TER General Board

Just one?
VOO-doo 383 reads

One that immediately comes to mind is a guy who LOVED movies. When I told him I had never watched whatever movie he'd seen 150 times (I think it was Transformers), he proceeded to recite the entire plot. When he realized he'd forgotten to impart some vital information an hour ago, he'd say, 'OH, and I forgot to tell you...' Then he'd forget what he'd originally been telling me, and of course, I was no help to him. So I probably heard some of it twice...for my edification.

I don't think anybody was ever so eager for the good guys to win and the movie to be over.

I also find it a bit annoying when someone holds me, and either falls asleep, or doesn't want to let me go. A few times I remember I itched, had to pee, and my arm was falling asleep...but, I was basically pinned in place, and was afraid to move because that would ruin the mood

Happy Thursday,  

As I'm commuting to my place I thought about the most annoying, just ignorant encounter I have ever experienced in the hobby.....  
Saw a client (ONCE) who wasn't oblivious to TER, read my reviews, saw my pictures, READ My profile, the whole 9. He arrives I'm was wearing booty shorts a fitted tank top and UGGS (sexiliciousness at it's finest babyyyy) anyway this man was short much shorter than me, he literally spend 45 minutes talking about how tall I was literally,  

"I didn't think you were this tall" he said
"It was on my TER profile sweetie,"
"I know but I just thought you were 5,6 not 5'8, can you take off your UGGS?"  
I take the Uggs off....
"Oh you're still tall" he replied  

Well apparently you're still STUPID!  

Lord bless me with the strength, needless to say I never saw him again. Whenever I feel myself twitching or if I have an inclination to punch you in the face I think it's best to terminate call. I thought I was going to be on the 6'o clock evening news for choking a b*tch.

Lately, though, there's been this one chick on the GD board who keeps posting inane questions and unbelievable stories, and acting like she gives a damn about anyone's opinion other than her own when in reality she won't even answer a PM (or 2!) from well-intentioned fellow providers.  

 "Look at me!" posting at its finest.  :-P

Oh, but wait!.... we're pretending to be nice here, aren't we?  :rolleyes:

Well, in that case.....

I've had people give me a hard time about my height.  Now I just say I'm taller than average and leave it at that.  
And I wear slip-on shoes so that when I open the door and he gives me that startled up-and-down look as I look down on him (literally, as these men are always in the 5'6" and under club), I can easily kick off the heels, bringing me down to their level.


-- Modified on 11/5/2015 7:35:55 AM

Damn Debbie  

That sucks that someone would be so annoying on the board. That's crazy, those well known providers should write to me I would defiantly answer back. Wow, hope you and her settle your differences if not live and let live it is what it is I always say.  

Yeah I'm tall when I wear heels it's even worse, sometimes when I take the heels off I'm still too tall. These guys are just nuts. LOL

GaGambler524 reads

Let's see who does that sound like? Any guesses?

BTW your profile says you are 5'9"-5' 11" but you say in your OP that you are 5' 8", not that an inch or two is really that important, (in height that is), but WTF, you might as well set the record straight.  

and are you sure you don't have any idea who Debbie might be talking about?

and one last question would you "defiantly" answer back, or would you "definitely" answer back? I am kind of wondering what you would have to be "defiant" about?

Wait that's too obvious. Her last name starts with H. And the last letter of her first name ends in E. That's better :-).

No, GaG no idea.  

True about the height thing as well, I should change that.

OOps thanks for catching the typo :-)

Not really annoying encounter in the hobby, but it's happened to me right after the session.
I left my hotel room just right after the session, I only went to the coffee shop on the other side of the street.
The guy that was working behind the counter was kinda flirting with me, so I spent there quite few minutes talking about the whether with him, and then who enters the place? My previous client who apparently thought of grabbing a coffee as well, smiling after seeing me, comes closer and I already thought 'oh crap!', because I thought he might say something indicating what we were just doing.

But he only comes closer, stands in line next to me and loud-enough for the cute guy to hear, says:
'you've got pigeon's shit on your clothes'.  

Yeah I was speechless, grabbed my coffee, paid and ran back to the hotel.
It happened last week, so still recovering from humiliation.

