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Ivy, I think you have to regard . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 69 reads

the kinds of responses you listed as snarky comments from jaded hookers that have been in the business too long and don't know when its time to get.  Its a domino effect.  They get attitude like this, the customers notice, and then business falls off, so instead of trying to fix the reason they're losing business, they double-down on the attitude, and then wonder why business continues to drop.

Incoming Rant...

It baffles me how many other providers I see posting stuff, simply seem to hate men.  
I saw a post regarding a question from a client: "What turns you on?"

Answers from providers:
1) obviously money
2) money and you (client) leaving
3) makes my eyes roll...how clueless can some guys be
4) that's a BS question
5) it's rude to pry about someone's personal life
6) that's predatory behavior
7) lie in his favor
8) it`s abundantly clear that we don`t feel like sharing this information  
...And on, and on, and on..........
How clueless?  Personal life?  How TF is that "predatory behavior" and why should I "lie in his favor"?

Seriously, what the hell is SO WRONG with that question, and what is wrong with being honest about something like that?
Maybe some of our clients are genuinely interested in pleasing us?
Maybe they want more than just the mechanical bull ride that you're providing?

I don't know....maybe I'M the wrong girl for this biz. Maybe giving two shits and a fuck, about others, is the wrong way to be?
Is it so wrong to actually want to make someone feel great? Is it so wrong to help someone be a better lover to you??

You know what turns me on?
Kissing. Good, old fashioned kissing. Passionate. Deep. As if we haven't seen each other in years.
Also, my lover showing that they care enough to ask what I like. To find out what revs MY engine.
Good, dirty talk also gets me going.
Aaaannd, getting my ass eaten....but, I digress...

I know we all have our own ways of thinking and doing business, but to get upset with a client for asking a question, or to feel like you have to lie? Jeezuz, come the fuck on.
I swear...all I ever see is providers bitching about this and that. Always the same complaints from the same girls.
SMH...makes me wonder why they're even in this business.


EDIT - Thanks to Terrilynn, I see that I got a little upset for no reason. Edited post to not come off QUITE as bitchy, but I AM curious as to the answers to this.

-- Modified on 9/25/2017 3:00:15 PM

But I'm not sure what purpose it serves you getting upset over how another provider handles her business. Is it harming your business for some providers to react or post that way? Probably not.  
To each their own.  

That's a very good question.
Its nice to know upfront what makes everyone Happy Sexually..  I like it from sweet sensual, to Wild n  Naughty..depending on mood..and What his, her Desires are...from normal GFE.. to roleplay..fantasy.. Xoxo

You know what? You're right.
It's not harming my business.
I guess I simply can't understand WHY someone would be offended with this question.  I fail to see how it's invasive or predatory (for Christ's sake), or why someone would need to lie about it.
Yeah, it's a personal question, but this a personal business.  
And with regard to that, based on the number of providers that have been in this biz for a while, they should already expect stuff like that.
But, again...you are certainly correct that I shouldn't get huffy about it and it doesn't harm my business.
Hell, maybe it'll drive some my way.
Thanks, Terrilynn

Welcome love. I just hate to see you waste your good energy on shit that at the end of the day, won't affect you one bit. Fuck the hater ass bitches anyway.  They are more angry with themselves than anyone else honestly.  😚😚😚 i have no problem telling a gentlemen what turns me on, Infact, its on my site lol!!!

... and that's a shame.  
I also cant help but wonder if many providers simply stop liking sex as much as they used to simply as a result of the profession. I remember as a kid loving to draw, paint, sculpt, etc.  but I knew deep down that if i had to do it for a living i would probably lose my joy and begin looking at it as a required chore.  

Just my 2 centavos.

I agree. A very long time ago I worked for a bank. There were several women who worked there absolutely hated the customers. The customers coming in were interfering with their jobs. They just were very unhappy having to work.

This could be the same thing with some of the providers.

But as a heaux I love it when a client ask me that. I'm wild, sometimes I'm too wild. I mean being sensual and sweet and modest is cute...in your personal life, but when you got Chanel you came here to party. The good question is what turns you on?

the kinds of responses you listed as snarky comments from jaded hookers that have been in the business too long and don't know when its time to get.  Its a domino effect.  They get attitude like this, the customers notice, and then business falls off, so instead of trying to fix the reason they're losing business, they double-down on the attitude, and then wonder why business continues to drop.

Edit - Because, if so, I may as well get out now, and end my career on a high note.

-- Modified on 9/25/2017 4:07:58 PM

No, I don't think it is inevitably what you have to look forward to. It's possible to love what you are doing for a long, long time. I'm in that fortunate position--different profession of course, but I've been doing it for decades and still look forward to coming to work most days.

I guess I'd say there are a couple of things that are good to do. One is to keep aware of how you are feeling about your work and your life, so that you have time to decide, say, if it's time to change up the way you do things or if it's really time to think about moving on, and you can do that thinking before you really start feeling negative. The other is to think about what you'd like to do after this phase of your working life and start preparing for it, maybe even eventually doing it part- or full-time while you're providing. That way, when and if you eventually retire, you're moving toward something good, rather than just bailing out of something that's gone sour.

That's just my thoughts on it, for what they are worth. Others who have experience as providers, or more experience as clients, might have something more useful to say.

A bad attitude can happen in any kind of work.  I think the most important part of his advice is to view sex work as a transition into something else, not because its not a good career, but like athletics, there is a time where age makes it impractical to continue to compete with your younger competition.  At some point if there are fewer customers and you have to charge lower prices to compete with younger providers, its going to get tough, and that's usually when provider attitudes start going south.  You don't want to wake up someday, realize your days in this business are numbered, and meanwhile you have not prepared for "what's next."  As long as YOU have a good attitude, get all you can out of your provider career but look forward to something else someday, no reason NOT to enjoy yourself for the near term.  

I see both sides of this issue. When someone asks this in a public arena, we risk limiting our audience with our answers. If a lady steps out "too far" she's not elite enough, if she doesn't mention every little  thing, she's too restrictive.  Additionally, it doesn't allow for chemistry and talent. I have had partners please me in ways that aren't usually on my menu... that person is an energetic, physical and or style fit with me that is exceptional. Example: being submissive. I am usually not submissive.... compliant, yes. Submissive, no. Except in certain circumstances. But I can't guess them in advance. Thus an argument for YMMV. I can think of 3 or 4 other things that work that way. I wouldn't want to take the activity off the table completely or I might miss something really great. And it might be something that's not at all offensive... just not a major turn on (most of the time). I can say I love kissing... but what if the other person is a really crummy kisser... do I still love it? Nope. I am endlessly fascinated by the unique chemistry and play that is generated by new partners.

enjoy what you are doing. Aim to please and be pleased and your days will be better.

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