TER General Board

Lol @ #9!red_smile
Lila Aubrey See my TER Reviews 215 reads

The other night, a guy licked my EYE!!!  And not on accident either!  He stayed there for a few seconds before I realized that he was really...LICKING MY EYE!

just what were you thinking?

1. bringing your dog and watching it pee on my wall
2. Why do you stick your fingers in my ears?
3. Really, you used MY toothbrush when the listeriene and the cups were right there?
4. Your gum on my bedside table
5. even worse, you just threw you gum down on to my carpet when I asked you to throw it away
6. No, your precum is NOT a lubricant for me
7. Because spitting in your hand is a turn on?
8. Does sticking your tongue in my ear turn you on?
9. Licking my face makes me think of my lab.. Does my make up taste good and turn you on?
10.. I am certain there are more but.. it's

YOUR TURN!!!!!!please share

I knew I forgot one..

Bringing your bondage gear and expecting fun and games without some kind of pre warning..
( This could scare a girl to death)

Refusing a shower when it is offered and leaving the entire room smelling like your funk, NOT chewing gum at all because you assume breath is just fresh as long as you brushed your teeth 8 hours ago, not shaving your balls and expecting me to suck them (dream the fk on), having roids the size of tennis balls and expecting me to lick your ass...alrighty then.

Posted By: mistressjessica
just what were you thinking?

1. bringing your dog and watching it pee on my wall
2. Why do you stick your fingers in my ears?
3. Really, you used MY toothbrush when the listeriene and the cups were right there?
4. Your gum on my bedside table
5. even worse, you just threw you gum down on to my carpet when I asked you to throw it away
6. No, your precum is NOT a lubricant for me
7. Because spitting in your hand is a turn on?
8. Does sticking your tongue in my ear turn you on?
9. Licking my face makes me think of my lab.. Does my make up taste good and turn you on?
10.. I am certain there are more but.. it's

YOUR TURN!!!!!!please share

I knew I forgot one..

Bringing your bondage gear and expecting fun and games without some kind of pre warning..
( This could scare a girl to death)

I mean some people love licking ears for pleasure... It it tolerable.. Come on.

Oh please don't!!!!!!!!
I am pretty open minding but...
when your slober is all over my hair and my ear is dripping and I need a Q tip to get it out. It's gross and I am cofused by this behavior anyway..

am I supposed to moan and be turned on???

now if it turns you on to do it....I suppose I could work through it........ but I just don't get it......??

I always make sure I clean my ears just in case the lady does it, so far I only found one, used to do it when I was a teenager,  but I don't do it to the girls, and from now on I will ask permission to kiss you on the neck.

I LOVE kissing your ears and neck!
No need to ask to nibble on my ear lobes and neck. I ENjoy that....

Just not your tonuge IN my ear and drippy with slober!!!!!!!!!!

Kat_RT153 reads

It's a good way to get an ear infection too.

Posted By: mistressjessica
Oh please don't!!!!!!!!
I am pretty open minding but...
when your slober is all over my hair and my ear is dripping and I need a Q tip to get it out. It's gross and I am cofused by this behavior anyway..

am I supposed to moan and be turned on???

now if it turns you on to do it....I suppose I could work through it........ but I just don't get it......??

Nibbling is a turn on, sticking your whole tongue in YUCK!!! Just my opinion.

How about if I use four towels to take a shower?

Posted By: mistressjessica
just what were you thinking?

1. bringing your dog and watching it pee on my wall
2. Why do you stick your fingers in my ears?
3. Really, you used MY toothbrush when the listeriene and the cups were right there?
4. Your gum on my bedside table
5. even worse, you just threw you gum down on to my carpet when I asked you to throw it away
6. No, your precum is NOT a lubricant for me
7. Because spitting in your hand is a turn on?
8. Does sticking your tongue in my ear turn you on?
9. Licking my face makes me think of my lab.. Does my make up taste good and turn you on?
10.. I am certain there are more but.. it's

YOUR TURN!!!!!!please share

I knew I forgot one..

