TER General Board

Jack gave you some great advice, I would advise you to take it
GaGambler 105 reads

Like Jack I also contribute to the Newbie board, helping out both new hobbyists and providers alike. You will find DEMANDING help and encouragement won't go a long ways here and will only serve to alienate the people who can help you. You have all of about 45 minutes of experience, those of us who have been here well over a decade aren't going to listen to a lecture from you trying to tell us how this place works.  

If you really want some help, knock that chip off of your shoulder and ask for it, you will be amazed at just how helpful we can be when asked nicely.

I've found many providers on Backpage that I would like to visit with. The problem is I am worried about walking into a sting. How can I prevent that when setting up the date. I once visited a provider and followed her instructions to her place. Low and behold I drove around the back of the building to find 2 squad cars on both ends tucked under shade facing the doorway of the building. I drove right through playing like I was lost. The provider never called me back. Should I ask the provider to strip naked first or have her grab my dick etc?

GaGambler248 reads

The reality is, there is no "LE check" that will keep you out of jail in the case of a sting.

The only way to eliminate 99% of the risk of seeing providers that could be LE is to stick to "well reviewed" providers.

I would further suggest you check out the newbie board, there is a LOT of helpful information there and virtually every question you can think of has already been asked and answered.

PLEASE do yourself a favor if you want to stay out of jail, do NOT see unreviewed providers you have found off of BP. You might get away with it for weeks, months or even years, but eventually you ARE going to walk into a sting. OTOH, I have been seeing hookers for 43 years now and have never been arrested for it and as long as you are smart about it, you too can do this forever without ever encountering LE

obvious solution.  Law Enforcement MOST OFTEN uses BP and CL to set up hobbyists AND providers for a bust.  You just need to find your providers on a more reputable site.  

Plus, if you move upmarket a little, you will get to experience a provider who's performance is an 8 or 9 even if it means one or two less sessions a month.  You will thank me later.  

-- Modified on 6/7/2017 11:36:08 AM

GaGambler116 reads

but in smaller cities and towns sometimes there is no other option than BP.  

In that case he can either go without, or find his providers on BP, but vett them through their reviews, if any.

I now live in a small city where BP is the only option, and none of the providers I have found on BP have reviews ANYWHERE. Even though I have been doing this for decades and I have a LOT of experience filtering through obvious bullshit and likely sting ads, I am perfectly aware that seeing unreviewed BP hookers is almost certainly going to end badly, it's the reason I now get most of my action from the Sugar Bowl and I only see hookers when in "the big city" which is maybe once a week. I suppose most guys could live with "once a week" but cutting back from once a day to once a week is simply not an acceptable option for me, but then neither is getting robbed or arrested. lol

So its safe to say the well reviewed providers on TER are typically good to go if they have plenty of reviews. I was told to ask for a massage at first, or have them take their clothes off. Because a cop will not strip down naked for you while her peers are watching or ready to storm in.

GaGambler233 reads

If you walk into a sting, the type that are all too common on BP, it's too late. Just being there, having answered an ad for prostitution with the donation in your pocket is more than enough for an arrest.

Yes, it may help you if and when your case goes to trial if you never say anything about sex for money, etc etc etc, but once you are in the room with LE is pretty much a given that you are going to jail.

The best way to stay out of jail is to NEVER be in the same room with LE in the first place and seeing "well reviewed" providers will cut that risk down by 99.9%

stucaboy128 reads

LE knows full well why you are in that sting room and they are not above making shit up.  They are there to arrest you and have some fun doing it.    The other problem with BP and CL is having your Rolex vanish.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

...so they're going to arrest as many as they can to justify the costs of the sting.  Cops don't worry about the prosecutor's conviction stats - that's their problem.

souls_harbor100 reads

You just have to be in the vicinity of the sting to get arrested.    "Lurking with intent" is an actual arrest justification as reported in booking documents.   I don't know if that guy got convicted of anything, but his name ended up in the paper and an arrest went on his record.

He doesn't need to find providers "on a more reputable site," he just needs to verify they are legit and he can do so right here at good ol' TER.

Are you new here?

GaGambler208 reads

TER is NOT the dominant review board in most of "flyover territory" where BP is about the only place to find providers.  

It's important that the lady have reviews "somewhere" it does not necessarily have to be TER reviews.

