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Lol pop 1 pop 2
SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 99 reads

Does that mean an overnight date equals 15+ pops (one p/h)? Whew I'd be exhausted lol. Thank goodness that's not the case 😉

Thought...maybe quality over quantity? Why not concentrate on the quality of the first one and then they'll be no need to worry about how many there were at the end of your two hours.

Recently twice i booked 2 hours engagement with a Provider,my question is if you book multi hour isn't Multipop should be on Menu,my experience i was told after 1st pop its over.I spent lot for both engagement.My concern is what exactly is the norm ,

The norm is whatever the girl says is the norm. Typically multi-hour sessions means multiple pops, but if you're unsure just ask her.

Next time i will ask clear cut

...because it doesn't look like you are checking their reviews. If you're looking for MSOG then there are plenty who offer that, even for an hour appointment.

Reviews were checked,it was high end provider,after first time i thought may be lack of communication,so arranged another booking with same provider,but it was same result,

"insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".  

I have never been told only one release in multiple hour visits. They try like hell to get the second one out of me in an hour visit. Unfortunately, a few succeed where many have tried.

Mommascomin83 reads

ok, once you've seen her once, its ok to ask "can we go twice". but also if you saw her once and she didn't offer multiple, why did you think that would change in the second date? Especially when she has no idea thats what you want, because you never communicated?

StanleyKowalski59 reads

You don't need to check her reviews.  Look at her profile.  There is a MSOG (similar to ethnicity, female condom, etc) field.  If it says yes, then you get as many pops in that time period as you are able.  She maintains her profile.

Fucking hot. I'd totally give your left nut to fuck her....!

If that's her rules, that's her rules. If there is something important to me that a provider doesn't do, I weigh the pros and cons and decide what I want to do.
I don't play if I'm dissatisfied or disappointed. I go elsewhere.

especially with a high end gal.

It's been a long time since I've heard of one and done.

.........   I have one if I do a rare hour or one if I do 2 hours. But the pop isn't my main goal. Hot, wicked, mutual pleasure is my goal.
But, it sure is great!

An old ATF of mine, who's no longer in the biz, once got three out of me in one hour.  Amazing.  

I've never even heard of limiting pops during a multi-hour appointment.  The very idea is bananas!  Go elsewhere......

Does that mean an overnight date equals 15+ pops (one p/h)? Whew I'd be exhausted lol. Thank goodness that's not the case 😉

Thought...maybe quality over quantity? Why not concentrate on the quality of the first one and then they'll be no need to worry about how many there were at the end of your two hours.

Posted By: Taylor_Steele
Re: Lol pop 1 pop 2
Does that mean an overnight date equals 15+ pops (one p/h)? Whew I'd be exhausted lol. Thank goodness that's not the case 😉
A point for future discussion :-)  
Thought...maybe quality over quantity? Why not concentrate on the quality of the first one and then they'll be no need to worry about how many there were at the end of your two hours.
But this misses the point. Some guys make a quick delivery :-) and hope to try for more, as time permits. If the OP booked 2 hours and finishes in, say 30 min, that can't be the end no matter how good it was.  TWO high quality outcomes is better than just one. And ONE high quality plus ONE "okay" outcome is STILL better than just one.
She was booked for 2 hours and the remaining 1:30 is not to just lie there and count tiles on the ceiling. If number one came at 1:45, then it's different. Without clarification, I assume it was closer to 0:30.

I guess we both missed each other's points @ 7:26 (since we're counting minutes ;)

Speaking of all the popping, lol I will assume your head would explode (no pun intended) if I told you there are some dates where there's no pop at all...not even overnight! Could you even imagine the thought? Lol Point for future discussion.

