TER General Board

It's part of the biz
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2360 reads

Dont answer blocked calls
Start letting voice mail get your calls

Not Giving My Number4184 reads

Men I saw quite a while ago, to whom I foolishly gave my #.... keep calling, seemingly just wanting to get turned on, interrupting me at inopportune moments.

Asked them not to call, yet a few still do.

Most men, however, are gentlemen and observe the appropriate protocol.  I don't call you unless you ask, and only at a designated time, and vice versa.  Lately, not even giving my #.  Can reach me online, or willing to call them.

Dont answer blocked calls
Start letting voice mail get your calls

Only if you call from a blocked number
breathe real heavy
and tell me you are removing your  jockey pants.

trouble maker!1919 reads

Tell ya what, you give me his phone  number and i will pass it on to all the telemarketers that call me!  That'l put a crimp in his short!

I only answer my "work" phone 30min prior to an appointment. This allows for cancelations or directions and for me to give out the room number once they arrive. All other times they can leave a message but they will never reach me just to talk.

StickyCat2303 reads

The soln is simple...Change your phone number

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