TER General Board

LOL... No problem... I can respect that...
Senator.Blutarsky 421 reads

...BTW, real hot women also ride real hot men who ride Harleys. Just sayin'

Pink_Panties2037 reads

A bit of a less toxic subject:

I am still amazed how different men and women communicate.  Today, I emailed back and forth with a new client attempting to screen him.  When I asked a question, he'd respond with one or two words, not answering my question.  I'd ask the question a different way, and he responded in such a short, evasive way that I began to suspect that he was either a cop or possibly a weirdo.  This went on in a confusing, frustrating, slow way for the entire afternoon.

When I finally pryed the info I needed and verified him, he later admitted that he was just hesitant to say much via email and he prefers to be screened over the phone.

The entire time consuming screening fiasco could've been avoided if he had just communicated that he prefers to be screened over the phone!  Are women just too chatty and make things overly complicated?  Or does men's lack of chattiness make easily communicated situations overly complicated?

JoelGoodsen734 reads

see, that was easy. and quick. and i answered your questions. i think.  Did you see that squirrel just run... lol, great question. You deserve a better answer. But I'm a guy.  Wanna have sex?

Posted By: JoelGoodsen
see, that was easy. and quick. and i answered your questions. i think.  Did you see that squirrel just run... lol, great question. You deserve a better answer. But I'm a guy.  Wanna have sex?  

When I'm with women I tend to be chatty and very detailed in our discussions. When I'm with men I tend to be monosyllabic and less detail oriented.. It just sort of happens naturally that way. And then of course there are plenty of chatty men and tight lipped women out there, so one size does not fit all.

I can't summon up enough chattiness. :) I'm like your client except it's the phone that makes me super uncomfortable. I've only met with one provider so far, and she said she didn't know what to make of me over the phone lol. So many variables go into these exchanges. As you say the gender differences enter into the mix, but then it's also part business transaction, part love fantasy, part lust. Since everyone's psychology is so different, these meetings will always be unique and infinitely variable, even though sex has been going on since the dawn of our species. It's a wonderful and fascinating thing.

Pink_Panties390 reads

My thing is though, if you can talk on the phone to a female coworker or friend, why can't you talk to an escort?  If you can run an entire corporation, why can't we have a functional conversation?  That's whats frustrating.  

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 7:32:05 PM

Yeah I can definitely understand your frustration. For me the phone thing is practically a phobia - I avoid talking on it even with friends and family. Maybe this guy had a similar hangup about email or something. Oh well, I guess like any customer service you get difficult people sometimes.

of the Conan The Grammarian School of Communication.
You're welcome

There is Venus... there is Mars...

And then there is good ole PLAIN ENGLISH.

Inability to properly communicate has nothing to do with planetary alignments.

I was literally just saying this to myself the last few weeks. Must be something in the air lol.

PSA. Guys... don't contact a lady until you have all your ducks in a row. It's really not that complicated and certainly not rocket science. I bet you don't cause this much confusion when you make a simple doctors appointment lol. Take the time to read and follow through the way she asks all the while being respectful of her time as she is with yours, and the end result will be pristine. See....simple.

Nowadays I chalk it up to...when the stars align, the stars align.  

T xx

When a gent actually follows direction...huge turnon for me personally (hint hint)  ;)

Posted By: Pink_Panties
A bit of a less toxic subject:  
 I am still amazed how different men and women communicate.  Today, I emailed back and forth with a new client attempting to screen him.  When I asked a question, he'd respond with one or two words, not answering my question.  I'd ask the question a different way, and he responded in such a short, evasive way that I began to suspect that he was either a cop or possibly a weirdo.  This went on in a confusing, frustrating, slow way for the entire afternoon.  
 When I finally pryed the info I needed and verified him, he later admitted that he was just hesitant to say much via email and he prefers to be screened over the phone.  
 The entire time consuming screening fiasco could've been avoided if he had just communicated that he prefers to be screened over the phone!  Are women just too chatty and make things overly complicated?  Or does men's lack of chattiness make easily communicated situations overly complicated?

Senator.Blutarsky448 reads

...I don't tend to take direction well. It depends on the manner it is given. Now, I do agree with you it's not rocket science, but common sense and common courtesy toward the other person.

if I shared with you my emails and PM's from guys from the last two weeks you'd be like....Huh? lol

It's all good. When one comes thru and it flows like butta...it flows like butta if you know what I mean.

I like butta.  ;)


T xx

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
...I don't tend to take direction well. It depends on the manner it is given. Now, I do agree with you it's not rocket science, but common sense and common courtesy toward the other person.
-- Modified on 3/31/2015 6:33:22 AM

Senator.Blutarsky417 reads

...must have had some butta, huh?

BTW, not all Harley riders are fatties... I get that a high percentage are, and that the crotch rocket guys are pretty hot, but a few of us can still hold our own with those dudes. Just sayin'

To the HottiePhotoPostingGuru on here lol....see super hot chicks come on rockets too.  

T xx

PS...I'm always in a good mood, don't be fooled ;)

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 2:38:53 PM

Senator.Blutarsky437 reads

...I especially like her boots. But, I like 'real' gals better.