Kisses imposter ;)

I have had occasions where the pop wasn't the most important thing and sometimes didn't happen at all. And I have previously posted my opinion about MSOGs. Namely, ...
There are (an increasing number of) times when I know that there is zero chance for #2 and SHE knows that there is no chance for #2. But it means so much when she at least makes some effort, even a small effort to go for it.  It boosts my ego. I'm not being rushed out the door. I'm being taken care of. And when it comes late in the session it means even more to me. I am not an over-stayer and most of my hostesses know that. Even with just 10 minutes left (5 for fun; 5 to dress and get out the door), they will try to coax something more out of me ... and I love it! But I usually have to tell them to stop, thank them for trying, a kiss, a hug, and off to the showers feeling good.  
From my POV, it is good business to suppress whatever you're really thinking ("This dud ain't coming back to life. Why should I bother?") ("Session over. Where did I toss my panties?") ("Good. One and done with 40 minutes left. I'll get this guy outta hear and do some emails."). A little rubbing, a little tugging, a little licking, a little sucking, a little ego stroking, ... will pay off big time with the impression it makes on saps like me.

Posted By: Taylor_Steele
Re: Lol if you're in the pop camp too  
I guess we both missed each other's points @ 7:26 (since we're counting minutes ;)  
 Speaking of all the popping, lol I will assume your head would explode (no pun intended) if I told you there are some dates where there's no pop at all...not even overnight! Could you even imagine the thought? Lol Point for future discussion.  
 Kisses imposter ;)

Not 15 but at least 2 is the real deal

why you have to put a # on it at all? 1, 2 or 15

I'm not sure who, what, when or where equated pph lol (pops per hour) in this arena, but you certainly win that battle ;)

For me, as a lady? no cabeesh lol, so I'm out. Regardless, happy popping to you and all your popping posse!

Kisses T xoxo

both new and lower-volume (from glancing at your reviews), but that is not an excuse for not doing your research.  Most reviews will indicate whether or not the reviewer got, or was offered, MSOG. If you can't find several reviews that will tell you, then as others suggest, ASK the provider AFTER you have been screened or verified.   The amount you paid has nothing to do with what the "norm" is, as it can vary from girl to girl.  Personally, I have found that once you get over $500/hr, you GENERALLY get less for your money, relatively speaking, even though you paid more.  Its the so-called "Models" that couldn't really make it as a model (so they're hooking to pay the rent) that have GPS the most.  I will not see any provider that acts like she's doing me a favor by seeing me and taking my money.  

... and hence unanswered question is, at what time did the first pop come (sorry, that's redundant)?  If there was enough time left for another pop  (and allowing time for cleanup, dressing etc), then you got a bum deal.

But if you popped at, say, 1:30 or later on a two hour date, the provider might have figured you weren't going to get to Pop 2 and be ready to leave in the time remaining.

First pop came on first visit 4 mins, on second visit 6 min,

Talking about getting taken advantage of. I would have never made a second visit after that. I don't think there was any miscommunication on her end. She just saw an opportunity for a 2 hour pay for basically looking pretty which is fine as long as that's what the client wants. But that appears to not be the case in this instance. So what did she do in the remaining 115 minutes, her nails?

At that rate, you should be good for at least 5 pops on a 2 hour tour! Lol! It's at a providers discretion, but I would think MSOG should be a reasonable expectation...unless you really enjoy conversation.  

FIRST implies that there are more!  If I only got to POP once. I would say my one POP. or only POP, or I POPPED after 4 minutes.
Not First pop came..........

If you lasted 4 minutes the first time, for a two hour appointment and then she shut it down, why the fuck would you go back.

Are you sure you are telling us the whole story?

absolutely true encounters, first time when she said done,i got up dressed and left ,second visit one hour was talk,wine and talk,things got started done in 6 mins,she said you can stay and watch tv,i smiled,thanked her and left

Mick, that's exactly the terminology he used in the original post: "i was told after 1st pop its over." Why are you now assuming this means he's not telling the whole story? The main point here, is it reasonable to expect that playtime continues for an entire one or more hour session if you pop early? You're reading way too much into that small phraseology. Forest for the trees, man, forest for the trees.  

