TER General Board

I've seen Korean BBQ. Give her my regards. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 567 reads


This is such a simple, and may I say perfect arrangement.

I want to get laid, and by women who are way out of my league both looks and performance wise. I don't want to have to work at it to get laid. I have no interest in or patience for the "thrill of the hunt", only to be successful and end up with an OTHFB who says "I don't suck cock, I'm too classy". Or one who's idea of sex is to roll over on her back, spread her legs and says "alright, but hurry up because my show is coming on soon". I don't want to deal with the bullshit part of a relationship with a woman who I could possibly attract, just to get subpar pussy and no head.  

The saying goes "there's no free milk in the cow", well I'm not asking for free milk, I just want to rent the cream of the milk, I don't want to buy the un homogenized milk. Either way I'm paying for it, I want the best and I don't want or need to "own it".

Providers want to make a really good living doing what they are good at and not have to put up with any of our bullshit or the bullshit of a relationship. Unfortunately it seems that most have to put up with some of our bullshit.

Look guys:

Don't look for love in this life, it's a fucking fantasy that they are selling and we are buying. By all means have fun, be respectful, be nice. Enjoy getting off with someone who you can get naughty with and who isn't judging you, well maybe she is judging you but who cares you aren't accountable to her. Love has nothing to do with it in this sandbox, providers are in this to deliver a service which is fantasy and to make good money doing so (hopefully they enjoy their work and it's usually reflected in the quality of their service). But at the end of the session, they go back to their real lives (as should we) and in reality they would not give you more than the time of day IRL. They are the beautiful, sexy ones in this sandbox, not us.

If she clearly states on her website that her rates are 400/hr, 500/90 mins 700/2 hrs, you have choices, if you want to see her for 90 mins it will cost you 500, it's quite clear and really simple. And you know this prior to ever contacting her for the first time, so there shouldn't be any confusion or reason to question her about it. She is the owner of the business, she has set her rates for her service and you know this before your initial contact. Either you can or can't, want to to don't want to afford her stated rates. If you choose to request time with her, you should pull up your "big boy" pants and have your envelope stuffed accordingly, or simply move on to another provider who you can and/or want to afford.

You fuck it up for the rest of us who "get it" when they have to sift through the bullshit, time wasters or insecure "looking for love" guys.

This is the simplest, most perfect of arrangements as there is, be sensible, polite, respectful, count correctly and get laid by the best of the best. And then she, or you, leaves!

Love, has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Russ climbs down off of the soap box and heads to the bar for a Bourbon, neat

... a neat bourbon is so much better than when it's on ice.

and if you ever are in vegas, i am buying you a drink!

GaGambler715 reads

The guy was talking about hooker math, not being cheap.

Yes, he was being kind of a dumb ass by trying to find the root cause of hooker math, but you are being a White Knighting he cunt with your admonishments to simply do as some BSC hooker demands you do.

How about this? Lets find a happy medium between being a BSU and being clueless, fair enough?

Now pour yourself another bourbon, grow some balls and quit telling other guys how to treat the hookers they may or may not hire. And for fucks sake, grow a pair of fucking balls and find yourself some self respect. These women might not give YOU the time of day without being paid VERY well for it, but PLEASE don't pretend to speak for the rest of us in that respect.

I didn't intend to include anyone else but myself when I mentioned them not giving me more than the time of day.

It's not a matter of self respect, it's an acknowledgment of the fact that I'm average looking (at best), and the women I see are way above average looking.

If you, or anyone else took it differently than that I'm not responsible.

GaGambler540 reads

I suppose it doesn't bother you that you are ceding any last remnants of self respect you ever might had.

As for your reference to the provider who got mad when called out for using hooker math and the insinuation that he was merely trying to haggle her down in price, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. You might not have any self respect, but you aren't stupid, and that kind of comment is just plain fucking STUPID, and beneath you. Either you have had too many, or more likely "not enough" bourbon, I suggest you reread this and the previous thread after having a few more and I believe you will concede my point.

BTW I am most definitely PUI, but not on good bourbon. I just did Korean BBQ at home and since I had no soju, I had to make do with a bottle of sake washed down with a six pack of beer. It is what it is. lol

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 6:09:24 PM

MidnightKitty517 reads

No, you couldn't touch a woman without paying her because of your self-entitled, misogynistic attitude. You come on here and talk shit about hookers because it's the only way you can feel good about yourself. I'm sorry you have such a sad life.

GaGambler564 reads

But when I call an individual woman out, in this case you. all of a sudden the misogynist accusations come out. It's just like if I have a beef with a black man, immediately some dumb fuck labels me a racist.

If you want "equal rights" you can't hide behind the misogynist defense when someone has an issue with something YOU say, not all members of your sex.

Speaking of my life, I have a GREAT fucking life. I am half drunk, I spent most of last night fucking a hottie and I have a belly full of Korean BBQ and sake. My life rocks. I doubt you can claim the same.