Bringing your bondage gear and expecting fun and games without some kind of pre warning..
( This could scare a girl to death)

There are two clean towels waiting for you in the bathroom and if your sweet I might even join you

that list is absolutely disgusting..i would never think of doing any of them to our fine ladies..of course i am supposed to say that because i am the leader of the WKMANGINA faction..

Please say some of those are made up.

Posted By: mistressjessica
just what were you thinking?

1. bringing your dog and watching it pee on my wall
2. Why do you stick your fingers in my ears?
3. Really, you used MY toothbrush when the listeriene and the cups were right there?
4. Your gum on my bedside table
5. even worse, you just threw you gum down on to my carpet when I asked you to throw it away
6. No, your precum is NOT a lubricant for me
7. Because spitting in your hand is a turn on?
8. Does sticking your tongue in my ear turn you on?
9. Licking my face makes me think of my lab.. Does my make up taste good and turn you on?
10.. I am certain there are more but.. it's

YOUR TURN!!!!!!please share

I knew I forgot one..

Bringing your bondage gear and expecting fun and games without some kind of pre warning..
( This could scare a girl to death)

No, I am not...
but, I thought they were pretty funny...
I love people and sometimes you have to make the most of it.
We all do dumb things..
and you either have to to learn to adapt or fail!
I am certain for a few they were lost in the momment...

I am certain I have offended someone and done something that was equally stupid
I know I have said things that were foolish...
and trust me.. I don't hold back on my feelings. It only happens once..

You can be nice and make your point..
Sometimes people just don't think.....

....on the floor (f*ck my floor huh?) or worse in my bed before i've had the chance to get it off of you in a much, much cleaner, less gross way & clean you up.

I wish a mo-fo would bring bdsm gear without the heads up. lol

The other night, a guy licked my EYE!!!  And not on accident either!  He stayed there for a few seconds before I realized that he was really...LICKING MY EYE!

This one goes for both genders.  I've had providers do it to me, and as I understand from some of my ladies, they've had the same thing.

Upon first kiss, they try to lick below your tonsils!  French kissing, and deep French kissing I love.  Tongue fucking is not French kissing.

Hahaha... people should specify light french, deep french, or TONSIL HOCKEY!!!

When he loads it on his face! Even after washing my face, I can still smell it... even taste it lol.

Of it's own. I will try and control it now that I know. Thanks for the Tips.
For future reference I melt when a lady tongues me, any place, especially my neck and ears.

so hard into the pillow cuz you cant hold yourself up, or maybe just never have sex and have no muscles in the shoulders so you have to smoosh me when you kiss me, which is just not fun, any way you slice, it, sticking your tongue in my mouth and along with it comes all the saliva youve been collecting for past hour cuz you obviuosly havent swallowed your own spit so now its like pouring into my mouth or else its just drool? who knows,    smelling like rotten b.o. because you appoarently sdont actually soap up and scrub with an actual face cloth like ever, prob just soap up . which is not actually goin to get the lkayer of stanky filth of your pits n ass. and unnacceptable.                     opening my fancy glass bottles of san pelligrino or perrier, takn a tiny sip, then leavin on counter.
makn fun of me for havn dishes in my sink while I was in physical therapy for 8 straight weeks workin thru serious pain from adhesions I had in my traps. Instead of realizin I was keepin up with my house work best my ability each day despite the agony I was in, . Pretending you liked me .  Purposely showing me things i will never have to make me feel envious, then telling me i can have them if i stop for you, When that mean losing everything, what little I do have i worked very hard for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...............writing fake reviews. .........................

living with your brother and separated when your nevergetn se[perated and are living with your wife. trying to gte me to stop doing bbj s for you,,,,,,,,,,when you are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,married................?   mean while, getting mad that I woulndt stop bbj for you. when initially you called my ad n met me this way? um yeah, ............

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