TER General Board

I've been told I'm a tough scorer on occasion
hiddenhills 143 Reviews 745 reads

More in the looks ratings than performance. I've had some complaints over the years. And I usually give my TER handle to the provider Im interested in booking. I tell them, if you don't want to see me fine. Never had anyone turn me down.  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
I am heading out on another business trip so I started looking at providers in that city. I sent a PM that I maybe interested in meeting a certain provider in that city. I was declined the, because the provider said she does not want to see someone that gives low scores!  I give the ladies I have seen the best score I can under TER rules, if they give CBJ you can only score so high. The providers in my town only do CBJ!  Since there are only two! We do not have much choice but it is there rules and that is fine.  The only negative review I have ever done is when I got robbed! I had one provider who cried because it was her first time! I asked her to leave and suggested she try something else for a living, she took my $600 and left. I did not write a review because it would have been negative on the agency. I stopped using agencies after that. Lesson learned.     Has anyone else had this experience with providers and scores?  And I hope if you have you still write honest reviews, it helps all of us. The neat thing about this business trip there are hundreds of providers in the city I am traveling to so plenty to choose from.

I am heading out on another business trip so I started looking at providers in that city. I sent a PM that I maybe interested in meeting a certain provider in that city. I was declined the, because the provider said she does not want to see someone that gives low scores!  I give the ladies I have seen the best score I can under TER rules, if they give CBJ you can only score so high. The providers in my town only do CBJ!  Since there are only two! We do not have much choice but it is there rules and that is fine.  The only negative review I have ever done is when I got robbed! I had one provider who cried because it was her first time! I asked her to leave and suggested she try something else for a living, she took my $600 and left. I did not write a review because it would have been negative on the agency. I stopped using agencies after that. Lesson learned.     Has anyone else had this experience with providers and scores?  And I hope if you have you still write honest reviews, it helps all of us. The neat thing about this business trip there are hundreds of providers in the city I am traveling to so plenty to choose from.

To answer your question, no provider has ever said no because of scores I have given in reviews. Because I review a lot of FBSM providers, I note that in my introduction, so they are aware of it and they don't need to actually read thru the reviews. I have no idea if this helps or not in their screening process. The more you try to explain any aspect of yourself, the more defensive and/or apologetic it may sound.

You can also try to get screened without revealing your TER ID.

Ten reviews, you have 2 - 7's, a 6 and a 1, which means 40% of your reviews are below an 8.  In provider-land, you will be considered a low scorer. The only way to avoid this is NOT to give your handle to providers. I'm continuously amazed that out if all the smart hobbyists here, only a few of us have figured this out.

This is a no no in my opinion. If he refuses to give up the handle thats a red flag. Especially when it comes to verifying.  
This is funny, the skinny DEMANDED from Providers but its friggin optional for guys. Foh.  

If you don't give up the handle, something is funny.

You can always review under an alias/undisclosed handle, if you are really concerned.  

Is it possible she meant low looks scores? Looks are subjective, but you can often tell what look or body type gets awarded more or fewer points by each monger from looking at their review history. It's possible she felt she looked more liked the lower scores and didn't want to risk getting a low score herself. At first glance, it doesn't look like you are notably tough with scores, so maybe it's just her insecurity and issue.

Either way, don't sweat it. Plenty of other ladies out there.:-

I consider that the most important part of TER I make my provider choices based on those reviews & consistency of both the reviewer & the provider.

ATLDAWG618 reads

A few rule's of thumb to employ or not employ (Reviewers Choice):

If the gal has say ten reviews-throw out the two best and the two worst and average the rest.

If she has only 3-look at the one in the middle of the pack.

Also check out the other reviews the "reviewer" has posted-see what trend you pick up.

Actually read the reviews....do some research.

It works

More in the looks ratings than performance. I've had some complaints over the years. And I usually give my TER handle to the provider Im interested in booking. I tell them, if you don't want to see me fine. Never had anyone turn me down.  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
I am heading out on another business trip so I started looking at providers in that city. I sent a PM that I maybe interested in meeting a certain provider in that city. I was declined the, because the provider said she does not want to see someone that gives low scores!  I give the ladies I have seen the best score I can under TER rules, if they give CBJ you can only score so high. The providers in my town only do CBJ!  Since there are only two! We do not have much choice but it is there rules and that is fine.  The only negative review I have ever done is when I got robbed! I had one provider who cried because it was her first time! I asked her to leave and suggested she try something else for a living, she took my $600 and left. I did not write a review because it would have been negative on the agency. I stopped using agencies after that. Lesson learned.     Has anyone else had this experience with providers and scores?  And I hope if you have you still write honest reviews, it helps all of us. The neat thing about this business trip there are hundreds of providers in the city I am traveling to so plenty to choose from.