Real Hot Women Ride Real Hot Men with Rockets ;)

(not sure what happened to the photo the first time, it went Poof lol)

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 3:41:02 PM

Considering what we do here is illegal in most places, it is not as simple as making an appointment with a doctor.  Perhaps the guy was nervous to write to much regarding an illegal activity with an email that is easily printed out.  He could just be more comfortable talking to a human voice over the phone, and by inflection can determine if the woman on the phone is LE.  Then again, maybe that is the way he communicates the best, and can't write for shit.

I do agree with what the other providers here have said.  Don't like what the guys answers are, then just move on

It was poking fun, not meant to be taken literally lol. But yes, I know a tad bit different than making a Dr's appnt. Just a tad lol.  

Anyhow Mr. Hiding, how's that bucketlist coming? I hope you've found what you're looking for. I'm a bit confused why you responded to my post if you....

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
agree with what the other providers here have said.
I take it that means you didn't like mine lol.  

Much love,  
T xx

Btw, you wanna play Hangwoman with me...you can go first...go ahead, guess a letter ;)

My bucket list is coming along just fine, as I indicated by the thread you found from the other day that I am nearing the end of it.

I will decline your offer of Hangwoman as well.  A paradox I have found, that women always win at games of wit, even when they lose.

And I did not agree with your post, so I responded as I did.  I enjoy the fact that you do respond to posts.

since you're nearing the end of your bucketlist, I am wondering what the outcome was from the thread then for you? Should I assume I was wrong on that basis too lol. You wanting 'more' perhaps that you aren't achieving here anymore?

I am told I am 'wrong' more times than I can count on this board. If only it was true LOL.  

I'm bummed you won't play with me. Could've be fun ;)

T xx

I usually find that clients that give me a headache in the beginning, tend to end up headaches In the end.
I skip all the frustration and end the conversation

If he specified a land line there is a certain credence to his 'security' concerns. If conversing by cell phone the NSA and every other government agency and agent is privy to the conversation; just like an e-mail.

And is it a Venusian trait that draws conclusions about the nature of men based on the executions rare enough to stand out?

No, I don't think ALL women view the world this way, but probably a large number of people do.

I wonder if you have other common ways of perceiving and reaching conclusions with others who evaluate people based on the behavior of the exceptions.

Just thinking out loud.

If they haven't given me what I need by the third email then DEUCES.

I don't think some guys realize that all the communication or lack thereof is a form of screening. Be a dick or withholding in an email at anytime before a booking and you're history. Same goes for hookers, be anything but polite and cordial and the guy leaves and rightly so.

Sparkletits457 reads

We ask for what we do for a reason.  I don't get why, if they want to see us, they don't just say "okay here's the info you asked for" or "I'm worried about giving that out, what other methods can work?" It's not that hard.  Yes there are other providers, but they contacted US for a reason.

And then there are the ones who get upset because we screen hard!  Dudes, the harder we screen the safer you are.  We mostly don't care who you work for as long as you're not going to show up with nonconsensual locking bracelets, and if we do it's only to avoid paths crossing.  We're not looking to blackmail you, take you down, or whatever it is you're scared of and if you think we are, maybe you should rethink the hobby AND you're probably not someone we want to see if you have that low an opinion of us.

Though I agree with you mostly.  Remember, it only takes one guy in a thousand to mess you up, just like it takes only one provider in a hundred to mess us guys up.  Shit can go downhill on both sides of the transaction.  

Having said that, most of you gals give the impression of having your act together, so I play the screening game successfully and get laid.

Sparkletits366 reads

Though treating ALL providers as though we're that one even in the face of multiple good reviews is not a recipe for getting laid.  I agree, though, there's BSC on both sides.

lady who will rock his world.  Reading reviews, and not just the profiles, gives great information to have a memorable time.

was similar at first, but quickly explained that he felt more comfortable being screened by phone, and asked if there was any way we could do it that way. I agreed, and he was perfectly delightful. He was damn hard to communicate with, however, so I ended up in the wrong place because he didn't want to put anything in email or text, and the name of the place he gave was the same for two separate locations. Ugh! Frustrating for sure. 45 minutes later, we finally were face to face.  

Plus, my real life is way busier than my Sarah life, so making time for a phone call is a real challenge (hell- finding time alone- period- is a real challenge). That's why I charge for my time- it is really a project arranging my schedule so that I have time to meet someone. Let alone have loads of phone conversations with them! Lol!!

If a guy is cagey because he's got worries about discretion, he should just 'fess up and request to be screened by phone ASAP. Makes us much less suspicious. My favorite is when they email you to request time with you, then you respond that you're available at that time, and could they send you what you need, and then you never hear back until like 6 months later when they try it all over again. Never once do they actually send you screening info. I think they just think you'll recognize their name and assume you won't ask for screening info. Not in my case. And it's super annoying, so I'll recognize your name as a troublemaker who is wasting my time, and possibly somebody dangerous because you're acting so suspiciously.

men's lack of chattiness make easily communicated situations overly complicated!!!!!!!!

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