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Just this week ... Tues am ... soooo imbarassing!!!
Hannah Heath GFE See my TER Reviews 1301 reads

This is absolutely and by far THE most imbarassing moment I can recall in my adult life and it occured just 3 days ago (I'd blame xyza, but I'm afraid he would spank me for that).

Now please keep in mind, I see a lot of him and over time have developed an intense connection with him and most importantly enough trust, that I sub to him (just do not what the rest of ya to expect this ... it is TOTALLY a YMMV thing here).
Anyways ... (disclaimers aside to protect the innocent) he sends me HOT emails before each meeting with "instructions" on how I am to be waiting for him when he arrives. The last 3 meetings, when he called to say he was on his way up, I have been instructed to crack the hotel door open before "getting into position"
as described in his email. I'm going to leave out a few details of what toys were in what places etc, as this relationship has developed over many months, and mentally, I just can not sub to someone this way if I have no connection to them, and I do not want this to be expected (in fact, this may not be my smartest post for that reason) ... but I will say that after cracking the door for him and putting toys and things in place as per his instructions, I proceeded to put on a blindfold, get on my knees head down on a pillow, ass in the air and facing the door, totally exposed for him.  So imagine the suprise when I heard the door push open and rather than his voice I heard "House keeping ... OH SORRY!!! ... slam!"

One-imbarassed-and-blushing Hannah

-- Modified on 8/10/2007 12:47:35 PM

Sophomoric Humorist3254 reads

This must have been asked sometime, somewhere, but one of my other personalities, Mellow Dramatist, has been whispering in my ear, so here goes:

Has anyone, either provider or hobbyist, ever been "interrupted" during a date, by either a spouse, ex-spouse, significant other, adult child, divorce attorney/private investigator, hotel staff, etc...?  What were the circumstances? Was it deliberate or accidental? What was said and done? And by whom? How did it play out and how was it, if it was, resolved?  Did physical or verbal violence come into play?  Was this in public or private?

There's got to be at least one great story here waiting to be shared.  So don't be shy!

Several years ago I was traveling with a colleague.  We didn't have a meeting until lunchtime so I scheduled some play time.  

One of my ATF came to see me and we got going.  As luck would have it that after round 1 we were both enjoying the afterglow when there was a knock at the door.  I went to the door and it was my jr. colleague wanting to know if I was OK since he called and couldn't get through on the hotel phone (unplugged for that very reason).  I told him I was taking a nap as we had been out late the previous night and that I would see him in the lobby at noon.  

My lady friend was startled to say the least.  I calmed her down and we had a very passionate 2nd round.  Before she left the room, I checked the hallway--just in case.

Turkana1690 reads

In New York, in the early 90s, the streets near the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel were swarming with streetwalkers.  They offered cbjs for 15 or twenty bucks, right there in the car.  the Hobby's version of drive-through service.  Many of the women were stunning, and in warm weather, they wore next to nothing.  

We zoom in:
I've picked up a beautiful Latina and I've pulled to the curb.  She takes the condom out of her purse and I take my pecker out of my pants.  Then something dark appears to the left in my peripheral vision.  The cops.  They take my license and write down the info, then casually tell me they're not citing me for anything, but that a letter will arrive at my home in a few days cautioning me about the dangers of picking up streetwalkers.


Fortunately, the letter never came.

Scene two:  I'm in the brothel in NY; a sweet French girl and I have just gotten into the downstairs room; we've taken the clothes off and are getting to know each other when there is a hideous racket upstairs.  She says, "I can't do it.  I'm too afraid.  It may be the police."  So we stop, and lie on the bed and talk, I give her a back rub to relax her, and at the end of the session, she says, "I have to make this up to you - here's my number."

We dated for a while, on the clock and off the clock, and eventually drifted off separate ways.

Sophomoric Humorist949 reads

That second tale certainly seems to have turned out all right for you.

Thinking way back to the early 1980s, do you remember, on Madison Avenue from about 26th street to 32nd street, an interesting little streetwalker patch?  They came out early  and were brazen as hell.  My first, and mercifully very brief, as I soon discovered indoors was a lot better and safer, intro to this pursuit.

The very first time I saw them i had had quite a snootful, and was slowly and unsteadily weaving  my way back to the east side.  I though, stupidly, those women ought to be more careful.  They're standing way too far off the curb.  They're likely to be hit by traffic.  I soon learned better when, as i waited for the light to change, one of them gave me a very impressive goose and some very predictable sales talk.  I kid you not -- i was that clueless [and shitfaced].

