TER General Board

I've occasionally gone to business mixers...
RokkKrinn 425 reads

...with one or two of my "special friends".  This way I look like I have a "staff" and I'm not just a one-man operation.  And I don't think anyone "knows"; I go to lots of business events where the much younger female assistant really is the assistant--and also quite obviously the gent's new trophy GF, as well.

Mr_Mind2102 reads

It's not the holiday season, and I know this has happened, but once you got to know an escort through regular bookings, did you ever seek her company at a business event or party?  How did it go?  Did she bump into anybody she knew professionally?

GaGambler734 reads

but of course she was my GF at the time, does that count?

Now if you are asking if I ever took a hooker to a business function as a paid escort, the answer to that question would be no.

As for taking hookers any place in public around people I know, yes I am just as likely to bring a hooker as any other female companion, I just don't put a lot of thought into these types of thing as I am not the least bit ashamed about seeing prostitutes. So "getting caught" with a hooker is the least of my worries.

I was once at a convention where there was a fancy formal dinner where the men attended with their spouses. When they introduced the people at the head table, they introduced one rather glamorous young gal as the escort of the gentleman in question.  
It sure got me wondering.

I even take her to things involving our sons schooling. Funny thing this escort takes me to her work parties when guys are allowed. But I am married to her, so I don't think it is what you are asking.

If you want that. Cool.
Don't ever bring an escort to a work party!
It inevitable.  
Everyone will know.....
We love to laugh at the guys who do it..
So. It also makes you look like a clown

RokkKrinn426 reads

...with one or two of my "special friends".  This way I look like I have a "staff" and I'm not just a one-man operation.  And I don't think anyone "knows"; I go to lots of business events where the much younger female assistant really is the assistant--and also quite obviously the gent's new trophy GF, as well.

Does taking an escort with me to business and dinner meetings in China as a translator count?  I  have done this with a long-time friend who also happens to have a terrific business mind and owns a legit translation-service business.  I met her originally as an escort years ago in Beijing, and still see her sometimes when in another city.

Always the same type of guy, recently divorced in his mid 50's. One guy showed up with a girl (20 years old) not wearing underwear to a client dinner. It was like the scene from the movie  basic instinct. But, I had fun watching.....

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