TER General Board

I've seen a lot of peeps on this board. Hope I never said that lol! E
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 349 reads


You've been researching the posters here.

Maybe send out a study to those not posting and post those results.

I think the GB posters represent a very narrow group of regular TER member hobbyists.  First of all, many members don't participate in the boards at all.  Of those that do, many find the GB to be too rough for their delicate sensibilities and only post on the other boards.  The regular GB posters are those who like to mix it up and tease each other mercilessly.  Not everyone's cup of tea.

So basically there are a dozen or so personality types here, and most of the concerns of most of the people in this world are only superficially touched on here and the "consensus opinion" designed by the four or five most troubled voices.

So, aside from the creative writing workshop aspect, why do those who find this place attractive find it so?

An accurate description has not been established but something like: "internet forum crack whore" would convey some generality.

We are kind of a cross-section of nothing.  A couple of dozen of the approximately 30,000 users on line at the moment.  Most of them are reading reviews and could give two shits about the boards.  Most of the people reading the boards are lurkers.  And that's only TER, not the so-called "hobby."
What about the BP crowd or the guys who just cruise SW areas?
I've asked guys at M&Gs if they use TER.  Many don't.  Those that do don't bother with the GD Board.  Then there are the guys who play in Central America.  Say "TER" to them and their eyes cross.  They have no idea what this place is.  And these are seasoned international players, many of who party in Europe and Asia.
So, yes, TER is a big pond in the on line game.  But it's small potatoes in the bigger world of hookers and johns.  Not even close to a "cross section" here.

And cite the boards here as what "they" deem a hobbyist  LOL

Yep...there are over 30,000 online now...maybe 100 or so have posted anything on the boards over the past day.

Could you imagine if all of a sudden even 10% decided to become posters?

Posted By: inicky46
We are kind of a cross-section of nothing.  A couple of dozen of the approximately 30,000 users on line at the moment.  Most of them are reading reviews and could give two shits about the boards.  Most of the people reading the boards are lurkers.  And that's only TER, not the so-called "hobby."  
 What about the BP crowd or the guys who just cruise SW areas?  
 I've asked guys at M&Gs if they use TER.  Many don't.  Those that do don't bother with the GD Board.  Then there are the guys who play in Central America.  Say "TER" to them and their eyes cross.  They have no idea what this place is.  And these are seasoned international players, many of who party in Europe and Asia.  
 So, yes, TER is a big pond in the on line game.  But it's small potatoes in the bigger world of hookers and johns.  Not even close to a "cross section" here.

And to this day I'm still looking for that real definition of a "Professional Hobbyist".

I recall a couple of years ago I was nominated (and accepted that nomination) as President of the Professional Hobbyist organization.  I do also recall that perfectstorm was considering running against me the following year.  Until he heard that the President has to buy all the refreshments for the meetings.  He is a cheap asshole  ;)

Do any gals really lie?  I'm very disappointed to hear that!

Begging is a fun game to play however.

Posted By: inicky46
She lied, of course.  She even begged one of them to review her.

Her serial melt-downs were well known here.  And I am sure that "pretty lay-dee" will be back.

Only been to one M&G, and since is was a TER affair I assumed that most of the people there had heard about it on the boards. Got a dozen cards, so ran a 720 day handle search on the GB. Found only a couple posts.

A lot of the women I see seem to network with other providers, and those circles seem contentedly oblivious of the GB, although they sometimes post on the regional boards. Haven't seen enough of the women from this board to notice any remarkable difference in how they approach things, but, IMO, everything effects a person.

And I know a few women who avoid posting anywhere. As one said, "Just not in [her] DNA."

And some folk, but probably not most, who post here are on other types of forums that have nothing to do with P4P.

This seems like a shall crowd in a vast subculture. Interesting personas, but I doubt if they represent any overall attitudes beyond being horny.

If GB is Green Bay, they lie.

GaGambler400 reads

I prefer to think of myself more along the lines of "escaped mental patient" lol

and there a lot more than 30 of us.

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