Turkana2259 reads

but do recall plenty of others - 57th & 7th Ave in the early 90s; Lex around 28th St. 48th and 49th between 8th and 9th.

Throughout the 80s there was a cheap hotel across the street from Grand Central, on Lexington, and there were usually sws there, day and night.

And if you really want to go back in time, try 9th ave in the early 70s or 49th street in the late 60s.

-- Modified on 8/9/2007 7:56:09 PM

seansm307 reads

I actually remember that neighborhood from high school. My best friend and I were sharing a pitcher of beer at an Irish pub (you know the kind: smelling of brisket and stale beer) and in walked a beautiful SW wearing a red spandex jumpsuit. I was blown away by how sexy she was. To this day don't know why she was walking the street rather than plying her trade in a more upscale place.

In the 20s and park just recently I saw a beautiful SW and again I wondered what she was doing on the street. This time though I figured she had to be a cop. That could be the only explanation.

CarolinaLayla598 reads

when company is here . Yet  i do believe just about every lady has had some sort of  "hotel" staff member  interupt at least once ...
When company is in my presence... myself and company are the only two in the world at that particualar time ..

wifey is always checking up on me so I often leave mine on because it's easier than explaining why I couldn't be reached. When she calls you can't get her off the phone so if it's playtime it's time to multi-task. In the course of one hot session the frickin phone rings & she starts in talking about nothing. Knowing the routine we quietly continue. As wifey blubbers on the Lady & I are getting close. The Lady realizes, OMG, I'm about to blow & now she's getting into this as much as I am! I was able to end the call moments before liftoff & we laughed our asses off.

I recently changed wifey's ringtone so now I know who is calling without looking @ the caller id...her ringtone?...the doorbell of course. lmao

ChubbyKielbasa585 reads

The gal who had the room told whoever it was that we didn't need anything but she wouldn't stop knocking.  We had been making quite a racket and started getting a bit nervous.  Turned off the music, one gal hid in the bathroom, I put on my pants, and the gal who had the room cautiously checked to see who was there - it was the maid supervisor, a muslim lady in a burkha, who just wouldn't leave until she had talked to someone face-to-face to be sure everything was OK.  We kept the noise down after that.

The bellhop took my bags and led me to the elevator and to my room.  He puts the key in the door and opens it to let me in.  As I walk in my eyes are shocked to see some dude banging his lady while her legs are pinned behind her head.  

The guy screams 'What the fuck?', the woman tries to throw him off her and the bellhop and I are momentarily stunned like a deer in headlights.  We bolted out of the room whereupon I too threw a 'WTF!' at the doorman.

We go down to the front desk and long story short I'm suddenly the king of the world.  I get upgraded to a Presidential suite complete with a living room hot tub and a free bar tab.

I have no idea what the hotel did for the couple but I can only imagine it was good if they gave me my treatment for innocently barging in on them.  BTW:  The woman was smoking hot.  Based on my 5 second preview I'd give her a 9, 9...lol!

-- Modified on 8/10/2007 10:35:58 AM

This is absolutely and by far THE most imbarassing moment I can recall in my adult life and it occured just 3 days ago (I'd blame xyza, but I'm afraid he would spank me for that).

Now please keep in mind, I see a lot of him and over time have developed an intense connection with him and most importantly enough trust, that I sub to him (just do not what the rest of ya to expect this ... it is TOTALLY a YMMV thing here).
Anyways ... (disclaimers aside to protect the innocent) he sends me HOT emails before each meeting with "instructions" on how I am to be waiting for him when he arrives. The last 3 meetings, when he called to say he was on his way up, I have been instructed to crack the hotel door open before "getting into position"
as described in his email. I'm going to leave out a few details of what toys were in what places etc, as this relationship has developed over many months, and mentally, I just can not sub to someone this way if I have no connection to them, and I do not want this to be expected (in fact, this may not be my smartest post for that reason) ... but I will say that after cracking the door for him and putting toys and things in place as per his instructions, I proceeded to put on a blindfold, get on my knees head down on a pillow, ass in the air and facing the door, totally exposed for him.  So imagine the suprise when I heard the door push open and rather than his voice I heard "House keeping ... OH SORRY!!! ... slam!"

One-imbarassed-and-blushing Hannah

-- Modified on 8/10/2007 12:47:35 PM

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