you do not abuse that system, is comical. It's done every time a provider won't offer extra time or an act that is painful or unsafe. Another FACT.  

2. She would never want her daughter exposed to this... neither would I.  

3. This business changes who you are depending on what you've had to deal with, not meaning anything personal to anyone here, but you guys simply do not know some of the shit we go through. This business affects our personal lives in a way you could not imagine, and no one is blaming the guys for it, but it's still a fact. If you are NOT a person who can broadcast this part of your life or try and date whilst sucking strange d*ck, you are pretty much isolated from the world, or at least from telling them what you really do with your days and nights. Those are facts... not blame.  

Have most of my experiences here been positive? You betcha, but for that one time I had to deal with a pushy, smelly, asshole, that's one too many times for me to ever wish on a child.

That's what her post implied, and nothing more. Damn, y'all are sensitive lol. I've posted things 20 times worse than that, and I directed it to people flat out. As of now, her post has 12 likes, so she's far from the ONLY one to feel that way... just saying.

I've made my views about this business known from day ONE, and no one got all n a tizzy about them... why do so with her? Oh wait, is it because she was so good up until now about convincing some of you that she really liked you? LMAO. Some of you we love, and some of you we would not care if you got hit by a damn bus. Just the facts. YOU GUYS did not do shit to me... I did it to myself, but the business takes its toll, which is why some of us had a plan from day one along with an exit strategy. I am sure no one likes to be stuck here if it's not something they really enjoy, but many women feel it's their only option. Is that really true? Maybe, maybe not.  



-- Modified on 2/8/2014 11:07:06 AM

DickFitswell 2006 reads
48 / 102

Just another board bully ... wanting to be like the the other few who think they
Are in control of these discussion boards...really need to get a life . all of them  
TERmites lol...

Yep its a fuk board...not a bully board

Learn how to express yourself with some class.

Remember bottom line is most or all of these ladies would not come within 10 feet of you
If it wasn't for the Benjamin's.

Watch the mangina comments fly....due to respect for the ladies lol

My .02  


SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2016 reads
49 / 102

when it comes to real life job.  

In real life, when you work a desk job, you go through the same thing on day to day basis. I work with idiots too, so do most of the guys who are here. If you don't think the job changes you, tell me after working it another 8-10 yrs.. Tell me that there is no cut throat competition. Tell me that other people are not "vultures" wanting to take credit for your work..

That is there everywhere.. Sex industry at least allows you to set your own hours and charge 100s of dollars per hr. If a guy is moron, don't see him again.  Sure you are sucking COCK. But you God damn knew it when you first signed for this, didn't you?  Then why bitch and moan that you are no longer the same honest, caring, loving person because of US men...Neither am I the same guy that I was when I did my first internship at the age of 20.  

The negative undertones and overtones in the post were just too much to not being called out..

And FWIW.. I like Courtney too.. Just not her position on this issue.

HooktardGold 2375 reads
51 / 102

to something this intimate, and I am not naive... I know her personally, so I damn well know what she meant, not what she said. News Flash... I was not born a whore, Curly. I had 3 long time jobs and a degree before coming here, and I worked a real job the entire time I was a provider, so to say I am naive of what you deal with in that aspect, is far from accurate. I have had a job (at least part time) since I was 17 years old! I have not stopped working since, even though I did not have to put in 40 hours a week in an office that entire time. The only time I did not work at all was when I was married.... ha, one lasted six months, the other one 8 months.  

For all the shit I have had to put up with in the real world, it does not come close to the mindset and emotional strength one needs to be a provider. It simply does not. I took a job for shit pay working from 11 pm to 7 am if you remember... I did that because I HAD TO until something better came along, and it finally did. Those crappy hours and crap pay, still did not equate to the fear we have each and every time that door opens to a new guy, who might not be what we were expecting. Screening is a tool... it's not a guarantee a guy will not put a gun to your head.  

