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Like virtually all the others, this is my secret. I tell no . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 32 reads


Job Interview: If your social skills are top notch and you meet the other qualifications and are the best person for the job, then you will be hired. I don't mix work with personal life.

If after we have had a session and we were to meet in a public location at a later time, then I would ignore you unless you approached me first. Again, I don't mix RL with hobby life.    

Hello everyone! I'm a provider, a little bit new to this and have a question...or thoughts) I think everyone understands that for the majority of us it's just a temporary stage of our life...we also plan to have a normal career, relationship,etc...But how does "this" affect?... Let's imagine the situation: Mister Ban had a session with me and in 7 moths he sees me at his office during the job interview, for example...His actions? Zero chance that I will get this job? Plus he will inform everyone that I was a "provider"?...
Second scene: I have a normal relationship with a man,love,happiness,etc...Time to meet his friends. And...I realized that his friend had a session with me before...Actions of the friend?...
In addition, I don't know may be I am so lucky but 85% of my clients are single or divorced men, handsome, successful, etc. So, from my point of view theirs "hobby", that they call girls doesn't matter, I mean in social meaning, or am I wrong? Is it a secret for them too?  Do men communicate about it with friends in real life or just write reviews here? If we met on the street with previous client and he is not alone, again with friends for example, and invite me to have a dinner, how should I react?  
Yes, I am a little bit overthinking person:)  
Thank you in advance for all answers!

NewbieOne63 reads

I think my current locked into a misserisble marriage is the temporary situation . Bieng  free to. Indulge is the future long term goal actually

with very rare exceptions, in any case.

As for meeting up with a former client who is now interviewing you for a job, that could go any number of ways, but it is also a calculated risk on your part.   The law of averages would render it rare in any case.

You having been a hooker would not disqualify you from getting a job from me, I will concede that the better our session/s were, the more likely I would be to hire you. As for informing others that you used to be a hooker, that's not my style. If you wanted to keep it quiet, and I assume almost all ex hookers do, I would never be the one to tell others about your former occupation.  For the record, this is not a "hypothetical" question for me. I actually have hired an ex hooker that I had been with before.

Second scene, if I were "the friend" I would not say anything about having fucked you in the past. I would expect you to be honest about having once been a hooker, but I think telling him we had fucked before might be a bit TMI.

I normally have a rule that if we meet in public and you are not alone, unless I know you well enough to know your real name, I am not going to say a word to you unless you say something to me first. I most definitely am not going to call you by your "hooker name" in front of other people. Now where I differ from most people here is that if we were to bump into each other and I was sure you were alone, I would most likely at least smile, make eye contact and follow your lead if you wanted to say hello, have a drink, go fuck, or whatever. lol

"Most" johns hide their whore mongering activities from just about everyone outside these boards, but as I said, "I am not normal" virtually everyone in my life knows I see hookers and I make ZERO effort to hide it, but that doesn't give me the right to "out" other people. My POV is that if you want people to know certain things about your life, it's your place to tell them, not mine.

My two cents:

1) "Hobbying" is generally very solitary.  
2) I have never bumped into a lady in any sort of public space or forum.
3) If I did see a lady outside of this world, I would say nothing, respect her privacy, and expect the same.
4) I did meet a lady (she was in Penthouse and Playboy) who worked as a "greeter" or "function coordinator" (yeah, whatever) at a Fortune 500 company that I worked for several years ago.  She knew all of the Execs that I interfaced with years ago.  A little weird.
5) The only time that I ever communicated about this with people whose real names I knew was when I worked on Wall Street.  Back then it was part of the culture.  We would play credit card roulette, for example, when we got our bonuses. The losers would choose a hooker for the winner.

I have mostly lived in large cities so I have never been too concerned about bumping into anyone.  I am actually trying to wrap my mind around the idea of meeting people.

-- Modified on 9/24/2017 5:41:52 PM

-- Modified on 9/24/2017 7:44:54 PM

souls_harbor69 reads

I suppose it is not unheard of for a couple of guys (especially younger pals) to hit the brothels together.  But I imagine ( I have no evidence) that most guys don't let it be known they partake.  Paying for sex has a negative stigma -- even in the civie world of courtship where some guys try to buy affection with gifts.  This is universally mocked.  

So the likelihood of a guy tipping his hand that he as ever met you in the past in a client related capacity is extremely remote.

Meeting a prospective boss after having him as a client has about the same downside as meeting him after having an unsuccessful civie relationship.  He may or may not want to deal with that.

I saw a lady and then saw her again at an alumni event.  Awkward!  However we both conducted ourselves professionally and that is all that mattered.  

In regard to your future career prospects, I work in a business where discretion is very important.  If you came in for an interview, you would not be automatically disqualified as long as you've been discrete with me.  Continue to be discrete, and  I can work with that.  

