TER General Board

I've made reference to signs of an O, but didn't adjust scoring
89Springer 402 reads

There have been times when I was almost 100% certain the woman had at least one O. There's other times when I couldn't tell for sure, and others when I knew for sure she didn't, no matter what she did to fake it.  

I don't say anything about O's in a review, though, because I don't know for sure.  I score based upon what she did to make me feel good. Her performance is obviously part of that. If she convinced me that she was having a good time, that's going to be reflected in the score.

I vacillate between giving credit to la mademoiselle du jour, or just not mentioning, what appear to my medically trained and carnally experienced "eye" to be actual orgasms.  My thinking is that I don't want to write reviews that are really about *me*...   but a lot of hobbyists like to think that they are pleasing the lady so it could be a plus for her to write in the review that she is responsive....

OTOH I am very well aware how well some can fake an orgasm...   there have been many times when I wish I could (lol)  because what she was doing was just not going anywhere and I could not get her to listen to any direction....  and I just wanted an "out" :p  but the female has us at something of a disadvantage in this respect...

I rather suspect that something similar may be one of the reasons why providers and indeed civvies fake orgasms -   just because we're hopeless and she wants to have done with whatever we are doing at the time but does not want to hurt our little feelings :p

So it occurred to me that perhaps I should be giving review credit for nicely faked orgasms, where the lady really makes an effort to sell it....    (out of politeness, without mentioning that the 0 or 0s in question were indeed fake....)

again because many like to feel that they are able to please the lady of the moment.....  and the idea that the provider may be responsive might be  good selling point....

So to the ladies and gentleman of the GD board -   what say you

I tend to leave a lot of that stuff out of the reviews. Part of it is, lacking any medical background, the mystery of what is real and what isn't is far too complex for me to concern myself with. But if a woman is at all skilled at getting into the spirit of things, she'll have to either enjoy it or pretend to. Since the gentleman WANTS her to be really enjoying it, she doesn't have to work too hard.

The big problem is, if I feel that she really isn't in the same reality or the same fantasy, depending on what you're doing or how you dice that continuum, then I get turned off. The erection and lust remains strong, but it's difficult to move from the early stages to the fast strokes. So, in a way, the obvious fake makes for a longer session, more satisfying in the psychological sense, and eventually the fantasy transforms into something more real.

If she is operating on the fantasy of pleasing a John, and I'm operating on the fantasy of playing with a lady of the night, then a semblance of reality sets in and that leads where it will. It's like musicians or actors or dancers improvising on a theme.

So, yes, reviews can comment on skill level, keeping it real, being in sync, and connecting in fantasy play.

in a hurry -    

I'm all for keeping it real -  if she really Os that's fine - I am of course genuinely happy - but if not that's fine as well -

And sometimes I decide to do a declared fantasy. I usually give this decision a bit of thought before dismissing the vanilla sex thing or not going with the provider's lead, which too often feels like a well-rehearsed routine, and sometimes like a staged ritual as dry of passion as a Catholic Mass.

About a year and six months ago, I booked a three-hour, and the hostess agreed to the fantasy of the long-lost lover. From the time she opened the door until the time I left we enacted a fantasy of a beloved returning from a sojourn in a distant country. It turned out more talky than I'd expected, with questions about imagined exploits with other women while away, and ensuing jealousy to be quelled by makeup sex, and a few scenes of that nature.

The orgasms were undoubtedly faked, but in it all, something else was happening that was very real.

Now, someone will ask, how do I know that something else was happening that was very real. After all, to her it's all about the money, and even though she made it appear that she was into the fantasy, how do I know she was really playing along and getting into it, or just pretending to improvise with me.

Well, there's no way to answer that. But the experience was what it was. So even if she was only pretending to pretend, it was close enough to an improvisation to qualify.

Sometimes real and not-real are fluid.

-- Modified on 7/29/2014 5:03:05 PM

because we believe what we perceive to be reality -

and or willingness or unwillingness to believe conditions everything....

I don't necessarily throw out all reason but I do believe in suspending disbelief when you are hobbying -    at its essence it is a fantasy

if only from the standpoint that you are making love to someone who brings no demands in a situation that entails no obligations once the envelope has been dropped.....

that is not how real life works

It certainly comes into play when I review my experience as a whole, as in "forgot it was a service". However, I dislike the idea of attempting to break things down in ever more detail, or to "justify" an admittedly subjective and individual rating.  

LOL. Osteopathic analysis.

No matter how convincing she was, or how much I may believe she did, you'll always find me qualify it.  As in "she seemed to come," or if she wasn't having an orgasm she deserves an Academy Award.  So I don't have a problem.  I'm well aware of all the signs, but too many can be faked.

