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LMAO...but its happened to a reg of mine..
ShaneofPhilly See my TER Reviews 966 reads

we just laugh it off and I call him a dirty old man and we go into round 2.

Oldest Fat Fart1491 reads

Saw one of my favorites the other day and was having a good go of it when ... I developed a LEG CRAMP!

It is a sad thing to see a fat old man limping around the bedroom with nothing on but a "little cover" trying to get his leg to stop cramping up while the Companion is laughing under her breath.

Just that mental image could scar a person emotionally.  

Ooooo, Ouch! Sadly, by the time it was over Mr. Happy had closed up shop for the day as well.

OFF :-(

PS - I kept telling them to rub higher .... higher!

-- Modified on 9/14/2007 3:44:30 PM

we just laugh it off and I call him a dirty old man and we go into round 2.

Barnaby34446 reads

You probably know this, but leg cramps are most simply caused by using muscles that are out of shape, or dehydration.  Sooo, if you're out of shape, get more exercise for the muscles affected.  
To avoid dehydration, make sure you drink enough water and/or other replenishing liquids throughout the day.  You should never be embarrassed by leg cramps no matter what your age (unless there's some overriding problem).  BUT, it's happened to me, infrequently, and one of the above two causes is always the culprit.  No reason to be caught unprepared.

Sophomoric Humorist366 reads

I've been meaning to post on this very topic for the last week, but never got around to it.  I am glad I am not alone in this one.

I was going to title it "Coitus Interruptus of the Lamest Type."

This usually happens when the matress is too soft, I've been "pounding" more rapidly and energetically than is my usual practice, or a few minutes into cowboy.

Is there anything that can be done to avoid this?  Yeah, i know, hold the genius resposes like "avoid overly soft matresses, don't pound energetically beyond your capabilities, and avoid cowboy."  I've already figured those out for myself.

My cramps generally occur in the mid-thighs, which are heavily muscled, and less frequently in the calves.  On a couple of  really painful occassions the ankles and achilles tendons have turned into stone. Hurts like the dickens. I jumped off the bed, don't ask me how,  and fell flat on my very chagrined face. She no doubt had quite the amusing tale to share with her femme cronies.

So, i'm thinking, the usual nostrum is bananas and potassium-rich foods.  To which i've added some salt tablets and additional fluids.  Should I strech before getting down to action? Should i break down and take up yoga? Any sage advice to impart here?

salt...no!  Depletes potassium
Don't tense up....at least not until you cum!

lmao...happens to me too Humorist. Added bananas to my diet & it seems to help.  I walk it off & get back in the saddle.

My sister-in-law is a bio major and specialized in primates.

She says that bananas are by far the healthiest food on the planet, mainly because of the potassium.

She also says she's never heard of a monkey getting sick, and there's no hornier animal on this planet either.

Since then one a day and I go play.

Sophomoric Humorist528 reads

"...there's no hornier animal on this planet either."

The monkey?  Or mrfisher?  [LOL]

In appreciation for one of the very best contributors to this forum. The ONLY guy who gets mrfisher day  greetings from providers in China!  You are awesome.

it happened to me also and I also am getting up in years at 59. I thought it was a potasium thing but when I was at my accupunctuist she told me I could not maintain calicum. She gave me treatments for it and I take supplements now and never had a leg cramp since.

utrdude415 reads

I'm 66...how do I get a cramp in my pecker so it will stay up there?  Nutanbolt...what type of supplements...this old fart could use some.

Man - I know off if she was laughing but I still am! You create a great visual and been there a few times but never with a lady! Luckily - but who says it can't happen. I took up Yoga and Tai Chi to work those muscles in different ways!

I guess it is time to eat more banannas?

I used to get cramps in my calves during sex, when I was in my thirties and forties. Some of them really hurt like hell; all that I could do was to massage the area and wait it out.

Since then, I quit drinking and started eating more fruits, mainly bananas, and I have not had the problem for a long time.

I think that the posts about potassium and dehydration are both correct in my case.

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