TER General Board

LMAO! +1. That would save some drama. -e-
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 272 reads


I get that it means long term arrangement, but how is this structured?  Anyone have successful experience with this?

GaGambler577 reads

LTR=Long Term Relationship, which can apply to an "arrangement" in P4P I suppose, but is more commonly reserved for describing BF/GF situations that are long lasting.

Some johns do consider their long standing relationships with their ATF an LTR and a bit more common are SD/SB relationships that tend to be longer term in general, but personally I reserve referring to any relationship as an LTR to relationships that are not based on an exchange of money for "services"

I will also occasionally use RLGF = real-life girlfriend, especially if I'm talking to HER and she is a provider by profession.  LTR may give her ideas I don't want her to have. . . . . yet!  LOL  

-- Modified on 3/22/2017 9:06:02 AM

If you have a mistress you support her.  So probably an LTA...  That's not exactly P4P - but if you miss the payment on the apartment or her allowance.... you probably ain't gonna get no more....  and - of course -  stop supporting your wife and you probably aren't going to get any either...  assuming you were getting any to begin with...  so maybe also an LTA???

 Is an LTR when you screw her regularly but don't give her squat?  That doesn't seem quite right....

Aren't money and sex a complicated thing though....  

As a practical thing it's pretty easy to tell the difference-  but it's not very easy to define it.

Shiksa306 reads

My client really liked me (and I liked him).  We were meeting every week, sometimes twice a week, at full rate.  Soon, he asked if I could give him a "break" so we decided he'd give me a set amount each month which would still give me a nice amount of support and save him money.

The problem is that we didn't define HIS expectations.  In exchange for supporting me, he wanted unlimited access to me.

We would have lunch and meet for drinks a few times a week, plus sessions, plus constant (and I mean CONSTANT) contact.  He was sending me like 40 texts all day and all night.  He wanted me to send him selfies all the time.

He also wanted constant reassurance that I loved him.  It was exhausting.

He started getting lazy on paying me and would say things like, "You only want me for my money."

Well of course I only want him for his money!  He's 63 and married.  We can't spend the weekends together, he cant take care of me when I'm sick, or do things real couples do.

Long story short, the money slowly dried up and I got reallllly cranky and he started getting the BGE instead of GFE.  

I cut off all contact with him for months.  Recently, we started seeing eachother again but we're back to regular full rate sessions.  It just works way better and gives us some boundaries. He was trying to turn me into his free mistress and that did not work for me on any level.  

between a provider and client. It is simply a P4P agreement negotiated between a provider and client.

As GaG says, it is NOT to be confused with an "LTR", which is a long term relationship - a civvy arrangement.

Seen the same Lade almost 5 years now .I think for it to work you really have to click.  She is only one i see  now. We have became great friends . So for Me i love it.

I've been seeing some of my regulars for over 30 years, so I guess that qualifies as long term.  We never agreed to meet this long, it just worked out that way.

I guess I'm enjoying my sense of, or lack of, humor this morning.

Posted By: scb19
I get that it means long term arrangement, but how is this structured?  Anyone have successful experience with this?

Since I didn't get any real responses from the gents and only one from a lady and it was a bad experience for her, I take it these arrangements are very very rare.  

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