TER General Board

Light touch, Full clit attack or both?
20strojl 13 Reviews 55 reads

Great thread! Love this, more feedback from the "Cookies" please. We`ll do whatever you want, just show n' tell us.

While we`re in this ahem' vicinity any thoughts on DATO ladies? Like it, hate it or could care less??   For me that`s thee most intimate and erotic thing there is to do to/for your lady. IMO it`s definitely the girls most sacred spot on her entire body and if I have unlimited appreciated access to tongue fuck that beautiful starfish you know I`m going to love her forever. (she just might love back too lol)

Much better to suffocate in there than to croak in the saddle IMH "sick" O
Damn, not like me to post randy stuff like this, must be the eclipse, hmmm.

Here_I_Go2931 reads

Doing this with an alias, so that no one can accuse me of a reverse ThreAD or something similar.

I have had some recent experiences that have me wondering.  Booked an appointment for an overseas meeting a little over a month ago.  During the warm-up she explained to me that she is really sensitive, and instructs me to tread lightly so-to-speak.  Told her to provide feedback just-in-case.  After a lot of teasing, finally settled in for some DATY.  She had me back down so much that I was surprised that I was having any impact at all.  At the end, I was working her clit with not much more than a blowing action, with the lightest of kisses.  She ended up convulsing around the bed, and I needed to back away entirely.   Without her telling me what to do, I never would have applied such a touch.    

She had 'needs' unlike I have ever seen before, after seeing maybe 70 providers.   Once she calmed down, I got the most amazing BBBJ I ever had.  It felt like a competition at that point.  

A month later, she still reaches out and tells me that such a touch is hard to find.  Unprompted without me contacting her.  I am not next door, but overseas, so it isn't like I can just book and show up.

Then two weeks ago, had another appointment with another provider.  She too, wanted me to go lightly, and in response I had my head crushed several times.  When I am done appointments, I rarely communicate, to avoid being that 'needy' client.  But here too, I am being contacted without reaching out first.  About how she hasn't slept so great, in a long time etc.  Several times.  This provider is remote as well, being a time zone away.  

I am used to getting solid responses during DATY, but rarely get into sessions with such explicit coaching.   And only in one other case, have I seen such a reaction post-session.  

So ladies, are most clients over-aggressive during DATY?  Do they not listen?  I am kind of surprised at the reactions I have seen here, long after the appointment is done, and without me reaching out or prompting in any way.  

Signed - "Have tongue, will travel".

-- Modified on 8/21/2017 3:36:29 PM

You might consider picking up a couple of lottery tickets.  :-)

I will be following this thread with great interest, as I very much like a "tasteful" session myself.

She needed a very light touch, so I evolved a technique that involved a very gentle flickering tongue-tip kind of like the beat of a hummingbird's wing.  It seems to go over with other women as well.

That's a subject to itself.

My approach wrt any contact with a woman's "yoni" is to start off very gently, either very light brushing around (not on) her clit with my fingertips, or very light touch with the tip of my tongue, again not directly on the clit.  I let her know I'm open to suggestions and take whatever cues she gives me.  I can always go harder if she wants it that way.

I know a few ladies who have very sensitive clits, so any direct touch must be extremely light if at all.  And others love direct and hard licking/sucking.  And everything in between.  

My ATF for example almost never comes from clitoral stimulation, even with a vibrator.  But do light caresses all around her clit and lips, then two-finger her g-spot when she gives the sign she's ready, and she'll explode.  But another one of my favs loves sitting on my face so I can give her a deep, hard tongue-lashing with sucking.  

Everyone is different.  Ya just gotta listen, and take the cues.  

Here_I_Go41 reads

...  I said "clients", not guys.  

Here_I_Go60 reads

Ha.  Before. But truth be told, I was not thinking of Lopaw when I said clients.   So she is within her rights to smack me down anyway.  

Because not listening is a guy problem, not a "client" problem.  And I'm sure there's lots of women on this board who'll back me up on that.  :)

I remember doing a threesome followed by having one of the girls staying overnight with me while the other one left after an hour or two (I honestly don't remember how long it was, it was one of THOSE kind of nights. lol) but after the one chica left, the other one told me how rough the other girl was and asked me to never be as rough with her coochie as the other chica had been with her.