I've gotten rid of gents, turned down dates and moved on even with rent being due. Its all in how one does business.

The evaluation of your experience is for only you to decide. Low scores on reviews will not feel good for a provider for any reason; however, if it is an honest review based on your experience, then it should be expected to a degree. If a low score was given to a provider with malicious intent, that did not reflect the superior service that was provided, then that is a much different situation (i.e., moral issue). Honesty is key.  

If a low score is given, due to dishonesty, malicious intent, or any other negative reason that does not reflect the true experience, a provider has grounds to feel disrespected and rightfully so. I would suggest to just do thorough research on your provider beforehand to make sure to not run into unprofessional or less than desirable situations. Nonetheless, myself and the other ladies I have had the joy of meeting are beautiful both in and out and will provide the superior service that you deserve. Enjoy yourself;) -Abla

Was someone who ripped you off... So I'm wondering why the provider is worried... Ya know confident providers would never ask for good reviews but just request one & ask the client to be honest & hopefully enjoyed the time...   Move onto another provider, there's too many providers to worry about one....

Not only are most of your scores very good, but they are in agreement with other reviewers.

Are we coming to the point that unless everybody scores only 9s and 10s, then no one will see them?

Remember:  When everybody is somebody then nobody is anybody

CallofBooty638 reads

I'm not dealing with a shit review because a stranger decided to be an asshole in their reviews to destroy the way I support myself. Of course no candice swanepoel is gonna walk through the door to suck your dick so you'll never give anyone a 10/10. Life is about realistic and most of you couldn't pay the entrance fee for a girl like her anyways. The best part is someone would still find something to moan about if she did show up for 100 dollars exactly perfect.

honestly. If the service is below what we expect from reading her previous reviews and her price point, then we will say so. If the provider doesn't devote her full attention to us for an hour or other amount of time we are paying for, then she is not giving her best service. P4P is all about customer service.

TER is not populated with hobbyists who cruise the streets to get a quickie for a $100. Your post was to an audience that doesn't frequent TER.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 9:50:25 PM

they look even better.

I can see if the reviews were saying things like "I docked her a point because her butt had one dimple, and there were two hairs on her knee." There are reviews like that out there, where the guy is very picky and says mean, degrading things about the girl. Which, a lot of guys can pick out the asshole in the group, but still - some guys don't want to see a girl who accepts men who are disrespectful.

As far as I see on your profile, they are pretty consistent with other scores the ladies get. I wish they would just get rid of the points all together, because with the rules, it can be a tad tough to understand. Or TER can post a "How to read the points."

I am curious - in the looks department, how are girls able to get higher scores anyway? Or lower? Are there requirements for services for higher looks scores? I've always been curious about that.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 3:24:48 PM

There is a guide saying what each score is supposed to mean but as a rule scores are inflated. How many one in a million can there be after all?

Looks are so subjective. What is a 8, 9, or 10 to me might be a 5 to somebody else and vice versa. Therefore I don't know if there is anything you can do to get a higher score in looks for everybody. For me I guess it would be to be in pretty good shape and to take care of the looks you already have. Hard to improve your face unless you do plastic surgery but it is fairly easy to keep your body fit and healthy if you have the willpower. Confidence also improves looks in my opinion if you flaunt what you got!

I would think that a guy that is young would look at the gal who may be twice his age very differently than a guy who is twice (or three) times the age of a gal he is paying to fuck.

That and the reality that so many guys who are here have had few (if any) experiences IRL getting laid.  So when any gal gets naked with him, she's a 10, or maybe a 9.

In the real world most people fall between 4 and 7.  In P4P it seems that most of the gals fall between 9 and 10.  