Having said that, I completely agree with your other comment, why would anyone go back after that first experience?

Yeah it’s the truth, that’s why I asked the question on this forum, her reviews says different story, Eitherway it’s over with her, I will find some good one

With a provider was in LV and I met her on the Strip. GORGEOUS black girl. I was drunk as hell and being a wise ass to other girls. You walk on the Strip and make eye contact they stop you. I didn't know shit but walked on and this one came up. I did the cardinal sin and talked her down from 500 to 300. She was so fucking hot and to tell the truth I was so drunk I didn't appreciate it as much as I should've. BUT an alarm went up in my head. You can pay girls to fuck and not deal with the bullshit.  

After that,  I ALWAYS book at least two hours. Mainly cuz I like to talk and have a drink and get comfortable with the lady.  

Believe it or not, I dig the shit out of them and in my experience it goes a long way if you want to see them again.  

You're totally fucking cool with each other and leads to even better experiences down the road if you choose...

OH! And when you wanna see a lady, and your brother talks you up, and you book for 2+ hours. You're golden, Pony Boy!....

With high end girls,my preference is 2 hrs ,i like to have best moment ,best experience where you don't regret to have spend good money

And you are considering booking her a third time?  Are you in pussy Siberia?

No,not really,,,after first encounter i thought maybe some confusion or first time,she was real good in her charm,very polite,and very participating,but when real thing came, in 4 mins i was poped out ,it was over for her,,,so i thought to see her again as i liked her,i went back ,everything was fantastic but after we started making out and in 10 mins i was released and whole thing stopped there.

Not pussy Siberia , I moved on , she is best girl , her skills are real good , only drawback was the pop ups , that’s the reason I asked this question

GaGambler107 reads

Just how the fuck would you know if she is the "best" or not?

I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude (really I don't . lol) but what would a two pump chump like you know about the BEST?


I don't mean this is in an insulting way, but how old are you? My guess is that you are pretty damn young, am I right?  There is no shame in being "young and dumb" it's only an issue when you stay that way. There are a lot of guys that have tried to give you some very good advice, but you just don't seem to be getting the message.  

People around here always whine about "unnecessary" rudeness, well some rudeness is actually quite necessary as people like you just won't EVER get it unless someone knocks you upside your thick head until you finally see the light.

No two dates are the same which is entriguing and exciting. If you desire a certain outcome it’s best to bring that up during the date.  

Also do your research! Read reviews and then if the date still has time in it make a move if she hasn’t.  
I’ll usually do a sensual massage to get us back in the mood if there’s still time.  
But then again I like to pamper my favorites.
I’ve also had dates where he’s more into conversation and experiencing the city with minimal privatetime, every man is different just like every provider is different!  

She just got up , and asked whether you gonna take shower first or she can take shower first , like indirectly she told me it’s over

Because if not, you're an idiot. I hate to be mean but how else can you explain it? If that had happened once, chalk it up to not doing your homework. That kind of thing happens to mongers. You are basically telling us you booked her for 2 hours, came in 5 minutes and she cut you loose. Then you booked her again for 2 hours! That's where the WTF comes in.  Now you're talking about booking her a third time. That's where the "idiot" part comes in.  

Whst is wrong with you? Write a review of her, and do better research and find someone else to see!

She obviously conducts on 1 n done. Even if you ask for number 2, and she complies.... she'll probably have an attitude about it. When I 1st started out in this, I got hooked on this one agency girl. Just kept going back to her until she left. That forced me to look elsewhere....
That's when I realized how much better was out there. Point being...there are providers out there who will actually take good care of you.

Most offer multiple goes with one session (even a one hour session for the braver among us) but every provider has her rules and her boundaries. It's up to you to communicate what you want out of the session and then decide if you want to book with her. If she has no idea what you want, you can't blame her for only sticking to what boundaries she's set for herself.