What you seem to be missing, is that for every 10 guys who are amazing, there is always going to be that ONE asshole, who tears you apart. She said nothing else, but that. Gosh. You got she blamed the men... I got she blamed the business in and of itself. I've had many jobs in RL and guess what... not one of those jobs affected my fkin SOUL. That's what you miss, but you've admitted to not believing in God, so I would not expect you to understand that. Does not make it any less real for those who do believe in God, and feel what this business has done to that part of their lives.  

For all those claiming how much they love what they do, and how they have never run into assholes, I call BULLSHIT... especially, when they charge by the fkin hour, when that is the abosolute WORST market to be in. I've seen the alert threads, so I know damn well it's bs lol.  



-- Modified on 2/8/2014 9:35:06 AM

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 2143 reads
52 / 102

Fuck board or not theres no reason to disrespect women 24/7.

you seem to have a skewed sense of how to treat ppl in society.
your value of another person I don't believe should be lowered because you are here.

It appears to me no matter where you are you devalue women its just safe for A COWARD to talk so bold when its not face to face.
This board gives you big balls.

its sad really.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2456 reads
54 / 102

If you ever asked any of my old co-workers who, by the way, were very very tough on me and others, they would tell you I grew tremendously as a person and as a professional over the ten years they knew me, and was always a very giving, sweet person - who never swore! LMFAO. Based on 13 years - 10 in corporate world, and one here, big difference in the types of change that go on. I needed some toughening up, however… and needed to learn how to exercise a NOYB attitude --- so it's not necessarily a bad thing. But it can be bad when trying to date someone.

I've grown a lot in this business and I'm definitely more assertive in my everyday life, which has done wonders for me… when you're too soft, people walk all over you. When you're too hard, you walk all over people. There's a balance, I just need to find it.

As you say, Curly, - he's a new reviewer, give him a break - Well, I'm new(er) to an entirely different lifestyle from (here comes religion) being a very fundamentalist religious folk at church every waking hour. Of course I'm going to feel the change. But I'm not saying it's all bad.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go put an auto reply on my PM's telling guys I'm not going to go jump off a bridge, lol. Jesus, it was just a post with thoughts. I don't hate this job, but I do hate the 'isolation' HTG is talking about. Well said guuuuurl! LOL

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 8:57:22 AM

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2055 reads
55 / 102

Curly, you know I like you. You've always been cool to me and I respect you a lot, but you are WAY out of line right now. I read Court's post about ten times trying to figure out where you're getting that she's saying that anyone with a Y chromosome is an abusive criminal or whatever and I still don't see it. She was talking about how this business has affected her on a personal level and how she wouldn't want her daughter to go through the same feelings. You're not only putting words in her mouth, but you're essentially invalidating her experience because she chose to make her money this way, and that's just not fair. I don't know what she said that struck such a nerve with you, but daaaamn. LR already pretty much summed up my thoughts on Court's post, so I won't get into all of that, but my point is that your reaction seems totally disproportionate.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
And how hypocritical is it that the very reviews that helped the hookers to tally the bank balance with the goals on the paper, are now trashed as "too explicit", and "unhumanly". Good fuckin' Lord...  
 Instead of cussing guys out, you could thank your gene pool for good looks and decent health that allowed you to whore yourself out in the first place.  
 I think the inherent deficit in between the "Mongers" and "Hookers" just grew exponentially !!!  
Jesus on ice skates, man, that right there just proved how hostile this subculture can be towards providers. Why is it that anytime a chick on here tries to express some of the shit we put up with, she's automatically dubbed a "man hater?" Methinks thou doth protest too much.  

One last thing: all of this shit about Court losing business over her candid response to a question is just silly. I'm sure there are a handful of guys (at least) on here who would never see me based on some of the things that I've written and you know what? Good. I'm not interested in being intimate with anyone who finds my opinions to be so reprehensible that they wouldn't want me to suck their dick.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2197 reads
56 / 102
HooktardGold 1846 reads
57 / 102

I love me some Robert Pattinson lol.