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
they look even better.  
 I can see if the reviews were saying things like "I docked her a point because her butt had one dimple, and there were two hairs on her knee." There are reviews like that out there, where the guy is very picky and says mean, degrading things about the girl. Which, a lot of guys can pick out the asshole in the group, but still - some guys don't want to see a girl who accepts men who are disrespectful.  
 As far as I see on your profile, they are pretty consistent with other scores the ladies get. I wish they would just get rid of the points all together, because with the rules, it can be a tad tough to understand. Or TER can post a "How to read the points."  
 I am curious - in the looks department, how are girls able to get higher scores anyway? Or lower? Are there requirements for services for higher looks scores? I've always been curious about that.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 3:24:48 PM

people say they can only score so high, because TER won't let them score higher - I was wondering if that was also a rule on looks if the lady didn't provide specific services...

Preformance is capped based on services offered. The maximum you can get is a 7 unless you offer BBBJ, anal, DFK, or/and are bi. You performance score can go up one point for each service offered on that list but doesn't automatically grant those point. But looks has no cap other then 10 all scores are capped at

when ask I play dumb IF it A STING OR cop watch it will just be worse on me. Also giving out my name is a RED flag I might be Dumb and she can rip me off. I also don't want her to know my score or how happy I'M.

I've done it a few times and nothing good has ever come of it. One time I gave a lady an 8 in appearance not knowing everybody else was giving her 10's since I didn't have VIP at the time. Didn't answer my email the next time I tried to see her.  

Another time I gave a lady an 8.5 for her very first review and she got mad and said not to contact her again. When I looked at subsequent reviews they were all giving her around the same score, so go figure.  

Another time there was a question about the accuracy of photos in a review which was apparently causing the lady some trouble so she asked me to review her since I had said I enjoyed our time together. I gave my honest opinion about the photos and she said I only made things worse.  

So after that I quit writing reviews.

Unless I have an honest 10/10 experience in the future I probably will never do it again

I understand your frustration. It sucks that someone would judge you based on a few out of context reviews

Touche, Ms. St. James.  I always love it when the ladies' perspective makes me think about things a little differently.  A sincere thank you for that one.

Sorry, didn't mean to be a douche... But recently, I've noticed an incline of hobbiest that are upset about being denied based on their reviews. It just seems ironic that all of a sudden being judged based on reviews is a NEW concept.  

For reviewers that think omitting their handles will help.. Or that it's unfair for a provider to pass judgement based on what you write... Remember, you're the one in charge of how you're portrayed on this site. We go through then same bullshit everyday and even worse, we don't get to write what you read.  

Your topic is heavy bro... But your specific situation is light.. Next time you approach a provider, don't be scared of including your handle.. Your reviews are decent and they say a lot about your personality. If girls ask or if they try to play you based on the scores you've given... Tell them to do their research in the girls you've reviewed ...your scores are consistent with what those providers are eligible for..  

The only hobbiest that would need to hide their handles are the ones who illegitimately review the women they've seen. The guys who receive Greek, RIM, role play, toe sucking... Yet offer a 7 in performance. Or the guys who have more than one review in which they describe the provider as 'not their type.' (She deserves a 5 bcuz you failed to look at her pics?)

I would hate for you guys to start keeping your profiles a secret and I would hate the idea of reviewer censorship...reading your reviews helps us to understand your likes and dislikes as well as whether or not we're able to deliver a great experience for you. If a provider denies you based on your reviews without giving you a chance to explain...then feel lucky..! Her lack of confidence in her abilities to please you, says a lot.  

Don't be scared to display your preferences and standards... In the end, you'll have a lot more fun and waste a lot less money

Savannah, I'm hoping your "didn't mean to be a douche" comment is not an indication that you took my "Touche" comment as an accusation that you were acting like a douche.  It was not a typo, I meant touché, not douche.  Touche as in "used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point."

Many of his reviews include scores of 7 and below.  These are, and have been long considered as sub-par.  His rip-off review is totally justified, though.  

Not surprising that this can come back back to bite the reviewer.   It works both ways.

Many providers freak out about TER scores.  They're running a small business.  If they don't have a lot of reviews, one low score can really pull their numbers down.  Even if they do have a lot of reviews, a recent low score can put some potential clients off.  That hurts their business.  It's the escort equivalent of a small café getting a nasty review on Yelp that pulls them down to the Yelp Hell of 2 stars.  Only in this case, the café owner can see your Yelp history before you come in the door and turn you away for fear of Yelp Hell.  Ask yourself this, though: are you really going to have a good time if the provider is freaking out about how your review might turn out?

There are plenty of providers that just do the best they can and let the chips of TER scores fall where they may.  Hopefully over time things even out in the wash.  On average, I'll bet you're going to have a better time with those providers.