I've reviewed my worst dates so I won't be boring and repeat the all of the details, but it involved, young providers running the clock down and acting like they weren't doing anything wrong.  I send my info in prior to dates, and I'm not exactly a new guy to the hobby. So why should a provider try to pull some BS that they would pull on a new guy? Because they are dumb and greedy. Bad reviews, back channeling, and complaints to your manager has to have an impact, but I guess they don't have enough time in the job to realize that. Karma is a bitch.  

So just BAD service has to be my worst hobby experience so far.

I don't understand that mentality. Before I started doing this I went to see a provider with a guy friend and she was 30 mins late. We were understanding because, you know, shit happens, but then when she does arrive we give her the money plus a generous tip (we were newbies, we know we messed up lol) because she seemed really cool over the phone and through email and we were excited to have a great date. Instead of seeing the tip and being appreciative she started asking us "what is this for?" with an attitude. My friend told her it was a tip and she goes "oh". No thank you or anything. Fast forward to about 40mins later. My friend came and all the sudden she gets up and starts putting her clothes on. Meanwhile I still hadn't gotten off myself mind you. It was like I wasn't even there! ("really bi" my ass). So we were basically paying her extra so that she could show up late and then tell us we had to leave early... I asked her why she was putting her clothes on and she said "I have something to do at 10 tonight". My friend got up, told her to give him his tip NOW and we both left. That's why to this day when I have a date I make it a point not to clock watch. If I have a certain time that I absolutely must leave by I'll tell you in advance. For as much as some men act like all they want is a rent-a-ho, no one likes to be worked over like that and a little kindness and conversation goes a long way.

I never tip when a provider is late - NEVER, and I'm a decent tipper. My last tip was a bottle of fancy, French vodka made from grapes crushed by the feet of French virgins. OK there is no such thing as a French virgin so I made that part up, but the rest is true. She was about 5 minutes early and stayed a bit over, but it was a very nice session. I've tipped with expensive bottles of single-malt scotch, single barrel bourbon, and other libations that they don't buy for their self. I enjoy the look of surprise and happiness I get when I pull out a bottle of their favorite drink. I usually don't ask directly, but I pick up on what they say or write, or I ask one of their friends, if I know of them. A little kindness goes a long way.

Posted By: Jessicalyn
I don't understand that mentality. Before I started doing this I went to see a provider with a guy friend and she was 30 mins late. We were understanding because, you know, shit happens, but then when she does arrive we give her the money plus a generous tip (we were newbies, we know we messed up lol) because she seemed really cool over the phone and through email and we were excited to have a great date. Instead of seeing the tip and being appreciative she started asking us "what is this for?" with an attitude. My friend told her it was a tip and she goes "oh". No thank you or anything. Fast forward to about 40mins later. My friend came and all the sudden she gets up and starts putting her clothes on. Meanwhile I still hadn't gotten off myself mind you. It was like I wasn't even there! ("really bi" my ass). So we were basically paying her extra so that she could show up late and then tell us we had to leave early... I asked her why she was putting her clothes on and she said "I have something to do at 10 tonight". My friend got up, told her to give him his tip NOW and we both left. That's why to this day when I have a date I make it a point not to clock watch. If I have a certain time that I absolutely must leave by I'll tell you in advance. For as much as some men act like all they want is a rent-a-ho, no one likes to be worked over like that and a little kindness and conversation goes a long way.

Sorry to hear you've had those kind of experiences. That's tough, at least this guy wasn't an assh*le he was just annoying. Well, we live and learn and I bet it will never happen again.  

xoxo :)

The guy with the height issue is ridiculous... I swear people don't read sometimes. Lucky for me a lot of my clients are submissive so therefore my height is a bonus! (otherwise I'd be screwed because with heels I am 6+ feet) But I definitely feel your pain. My most upsetting encounter was with a guy who had white and black crust all over his... well you get the idea. It was a combination domme/courtesan session and he was mostly submissive so it didn't seem like there would be an issue and for the most part there wasn't because everything he asked for didn't require me to get intimate (whipping, verbal abuse, etc...). The end of the session approaches and I think I'm home free when all of the sudden he starts begging me for it. Obviously I told him no but he kept asking and then at the end left kind of disappointed... I was really confused. Didn't he realize there was white and black CRUST all over it? If I had something like that I'd at least know certain acts might be off the menu. It's not worth my health... Anyway, I showered for like 3 hours after that lol.