VOO-doo 1789 reads
59 / 102

I will never forget them and some haunt me. Yes, I chose to escort. But I did not choose to be violated or abused or mistreated or disgusted. All of which has happened.

I worked in the real world back in the day...an extremely stressful but fulfilling job. I had some very bad days and even cried at work...I had weekends where I actually questioned whether I could drag myself back in on Monday. But none of that traumatized me...when I look back, I remember the fulfilling moments much more than the times I cried...and the times I cried, I can put those into perspective and take some dignity away from the whole experience.

Try doing that with an abusive client, or even a run of the mill smelly, pushy, demanding client.  

Everybody will have to deal with a bad boss or workplace stress at some point...and most people have to work a sh** job. I have done my fair share of sh** jobs. You can still take something positive away from the experience, even if its just motivation to better yourself. With an abusive asshole? You just want to try to forget..but you can't. And it makes it that much harder to open your door to the next guy. Or even just be completely open and trusting with your IRL partner and not approach sex with a new person without apprehension. What if he is into xxx? What if one of the things he will want to do is xxx?  

This is the only business in which I do not TRY to raise my income...for me, that means exposing myself to things that are harmful physically or just beneath standards of basic human dignity...I could advertise more, see more clients, work the whole system...but that would mean exposing myself to people who could humiliate and HURT me.

Curly is the one who is naive here...but he had admitted that he has never had an IRL relationship so maybe he doesn't have a lot of perspective about sex and women on a human level (I'm sure he is respectful but to treat a woman well as a provider is worlds away from caring for another human being in a loving sexual relationship). Curly, next time you open your door to a smelly obnoxious man who slaps you and spits on you and jams his fingers into you until you bleed...then takes his finger and jammed it up your ass...until then, please do not try to tell us how we should feel.

I have had great moments in this world and met some great people, and that is what I will take away from this. But I agree with other posters that just ONE bad date is more than any human being should ever have to experience. Nobody who has been through that would ever wish it upon another person. And bad dates are just a fact of this industry.
Posted By: HooktardGold
to something this intimate, and I am not naive... I know her personally, so I damn well know what she meant, not what she said. News Flash... I was not born a whore, Curly. I had 3 long time jobs and a degree before coming here, and I worked a real job the entire time I was a provider, so to say I am naive of what you deal with in that aspect, is far from accurate. I have had a job (at least part time) since I was 17 years old! I have not stopped working since, even though I did not have to put in 40 hours a week in an office that entire time. The only time I did not work at all was when I was married.... ha, one lasted six months, the other one 8 months.  
 For all the shit I have had to put up with in the real world, it does not come close to the mindset and emotional strength one needs to be a provider. It simply does not. I took a job for shit pay working from 11 pm to 7 am if you remember... I did that because I HAD TO until something better came along, and it finally did. Those crappy hours and crap pay, still did not equate to the fear we have each and every time that door opens to a new guy, who might not be what we were expecting. Screening is a tool... it's not a guarantee a guy will not put a gun to your head.  
 What you seem to be missing, is that for every 10 guys who are amazing, there is always going to be that ONE asshole, who tears you apart. She said nothing else, but that. Gosh. You got she blamed the men... I got she blamed the business in and of itself. I've had many jobs in RL and guess what... not one of those jobs affected my fkin SOUL. That's what you miss, but you've admitted to not believing in God, so I would not expect you to understand that. Does not make it any less real for those who do believe in God, and feel what this business has done to that part of their lives.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 9:22:40 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1945 reads
60 / 102
HooktardGold 2302 reads
61 / 102

Agreed. It's like some are saying, "Well, you chose to be a hooker so you signed up for the abuse." Um, no we did not! We signed up to take the hits with bad reviews from guys we have actually seen, not from some butt hurt asshole who got his panties in a wad because a girl told him off on the baords. We did not sign up to be raped, robbed, or physically abused, and to say so, is both absurd and cruel.  

