TER General Board

Just a thought, but did you ever consider moderation?
ttcttc 138 Reviews 2781 reads
1 / 25

So, after 4 years in the hobby, about 200 sessions, 150 or so reviews, and probably $80,000 out the door, I have decided to move on.  I cancelled my hobby phone, I literally threw out the phone, I closed my hobby email account.  I want to say thanks to TER, my fellow reviewers, the operators of my favorite agencies in the DC area (you can figure it out from my reviews).  And especially, especially to the wonderful escorts I met along the way – you are a special group of people, and what you do and the way you do it was an eye-opener to me.  I have learned so much and had an enormous amount of fun and supported many good causes – you – in the process.  So, why stop?  Basically, two things. First, I find that the hobby eats up so much of my time, attention, and focus, it was getting in the way of the rest of my life.  Second, the burdens of leading a secret life just got to me. I know what the usual response to one of these notes is – you’ll be back – and it may be the case with me.  The hobby is a great deal if everyone plays smart and plays safe.  I wish you all the best.  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 633 reads
2 / 25

To quote the Eagles famous song:

You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.


JakeFromStateFarm 634 reads
4 / 25

You clearly love this but found yourself in too deep.  So why not try setting some limits that don't make it impinge on the rest of your life?
Now look what you made me do!  Give some sensitive and thoughtful advice.  My rep is ruined! LOL!

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 384 reads
5 / 25

We all have various paths to walk in our lives and, as you seem to realize, should keep our lives varied and complete not limited to a (albeit very pleasant) single pursuit of happiness.

Hope it ended better than your last two review. I know you've had better times so hope you had the change to say good bye to some of your favorites before stepping away.

mojojo 1 Reviews 472 reads
6 / 25

However, mine wasn't a conscious choice. Life gently bumped me away from the hobby. While I do love all the atf fun, I couldn't believe how relieved I was when I wasn't chasing pussy. Even so, I still dabble from time to time. But rather than chase like crazy (80 grand), I now let the pussy come to me, so to speak. When it's totally convenient, I still have a few old friends UTR who are happy accommodatying my considerably slower playtime parameters. Like you say, one never knows. That's why I keep a toe in the door in case life gently bumps me back in.    

You have tons of experience. Feel free to check in from time to time, and contribute if you feel like you have something pertinent to say about any given topic. One doesn't have to hobby once a week to share experiences. Good luck!

trirock 103 Reviews 341 reads
7 / 25

I too am leaning in the same direction for some of your reasons plus a couple more personal ones specific to my situation.  The hobby life as you so aptly express is quite a mixed bag of insights, personalities, sexual experiences and a few lifetime memories along the way.  Be well!!  

ZoePiers See my TER Reviews 538 reads
8 / 25

"You can't break a bad habit by throwing it out the window. You've got to walk it slowly down the stairs"- Mark Twain

Zoe Piers
Posted By: ttcttc
So, after 4 years in the hobby, about 200 sessions, 150 or so reviews, and probably $80,000 out the door, I have decided to move on.  I cancelled my hobby phone, I literally threw out the phone, I closed my hobby email account.  I want to say thanks to TER, my fellow reviewers, the operators of my favorite agencies in the DC area (you can figure it out from my reviews).  And especially, especially to the wonderful escorts I met along the way – you are a special group of people, and what you do and the way you do it was an eye-opener to me.  I have learned so much and had an enormous amount of fun and supported many good causes – you – in the process.  So, why stop?  Basically, two things. First, I find that the hobby eats up so much of my time, attention, and focus, it was getting in the way of the rest of my life.  Second, the burdens of leading a secret life just got to me. I know what the usual response to one of these notes is – you’ll be back – and it may be the case with me.  The hobby is a great deal if everyone plays smart and plays safe.  I wish you all the best.  

1256849 23 Reviews 395 reads
9 / 25

See you back in a year or two. :)  

Good luck.
Posted By: ttcttc
So, after 4 years in the hobby, about 200 sessions, 150 or so reviews, and probably $80,000 out the door, I have decided to move on.  I cancelled my hobby phone, I literally threw out the phone, I closed my hobby email account.  I want to say thanks to TER, my fellow reviewers, the operators of my favorite agencies in the DC area (you can figure it out from my reviews).  And especially, especially to the wonderful escorts I met along the way – you are a special group of people, and what you do and the way you do it was an eye-opener to me.  I have learned so much and had an enormous amount of fun and supported many good causes – you – in the process.  So, why stop?  Basically, two things. First, I find that the hobby eats up so much of my time, attention, and focus, it was getting in the way of the rest of my life.  Second, the burdens of leading a secret life just got to me. I know what the usual response to one of these notes is – you’ll be back – and it may be the case with me.  The hobby is a great deal if everyone plays smart and plays safe.  I wish you all the best.  