I have heard this from other women as well, but this was one of the few times I got to witness it. and yes the one chica simply "attacked" the pussy of the other girl. I am sure any of you that have been with women that prefer pussy over dick have seen the feral look some women get in their eyes when they are about to pounce on some new pussy. lol

...and I am a delicate DATYer. I like mine very light, at least in the beginning, so i approach it the same way.  
Come to think of it, I got a massage Saturday and the masseuse got a bit excited and gave me some oral that I wasn't expecting (I did get to return the favor, heh heh) and she did dive in with abandon. But even then she applied little butterfly strokes that had a perfect pressure.

Ahhhhh.....AMP's......... ;)

Consider yourself lucky, Lopaw. The most ferocious DATY /FIV I've received has come from women- including one gorgeous lady that actually left me bleeding, ☹️.  
That's not to say that I haven't experienced overzealous gentlemen callers, as I have. But I can back up Gambler in saying that most guys have NOTHING on a feral, horny lesbian 😊

I'm glad you had such great sessions with these women, but really bro... save the embellishments for the reviews.

Here_I_Go50 reads

Sure thing coach.  Get the color of your exalted name changed, so you can be the mod you aspire to be.  Or just get over yourself, and not take this place so seriously. SMH.  

...you were posting with an alias, so it's not bragging because no one knows who you are.  Also, if Bluto had taken a few seconds to check, he would have known that you have NOT posted any reviews using your alias.

However, had you used your real handle, it would still not have been a threAD; it would simply have been bragging...unless you're a male prostitute and your business card reads: "Have tongue, will travel."

Do you know what Paladins' first name was?  "Wire" - his card said: "Wire Paladin - San Francisco"   ;-)

it's the only way I can do my job as an elected public servant.  

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no aspirations at all.  

Oh, BTW, you should take your own advice and not take yourself so seriously and admit you wanted to brag about your sexual prowess. SMDH.

HappyChanges47 reads

Senator would be an excellent mod. Vote Yes.

To your OP, I'm a selfish guy and only go down on women when I'm in the mood (drunk) and give a sub par attempt for her pleasure at best. Shoot me.

Your post makes me want to offer you up some free DATY . . . along with a paid-session of course. ;-)  

The way she instructed you to lick her is the same way that I instruct 99.9% of my clients.  

Words can't describe how AMAZING that 'light' sensation feels. A woman's vagina is extremely sensitive and to the contrary, vigorous DATY is not needed to make us have an orgasm.

Most men take cues - whether they tread carefully waiting for the cues or have to be guided because they've just jumped in with no regard is another issue.  

I can absolutely relate to a light touch - I love that and always have (all over my body) but it's different strokes for different folks. If anyone chose to prod my clit like they were ringing a doorbell they would find themself in a headlock that they wouldn't soon forget....

Great thread! Love this, more feedback from the "Cookies" please. We`ll do whatever you want, just show n' tell us.

While we`re in this ahem' vicinity any thoughts on DATO ladies? Like it, hate it or could care less??   For me that`s thee most intimate and erotic thing there is to do to/for your lady. IMO it`s definitely the girls most sacred spot on her entire body and if I have unlimited appreciated access to tongue fuck that beautiful starfish you know I`m going to love her forever. (she just might love back too lol)

Much better to suffocate in there than to croak in the saddle IMH "sick" O
Damn, not like me to post randy stuff like this, must be the eclipse, hmmm.

I recently visited and reviewed a provider who wanted me to use a MUCH lighter, softer DATY than I have ever performed.  I tried, but I don't think I was able to make it soft enough to please her.  About half of the providers I have seen have usually expressed appreciation for my DATY skills, but her comments, and your posting have got me thinking that maybe I AM doing it wrong, and need to re-think what I am doing.  I usually ask the ladies to tell me what they want: faster, slower, harder, lighter, up and down, back and forth, circular motions, flicking, etc.  And in the past, I thought I got it right.  But now.........???  Ladies, please help all of of us to understand what you REALLY want.  I try to make the session as much about pleasing her as it is about her pleasing me.  And that by making the effort, she will remember me, making future sessions with that same provider more comfortable and less stressful (and more rewarding for both of us).  