89Springer403 reads

There have been times when I was almost 100% certain the woman had at least one O. There's other times when I couldn't tell for sure, and others when I knew for sure she didn't, no matter what she did to fake it.  

I don't say anything about O's in a review, though, because I don't know for sure.  I score based upon what she did to make me feel good. Her performance is obviously part of that. If she convinced me that she was having a good time, that's going to be reflected in the score.

for having or faking an orgasm -   sometimes I just say that she was "responsive" or "seemed to enjoy"....  sometimes she so obviously really Od that I mention it...      

I'm just wondering if  orgasming or faking well I something that should be mentioned from the standpoint that this would be attractive to some other potential customers.....

Others who just want a warm body to deposit into, well, they don't care one iota. Just goes to show the two, and I am sure more, factions within the hobby guys.

PrincessLover571 reads

One evening I was sitting around drinking with a provider I was seriously involved with and a couple of her provider friends and they all admitted they fake it the vast majority of the time.  Various reasons include, they had a lot of sex all ready that day, guy had a small dick, guy smelled, guy was ugly, guy was constantly going limp, etc.  They are very good at faking it and they do it because the guys are constantly asking them if they had a orgasm and if they lie they get better scores and the guy comes back.  The remarkable thing about us men and our vanity is that we can convince ourselves that we are the exception.  My advice is enjoy the sex.  She may even like you as a person but it doesn't mean she's going to have an orgasm.

that's rather my point -     if you don't mention in the review that the provider "orgasmed" then she is not getting the benefit -   and I think you are right that if johnny thinks she Od that induces him to give her a better score..

And if she delivers a very convincing facsimile, is she not doing her job? I keep repeating this, guys call us, they find us attractive and sexy but we get what we get and there are a ton of times the attraction is just not there. So, in order to pull off the fantasy and do a good GFE job, some of us do whatever it takes.  

And because you guys wanted reviews, some ladies will do whatever it takes to get a good score, because many guys only want 8's and 9's in looks  but most importantly , performance. An orgasm is part of the performance and required by some guys, real or faked.

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 6:29:07 AM

89Springer506 reads

It's not a part of my fantasy. I can't tell for sure without using my fingers to know if it's real, but in most cases I can tell if it's being faked. Most providers are not Meryl Streep.  

If she's not giving me false signals, then I can at least tell when something feels good, which I'll accept. If she makes me feel good, then I'm a happy guy.  

There's one provider I saw who is renowned for her screams and grabbing a pillow to stuff in her mouth. The first time I saw her, she did that just minutes into the action. I knew it was fake. I saw her a second time, and I know with almost 100%  certainty that she had an O, and it was nothing like that. Still, I read the reviews, and the guys are going on and on about her chewing bedsheets, pillows, etc

It's part of the "experience".  After all - a theater critic gives Juliet credit for a good death scene.  Why not credit for a good "O"?

If she's really good at her job - you won't know and shouldn't care. To me - that's the mark of a competent professional and it should be rewarded.  


Posted By: MarkusKetterman
I vacillate between giving credit to la mademoiselle du jour, or just not mentioning, what appear to my medically trained and carnally experienced "eye" to be actual orgasms.  My thinking is that I don't want to write reviews that are really about *me*...   but a lot of hobbyists like to think that they are pleasing the lady so it could be a plus for her to write in the review that she is responsive....  
 OTOH I am very well aware how well some can fake an orgasm...   there have been many times when I wish I could (lol)  because what she was doing was just not going anywhere and I could not get her to listen to any direction....  and I just wanted an "out" :p  but the female has us at something of a disadvantage in this respect...  
 I rather suspect that something similar may be one of the reasons why providers and indeed civvies fake orgasms -   just because we're hopeless and she wants to have done with whatever we are doing at the time but does not want to hurt our little feelings :p  
 So it occurred to me that perhaps I should be giving review credit for nicely faked orgasms, where the lady really makes an effort to sell it....    (out of politeness, without mentioning that the 0 or 0s in question were indeed fake....)  
 again because many like to feel that they are able to please the lady of the moment.....  and the idea that the provider may be responsive might be  good selling point....  
 So to the ladies and gentleman of the GD board -   what say you?  

Robert_BadenPowell338 reads

The most obvious case of faking Os I've experienced was a session with a provider in which I lost count of her "Os" at 10.  And this was within 30 minutes or so.  But she was so convincing, it was great fun for me even though I knew she must be faking it.  If it were in my power, I'd give her a Tony Award for that performance.  :)

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