So don't pine over the review-stressed provider you lost a date with.  Enjoy your next date with a girl that lets it rip because she ran out of fucks to give.    

My problem with the numerical scores is that the scoring is too inconsistent to be useful, largely because it is so subjective.  Some people throw out 10s like they're candy.  Some people are so stingy they wouldn't give [insert your favorite porn star's name here] anything over an 8.  On some occasions, I've had more fun with girls getting 7s and 8s in their reviews than girls who get 9s.  I don't put too much stock in those numbers.  

The narrative content of the review is much more informative and useful for me.  Of course, I have to take the content with a grain of salt too, because chemistry, preferences, and experiences may vary from person to person and session to session.  Even good providers have bad days.  And some clients are just impossible to please.  And some of the reviews just aren't honest for many different reasons.  But at least in the text I might be able to see if the reviewer docked the provider for things I don't care about (she failed to re-dress me and shine my shoes after we were done! the nerve!) or things they didn't like (hair too long/dark, body not thick enough, too petite, talked dirty - so gauche!) that would be things I do like.  

Interestingly, the girls I've spoken with about TER reviews focus more on the scores than the narrative.  Even though I as a client focus more on the narrative than the scores.  Go figure.  Maybe I'm just in the minority of clients.

You're comparing a Yelp review of a small business to a TER review of a woman's body and her expression of passion?  

I'm usually very objective when posting on this board and I try my best not to offend anyone... But I will confidently tell you sir, that a Yelp review of an overlooked steak holds no weight when compared to a review of a humans attempt in displaying intimacy.  

I'm one of those girls that you mentioned that are so concerned about scores... Whats wrong with that? I enjoy being able to make my clients happy and I enjoy reading about it.. If I could bypass seeing someone that might not find excitement with what i have to offer, what's wrong with expressing concern for my inabilities? Why should he waste his money and why should i feel inadequate?  

I care about my reviews... But it's not because of the affect it has on my business..it's my way of ensuring that i did my best in making someone else my all. For me to get a shitty review??? My first thought wouldn't be my business...all I would think about is how for that entire date...he lied

We may not see eye to eye on this, but I appreciate your perspective.  If I only wanted to hear my own perspective, I wouldn't be on a discussion board.

I think I understand at least some of your point: comparing a diner that serves good (or bad) waffles to a passionate (or lackluster) GFE experience is not exactly an apples to apples comparison.  When you ladies do what you do well, it's an art form, much higher level than throwing a steak on a grill.  That's fair enough.  But like it or not, we live in an internet Yelp-like review culture now.  Everything gets reviewed online, no matter how high art (works in the Louvre) or how lowly the service or item on Amazon.com.  Some chefs consider their culinary efforts to be high art and they have to deal with neanderthals off the street giving them bad reviews online.  Plenty of directors make high art independent films only to see them praised or shredded on review sites like Rotten Tomatoes, whether by professional or amateur movie critics.  And you ladies who have perfected the art of GFE have to deal with knuckleheads like us writing reviews, whether they're good or bad.  

It's nice to hear you say you care about your reviews more because it's a good way to ensure you gave someone the best experience they could have.  There's nothing wrong with caring about scores if what you care about is just whether or not you're doing a good job.  But I will say that those scores are not always a good reflection of how well you've done or your value as a person or provider or lover or anything.  No provider can please everyone.  You might think you could please everyone that saw your pictures/video online and booked with you, but you'd be wrong there too.  Some guys are idiots, book with providers that "aren't their type", and then proceed to have a lackluster experience and punish the provider (unfairly) with a bad review.  And given enough reviewers, you will probably get a couple that you just can't make happy.  There is no pleasing some people.  The old motto "the customer is always right" is not really true every time.  Sometimes the customer is an idiot and you have to ignore them and move on.  

And in my view, there is a difference between caring about your reviews and scores and obsessing or freaking out over them.  I hope that you aim to do a great job, learn as much as you can from your reviews, and just don't worry too much about the morons who don't appreciate you.  Much like I hope good chefs and good directors keep making delicacies and fantastic high-art movies without giving a fuck about their lame critics.

BTW, I looked at your online profile.  I really cannot imagine why you would have concern for your abilities or why you would ever feel inadequate.  My main thought was: "dammit, I was just in NYC and apparently I missed out."  Oh well.  So it goes sometimes.

I know that some extremely highly rated girls ask guys not to write a review unless it's going to be a 10. I think it does help some of them, up to a point.

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