TER General Board

let me answer......
gonefornow 1800 reads

First let me thank you for you great replies.Let me respond to a few of your questions. The first response is to the person that suggested she may have gotten it from outside our relationship. Not a chance of that. We are together all day and night. Also I have offered to let her involve a male in our play and she has declined. She has nothing to hide and would tell me. Also she would have insisted on a condom with anybody anyway. To the one that asked if I change condoms, I don't use a condom with my SO so when it's time to penatrate her the condom is removed. to the person who asked how I think it happened. My personal guess is that it is from going down on the provider and then moving directly to my SO and doing the same. To the person that suggested this post applies to such a small minority of people - I hope everybody can take something from this post. EXAMPLE: Have you ever went down on a provider, kissed her and then recieved a BBBJ from her? PRESTO! your infected! Be careful friends and always think. Now go get laid.............

gonefornow3264 reads

I have been in this hobbby for many years now without incident. Two years ago I entered a relationship with a fine young civilian lady. After a year with her I confessed my hobby to her. To my complete surprise this excited her and she wanted to join me with a provider.  A week later we shared a BI lady and continued this at a feverish pace. Recently my girlfriend started to experience some groin pain. She went to the doctor for a check and sure enough she had contracted an STD. Fortunately it was a common easily curable one that was taken care of with one dose of pills. How could this happen? We always used condoms!

The reason I am writing this is to enlighten couples to danger's they may not have considered. We are at much higher risk than single men. We thought we had always practiced safe sex, but in hindsight we were wrong.

Some tips:
A. Don't go down on provider and then do the same to your S/O!
If you must go down on a provider, do so after you have finished that with your S/O.

B. Don't recieve a uncovered blow job and then penatrate your S/O without a condom.

C. Don't get lost in the moment so that you are not thinking clearly. Always pay attention to what you are doing as far as bodily fluid contact. Don't share toys!

D. Consider wearing a condom for ALL phases of your encounter (including head). Most men would kill to be in your position, condom or not! Save the bare back activity for your alone time.

E. Always remember that no matter how careful you are, you will be at a higher risk than a single man.

Don't stop your hobby, to do so would be worse than death in my opinion. But be careful and be safe!

PussyMistress3152 reads

Unfortunately, you may get some flack from some hobbyists regarding covering up on bj's.But I applaud you for posting this, and maybe we all should look realistically on the downside of what could happen by not practicing safety (in all areas).

The E Ticket3357 reads

Though the risks are increased of getting an STD when hobbying for both you and your GF...... you cannot be 100% positive she has not seen someone else outside of your relationship.

Didn't you find it odd she got a STD and you didn't if you were sharing?


well,if she had it,then its safe to say they BOTH had it because i,m sure after the encounter was over,they had regular sex with each other,thus,the exposure still happened....and both had to be treated...sometimes symtoms and the rate in which they appear can have alot to do with a persons immune system,or overall health-it depends....in any rate,i,m glad this thread is here...just my two cents

Yeah, good point E Ticket!  Also, seems she was really willing to get involved.  That really took me back!  I think there is something to what you are writting E Ticket!


gonefornow2144 reads

To this one also wanted to reply directly. I was not tested at the time since I had no symptoms, the STD we contracted was "Trich" and symptoms in males are rare and sometimes don't even require treatment (from what I have read). I have since been tested and am awaiting results. Since this is such a easily transferable STD it was assumed by her doctor that I also have it and was prescribed the same medication. I also trust my SO with every piece of my soul, we are togther all day and night. 7 days a week. If she wanted some new dick she would simply ask and would be granted her wish. I have offered many times and she has declined. When it comes to getting a new piece of tail, she much prefers pussy. Besides, don't you think she would have required him to wear a condom? Then exposure would have been virtually impossible.

Of course you wore a condom. That's only common sense but did you have intercourse with the provider as well as with your girlfriend without changing condoms? That could have been the way the STD was transmitted. Just because the male wears a condom doesn't mean that he can't be the means by which a nasty bug is transmitted between ladies in a threesome environment. Just a thought.

-- Modified on 8/20/2004 5:34:56 PM

Which STD did she get and what act do you think it came from ?

Great post for the 0.00001% of us who have SOs cool enough to do this.  But seriously, it reveals something rather interesting about STDs. Namely, they are short lived out of the body and the lack of cover in such a short time frame gave it to her.  There was a snide post that your SO might have gotten it somewhere else...perhaps so, but I would think that she would be smart enough to have him wear a condom...unless it was her...but then, I think your scenario makes more sense.

gonefornow1801 reads

First let me thank you for you great replies.Let me respond to a few of your questions. The first response is to the person that suggested she may have gotten it from outside our relationship. Not a chance of that. We are together all day and night. Also I have offered to let her involve a male in our play and she has declined. She has nothing to hide and would tell me. Also she would have insisted on a condom with anybody anyway. To the one that asked if I change condoms, I don't use a condom with my SO so when it's time to penatrate her the condom is removed. to the person who asked how I think it happened. My personal guess is that it is from going down on the provider and then moving directly to my SO and doing the same. To the person that suggested this post applies to such a small minority of people - I hope everybody can take something from this post. EXAMPLE: Have you ever went down on a provider, kissed her and then recieved a BBBJ from her? PRESTO! your infected! Be careful friends and always think. Now go get laid.............

MsConduct2595 reads

I read this a few times and perhaps I am not getting it.
You have been involved with your SO for 2 years. After the first year you confessed your hobby and one week after that the 2 of you engaged in a threesome with a provider. It has just been recently your SO was diagnosed with an STD? You don't say how long ago it was that the threesome took place. It sounds like it happended about the 13-15 months after being in this relationship(give or take some time). Right now you say you guys have been together  2 years (at least 24 months), and she just got diagnosed, but you didn't contract it. It is true that with most STDs women are the last to know, due to a lack of obvious symptoms( burnng sensations, painful genetalia, etc.), but all ths time she has been harboring this. Don't you think because of your confessed love of this hobby, you are an easy target.It is easy to blame it on that "nasty provider."  Do you know how lucky you were to find a woman intrigued by this lifestyle, who was willing to participate? A little too lucky.
Maybe I misunderstood the timeline of the post, and have gone way overboard, but I wouldn't go pointing fingers. Yes, you have passed on some great advise that will come in handy for those lucky enough to get a "cool" SO, but in her mind, both you and this hobby, will always be a scape goat.

gonefornow1742 reads

OK, sorry if I confused you,Let me try again. I've been with my GF for 2 years, A year ago I confessed my hobby, she joined me a week later with a provider, We have now been in the hooby as a couple for approximately 1 year......recently she was diagnosed with a mild STD. I never said I did'nt contract it. It was assumed by her doctor that I also was infected and was therefore treated. I have since been tested for the full range of STD's and am waiting the results. Her symptoms showed first do to this particular STD (trich) rarely having symptoms in a male. Hope this clears thing up.

gonefornow2966 reads

After reading your post again it occured to me you may be sugesting there is a possiblity she had this STD all the time? Am I wrong there? At any rate she is tested for STD's every six months or so, including about 3 months ago and was all clear.

MsConduct2152 reads

Hey GFN, no I wasn't suggesting that she had the STD all this time. Your timeline had holes and missing info, like the fact that you 2 have continued to hobby together. Also you didn't state that you were also treated. I sent my post in before the one that clarified things was posted. It didn't get approved until later. What I was suggesting, is that she may have contracted this on her own and that you shouldn't point fingers. Now that you have clarified things, there is nothing more to say. All we can do is learn from your experience, take the good advice given, and continue to enjoy the great pleasures this lifestyle has to offer.


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