TER General Board

Lisa your thinking is totally incorrect and dangerous
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 641 reads

No amount of money is worth getting into a physical altercation.  Just let it go.  Money can be easily replaced.

Even Jack's statement is somewhat incorrect.  Even if you think because of their size or looks you can overpower them, I would caution against it.

CallofBooty6117 reads

How do you handle this. Even thanked me for the appointment and saw friends who charge double what I charge......................UNREAL.

I guess he perceives me as free

CallofBooty967 reads

this is so stupid. Apparently I am running a charity.

GaGambler1056 reads

Do you perhaps have "doormat" tattooed on your forehead?

As for outing him, posting his personal info on the public boards is "Verboten" but you can do so on the PO board, and I think you should do just that. On the public boards, you "could" name him by handle on your regional board, but be prepared for a shit storm if you do so. Also keep in mind outing him from behind an alias may not be well received. If you are going to out him on a public board, (by handle only of course) you should do so under your "real fake name" if you want to be taken seriously. This is only the court of public opinion, but even here a person has the right to "face" his accuser, even if it only a virtual face. Your post has the ring of sincerity to it, but if you "out" him from behind an alias I will most likely be leading the charge against you.

remove the words, "money back guarantee" from her website.  Just a suggestion.

Sounds like that may be the problem.

Hey...that crazy LisaLang suggests assaulting the dude. What could possibly go wrong there?  LOL  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
remove the words, "money back guarantee" from her website.  Just a suggestion.  

GaGambler596 reads

What the fuck she plans on doing after he gets up is quite a different matter though.

Hey Lisa, just what the fuck do you plan on doing when the guy who outweighs you by a hundred pounds and who had zero issues trying to steal from you, wakes up PISSED that you tazed his ass? Yeah, this story is going to have a real happy ending, isn't it?

Maybe she plans on just kicking his ass like JLS claims to do? There really is an epidemic of stupid going around this board of late.

Neither one even close to a guarantee. Ladies, please don't listen to Lisa Lang.  

NEVER confront someone bigger and stronger than you bc they stole from you. Yes it sucks he ripped you off but let them go and BL them and tell all your escort friends about him.

Your life is WAY more important than a few hundred or a thousand bucks, isn't it?

Sheez...she really needs to stop giving advice here. She is going to get someone hurt bad.

If you see him again, roll him out into the hallway naked and lock the door.

If a client took back their money that they gave you. Then you are as stupid as you look.

I know that you never saw me. Cause I have not seen anyone from this site since my last review on here.

GaGambler426 reads

and not another female monger like lopaw, "she" is the OP who had a "client" steal her money.

Perhaps the time has come for a woman to win this years SPOTY?

Of course there is one possible explanation that does come to mind after taking a quick look at her reviews, Perhaps she hasn't seen a single client at all after reading all of her "glowing" reviews?

NoYellowEnvelope551 reads

... an alias comes in handy.  

I've done this before.  Twice.  

The first time was several years ago, after a first date with a beautiful young provider.  She pretty much blew my mind (and everything else) and I wasn't thinking clearly.  As I got dressed we made small talk, then I slipped on my jacket, picked up the envelope that was sitting in front of me, put it in the inside pocket of the jacket, and headed for the door. She got this odd look on her face and said, "Uh... uhm..."   I immediately realized what I'd done and pulled the envelope out and gave it to her, my face as red as a beet.  I apologized profusely, and she seemed to shrug it off.

Then a few weeks ago, I was about ready to depart from my ATF's place after an exceptionally great session. We were chatting about such and such, and once again I absent-mindedly picked up the envelope from the counter and started to put it into my pocket.  She caught me, and I did the red-faced apology again.  She thought it was pretty hilarious.

I've also walked out of a session a couple of times with the envelope still in my pocket, but fortunately I or the provider realized it before I'd gotten very far.  

So stupid but innocent stuff like this does happen. I hope you didn't immediately assume nefarious intent in your situation.  It could have been deliberate, but it could have been a (somewhat odd) compliment to your skills and charm.

-- Modified on 10/2/2016 8:31:42 PM

ALWAYS and I mean always get the money AWAY before you start the session! It makes me uncomfortable just leaving the money on the table while we do the session. In an outcall put your money in your bag and close your purse and leave it near you. In an incall .. girl you have other rooms besides the room you will be spending the time in so get the donation up front and hide it in the kitchen! Lol you never know.. there's no reason for him to go to your kitchen when his done.