CDL, I know you are a "hobby snob" and you live in an area with literally thousands of hookers, not everyone has the options you do in So Cal, and the guy is looking for advice that's actually useful, telling him to "look elsewhere" when there is no "elsewhere" in many towns is not helpful.

I agree with you GaGambler.  

I do not have much of a presence on TER. However I do on other boards. I am hoping to build that up though.  I have some here on TER, but they are old.

I would suggest checking out provider websites (if they have them) and other boards to verify that they are in fact legit and safe to see. Some providers do post links to their reviews on their websites, I know I do, so that people can read and know that I am legit.  

I've been a provider now for 7 years on and off and I haven't had an issue YTD and I plan on continuing that way. I have a No Screening.....No Appointment policy and it's kept me safe and out of trouble all these years.  I can't afford any mishaps. You have a personal life to conceal and keep safe as well, so you should screen as well. Don't gamble.

GaGambler227 reads

Unlike Sasha below who only has a single review to her credit and doesn't even have a web site. I feel that you more than pass the "credibility test"  

I don't need to see dozens of reviews and a gap in reviews of months or even years doesn't bother me. Everything about your online presence  says "legit" Sasha may very well be 100% legit and I certainly believe her to be so, but I would NOT suggest a newbie see her until she gains a bit more credibility while I would not dissuade a newbie from seeing you if he liked what he saw. I know a lot of TER vets will disagree, wanting to see several "recent" reviews by credible reviewers before giving the green light, but I don't necessarily live by their rules.

I agree with you.  I like to see a few reviews and a recent body of work to show some level of activity. An one line presence helps too.

I sometimes forget there may only be one hooker in Moose Turd, Montana.  You know, the one with no teeth.  OTOH, I probably shouldn't be knocking a "gum-job" until I've tried one, right?  

I live in a town similar to Moose Turd.  I don't make it to the "big city" very often any more.  There are only about six hookers living within 2,000 square miles, half of whom I don't see based on personal preference (one busy with her kid most of the time, and the other is often traveling to the "big city" furthering her "business" interests there is a much larger market.   It's the occasional traveling gal who sets up in a motel on the Interstate that I'm interested in.  Its hard to get info for those gals out here in the sticks.  I check them on TER and other sources with their phone numbers and names, but the result is usually zilch.  It is scary when there is no way to check.  I usually don't pull the trigger.  BTW, @coeur-de-lion, I've had a "gum-job" from a young lady who lost her front teeth in a car crash.  I didn't know that in advance of our meeting--don't know if I would have scheduled had I known, but the sensation was most interesting--much more of an oral "vagina" feeling.  Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

A lot of experienced providers or hobbyist suggest that only a provider with "reviews" can be trusted or should be seen and that's far from true. We all have to start somewhere . When I post on BP , I always add my social media and a verification video. I even suggest writing/adding me on snap chat , twitter, IG to prove I'm real and not law. Also, the number connected to my ad , if googled will pop up previous ads from prior periods so it's easy to determine real from fake. You can usually tell as well , if the poster is using fake photos. Hope this helps.

You are legit, to me, when OTHERS say you are, if those others have good reps and/or I know them.

Why should we trust you? Would you trust a doctor who has never seen a patient, or seen just one, just bc he says he is a legit doctor?

Your snap chat, twitter, etc doesn't PROVE anything. LE has gone to great lengths at times to get busts.

You are poo pooing reviews bc you don't have enough which just perfectly fits your business model at this time.  

Most here look out for newbs and the general advice here is to stay away from gals like you who don't have enough history to make a reasonable judgment.  

All the reasons you state may or may not be good enough for a guy to TOFTT. and those guys are necessary, but none of them are good enough, imo, for newbs to see you who have anything on the line and cant afford to get busted.

"Poo pooing" sounds remedial in an adult conversation so I'll use the term "down play" instead. I wasn't down playing reviews at all if you read my post. Maybe you misinterpreted , who cares? The point of my post was to say not everyone has reviews but there SHOULD be other ways that the provider can show that she's legit and not LE.

I didn't DEMAND anything , I suggested and gave options. I have WAY more than 45 minutes of experience lol but since your knowledge is only based off my 1 review here lol then hey. And I've never in life (RL) cared for a random persons negative opinion or bigotry. The fact that it's been decade(s) for you. My poor baby , go find real love lol. I'm hoping by now , a few providers are on your will. I'm off to enjoy LIFE beyond this thread lol .. you should try it.

