TER General Board

I've just read...
herbtcat 6 Reviews 416 reads

... All of these posts and can now sincerely thank all of you for wasting 15 minutes of my life that I shall NEVER get back.  

For the record, I only used envelopes made from recycled paper - or BitCoins for those providers tech savvy enough to accept them.  

Tick, tick, tick...

GoogleWasMyIdea2685 reads

I mean.. in a busy week you must collect a ton.

Throw away?  
Use to line the bottom of your handbag?
Recycle to pay bills in?
Keep as a super rough proxy for how you are doing? ("wow! This was 9 envelope week!!")
Only keep the really good ones?
Something else?

Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

Some of this chicks collect a few hundred envelopes a week. I am curious what they do with them as well. That is rubbish than can collect awfully fast unless there is some kind of plan in place.

24 hours per day times 7 days = 168 hours.  
Assume 1 envelope per session and 1 hour per session.

Working every hour with zero sleep = 168 envelopes, a lot less than "a few hundred envelopes a week."

Assume continuous, zero-sleep, non-stop 30-min sessions with no breaks = 336 sessions = 336 envelopes. Now we're talking "a few hundred envelopes a week."

Posted By: Strangebrew12
Some of this chicks collect a few hundred envelopes a week. I am curious what they do with them as well. That is rubbish than can collect awfully fast unless there is some kind of plan in place.

John_Laroche497 reads

that is real math.

Hooker math is when she counts out 168 envelopes and still can't figure out why she's short on the rent.

Some of these honeys are nailing 3 and 4 brothers at a time. Now do the math. It will blow your fucking mind. Update me on the numbers.

...times can a provider see 3 or 4 guys at a time before her pussy falls out?  That really was a piss poor attempt to try to cover up the fact that you suck at math.  Try reading the boards a little more - most guys don't like to "cross swords."  But since you think that a lot of guys do, maybe that's the way you roll.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

GaGambler458 reads

SB made one REALLY dumb statement and then felt obligated to defend it with an even DUMBER statement, I can only imagine how incredibly stupid his next post is going to be.

A "few" hundred would have to be at minimum 300 separate paying customers each week, with only 178 total hours in a week, even with zero time for eating or sleeping we are talking about almost two disparate customers per hour, each paying separately with an envelope. Yeah right. lol

I really am looking forward to how he plans on defending his last statement, it should be a whopper.

I am sure you have no problem admitting that, as there's nothing wrong with it. Rush on back to the Politics and Religion board so you can spread your anti-Semitism. Do the people over here know about that? I wonder if Gambler will take your back on that one.  

JakeFromStateFarm285 reads

Oh, and did I mention,

GWMI  I think I can claim the record for wanting to know some useless bit of something just for the sake of knowing it.  My catch phrase is pretty much "It's none of my business but".  I have to admit I have never thought of this ?, but it is very interesting and I would love to know also.  GWMI keep up the deep thinking.   bigdell

GoogleWasMyIdea404 reads

Posted By: bigdell
GWMI keep up the deep thinking.   bigdell

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Same as I do with all paper products. No big mystery. ;-)
Same here. I keep a stack and try to reuse as many as I can - that's one of the many ways I try to be good with the environment ;) But if the stack gets too big I recycle them.  

I have actually considered switching to not using envelopes anymore for incalls. But I'm still debating as I am not sure my suitors would be comfortable with the idea of fanning out the bills somewhere visible instead. Thoughts?

she uses them to give partial refunds to the guys who are really good in bed.  I never got one from her, so I stopped seeing her.  Too harsh?

I have no problem with just handing over cash; never know as into the whole "let's pretend" game of envelopes. (Though I demand we play "let's pretend" in bed.) But why fan them out? Have you been gypped a lot lately?

Why not just count it out at that point? That happened to me once, and only once. I didn't mind.

Posted By: darmody
But why fan them out? Have you been gypped a lot lately?  
 Why not just count it out at that point? That happened to me once, and only once. I didn't mind.
Actually, it only happened once that a client gave me less than my rate. I brought it to his attention and he fixed the issue. So the answer is no.