Every job has negative things about it, but has your boss ever put a gun to your head? Robbed you? Thank you. If that did happen to you, was it because 'you signed up for that?" Get crucial. Does a cab driver sign up to be robbed and beaten for his day's pay? Well, neither does an escort!  

There is a reason they have advocates for violence against sex workers... because it still occurs. I've never been through any of that, but I was ripped off a few times just starting out because I did not bother counting the money for FEAR of how that would look in a review. Ha, that changed real quick when I started making my own rules.  

No one was expressing their contempt for 'the men in this busiiness." The business itself in all its glory and setbacks, was the topic being addressed, and whether or not we would wish any of that on our children. The answer is NO.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 10:38:06 AM

AnotherDonJohn 2208 reads
62 / 102

Now if you start harping on my alias, then you'll win the trifecta.  

Posted By: Courtney.ova

Re: Read other responses where I cleared it up a million times. This thread is getting old

riorunner 1930 reads
64 / 102

Hola BCG;
   I'm late in reading this thread but have now read about all of it. I believe your post comes closest to replicating my own thoughts regarding what Courtney originally wrote and all that ensued from that. So I tip my hat to you and extend a well said! Intelligible, lucid, logical and other assorted adjectives...lol

AnotherDonJohn 2026 reads
65 / 102

Yes you know it all. Just like your sistas JLS and TS- one of whose daughters is set for life. Lol.
And you're happy with the likes of Ciscodog (a writer IRL no doubt), HP, and RTW defending you, although I'm surprised at skarphedin's misreadings here.
No I didn't read your fictional daughter rant correctly as a commentary from you on your life as an escort. Lol
And now you've done the backtracking thing.
So I'm done with this thread officially after checking in.  

I end up using this a lot but Shakespeare understood people:
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

AnotherDonJohn 2042 reads
66 / 102

But I'm done hashing it out.

Btw, nice pun on the "doth protest too much line". Although it's the opposite meaning from how Shakespeare meant it

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2008 reads
67 / 102

My exact thoughts on the subject.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 3:38:06 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2015 reads
68 / 102

Oh yeah. You must be because you said it three times, lol.

Calling me a 'know it all' doesn't prove your point.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2224 reads
69 / 102

and at time it appears you have a hidden agenda. I don’t respond to your posts and stopped reading them a while ago.  

Your posts are like some of today’s news media crap.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2074 reads
70 / 102

It is the broader context that matter not a specific word which is what you are arguing about.


Ciscodog 3 Reviews 2156 reads
71 / 102

To compare your emotional pain of someone taking credit for your PowerPoint presentation ideas being shown to the executives to the physical, psychological, and emotional abuse that some in this business endure shows you to be a narcissist or a fool. I'm meaning towards the latter because I think you know better but prefer to ignore the truth. Dickhead.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
when it comes to real life job.  
 In real life, when you work a desk job, you go through the same thing on day to day basis. I work with idiots too, so do most of the guys who are here. If you don't think the job changes you, tell me after working it another 8-10 yrs.. Tell me that there is no cut throat competition. Tell me that other people are not "vultures" wanting to take credit for your work..  
 That is there everywhere.. Sex industry at least allows you to set your own hours and charge 100s of dollars per hr. If a guy is moron, don't see him again.  Sure you are sucking COCK. But you God damn knew it when you first signed for this, didn't you?  Then why bitch and moan that you are no longer the same honest, caring, loving person because of US men...Neither am I the same guy that I was when I did my first internship at the age of 20.  
 The negative undertones and overtones in the post were just too much to not being called out..  
 And FWIW.. I like Courtney too.. Just not her position on this issue.

HooktardGold 2087 reads
72 / 102

Every time an escort expresses the least bit of disdain for certain aspects of this business, that automatically makes men think it's THEM. Get your head out of your ass... it is not always about you lol. Talk about ego.  