GaGambler140 reads

It's obvious by reading your post and referring to the 45 minutes or so of experience you have here that you are talking to me, but you placed your post underneath one of your own posts and it actually "looks" like you are simply talking to yourself, which of course might be advisable with all the dumb shit flying off of your keyboard.

Do you think you are the first hooker who has come on this board trying to tell the rest of all how we are doing things all wrong? Just remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression and you have blown yours, Now everybody knows just how combative and BSC you truly are. This is fun and games for me, I would assume this is YOUR livelihood, nice job running off huge numbers of prospective customers. I can see you are going to be a LOT of fun to have around. Just like every village needs it's idiot, every board needs a piñata. Bienvenidas jaja

No one has made my do NOT see list faster than you! Ha! Quite the 'tude going on there baby doll. But where did you find bigotry in this thread?

GaGambler156 reads

You are at best, from the perspective of a potential client "semi legit" at best.  

Yes, you all have to start somewhere, and true you have "started" but I would most definitely NOT recommend a newbie go see you as there are still a lot more questions about you than answers. Hopefully you will get there someday, but you are not legit simply because you say you are.  

Nice try though. lol

Of course I'm not legitamite because I say I am. That's why I provide multiple ways to see who I am. The hobbyist is supposed to check and verify. LE May have social media but I'm sure they don't actively post the content that I do or engage half naked with people. You can tell LE and non LE. There was a comment about me having 1 review here . I just linked my profile to the review this morning lol never knew I had the review until about 2 weeks ago. This site is life for some of you but not to me as I have survived without it. Another comment was made about me not having a website. My website will be up and running soon. There's no need to down play providers who are still learning strategies to market themselves. That does not mean they're not credible or are worse than the next. also , let's get back to reality . A review is an OPINION of ones experience. That review may not hold up or equal to the next hobbyist experience. So , instead of focusing on what I don't have or how I'm not credible with "one review." Give advice and encouraging words. Thanks .

Look, you are new here so I will be a bit nicer than normal as I offer some advice. I would listen to people with MUCH more experience than you and that is virtually everyone here at this point.

Stop with your "know it all attitude", try being a bit humble, and I will give you all the advice and encouraging words you want. Check the newbie board for my many posts helping newbs for years for proof of that.

And NO, you cant just "tell LE and non LE." If one could, one would have one less reason to come here, where we share info and try to weed out LE and BSC people as best we can. Reviews are just one, of many ways, to do so.

Please stop with the "this site is life for some of you but not to me as I have survived without it" nonsense as that just makes you sound condescending and fucking snooty.

You are saying things that are uneducated and misinformed about this realm. But thats ok for a newb. Everyone expects that.

What we don't expect is you lecturing to people here about a topic you know virtually nothing about.

That won't win you any fans here.

1. As I stated I just linked my only one review yesterday morning . I am NOT new to this business just new to this site so you have 0 idea what experience I have. Please get a reality check and come back down to earth. You seem as if you're getting paid to make these "superior" comments. YOU need to be humble and sit down. I wonder if you have friends or a life outside of this lol. Quite scary.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Re: Thank you for telling me what a hobbyist is supposed to do. I didn't know.
Look, you are new here so I will be a bit nicer than normal as I offer some advice. I would listen to people with MUCH more experience than you and that is virtually everyone here at this point.  
 Stop with your "know it all attitude", try being a bit humble, and I will give you all the advice and encouraging words you want. Check the newbie board for my many posts helping newbs for years for proof of that.  
 And NO, you cant just "tell LE and non LE." If one could, one would have one less reason to come here, where we share info and try to weed out LE and BSC people as best we can. Reviews are just one, of many ways, to do so.  
 Please stop with the "this site is life for some of you but not to me as I have survived without it" nonsense as that just makes you sound condescending and fucking snooty.  
 You are saying things that are uneducated and misinformed about this realm. But thats ok for a newb. Everyone expects that.  
 What we don't expect is you lecturing to people here about a topic you know virtually nothing about.  
 That won't win you any fans here.

Guys here just LOVE the attitude you are expressing and they love even more to have to PAY for it. lol

I can see you have a lot to learn about a number of things but you are the expert, apparently,

Last word of advice. All these posts are searchable and many guys weed out people due to their board persona.  

If you want to continue to look down your nose here and talk shit about things you have no experience with, well, be my guest.