First of all, I have been doing this for 19 to 21 years and I know that it's not a mistake when a Hobbyist "Client" grabs the money off of where it is sitting and places it in his/her pocket. The Hobbyist figures that he/she does it on purpose. And as provider......I keep a safe box locked up with the cash in it and the key near by. So, that the Hobbyist does not take the cash back. 9times out of 10 (5% to 25% out of 100%)  the hobbyist feels that he should not have to pay for the sex(As if we are required to just give it up because we need the sex just as much as a man). Just my opinion!!!  
 I've come across men like this more so then none. My suggestion is get a safe box(put the cash in it and hid the safe box) and keep the key hidden where only you'll find it. And later on get a bank account or if you already have one then deposit that cash into the bank account.

Did you just watch him do that and not say anything?
Did you not find out until after the fact?
Could it have been an honest mistake like NoYellowEnvelope mentioned?

Posted By: CallofBooty
How do you handle this. Even thanked me for the appointment and saw friends who charge double what I charge......................UNREAL.  
 I guess he perceives me as free.  

It is possible it was a mistake and one he would gladly rectify. If he isn't willing to correct the issue then you must warn others. This is why blacklist sites exist. Out his ass on several of them. Things like theft of service is exactly why those sites are needed. You ladies must warn each other. Your the best protection you ladies have.

Do not physically confront him as that could end poorly. Some on this board recommend them but in my opinion they aren't appropriate as most guys are stronger then most girls and if you use them to try to get your money back it can end badly. I do recommend women carry them, they are great if he gets physical so you can excape, but not for this.

GaGambler579 reads

I too recommend carrying a non lethal means of defense such as a Taser or Pepper spray, but these should be considered "defensive" weapons ONLY, when your very life is in danger and should NEVER be used as an offensive weapon as if things go wrong, as they often do in the heat of the moment, they tend to escalate matters and put your very life in jeopardy.

As far as firearms are concerned, while I am a proud second amendment supporter, it is a very BAD idea to keep a firearm at hand while working in an illegal business. Your chances of ending up in prison rather than jail go up a lot higher than your odds of said firearm saving your life in this line of work.  

Please ladies, use your heads. I don't want to see any of you ending up in the hospital, prison or the morgue. Not even Lisa or any of the other BSC hookers who comment here from time to time.

but I would damn sure return to make it right.  I generally have the donation in my key pocket... so I can't get my keys out without finding it.  My preferance is to empty my pockets, just like I do at home, on the corner of her dresser...  so things don't fall out of a pocket & get lost (happened on a civie date).  
The FIRST THiNG out is the donation which will be under my pocket junk...  and will remain on her dresser after I have re-dressed.  I had one gal...  I'd seen a few times but not recently...  who got freaky after the action & swooped in to claim her prize...  That was the only time I've had it questioned.  Admittedly it is old school.      
On first dates, we don't know each other yet & I understand if they want to conduct business first.  Some will not remove the donation & others will.  She is certainly within her rights if that's what she wants to do.  There are a number of places where cash can be put that are out of sight & not in a direct line to the door.    
It's not right for a provider to "Cash & Dash"...  It's also not alright for a client to do it either.  I agree it's unwise to get into a physical confrontation with a larger person, it might be worth trying to challenge him "What are you doing?" before he gets to the door.  You might get between him & the door BUT I would not block it to the extent that he can't go around if he's going to push his way out. (A trip to the ER & injuries could put you out of business for many days.)  
I've heard of theives who actually went into her pocketbook to retrieve the money...  Outrageous!  

I am so sorry that this happened to you.  I'm glad you are safe.

When I drop off the envelope, I immediately excuse myself to "wash my hands".  Then I go inside the bathroom, close the door behind me, and actually wash my hands.  I have a good reason for that; I usually take public transit to appointments, and we all know how filthy it can be.  So not only does it give the provider a chance to check the envelope, it also ensures I have clean hands before touching her.  More often than not, I found the envelope already pocketed when coming out of the bathroom.

The OP doesn't mention envelopes but others do.  So I'm wondering ...

Maybe the client had filled the envelope with Monopoly Money or newspaper. To avoid getting his hostess angry with the fake money, he took the envelope with him on the way out.

If the guy "stole" an envelope of shredded newspaper, it is petty theft at most. (Cutoffs for grand theft vary by jurisdiction, but can be as low as a few hundred dollars.)

If he "stole" newspaper, then the next thing to consider is a charge of "theft of services" but that can get tricky in a court room. To determine the amount of damages, if any, there will be a lot of "he said - she said".

Depending on the gender of the judge, I'd go with, "Your Honor, let HER give you a BJ (DATY) right now and YOU tell ME what it's worth! ... I rest my case.

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