TER General Board

Kim k seems like she'd get nastier
emorf4077 65 Reviews 1384 reads
1 / 20

The UK Daily Mail reports on a study of 60,000 people, including 20,000 women, from Australia finding that most prefer the long, leggy type to the shor,t curvy type. Personally, I'm with the Taylor lovers.

bigguy30 408 reads
2 / 20

So Taylor Swift is very thin and not cute.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 389 reads
3 / 20

Negate your vote. TS is hot. Has a brain and seems like she wouldn't be a total trashy candidate. To each his own.

Senator.Blutarsky 288 reads
4 / 20
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 335 reads
5 / 20

I personally don't get the fascination with Kim K.   As for me, I'll go with Taylor any day of the week.  She's smart, has style and she's better looking (my opinion).

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 353 reads
6 / 20

I don't get the fascination with Kim K. either. To me (IMO) she's fat (and not the good kind)
I'll also go with Taylor.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 343 reads
7 / 20

Taylor any day of the week. Beyond the fact that I have zero interest in Kim looks wise... she comes across as a pop tart and slutty.  

Posted By: AHappyCamper
I personally don't get the fascination with Kim K.   As for me, I'll go with Taylor any day of the week.  She's smart, has style and she's better looking (my opinion).  

Ks8706 2 Reviews 307 reads
9 / 20

Posted By: emorf4077
The UK Daily Mail reports on a study of 60,000 people, including 20,000 women, from Australia finding that most prefer the long, leggy type to the shor,t curvy type. Personally, I'm with the Taylor lovers.
Hmm do I like someone who is famous for being a singer/songwriter or someone who is famous for liking black di*€ *. The kind of choice that school just doesn't prepare you for....

* nothing wrong with liking di** of any color

Premiummsbritney See my TER Reviews 320 reads
10 / 20

In bed. But I'd love to be with either of them ;) sexy!

Posted By: emorf4077
The UK Daily Mail reports on a study of 60,000 people, including 20,000 women, from Australia finding that most prefer the long, leggy type to the shor,t curvy type. Personally, I'm with the Taylor lovers.

inicky46 61 Reviews 307 reads
11 / 20

Kim K is like a cartoon, with her ginormous butt.  And I don't like anyone named Taylor.  Just kidding, it's not the poor kid's fault she has the same handle as our BSC Queen, Min Min.  She's just too damn skinny.
Why should i have to choose between those two types?  I prefer tall, leggy and curvy, and I find plenty of those

emsjhs2009 255 reads
12 / 20

love to have those long legs draped over my shoulders while licking her pussy. KK just looks nasty

Zangari 396 reads
13 / 20
GhostWriteroftheDamned 245 reads
14 / 20

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 5:42:48 PM

GhostWriteroftheDamned 308 reads
15 / 20

but TS is the one I'd consider giving up mongering for even if she wasn't at all famous or rich.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 297 reads
17 / 20
AnotherDonJohn 271 reads
18 / 20

Thinking hate fuck...

Posted By: emorf4077
The UK Daily Mail reports on a study of 60,000 people, including 20,000 women, from Australia finding that most prefer the long, leggy type to the shor,t curvy type. Personally, I'm with the Taylor lovers.

Zangari 287 reads
19 / 20

Posted By: USGrantlover
awesome. She looks about 12 eom

bigguy30 192 reads
20 / 20

Posted By: USGrantlover
Negate your vote. TS is hot. Has a brain and seems like she wouldn't be a total trashy candidate. To each his own.

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