The guys here tend to like no drama, happy hookers that are sweet, or at least professional. Right now, you are showing none of those qualities.  

I can lead you to the fountain of knowledge but I cant make you drink. lol

Your nipples surgically altered to look like lips?  Nipples that kiss back!  Pretty cool!

GaGambler106 reads

Like Jack I also contribute to the Newbie board, helping out both new hobbyists and providers alike. You will find DEMANDING help and encouragement won't go a long ways here and will only serve to alienate the people who can help you. You have all of about 45 minutes of experience, those of us who have been here well over a decade aren't going to listen to a lecture from you trying to tell us how this place works.  

If you really want some help, knock that chip off of your shoulder and ask for it, you will be amazed at just how helpful we can be when asked nicely.

YoMaMaDo207 reads

You certainly sound and put yourself out as a non confrontational, lovely mannered young woman who I would very much enjoy NOT spending time or capital with. But hey that's just me.  

Good Luck wif dat.

ATLDAWG135 reads

I have yet to be caught but was stopped one time in an area where there are a lot of hookers on the streets (at that time) on Harry Hines Boulevard in Dallas, Texas.  Fortunately I had a good excuse-I was to meet with a new client who's business was on that street the next morning-I had no idea where it was-so I was locating it the night before. I even had his address in my planner.   So if you are in an area-be on the look out for undercover and marked police cars-just as you did in the situation you described.  

Go there if possible at least an hour before your appointed time to scope it out  (If a hotel-the gal may not give you the room number until you are there-but almost all will tell you the property they are in-you got to be able to find that -it is very reasonable to ask-if she won't tell you-my suspicions would be aroused !  

 Cops are pretty clever-but their undercover vehicles often look like undercover cop cars !  So be alert !  If something really concerns you-leave !!

Just be and stay alert !!  Look for people in cars in the parking lot-look for people out of place.....Be alert and Stay Alert !

Posted By: Bucky46

I've found many providers on Backpage that I would like to visit with. The problem is I am worried about walking into a sting. How can I prevent that when setting up the date. I once visited a provider and followed her instructions to her place. Low and behold I drove around the back of the building to find 2 squad cars on both ends tucked under shade facing the doorway of the building. I drove right through playing like I was lost. The provider never called me back. Should I ask the provider to strip naked first or have her grab my dick etc?

GaGambler161 reads

It used to be the place for street walkers id Dallas back in the pre internet days.

I have been down there a few times in recent years, mainly to go for Korean food as "K-town" is right up the street from where the street walkers used to word some thirty years ago, and I haven't seen a SW in sight. There are a lot of AMP and Strip clubs in the area though.

and some old unbusted hobbyists (moi, for example), but there are no old, bold, unbusted hobbyists.

List to GG's advice, and play safe.

By the way, good move to check out the back of the house first.  Not the first time I've heard that story.

Also, if a provider ever asks what kind of car you are driving, hang up.   That is an LE tip off.   With that info, LE can pursue you and pull you over.  You might not get busted, but they'll put the fear of God in you.

GaGambler151 reads

There are some very legitimate reasons for a lady to ask what kind of car you drive and it's not an uncommon question that is asked. If he hangs up on every woman who asks that question he could be passing on some very lovely, (and safe) women.

A lot of women will direct you to a parking lot that they can view from their window, and watch you pull up and get out from the safety of their room or apartment before giving you their exact location, just in case four of you get out of the car. lol

I remember another Korean provider who wouldn't see fat guys would always watch out her window to see if the guy was "height weight proportionate" I guess if he was a fat ass she wouldn't answer her door. lol

I do agree about "old, bold, unbusted hobbyists" being overly cavalier about seeing unreviewed BP hookers WILL catch up to you "someday" it's not a matter of "if" it's only a matter of "when" taking those kind of risks in today's environment

provider visits are apartment incalls, I can agree that its not uncommon to be observed out a window as you're parking and getting out of your car.  If anything doesn't look right, they won't give you the apartment number, and you're not going to just go knocking on doors until you find a hooker.  

One girl I used to see that worked from her residence had a CCTV camera mounted on her garage and instructed you to park in the driveway, so she could get a good look at you before answering the door.  A little disconcerting for the hobbyist on the first visit to think you are being recorded, but its totally understandable since she lives in the house full time.  

-- Modified on 6/7/2017 4:46:02 PM

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