And no, I would not tell everyone you are a provider.  The questions would be how do I know that?  I have zero interest bragging or detailing what I do in private.

... one thing about your OP I found interesting in that it seems outside the norm: you said 85% of your clients are single or divorced men.  That's a high percentage of single/divorced vs married compared to other formal and informal surveys I've seen.

I wonder how you know for sure whether a client is single or divorced or married?  Do you ask every client about his marital status?  Or perhaps they volunteer that info.  And, are you sure you can believe what they tell you?

And you said YOU are an over-thinker.  ;)

Yes, English is not my first language:)  
Thank you for correction  
About how do I know about men- well, I don't meet men every day, can't do that, so, very selective about "process".
Plus they provide info for screening and thanks Google and other social media...;)  
And may be its my own way to find a husband :)))

I have hired, as a temp for my business , a lady that I see as a hooker. It was interesting paying her far less per hour. She was excellent at the sales job. She was very qualified for the job.  I really enjoyed being around her and she was the best choice for the job.  

A lot of my friends know that I p4p, I'm twice divorced single. So, I don't have a problem with others knowing. If asked about it, I tell the truth.  

As to the lady and her anonymity. I take that very seriously. I would never approach a hooker if she is with someone else.  I have been in the situation a few times. One time she came running over to me and grabbed my hand. She wanted me to meet the monger she was with. Thankfully, it was with his permission also.

The other side of it is that I know three of my regular's extended families. I know 2 of their boyfriends. I thank them for sharing.

Reality is that this society can be very intolerant but there are decent people that can surprise you.

Most of the ladies I see came from corporate or sales careers. Several of them still are involved in those careers and do this part time. So, they are dual professionals.
It's definitely why I have a real connection with them, I believe a real mutual respect and friendship.

One of my ladies retired a few months ago and she is focusing on her legitimate  sales business. Sure do miss her.

I don't know about after their escort careers, but like Mick I've met several who were/are in sales before/during their escort career. I agree, it's a complete natural fit.

people in real life know that I see providers.  I just don't want them to know I'm that outlandish guy, CDL.  Making CDL the opposite of me is what keeps me anonymous.  

To answer your hypothetical question, always act in public they way you would if you had met them some other way, as if you were a civvie girl.  How HE reacts will tell you whether to go or stay.  If he treats you like a co-worker or female non-sexual friend, then its probably okay to have dinner with them, but if he takes liberties with you when he's not paying for a session, then maybe you want to decline.  

Now you're trying to sell that you're NOT a corporate mogul?  Or that your 92 y/o daddy is not in a nursing home (or is your dad really only about 50 and your just a younger kid with too much time on your hands)?  Or that your two boys are a major part of helping you run your vast corporate empire?

I guess that you didn't have any wives that died either?

That's OK...once you didn't want to send me that ticker symbol it was already abundantly clear you're just another internet troll.

Have you opened that checking account up yet?   Ask your mom to get it started with $ 500.  That'll buy you 3 sessions with the type of hookers you see.  Mom will never miss, or expect you to repay, the money.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: I have no problem having . . . .
people in real life know that I see providers.  I just don't want them to know I'm that outlandish guy, CDL.  Making CDL the opposite of me is what keeps me anonymous.    
 To answer your hypothetical question, always act in public they way you would if you had met them some other way, as if you were a civvie girl.  How HE reacts will tell you whether to go or stay.  If he treats you like a co-worker or female non-sexual friend, then its probably okay to have dinner with them, but if he takes liberties with you when he's not paying for a session, then maybe you want to decline.  

So you REALLY can't tell when I'm making a joke?  You want everything I say to be for real, so you have something to talk about?   Its pretty obvious you don't have an original thought in your head.  You're giving Chicago a bad name by being so dense.  I've sure your fellow residents are embarrassed for you, and for themselves at the thought that you're one of their own.  

Tell us about your latest "big-time" negotiation today.  Did you talk the waitress out of an extra sausage at breakfast, or an extra bowl of oatmeal.  I would guess you took the oatmeal.  Lots of fiber will get you cleaned out down there before Big P comes over.  Did you beat her down for something extra, or did you have to "speak to the manager."  
I'm anxious to hear how "confrontation" gets you extra secret sauce on your fast food burger.  You chisel everything.  You said so yourself.  

Now how about a review of one of your naked moonlight trysts with BigP.  We figured out what's going on when I say something bad to one of you and the other gets all butt-hurt because I bashed your respective girlfriend.  If you're not good at writing reviews just PM me the details and I will ghost-write it for you.  I'm confident I can capture the steamy magic you two have using the written word.  If enough people ask, I just may write it anyway.  

-- Modified on 9/24/2017 11:23:36 PM

You just posted it here that you do.


