TER General Board

I've never cared too much about reviews...
gracehadley See my TER Reviews 49 reads

As evidenced by the fact that I have less than 20 reviews despite having been in the TER world off and on since the end of 2013!  
It's nice to get feedback and/or praise, but reviews don't have an effect on my business too terribly much, as free time is my limiting factor more than client interest.  
So I'd probably prefer the tip, as that's typically a sign of a happy client. I'd ask for feedback directly, but I don't care much one way or another if clients leave me a review. In fact, for reasons of privacy and discretion, I prefer not to have too many reviews!

I was reflecting while working out today.  In short, time is my most precious asset.  I never have enough time to do everything that I want to do in a given day or week or year.  I cannot get it back and I need to think more carefully about how I spend it.  I don't want to get philosophical because I don't think that this is the place for that, but I do want to ask a simple yet insightful question, which will help me ... ladies after an appointment with a gentleman would you rather ...

1) receive a thoughtful and well-written review


2) an extra $100

And why?

I am asking this question, in part, because I am monetizing the value of my time.  In other words, I am indifferent between these two options, but to date I have assumed that most ladies would value 1) over 2).      

I would much rather have the review speaking for myself.
While tips are great when I receive them a new review will always garner new business.

I agree. The review would go much further

Both. It  takes 15-20  to write a decent review here without writing a book or a love letter and if she earned it, give her a damn top.

If You are worried about your time,  think twice about writing blogs and questions on this forum.

T I P....sorry

Posted By: 1256849
Re: You can do...
Both. It  takes 15-20  to write a decent review here without writing a book or a love letter and if she earned it, give her a damn top.  
 If You are worried about your time,  think twice about writing blogs and questions on this forum.

I wanted to see what value ladies place on reviews and how they think about the process.  I was reflecting on how I spend my time and how to place a value on my time as well as on the intangible benefits of writing a review --- for example the process of writing a review can be a valuable exercise in introspection.  Reviews are a necessary evil.  

A 100 tip is always nice, but a man  who has had a good experience with a  Lady provider, a good review , Spread The Word.. makes all the difference 100 times over..  thank you Xoxo

I would definitely prefer the review, I love reading what people thought about the session. :)

Prefer not to write reviews for whatever reason. They certainly read them. I don't question it. It is what it is and this is their preference.

Most of the non review writing gentlemen do come to see me again (and again). I have many frequent flyers, so to speak, all of whom are frequently adored by me. For me, I will have to go with Dead Presidents, and that sexy, bald headed founding father, Benjy, over the review. They won't write one anyway. ;)

I would much rather have a well written review based on the experience the client had with me. I mean $100 is always nice but the chemistry and bond is far more greater then money. I would hope me and the client would have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's company and he would write something perfect so other people can see what kind of provider the women is.

As evidenced by the fact that I have less than 20 reviews despite having been in the TER world off and on since the end of 2013!  
It's nice to get feedback and/or praise, but reviews don't have an effect on my business too terribly much, as free time is my limiting factor more than client interest.  
So I'd probably prefer the tip, as that's typically a sign of a happy client. I'd ask for feedback directly, but I don't care much one way or another if clients leave me a review. In fact, for reasons of privacy and discretion, I prefer not to have too many reviews!

I completely agree with jaydalee, my sentiments exactly

I have enough reviews that me getting more doesnt tend to do anything for business or impact me much. I don't obsess over reviews or ask for them I just give best service I can then go about my life.  

Money on the other hand, I will gladly accept a tip and it will benefit me much more!

A true gentlemen would do both it doesn't take much to write a review nor to reach into your wallet and give an extra $100.  

Time is very precious and we make time for what we want to do. (just as an example) when i go get my nails done, or my hair, shoot even when i have a great margarita.  i don't hesitate and think wether i should tip them or give them a stellar yelp review. My (unselfish) mind automatically want to share my experience with others so often i will do the review while i'm there in front of them and i will tip them on top of all that because were all service providers and we all work for tips. So if i have enjoyed my precious time I've taken taken out my day the least i can do is try and brighten someone else day a lil, and help improve their business because i want them to be successful with their business.

Why it has to be one or the other i don't understand?!?!?  Stop being so selfish, sharing is caring

Ruh_Roh42 reads

Kudos Ms. Cherry Price you hit the nail on the head.

I will reframe the situation.  It doesn't.   That is why the word extra was used.  Suppose a guy was appreciative and gave you a $50 tip.  Then he asked you would you rather have another $100 or a thoughtful and well-written review?  Which would you choose and why?  

Valerierocks33 reads

I just noticed Your post and must admit, I also never have enough time to accomplish all the tasks I make myself busy with and the more you accomplish-the more you put on your To Do list-)

Regarding your question- I believe both options are slightly different:

1) I love receiving the review for the sake of knowing how the gentleman felt and what he experienced; what he fully enjoyed and what are the areas I should work on to improve. They are often extremely intimidated by me and are shy to reveal their feelings in person, while review board gives them freedom to express.  
2) Tips are another way of saying that he thinks you are extraordinary and he appreciates your time and willingness to share yourself in the intimate environment. I love being appreciated, so both options are truly admirable!

Val Lerox!

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