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 390 reads
10 / 25

the other part agrees with you.  This past year was a frustrating combination of price increases, canceled appointments, and poor service.  Maybe this hobby has past us by.  Good luck with your choice. Be strong, but accept failure.  

UOnlyLive2x 60 Reviews 393 reads
11 / 25

And stay strong. We can always work for more $, but time is gone and we can never get it back.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 350 reads
12 / 25
JackDunphy 625 reads
13 / 25

"I blew my kid's college funds and I'm fucked." LOL

Bro, 200 sessions in 4 years?...my prediction is you will be back by the time Goodell accuses the Patriots of cheating in the Super Bowl. :D :D

CorbinCandor 447 reads
14 / 25
impposter 49 Reviews 202 reads
16 / 25

Better to go out on a high note. Best of luck. Enjoy your life without "us."  

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long,
So long, so long and ...

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 358 reads
17 / 25

Congrats, good luck, good riddance... but on a more serious note,
what does ttcttc strand for? Do you stutter?  

Anyhoo... Bon voyage ... Stay Safe, Have Fun, Repeat  
... for less money of course.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 283 reads
18 / 25

maybe he had the GaGa habit the first few years and has greed himself of the temptation of the flesh. Come to think of it, I need to get laid. Gotta go. Sweetums!!! lol

FatVern 468 reads
19 / 25

Posted By: ttcttc
So, after 4 years in the hobby, about 200 sessions, 150 or so reviews, and probably $80,000 out the door, I have decided to move on.  I cancelled my hobby phone, I literally threw out the phone, I closed my hobby email account.  I want to say thanks to TER, my fellow reviewers, the operators of my favorite agencies in the DC area (you can figure it out from my reviews).  And especially, especially to the wonderful escorts I met along the way – you are a special group of people, and what you do and the way you do it was an eye-opener to me.  I have learned so much and had an enormous amount of fun and supported many good causes – you – in the process.  So, why stop?  Basically, two things. First, I find that the hobby eats up so much of my time, attention, and focus, it was getting in the way of the rest of my life.  Second, the burdens of leading a secret life just got to me. I know what the usual response to one of these notes is – you’ll be back – and it may be the case with me.  The hobby is a great deal if everyone plays smart and plays safe.  I wish you all the best.  

FakawiTribe 286 reads
20 / 25
DT_lover 188 Reviews 456 reads
21 / 25

I've got a new girlfriend and getting it at home now.

FatVern 404 reads
22 / 25

Run this story by them, and see what they say.

Posted By: FakawiTribe

-- Modified on 1/29/2017 4:53:51 PM
I love when someone talks shit(10 words or less) and can't even get it right on the first try. I wouldn't be surprised if the dog mess on the bottom of my shoe has a higher IQ than you.

FakawiTribe 399 reads
23 / 25
WreckingBallz 477 reads
24 / 25

Welcome to the reality of addiction. May you rest In Peace.

Posted By: ttcttc
So, after 4 years in the hobby, about 200 sessions, 150 or so reviews, and probably $80,000 out the door, I have decided to move on.  I cancelled my hobby phone, I literally threw out the phone, I closed my hobby email account.  I want to say thanks to TER, my fellow reviewers, the operators of my favorite agencies in the DC area (you can figure it out from my reviews).  And especially, especially to the wonderful escorts I met along the way – you are a special group of people, and what you do and the way you do it was an eye-opener to me.  I have learned so much and had an enormous amount of fun and supported many good causes – you – in the process.  So, why stop?  Basically, two things. First, I find that the hobby eats up so much of my time, attention, and focus, it was getting in the way of the rest of my life.  Second, the burdens of leading a secret life just got to me. I know what the usual response to one of these notes is – you’ll be back – and it may be the case with me.  The hobby is a great deal if everyone plays smart and plays safe.  I wish you all the best.  

GaGambler 345 reads
25 / 25

In my book, he is already exercising moderation.

Now go drink some vodka, pick a fight with someone and your rep will be right back in the shitter where it belongs.

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