Sounds like that may be grounds for being banned.  I hope not...but if you disappear for a while...I guess they aren't happy that you're writing fake reviews.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Dr. Hooey .  . . .
So you REALLY can't tell when I'm making a joke?  You want everything I say to be for real, so you have something to talk about?   Its pretty obvious you don't have an original thought in your head.  You're giving Chicago a bad name by being so dense.  I've sure your fellow residents are embarrassed for you, and for themselves at the thought that you're one of their own.  
 Tell us about your latest "big-time" negotiation today.  Did you talk the waitress out of an extra sausage at breakfast, or an extra bowl of oatmeal.  I would guess you took the oatmeal.  Lots of fiber will get you cleaned out down there before Big P comes over.  Did you beat her down for something extra, or did you have to "speak to the manager."    
 I'm anxious to hear how "confrontation" gets you extra secret sauce on your fast food burger.  You chisel everything.  You said so yourself.    
 Now how about a review of one of your naked moonlight trysts with BigP.  We figured out what's going on when I say something bad to one of you and the other gets all butt-hurt because I bashed your respective girlfriend.  If you're not good at writing reviews just PM me the details and I will ghost-write it for you.  I'm confident I can capture the steamy magic you two have using the written word.  If enough people ask, I just may write it anyway.  

-- Modified on 9/24/2017 11:23:36 PM


Job Interview: If your social skills are top notch and you meet the other qualifications and are the best person for the job, then you will be hired. I don't mix work with personal life.

If after we have had a session and we were to meet in a public location at a later time, then I would ignore you unless you approached me first. Again, I don't mix RL with hobby life.    

A significant percentage of my friends are also whoremongers.  Nearly all of my non-whoremongering friends know what I do and enjoy my tales of debauchery.  Even some of their wives enjoy it, too.

-- Modified on 9/24/2017 9:19:16 PM

souls_harbor64 reads

Wouldn't a monger be a dealer or trader -- thus a whoremonger would be a pimp.

the other is a person involved with some affair that is unseemly, etc.

From Dictionary.com.
[hawr-muhng-ger, -mong-, hohr- or, often, hoor-]

someone who consorts with whores; a lecher or pander.

While your concerns are legitimate, the chance that any of them will materialize is small.  Speaking for muself: (1.)  I would never out a provider under any circumstances. I realize most providers want to keep this aspect of their lives secret, as do I. If I see you in public or learn that you are dating a friend, I keep my mouth shut.   (2.) I do not discuss the hobby with anyone.  (3.) I am an employer. I would not decline to hire someone whom I knew to be a provider if they were otherwise qualified for the job. However, you would do well to keep your face obscured in advertisements because it might be an issue for employers with public image concerns.  

I guess I am an outlier as well.  Many of my friends know I monger.

If we had met via an appointment and then encountered one another socially I would leave wether or not to acknowledge one another up to you, but I would look, and when no one else is looking you'd get a smile.

I would have absolutely no problem hiring many of the women I have met mongering.  On the whole they have been smart, hard working, and intelligent.

As far as your "85%" figure though?  I've talked to many woman and that's about the percentage of married men they see regularly.

I'm single, divorced, have no qualms about what I do, and am honest about it.  I suspect some of the ones you see aren't.

I have hired a woman I met first as a stripper then later as a provider. She had the knowledge to do the job I needed and was an excellent employee for several years before moving on to a better job more fitting her skillset.

One of my best friends is a woman I met as a provider. She is now married and her husband is a great friend. He knows of her past but not that we met via that past and never will from me. That part of her life and our relationship is past and I would never betray her trust to tell or to try to repeat it.

Taking your points in order:

If I had a session with you and later interviewed you for a job, whether you got the job would be strictly based on your qualifications and how I thought you'd fit with the organization. If you interviewed with somebody else at my organization and I happened to see you in passing, I wouldn't say a word. I would inform *no one* that you were a provider. I'd consider that a really sleazy thing to do.

Second scene, you have a normal relationship with a man, time to meet his friends, and I'm one of those friends--Actions of the friend? "Hi, nice to meet you." It's not my place to out you. Of course I want my friends to be happy and to make good choices, but the way you treat my friend is what will make him happy or not--not that you are, or were once, in this profession.

I've never talked about my "hobbying" with anyone outside this life. I probably never will, even if I end up being single again. I have actually never run into anyone I've had a session with--I don't think it is at all common, at least in a big city and its suburbs. If I did, and I was with Mrs. Cavalier, then sorry, we don't know each other at all :-) and I assume you'd act the same way. If I met you and was just with some friends, I'd take my cue from you. But, again, the situation is very unlikely ever to happen.

I hope this eases your mind. I know all about being an overthinking person!

Thanks for all answers! No one can't imagine how more relaxed I am now;) so, who will invite me for an interview? ;)

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