I can love cheesecake but hate the fat it puts on my tummy... likewise, I can HATE working out but LOVE the results from doing it. Why can't an escort hate certain aspects of this business, and still like the men? Y'all are on drugs.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 11:24:15 AM

Ciscodog 3 Reviews 2059 reads
73 / 102
Ciscodog 3 Reviews 2142 reads
74 / 102

Have you ever heard the expression that you can learn more by listening then talking? Sometimes less is more. Verbally that is a concept alien to you. Just shut it. If only for 30 seconds. But I know that is impossible for you. You talk more than any woman I have EVER known in my life but say less of any significance.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2127 reads
75 / 102

If we want to compare the corporate world with 'hooker land', I'll give you some quotes from highly paid professionals.

"The Vice President doesn't come and talk to ME. All she said was 'Hi' back in the hallway. No discussion, or 'How are you?" ---- said ALL the time.
"The CEO doesn't care about the small people. He didn't look at me when he passed by." --- Said ALL the time.
"The insurance sucks." --- It was very good insurance.
"This lasagna sucks." --- Bring your own lunch then, dumbass.
"Who ordered spicy Chinese food for lunch? Now I have to go BUY my OWN lunch." --- Sorry you were offered free food and didn't like it. Beggars can't be choosers.
"Doctors shouldn't get any of the free food. They make enough." --- So do you.
"They make how much and they're not paying a measly $7,500 for MY party? You should see their houses!" --- Insert video of girl who gets a ferarri instead of a porsche for her 16th birthday.
"The toilet paper pieces get all over the bathroom, and no one cleans it. THIS bathroom should be cleaned THREE times per day, and checked on throughout the day."  
"She gets paid more than me." --- So go ask for a raise or get a new job if it bothers you that much.
The concept… "He/she hurt my feelings, so I'm going to broadcast how awful that person is to the rest of the company." --- Insert OP here.
And the best… "I'm at the top of the pay scale, so I don't get raises anymore. This is ridiculous." --- LOL

My complaint about my job.
"People can be very mean and cut-throat. I also have to lie to everybody I know and can't have a true relationship. I would never want my daughter to encounter these things. I want her to be real with me." (By the way, I don't have a daughter, but if I did…)

Sorry friends, it's not just me, nor is it any other lady who disagrees with you. The world is full of a bunch of stuck up middle-aged children who complain about the dumbest things. Read the reviews, for instance. "She took my load directly down her throat… but she should have just sucked it for more stimulation." Sorry someone did a PSE act on you and didn't charge extra for it, bro.

HooktardGold 2128 reads
76 / 102

Even Curly said he may have been a bit harsh and not took the post for what it meant... don't be so naive. It's not about you, or any of you as you so often want to think. News Flash... our lives do not revolve around what the Johns on TER say or think about us, and if they do... time to find another hobby.  

Courtney might be overly sensitive, but I'm not. I will tell each and every one of you to get fked, and not think twice about it. Not once has my attitude or my posts affected my bottom line as an escort, and it certainly did not stop me from retiring on a good note and moving on with my life. Believe that shit.  

Not one thing ANY of you says here, makes a bit of difference in the real world, but too many escorts let you think it does for fear of offending you. Ha, I don't give a shit.

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 11:48:53 AM

cashorcredit 2083 reads
77 / 102

Let me know when you find one who doesn't lol

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1934 reads
79 / 102
OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 2325 reads
81 / 102

She offered very honest, and truthfully pretty accurate information. It's the same emotional toll that doctors, nurses, waiters, or anyone in a customer service industry job deals with, but with the added dangers and secrecy that come along with this particular industry. Even if all you ever see are wonderful men. This industry changes girls, for better and worse, and I don't think she was wrong, or that she was even saying that the men are wrong, because that happens in nearly every industry around, it's just depends on what the person is becoming jaded to.  