It wouldn't matter how many women reply to this - unless it's the woman you are with it's a moot issue...but I hear you. As a SW I think there is an expectation (and rightly so) that we can articulate what we want and how we want it. Some women feel awkward about speaking up but to those ladies I say don't say 'I don't like that/that's wrong' just say 'if you do THIS/do it LIKE this it will push me over the edge/drive me wild/you get the picture'  
Sex is actually one of the easiest things for men and women to talk about - it's the emotional stuff that can be tricky.

Posted By: Umbles
Re: Ladies, please respond
I recently visited and reviewed a provider who wanted me to use a MUCH lighter, softer DATY than I have ever performed.  I tried, but I don't think I was able to make it soft enough to please her.  About half of the providers I have seen have usually expressed appreciation for my DATY skills, but her comments, and your posting have got me thinking that maybe I AM doing it wrong, and need to re-think what I am doing.  I usually ask the ladies to tell me what they want: faster, slower, harder, lighter, up and down, back and forth, circular motions, flicking, etc.  And in the past, I thought I got it right.  But now.........???  Ladies, please help all of of us to understand what you REALLY want.  I try to make the session as much about pleasing her as it is about her pleasing me.  And that by making the effort, she will remember me, making future sessions with that same provider more comfortable and less stressful (and more rewarding for both of us).  

my-0.02-cents42 reads

Please provide lick by lick guide for the rest of us can also have DATY sessions that make us rock stars. Honestly, I have had many providers tell me they have received best orgasms from nice DATY sessions even better than orgasms that were delivered with a 9 iron.

Hun47 reads

I like mine rhythmic, starting off light to medium licks back to light pressure around the lips. Then butterfly licks on the clit.

Direct pressure on the clit is too much.  
I don't like biting and sucking on it like it's a hamburger and a thick milkshake.

I'm exactly like the ladies you described. I literally have to tell everyone who daty to go Extra light and it seems they will forget and go harder again. It literally hurts me with barely any pressure so unfortunately I have to keep bringing it up.  

But when done with a slight licking motion I will cum so hard!

I take my cues directly from my playmate, as we generally talk about our likes & dislikes at the beginning of the session. I generally start with a lighter approach when approaching the kitty, as it can be a shy and skittish creature. If I start light, I can always increase tempo/pressure/flick rate, according to her feedback (whether tactile or aural).

I've had experiences running the gamut, from feather-light and breezy to "harder, faster, deeper -- KEEP GOING!"

There are as many approaches as their are women.

is the technique a lot of guys have learned to do.  

I think ladies may  inadvertently be perpetuating this behavior in the clients,  
because it is exactly this Hamburger Technique  
that will get us to scream and fake an orgasm quickly, just to get you off of the pussy.

In the beginning, I was less inclined to tell a guy what I wanted.  I didn't want the guy to get upset and feel bad.

Now-a-days, I plan on enjoying myself to the fullest, along with you.  So, I gently guide you and together, we dial in the Rubik's Cube for massive orgasms.

But for the life of me I don't see many, if any similarities in how I eat a pussy compared to how I eat a hamburger.

Maybe that's a  good thing I suppose. lol

But please elaborate, if the thought isn't too painful of course. I am trying to imagine having an entire pussy inside my mouth, chomping away at the outside and surely no one tries to eat pussy that way, do they?

...ok, so now upon further reflection, while I thought my last date was having an intense orgasm now I'm thinking she may have simply been screaming 'do you want fries with that'?  So much for choosing the Combo Date from her menu :)



you have No Idea how bad it can get.

I really think it's the over-enthusiasm of the HungryHound mode they get in
that causes them to instinctively attack it, like it's going to get away
and they're dying of hunger.


Stop it.
I need that thing.

-- Modified on 8/23/2017 7:52:46 AM

I fashioned myself being pretty good at DATY after being married to a woman who only got off that way for 27 years.

In the hobby I've found it's not as simple because every woman is different and you don't have 27 years to figure out how to do it right. I was doing pretty good until my last two sessions where I failed to achieve the desired result and the woman was honest enough not to fake it. I would have been willing to stay all day until the goal was achieved but unfortunately in the hobby, time is money.

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