TER General Board

LOL ...
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 327 reads

sorry it took so long go reply. I had to find a place to put my stancher... WTF is a stancher?... I'll be guess I'll be googling
 it to find out. Lol

DBJHunter1914 reads

What's your opinion? Good or bad? Just a simple question :)

I think the rudeness used to be worse than it is now. I was a member with a different username a long time ago and there were a lot of men on here who reminded me of a few jerks I knew in High School who used to refer to women as "cunts", "bitches", or simply "meat" - and if you didn't do the same you weren't a real man. After being called a "mangina" and worse by one of them enough times I found out he lived in the same city as me and told him where he could meet me if he had the balls to say it to my face. I was completely serious but he didn't take me up on the offer.

I don't know what happened to those guys but I haven't been seeing the same thing lately.

I know you all love me very much and we are one big happy family. Love ripmany  

Posted By: DBJHunter
What's your opinion? Good or bad? Just a simple question :)

Posted By: ripmany
I know you all love me very much and we are one big happy family. Love ripmany  
Posted By: DBJHunter
What's your opinion? Good or bad? Just a simple question :)

FatVern351 reads

Don't you get hot wearing those khakis on the beach

FatVern280 reads

The world shouldn't ever see the waistband of a man's underwear.

Love every one.  I love you to I just dont swing you way I don't see gigolo. Sorry  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

JakeFromStateFarm575 reads

Sounds like you don't even know what a gigolo is.  You are even dumber than I thought. And THAT'S dumb.

"A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day."
Author: Bill Watterson

Therefore, rudeness is an attribute of weak people - those who are pretending to have strength.  

It NEVER is good thing.  
I can not imagine  a situation   when rudeness may be fruitfull with something else then just a drama and anger.  
How rudeness  be good on our boards?  
yet .. I can recall now one saying.. cant  say by whom now ..  
 but it was something as -
"forgive me my rudeness but I can not abide useless people

Well, all you sissy punks who can't stand a little rudeness just ought to go home and take your stancher with ya! Me, I like to push people around and act like a jerk because I ain't politically correct and unlike some ugly people who shall remain nameless I don't care what anybody thinks!

Just kidding.

I don't like being around rude people anymore than anyone else. I'm not even very good at pretending to be rude. I'm very sorry if I offended (or bored) anybody.

sorry it took so long go reply. I had to find a place to put my stancher... WTF is a stancher?... I'll be guess I'll be googling
 it to find out. Lol

Stancher I guess is a slang word for a handkerchief (snot rag) that someone dabs their tears with or blows their nose into after crying.

for the exchange of ideas, humor, the willing ness to be self revealing and I have formed some very nice friendships.  There is also often a sincere exchange of information and advice.  
I understand that she people like to unload in others and I tend to skip these.  
This is a free and open place (generally) for self expression, some of it which has an edge can be very amusing and and much of the "attacks" make me slightly uncomfortable, but we are all free to pass by these like passing a bad car wreck

I value freedom of expression very highly, and if some rudeness must come along now and then, so be it

posters who you find offensive or BS artists, then do not read their posts.

For example, a certain troll (begins with the letter "R") often does not make sense, spews garbage, etc. so I may open the thread but only read a few words before moving on to the next thread.

Freedom of expression is a valued commodity is the US.

There is a bad typo error.  I didn't mean to say "she people" I meant of course to say some people.  I apologize to all the "she's"who might feel offended.

wrps07291 reads

If it goes against the grain of thought of consensus. Sometimes people will post a question about a taboo topic that the political correctness folks get bent out of shape. The topics include:
1. Talking about bbfs
2. Talking about le stings/crackdowns
3. Talking about no calls/no shows (The white knights are famous for coming out and attacking).
4. Talking about providers being to expense or over priced.
5. Talking about hobbyist being to cheap or bargain hunters.
6. Talking about not using paycheck to hobby with, but investments, inheritance or gambling winnings only.  

You have to develop a tough skin. This type of stuff goes on all types of internet message boards.

I'm here to accrue any and all information that will help my experiences with the ladies. I'm also happy to share my years of experience to help others, especially newbies. Since rudeness is of no use to the improvement of my experiences, those who are known to be rude are ignored. I don't read their posts. I don't even read the titles of their posts. If I see an indentation below one of my posts, I look at the handle to determine if the post might be worthwhile. If not, I scroll on down.  

It's interesting that if you break one of the TER regulations, your post gets pulled, rightfully so, and you get a little blurb that you should familiarize yourself with said rules. However, when it comes to breaking their rules of no rudeness, those are largely ignored. Thus the need for my own rudeness screening.

I enjoy the TER boards because of the exchange of different ideas and different opinions from interesting people.  If I only wanted to hear my own opinion, I would lock myself in an echo chamber room and talk at myself all day.  How boring.  Now, sometimes people disagree but do it agreeably.  That's my personal preference.  But sometimes people disagree very disagreeably.  Not my personal preference, but it just goes with the territory.  It's human nature.  When you have an internet discussion board, you're bound to have some rough and tumble moments every now and then.  And on a board, it's easy enough to ignore or skim over something if it's not your speed.  

There are pros and cons to everything.  Any perceived rudeness on the board is no different.  On the pro side, it's just a sign and symptom of good free expression.  On the con side, though, I will say it does discourage a lot of the providers from posting on the board.  Their purpose for being on the board is largely business development.  But the board can be a bit rough sometimes, so a lot of the girls will simply not post at all because they perceive too much risk of a well-intended post back-firing or a discussion board spat alienating potential customers (among other reasons).  So the cost of the wild west nature of the board can be that we lose some free expression from people who are afraid to speak their mind due to the repercussions.  That's a shame.  I would like to see more of the providers' viewpoints on the board.  But I'm not a fan of regulating the free speech nature of the board, so at this point I'll just take the bitter with the sweet.  So it goes sometimes.

Assertiveness, self expression, it's been working for people and companies, I don't understand the big deal with flipping a bird, cursing, drinking, cheating, lying and bad sportsmanship it's healthy...and BTW the American Medical Associations and even the show Mythbusters has proven that cursing at or any point can reduce pain....



Posted By: DBJHunter
What's your opinion? Good or bad? Just a simple question :)


Posted By: DBJHunter
What's your opinion? Good or bad? Just a simple question :)

For most of us guys it should never bother us. We are anonymous from one another and it is a hobby board. It does not define us.  

Some ladies I could see taking offense if the rudeness is lying and immature guy who was unhappy for some stupid reason. The ladies are the ones being judged here and their ratings and reviews should be handled with some respect and class.

Posted By: DBJHunter
What's your opinion? Good or bad? Just a simple question :)

I think it's all of matter of interpretation.

you sound like Donald Trump. You rarely sit on the fence GYOB ... rudeness is what it is. It's usually not sarcasm, nor is it ball busting.
No, it's just RUDE. And when people exercise their right to be rude, they should have the balls to OWN IT and expect others to exercise their right to call them out ... as a rude asshole. Sorta like the rude asshole who posted above about how "healthy" it is.

I've been around these boards long enough to notice a few things, and here's one interesting thing I've noticed.  If a real douchebag does come along, for instance someone who thinks it's fun to creep women out or something weird like that, everyone drops their petty disputes and gangs up on the real offender.  In fact, that actually happened earlier this year.  So, in my opinion, rudeness either provides entertainment (break out the popcorn and read), or I let it go in one ear and out their mother.

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