I do believe she was just talking about the bad, and I do believe that this post is an excellent example of why some girls do end up hating men in this industry. Rather than looking at the reality of her situation, and trying to understand her different perspective on things, you told her to suck it up and either get a real job or thank god for her good genes. While real cases of abuse may be fewer than the media portrays, there's something to be said for the slow drain as well. Small offenses experienced over and over again from every direction can quickly become a big deal, and when the majority of your interaction with men involves this exact dialogue - constantly defending yourself for perfectly normal and acceptable "offenses", it can be quite hard to look at you guys the same as before we were exposed to this level of dehumanization.  

Discussion boards, IMO, are great for meeting people that enjoy the same things as you, but they're also a magnet for those who have nothing better to do than stew in their own anger. I don't think it's true that "boys will be boys". I think assholes will be assholes, and I just hope we all run into as few as we possibly have to deal with.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 11:16:17 AM

Cosette 1919 reads
82 / 102

If for nothing, so that people could rebuttal the supposed rebuttal (though it wasn't really because a rebuttal is by definition a refutation or contradiction to a statement, this was an individual opinion answering a question).  

Nice job Courtney, and to anyone who says that this wasn't the stage to be truthful (both men and women), what kind of advice is that? This isn't a fuck board, STOP calling it that. It's a freaking DISCUSSION Board. If all you want to do is talk about women, there's a reviewer only board, go there if you don't want to exchange ideas with women and hear a vagina holder's thoughts once in a while.

If you would be more civil, you could have a more balanced view of this activity, or do you want to shut your eyes to the not-so-glorious aspects of escorting, and keep thinking women are making $400K, and they get to have sex and they get to be lazy and fix themselves up all day long.

Grow up people, stop being bullies.

scoed 8 Reviews 1805 reads
83 / 102

Posted By: HooktardGold
Agreed. It's like some are saying, "Well, you chose to be a hooker so you signed up for the abuse." Um, no we did not! We signed up to take the hits with bad reviews from guys we have actually seen, not from some butt hurt asshole who got his panties in a wad because a girl told him off on the baords. We did not sign up to be raped, robbed, or physically abused, and to say so, is both absurd and cruel.  
 Every job has negative things about it, but has your boss ever put a gun to your head? Robbed you? Thank you. If that did happen to you, was it because 'you signed up for that?" Get crucial. Does a cab driver sign up to be robbed and beaten for his day's pay? Well, neither does an escort!  
 There is a reason they have advocates for violence against sex workers... because it still occurs. I've never been through any of that, but I was ripped off a few times just starting out because I did not bother counting the money for FEAR of how that would look in a review. Ha, that changed real quick when I started making my own rules.  
 No one was expressing their contempt for 'the men in this busiiness." The business itself in all its glory and setbacks, was the topic being addressed, and whether or not we would wish any of that on our children. The answer is NO.  

-- Modified on 2/8/2014 10:38:06 AM
I have a repo business and I was hit with a sledgehammer once landing me in the hospital. But for the most part I agree, hooking is high risk and isolating work. I know a lady who lost her kid because she went to jail because she got busted. I know a lady that was drugged, raped, robbed, and dumped in the dessert to die. I know ladies that were stalked. I know a lady who had a client see her with her family and committed sexual battery in public with her family there. Then there is the isolation. My wife is a sex worker and keeping her secret cost friendships. When my wife first made her choice I had some issues with it and I had no one to talk to. It takes a toll. Hooking pays well but it comes with a real personal costs. It is the nature of the job and not the men who do it right. All jobs have their down sides. Expressing them does not mean that one is overall happy with the job. My wife has legit things she hates about what she does but over all loves it.

Some guys I think are a bit over sensitive because as a rule we are shown as monsters. Some are but not all. I don't here any lady on this thread blaming all their clients for their lot but a handful of them and the isolation that comes with the job.

AnotherDonJohn 1909 reads
84 / 102

Sorry my price for silence is way more than a lame dog like you can afford.
Lol, part of my reason for posting against Court, whom i like, is to draw out the literal intolerant dummies.
A different breed of Mangina we've already discussed.  
No I can't learn anything from the likes of you.  

