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Utah has a new escort tax?
SUPERDAVE 1 Reviews 3832 reads

How many providers will register for that?

I guess mostly it was everyone's beady little eyes and low criminal forhead.

Anya6278 reads

They should be giving US the extra 10% for keeping all you sex offenders off the streets and away from decent women!


I love your choice of words (as always), Anya.

I think I would have to agree with the representative who said
"I think it will come back to haunt us and it will cost us some money." However well-intentioned the legislature was in creating this new law, it will be interesting to see how the law of unintended consequences treats this one.

Sort of interesting that Utah would take such a step.  It makes sense in several practical ways and the money is going toward appropriate activities.  I really do not know about the connection made between nude dancing, escorts and sex offenders unless the sex offenders are johns caught on streets soliciting.  It seems hard to believe, in my little world, that rapists or child molesters would visit strip joints or a provider, doing so seems to be counter their basic pyschological makeup.

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 9:49:29 AM

FearlessLeader2463 reads

...welcome to the conservatives' version of law enforcement. If they suspect you of wrong-doing, if they can't bust you for anything else, the feds (or state) will get you for tax evasion.
  In Pittsburgh, the 11 o'clock news showed that bust of all those massage parlors. A prominent part of that story indicated that these places came to their attention via the internet (ASPD).
  Remember, this an administration heavily influenced by the Christian right. This Attorney General spent almost $500,000 to cover the breasts of the statue of blind justice which appears in the backdrop of all Department of Justice news conferences.
  John Ashcroft has made crimes of "moral turpitude" a priority. He doesn't need a federal law to bust you. In Pittsburgh, Tommy Chong was busted for selling paraphernalia (a bong). Though accomplished under state statute, the funding for this investigation and prosecution came from the feds. Last I heard, Tommy was going on a 3.5 yr vacation. This does not include the federal indictment in Pittsburgh of a California videotape distributor for obscenity.
  Ladies, in Utah, if they can't bust you for solicitation, sodomy, conspiracy, felonious mopery or even suspicion of being suspicious; the government will have tax evasion.
  Oh yes, if you think the IRS (or state department of revenue) can't find your income because it's all cash; send me an e-mail. I'll tell you what an IRS cost-of-living audit is all about. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (thanks to ex-wife).

Actually, we conservatives like tax evasion.  It keeps our money out of the hands of you crypto-Socialists and your weaselly welfare spending.

Not to mention an EXTRA $560 Billion he's spent that haven't YET been collected in taxes, but will nonetheless have to be taxed from your children.

There is so much I could say having grown up in that miserable invironment.  They had a state legislature of 98 of which 96 were Mormons.  Still only half of the state was Mormon at that time (early 70's).  It's odd that they voice concerns over legality since my recolection of them was that they had absolutley no problem with church and state separtion issues.

The Mormons are responsible for their own problems in so many ways.  They have these standards and want everyone to think that the place is spotless.  Yet their huge enterpernural bent leads them to welcome industry and with it the workers from other states and, obviously, religions.  Then they wonder what happened when they start seeing folks from Kansas (my brothers inlaws) smoking and drinking and not wanting to go to sunday school with them.

When I was in my early 20's I met some guys who were running dope through Salt Lake City because, in their words, the cops there didn't have a clue.  It seems that the sex trades have caught a ride on the same coat tails.

And then there are the booze laws....  And polyagamy...  Where's Senetor Oren Hatch when you need him?

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