And when the review comes out, you send in that as your proof of services not rendered due to disease or just filth.

GaGambler450 reads

about as likely as it would be for an OFTHFB to consent to taking a picture of her fat ass, just before turning around and walking away as proof of why services were "not desired"

I honestly can't imagine any guy being clueless enough to expect sex when exhibiting a "crusty" dick. No, I take that back, yes I can imagine it. I hope she really leaned into it when she was whipping him.

"CRUSTY" is not a good nickname to have. I'm picturing an uncut dick for this scenario and I rather that vision wasn't stuck in my head.  

Posted By: GaGambler
about as likely as it would be for an OFTHFB to consent to taking a picture of her fat ass, just before turning around and walking away as proof of why services were "not desired"  
 I honestly can't imagine any guy being clueless enough to expect sex when exhibiting a "crusty" dick. No, I take that back, yes I can imagine it. I hope she really leaned into it when she was whipping him.

Guys do and they always will...with the caveat...I am paying for it so do it. I wager that pretty every hooker has had at the very least one trick with something gross on their body that still wants a service and is shocked when refused.

And tricks don't need a photo, they can smear a hooker anytime they want...it's called a review if they can't get what they want or her ass his two axe handles wide.

-- Modified on 11/5/2015 4:15:20 PM

GaGambler377 reads

It always comes down to a he said/she said. A guy writes a bad review, the hooker makes a post on her regional board flaming the guy for either "never having seen her at all" or that his "ass stank" and that's why she kicked him to the curb and why he is mad.

It happens over and over, sometimes it's pretty obvious who is telling the truth other times it's rather difficult to tell who's lying and who's telling the truth.

I don't deny that tricks don't write bad reviews out of spite, but neither can you deny that BSC hookers lie too.

""White and black crust"??? Did he have sex with one of those cookies on his way over?

Posted By: Jessicalyn
The guy with the height issue is ridiculous... I swear people don't read sometimes. Lucky for me a lot of my clients are submissive so therefore my height is a bonus! (otherwise I'd be screwed because with heels I am 6+ feet) But I definitely feel your pain. My most upsetting encounter was with a guy who had white and black crust all over his... well you get the idea. It was a combination domme/courtesan session and he was mostly submissive so it didn't seem like there would be an issue and for the most part there wasn't because everything he asked for didn't require me to get intimate (whipping, verbal abuse, etc...). The end of the session approaches and I think I'm home free when all of the sudden he starts begging me for it. Obviously I told him no but he kept asking and then at the end left kind of disappointed... I was really confused. Didn't he realize there was white and black CRUST all over it? If I had something like that I'd at least know certain acts might be off the menu. It's not worth my health... Anyway, I showered for like 3 hours after that lol.

anotherdamnalias340 reads

The girl that blew him an hour before, had been snacking on Oreos.  Wanna bet on it?

I'm betting on "black and white" cookies

Posted By: anotherdamnalias
The girl that blew him an hour before, had been snacking on Oreos.  Wanna bet on it?

Sadly it happens far more often then reasonable. I leave if it is more than 15 minutes because I will be too annoyed to have fun after that point. Sadly those sessions usually don't happen as I leave. So I will tell the story of the most annoying session that happened, and the provider didn't do anything technically wrong.

I have told this story before, you all have been warned. OK, I booked a two hour date with a new provider. When I got there I climbed into the shower she started talking me while I showered. This is not what annoyed my but this is where her obsession with my wife started as she asked me if I was married. I answered yes and told her my wife was working at a certain brothel in Nevada. Big mistake. She keeped asking about my wife even after I asked to move on to a different topic. She kept comparing herself to my wife during sex. Asking if my wife did whatever sex act we was doing. I got a bit ticked and picked up my phone mid cowgirl and called my wife and handed it to the lady and told her to ask my wife. When she heard my wife's voice she freaked. It quit being annoying for me but very awkward for her and very funny for me.

YI812322 reads

Hmmm...im confused.  What does that have to do with a provider being late?

Very little annoys me more. This post is about annoying dates. I do not waste other people's time. I demand the same in return. If not it really annoys me. It is rare I get me time and time is far more valuable to me then money. Basically put ever NCNS, or date where she is more than a few minutes late are the most annoying dates ever. And I have gotten a toothy BBBJ before.