Agree with you,But all her reviews says different stories,as per her reviews multiple hrs engagement she provides atleast twice ,that was the reason i chose her,my question was not to discredit her,it was to see what really happens regarding multiple pops.

That makes sense, but perhaps she only gives multiple pops at her own discretion? It might be confusing but sometimes a provider will only give special services to regular clients etc. Every relationship is different between clients and providers and it's best to talk directly to a provider about what you want/need. :)

If her reviews indicate she gives multiple pops on multi-hour engagements, but this guy is shown the showers 10 minutes into the date, then it’s not about limits, it’s about her taking advantage of him.  

Maybe she started out as a lower end escort, riding from city to city in her boyfriend’s Grand Marquis whilst sharing a room with friends, and advertising exclusively on BP.  Got a little nostalgic for the good old days and decided to relive them with our poor OP?

EJMaster557861 reads

If you’re paying for 2 hours, you should get 2 hours. I wouldnt see the point of a 2 hr appointment if only 1 pop is allowed. I’d imagine 99.9% of guys can pop in less than 2 hours. What do you do with the remaining time? Watch tv? I would definitely not give her a third shot. Generally when I’m booking, 30 min is 1 shot, 1 hr is 2 shots. 2 hours is 3-4 shots. After that I’m usually spent. I’ve never booking with a girl that doesn’t allow MSOG.

skarphedin74 reads

His first two posts deployed the muh free markets arguments in white knighting for a hooker who had two different personas at sig different price points. So, he's trolling or too dumb to realize the lulzy irony.  


What’s wrong in my views, if my views doesn’t suit you ,doesn’t make me idiot, keep your judgement within your self , I didn’t asked for it

and you are right, just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't make you either an idiot or a troll, it is worth noting that he did allow for the possibility that you are not really and idiot and that you are just trolling us.


Sorry Skarpy, but I don't believe that ass726016 is a troll at all, I think he is just stupid. Monumentally stupid for sure, but I seriously doubt he is trolling us. A troll can turn it on and off,  sometimes serious, sometimes just fucking with us. OTOH, an idiot is an idiot 24/7 as he is simply incapable of acting any smarter than his limited brain power will allow. Ass, you are most definitely an idiot. Now why don't you go try for a third time to see if you can get more than 6 minutes of sex after paying the girl for two hours.

Do you know A real IDiot thinks all are idiots but in reality he is the biggest idiot ,

but if he is both, I say he is three parts idiot for each one part troll. I honestly don't think he's smart enough to be a troll, I think he's just stupid, or at the very least "clueless, with very slim prospects of ever being able to even rent a clue"

YetAnotherAlias61 reads

I can see the pile-on happening, OP, but if you want any sympathy, you’re gonna have to grow a pair and review her. Ok maybe not sympathy, but at least give something back instead of just bitching and moaning.

OMG, I am not bitching or moaning,I was in doubt that maybe I am missing something, so just asked question to see what really goes on.To review or not that’s my headache and I will do what seems right to me

>not bitching

Without naming who this was this post is useless to anyone. Literally all you are doing is bitching and moaning. Call it something softer like "venting" or "reaching out" if you must, it's all the same.

>what seems right to me

Don't feel it man. The whole "find *your* truth" millennial bullshit shouldn't have a residence in your life. Truth is absolute.

Fact is, you got shorted a significant amount of time and were unsatisfied. We're all open to the same abuse if you don't let anyone know who this was.

I know that, I have no hard feelings for anyone, but to reply is my right

souls_harbor58 reads

You know these children just try to entice people into shit fights on these forums, right?  Ignore them.  

You know these children just try to entice people into white knighting on these forums to make up for their abhorrent personalities, right?  Ignore them.  

skarphedin85 reads

-- Modified on 3/19/2018 9:41:15 PM

StanleyKowalski58 reads

As I sated above there is a section on the profile called Multiple Pops and it either says Y or N the lady can decide to change her profile if she wants.  Y means as many times as you can in the time paid.

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