LasVegan466 reads

And please do not mistake my post as taking GaG's side.  BUT, it is just a front.  As hard as he tries to disguise it, after over two years of reading his posts, I have finally put all the pieces together.

Nobody respects women more than GaG.  No matter how hard he tries to hide it.  Look up some of his earlier posts.  On more than one occasion I have seen him slam a hobbyist when GaG thought that hobbyist was disrespecting a provider.

Nobody would do more for a provider.  He just doesn't want anyone to know.  Not sure why, but that is just his way.

When his real self is showing in a post and he sounds logical, fair, and sometimes even noble he will mix in a few profane insults just to cover his tracks.  You could shout him down as loud as you can, but if you were ever out in public and someone threatened or disrespected you, GaG would be all over them in a nanosecond.

Again, not sure why, I am not a shrink.  But he prefers NOT to show his gentlemanly side.  After you read enough of his posts it will become abundantly clear to you.

To prove my point, predictably, watch how he jumps all over this post in a very indignant way, watch.

A self-proclaimed authority figure with a pathological need to hear the sound of his own voice...  I'll bet he even has teensy-weensy hands.

LasVegan579 reads

Looks like you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.  Why give him the satisfaction of reading your post and getting the impression he has you fooled.  Why not just say something complimentary, it will irritate the hell out of him?

Let's keep him off balance as long as we can.

LasVegan421 reads

Why do I keep agreeing with you?  Seems to be a habit lately.  Don't worry, went online and scheduled some time at the local psych ward, so things should be back to normal soon.

Until then I will just stop reading your posts.

I'm already working on a Hallmark e-card that conveys my interest in a prospective client while also outlining the vaginal soreness and bathroom scheduling that factors into my rate structure.

But yeah, most civie women that I've been with aren't interested in sucking cock, they really use the line and attitude that they are too classy.


Women like you are true classy women, not specifically for your oral skills but more because of your non judgmental, unassuming, fun loving attitude. Of course it doesn't hurt, in my book, that you are an exceptional cocksucker. I'm smitten. Cool people rock, and you're cool.

Wow, this post was difficult to type. I've spent the past few hours watching the Chicago Cubs win the National League Championship so I'm definitely PUI.

So now it's time to say Go Indians! The American League Champion Cleveland Indians. I've cheered all year long for this matchup, it's going to be difficult to root against the Cubs, well not really.

Go Tribe!

but in P4P if we DON'T fall in love it can happily go on forever.  Me thinks there's a lesson in there somewhere.

Love Stinks!

Romantic love anyway.

why go out for milk if you're married to a cow?

What I want to say  
that I really happy that there are men who can feel and THINK.
If Bourbon helps - that is fine too
As we say in Russia - if you want to know true person - make him .her drunk
 then you would hear all his /her ugly or beautiful minds

I like your post. because as min we may talk about what love is.
 There some say that love is just a cultural phenomenon that arises partly due to social pressures and expectations.. yet then they say that if love were a purely cultural invention, it would stand to reason that love would simply not exist in some cultures.,.yet love do exists in EVERY culture therefore it is way more then cultural thing.

being in states for over 15 years I starting to believe that love is just cultural phenomenon and does not exist as it is - in pure fun and intimacy ways in states - just as here , on TER There are of course we may come across some nice men - as this one - who actually is  hurt by business wise nature of selling vaginas ( and then more expensive is hooker then less willing she to love you)  

States has to be a subject of the research when it comes to human feelings.  
I was shocked to hear in states  
" are you good Kisser"
"I want  to meet a man/woman who would love me"
No one want to love herself himself. As result- if love is a chemistry - then those who do not love  do not have that chemistry in blood  
that is why states are the most obese depressed country of
whole world  
no love no chemistry no movement and parody on relationship and sex. Even for your money you donate here for hight level hookers you still do not have what you want - happiness and relaxation - instead following not your  rules ..business like rules.. high volume call rules..
 Why ? Are you deprived just simple sex ? have not seen  vagina for long time ? our money do not guarantee you what you wish - that WHY American men turns to OTHER cultures for LOVE  
I am an American now - so American women- you better do even try to tell me that I do not love this country
I do not like mind games and rotten selfish people .

The difference is  
 that I can be and  
" Fuck my brains off " and " make love to me " while riding his face or giving him as he wants.
 yet 99% here  would argue that there is NO  make love to me  
 just fuck me  
Love seems is toooo bg responsibility and not fun to handle for American people  
while in fact love is easy and fun  
today I love you and tomorroe i do not and then I love you again - same for you - we are free. but we always do respect each other  

Write down my email  

[email protected]  
As i may any time just be gone from this hookers and johns boards and be available just for true gentlemen  
Who can take well-administered LOVE .:)




Two questions:

1. Were you drinking when you posted this?

2. How the fuck do you know who William Proxmire is?

(As are, for what it's worth, most Russian citizens.  Makes you wonder, don't it?

they read all our government e-mail

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