I also suspect family members and work colleagues tell you to STFU a lot. So, your post is understandable in that sense  

I suggest you, like RY and the others with similar mentalities, learn to ignore posts.
Unless you've bought this free f--kboard. ... Yes we know alias########## lol.

Have you ever heard the expression that you can learn more by listening then talking? Sometimes less is more. Verbally that is a concept alien to you. Just shut it. If only for 30 seconds. But I know that is impossible for you. You talk more than any woman I have EVER known in my life but say less of any significance.

AnotherDonJohn 2093 reads
85 / 102

Are you also an intolerant lesbian hobbyist ?  

Curly had earned many things but stupid and naive is not one of them.
Call it even a bad day.

You earn no such honor on a f-ckboard, where thoughts are a currency.

I suggest starting smaller with the jousting:
Maybe Udo, dungbeetle, or our new trialist, stinkyboy.

Until then, back in doghouse, boy. Lol

AnotherDonJohn 2855 reads
86 / 102
AnotherDonJohn 2003 reads
87 / 102
scoed 8 Reviews 2453 reads
88 / 102

All jobs have good and bad in them. Hooking is no different. All she did was point out some of the bad in her line of work. She did not blame her clients for making her do this, nor said we are all bad abusive dudes. She said it has risk as some guys are asses and verbally abusive, 100% true. It makes real relationships with a SO hard, again 100% true. She said the double life is isolating, again 100% true. She said the job changed her, and I have little doubt it has. We are in part what we do. Our job changes us, any job. Hooking perhaps more than most because of the isolation that can come with it. Lastly she said she would not want her daughter to have any part of this. It is a reasonable point of view. All jobs have things that suck in a not so good way. We all botch about those things in our job from time to time. What is your problem with her being honest about what isn't the best in her work? Just because parts of her profession sucks does not mean all of it does. I think you need to reread what she wrote.

Ciscodog 3 Reviews 1779 reads
89 / 102

Verbosity . ADJ is thy name. Walk it off midget dick.

Posted By: AnotherDonJohn
Sorry my price for silence is way more than a lame dog like you can afford.  
 Lol, part of my reason for posting against Court, whom i like, is to draw out the literal intolerant dummies.  
 A different breed of Mangina we've already discussed.  
 No I can't learn anything from the likes of you.  
 I also suspect family members and work colleagues tell you to STFU a lot. So, your post is understandable in that sense  
 I suggest you, like RY and the others with similar mentalities, learn to ignore posts.  
 Unless you've bought this free f--kboard. ... Yes we know alias########## lol.  
 Have you ever heard the expression that you can learn more by listening then talking? Sometimes less is more. Verbally that is a concept alien to you. Just shut it. If only for 30 seconds. But I know that is impossible for you. You talk more than any woman I have EVER known in my life but say less of any significance.

AnotherDonJohn 2120 reads
93 / 102

You own this thread now. Feel free to say one clever thing although I doubt you will (not a single thought before).

Own it DA, you ride a very truncated bus for transport. f--ktrd.

AnotherDonJohn 2060 reads
96 / 102

Posted By:  Ciscodog

You got me. They called me midget dick in my yearbook. I was sensitive about that and didn't think Fingercuffs was so bad.
Does my spiel sound familiar, CPA? little boys and gay jokes.
Yes, I'm going back to joust with those my level. I might just try a few more similar jabs first. Sorry, ADJ

scoed 8 Reviews 1828 reads
97 / 102

I took on the entire anti-mangina crowd. I also took on the hooker police. I took on TER itself (thus part of why I am moderated I am sure). I even took on the mangina want to be crowd. They don't scare me. I piss back.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2196 reads
98 / 102
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2388 reads
100 / 102
Littlestinker 1980 reads
101 / 102

        The only person on here I have a problem with is you

          The self proclaimed Dick your words not mine  lol!!!

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