I don't feel comfortable with the idea of counting money in front of a client, even if he's ok with it, can't tell you why. Fanning out would prevent me from having to do so, especially if the consideration is given with larger bills. But then again, with envelopes you can't see anything either, so that step might be unnecessary when leaving the envelope thing behind.

Thanks for the input!

Thanks Debra for even taking the time to give the logical answer to this inane question.

Debra  Thank you for the straight and simple answer.  Seems some people couldn't do that to save their lives.  Although your answer is not very exciting.  I was hoping for something more titillating.  LOL.   bigdell

Bad Clients: Write your name on envelope, burn you in effigy;

Most Clients: Meh. Recycle or practice origami.

Great Clients: Writes her name and number on envelope, gives it back to you.


PS: The envelope is always emptied first!!

there is no writing on the front.No need to waste a perfectly good envelope.

Re: I throw the envelope away....and keep the cash in it ....like a savage. You mean you girls don't keep 'em and write MRS. Mikev778oqn over and over again all over the envelope while fantasizing about being the mother of my children??! my heart is officially broken

Sunday pledges

Christmas Cards

Send in tax forms

Bird cage lining, newspapers are too small.

Usually to tip the maids at the hotels I stay, keep my boarding passes in, my receipts in... Why throw away a good unused envelope... But some of the envolopes have written cute/nice notes on from the person I've seen or my name... Those are usually used to keep my receipts in ....

I reuse them for letteres and bills as long as they havent been sealed up.

Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
I mean.. in a busy week you must collect a ton.  
 Throw away?  
 Use to line the bottom of your handbag?  
 Recycle to pay bills in?  
 Keep as a super rough proxy for how you are doing? ("wow! This was 9 envelope week!!")  
 Only keep the really good ones?  
 Something else?  
 Inquiring minds want to know!!!!
I collect everyone and keep in the refrigerator and when I have a big number of them, I sell everything in clinics for treatments of assisted fertilization. Extra money. LOL.

GoogleWasMyIdea282 reads

Envelope, condom close enough.

German neighbor of mine with nearly native English was talking about the damage roots could do to a water box. Took me a second to figure out she meant water main.  

I've been working on my English and I still make mistakes. This one time I mean at work I meant to say "the issue is market bifurcation" and it came out "you ignorant slut. You must have a cranium filled with geraniums"  Languages are hard!

Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
Envelope, condom close enough.  
 German neighbor of mine with nearly native English was talking about the damage roots could do to a water box. Took me a second to figure out she meant water main.  
 I've been working on my English and I still make mistakes. This one time I mean at work I meant to say "the issue is market bifurcation" and it came out "you ignorant slut. You must have a cranium filled with geraniums"  Languages are hard!
Well i got it but the post was hilarious. When i wrote the response i was kidding on the same level of foolishness. I didn't realise that i should take a test to prove that I can speak in another language. Sorry for participate, maybe is about an internal joke between friends.

I seem to remember this thread coming up before. The best answer I saw was someone who said she sent the cards to her religious relatives.

I usually collect my envelopes and reuse them for bills and other things. An some envelopes I use to just put some money in. Some I do recycle.

... All of these posts and can now sincerely thank all of you for wasting 15 minutes of my life that I shall NEVER get back.  

For the record, I only used envelopes made from recycled paper - or BitCoins for those providers tech savvy enough to accept them.  

Tick, tick, tick...

Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
I mean.. in a busy week you must collect a ton.  
 Throw away?  
 Use to line the bottom of your handbag?  
 Recycle to pay bills in?  
 Keep as a super rough proxy for how you are doing? ("wow! This was 9 envelope week!!")  
 Only keep the really good ones?  
 Something else?  
 Inquiring minds want to know!!!!
No free sessions

I use my envelopes to send letters to my mom and dad. ;-)  They also save me quite a bit of money on toilet paper. ;-) ;-)  

  LOL, I THROW them out. Personally I do not require payment in envelopes. One can just place the cash down.

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