Dear Roxanne:  To summarize this horror story,

"The Street" says: You must know the old Wall Street saying:  "Big Man, Big Prick; Little Man, ALL PRICK!"  

Hope this is "short enough" for approval from the Master, Mr. GG Gambler!

GaGambler429 reads

BTW did you see what happened with my alternative short option to AAPL VRX?

Last I checked it was down a whopping fifteen bucks just on the day. Wouldn't you love to be short about 10,000 shares starting from it's highs back in the 250 range only about three short months ago?

Please don't encourage the retard ... it's better when he doesn't talk.

Dear GG Gambler  your short VRX is working!!....and you did say that it might be dicey to short further, as the item has declined a lot. You are a balanced analyst.  VRX is a GS item, and unless there is total fraud involved, the danger with being short here is that GS will find some client to buy the whole company at a higher price.  The world runs on OPM, so insane deals are still possible...

Back to AAPL, (which is perhaps not short-actionable unless they jam it a bit higher), "The Street" has attached a projection value for a possible Major Fail here (please see the linked chart)...Ok, all the reasons are clear to the herd as to why it can NEVER drop to the $55.00 level.  "The Street" agrees, in advance, that this will only happen IF IF IF the Joke drops to a new low, (vs the August low) between now and the end of March 2016.  Mechanics??? If the INDU tanks, the margin calls will hit the biggest, liquid, caps that are up the most since the August lows...you know the names...

Denials??? The same kind of thinking that says that HIV is now meaningless in the USA, argues that the USA stock markets can not descend to a lower low, vs August, by the end of March 2016.  APPL, like the INDU, now has many elements of non-confirmation, in addition to facing growing Asian competition.  "Denial-ists" ignore the non-confirms, bowing to da Fed.

Maybe da Fed will throw a Fresh Trillion into futures and ETFs to keep things in the box?  This market is not easy here....

Regards to you, GG Gambler!  

ps  AAPL 80 PUT, April 15, 2016, last trade was $0.47 shown at yahoo.com. Open interest 2361 contracts.  Looks like the put hedging stops at around the 110 level. Suicide Mission???  This is Not for the faint of heart! 65 APPL interday crash print means 30x the money.  Might pay for 60 fun meetings....all for one grand up front.  Boxcars for the Boyz??? lol!!

It's always ten minutes more, but that was two hours ago.

In the meantime we miss our restaurant reservation and have to sit around and drink till a table opens up, and then it's late when we get back and she is too drunk to do anything.

I guess that is the real girl friend experience for you.

That's why I'd rather entertain at my house and cook a meal myself.  But even then things can get annoying.  For example, am I the only one in the world that squeezes the toothpaste tube from the end?

And don't get me started on the toilet paper

VOO-doo384 reads

One that immediately comes to mind is a guy who LOVED movies. When I told him I had never watched whatever movie he'd seen 150 times (I think it was Transformers), he proceeded to recite the entire plot. When he realized he'd forgotten to impart some vital information an hour ago, he'd say, 'OH, and I forgot to tell you...' Then he'd forget what he'd originally been telling me, and of course, I was no help to him. So I probably heard some of it twice...for my edification.

I don't think anybody was ever so eager for the good guys to win and the movie to be over.

I also find it a bit annoying when someone holds me, and either falls asleep, or doesn't want to let me go. A few times I remember I itched, had to pee, and my arm was falling asleep...but, I was basically pinned in place, and was afraid to move because that would ruin the mood

Bad hyigene.short changed on donations on appointments.Very rude during appointments...

Then you know men only read what they want to. Most men won't read everything on our websites. They look at the pictures & decide if they want to see us. Some men are very interested in what we have to say, but most won't take the time.  

I have a private gallery on my website as a gift for my regular clients. It clearly states "Invitations are never given out on request. No exceptions." Out of all the emails I have received from potential clients, several every day, there have been maybe a total of 3 people who did NOT request an invitation to my private gallery. I can choose to get annoyed by this, or I can choose to tell them yes, an invitation is waiting for them when they become my regular client.  

My suggestion to you is maybe next time invite your client to sit down with you so he feels more comfortable.

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